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3866271 No.3866271 [Reply] [Original]

What is the funniest retro game?

>> No.3866275

threads of fate is hilarious at times.

>> No.3866293
File: 79 KB, 640x550, Rhapsody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheesy musicals are the best part.

>> No.3866298


Ultima Underworld, while not a generally funny game, had one plaque that had me literally fall off the chair laughing.

>> No.3866486

Adventures of Hourai High.

>> No.3866513

What did it say?

>> No.3866692
File: 232 KB, 1280x960, rayman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rayman, maybe.

>> No.3868445

Banjo Kazooie.

>> No.3868474
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Probably Monkey Island. Some old text adventures are great too.

>> No.3868481

The one that your parents bought you for Christmas when you were a kid just before they died in that car accident

>> No.3868489

But I hated Donkey Kong Country

>> No.3868520

That I've actually played: RE1

>> No.3868539
File: 25 KB, 540x405, Conkers_bad_fur_day_n64_weasel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partial to Conker's brand of early-South Park style humor. That was the most successfully funny game I've played that was actually attempting to be funny.

Pic related is the best character imo.

>> No.3868618

Either Monkey Island 1/2 or Anachronox

>> No.3868669

Grandia II is pretty hilarious.
"They collecting tithes? There sure are enough of 'em. What do they do, bust down the door and beat charity out of you?"

>> No.3868678



>> No.3868690

>Are you mocking me
>Ive been mocking you for the last 20 minutes

I actually had the chance to use that one

>> No.3868703

>attempting to be funny

And this my fellow anons is one of the major reasons why the hype for this game is so misleading. This game actually killed the old Rare.

>> No.3868783

Silent Hill. Deadbeat dad loses his kid and runs around screaming.

>> No.3868818


>> No.3869054


>Thou canst not defeat the Drakhai.

>> No.3870002

abes oddysee/exoddus are pretty funny
exodus more so
>you can possess farts and fly them around as mobile bombs
>possessing a glukkon or a slig and running them full pelt into a wall
>thinking of inventive ways to kill mudokons

gta2 has funny moments
>fire rocket launcher at peds/gangs/cops
>mildly funny radio hosts
>ped chatter

parappa the rapper
fun in general

>> No.3870046
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Link's Awakening

>> No.3870363
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Good ol Vic Ireland's humor worked for me. Can't say what his best work was tho.

>> No.3870369

Space Quest 4 or Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail

>> No.3870524

Clayfighter 63 1/3.

>> No.3870629
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Hidden Gem

>> No.3870717
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>> No.3870720

FFV's story is pretty great if you take it as a comedy

>> No.3870756


>> No.3870927
File: 71 KB, 500x497, ToE_PSX_(JP)_game_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded. I laughed a couple times and smiled a lot. Sure wish this game were longer. I had a blast finally playing through it last summer.

Pic related has some good moments, too, IIRC.

>> No.3870932


>> No.3871024
File: 22 KB, 320x240, clinton2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I don't know you in real life.

>> No.3871801
File: 9 KB, 256x224, third strongest mole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry family, i know this isn't cool around here anymore

>> No.3871846
File: 203 KB, 600x563, Cadash of course.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. You enjoy being humorless.

>> No.3871865


>> No.3871885

That's Alundra for PS, my dude.
A sweet little game that mixes Working Designs humor and the occasional punch to the gut.

>> No.3871895

EarthBound is tongue in cheek and/or lewis caroll-esque; I always appreciated its brand of humor. The moles are a great example.

>> No.3871957

I believe that's a review copy of Alundra. Sony made them take that line out for some reason.

>> No.3871967

I fucking love this game. Rented it from the video store when I was young because of the pancake attack depicted on the back and loved every moment of it. Cornet is cute! Cute!

>> No.3871984

Ah i see thanks.

>> No.3874647


>> No.3874653
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jammer Lammy is hilarious too

Skullmonkeys is hilarious too

your recommendations are perfect, man

we should hang out

>> No.3874661

martian gothic unification has one of the funniest goddamn bits only a couple minutes into the game

haven't laughed at a game that hard

>> No.3874691
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 536979-attack-of-the-saucerman-windows-screenshot-clearing-a-mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the word martian reminded me of another hilarious game from my youth:

Attack of the Saucerman

>> No.3874726

tell me which part is funny- I've been watching for 12 minutes and its hilariously bad in every regard but I really wanna know which part you're talking about,

>> No.3874789

at the first computer in the game, there's a "game" that has some of the silliest dialogue

>> No.3874816

obvious answer but SMRPG and PM64 had me laughing the most of any game I can remember