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File: 414 KB, 585x475, 1466220934449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3863574 No.3863574 [Reply] [Original]

what did she mean by this?

>> No.3863608

the game is so long, I can't remember most individual scenes

>> No.3864307


>> No.3864309

Squaresoft fucked up by not making Ramsus recruitable.

>> No.3864384

too op

>> No.3864408

She wanted dat dick.
Seriously, it's the last scene that any of them are seen in.

>> No.3865841
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>> No.3866098

Dominia and the rest of the girls sucked Ramsus's schlong while you where fighting Deus

>> No.3866108



>> No.3866218

Reference to King Edward's wedding to Walla Simpson and Elaine Benes' impression of a guest as she ate the cake while caught on the camera installed to catch OtherWalter using the Katrine

>> No.3866261

The closest meaning is that she's expressing relief as Ramsus comes to his senses finally.

>> No.3866270
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I was just looking for a Xenogears thread.

Started replaying it not too long ago. This is the first time I've replayed in it years. I used to do it regularly when I never had any money for newer games. It's still pretty fun and engaging.

But why did Citan let Fei and Elly eat canned people?

>> No.3866291

There's a couple possibilities.

1. He thought it'd be a more effective way to teach them about the evils of Solaris.

Because this seems extreme, especially considering the heart of the plant was in the very next room, I tend to subscribe to the other theory:

2. Being on the run, they were at a loss for food, and he allowed them to eat purely for sustenance's sake.

>> No.3866485
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at least we got Elly

>> No.3866497

the reason is simply because he doesn't want to interfere. he doesn't inform people's decisions, he simply gives them the power and opportunity to make them. he also wants Fei to be able to more correctly relate to the situation that Elly was in.

>> No.3866502

the other interpretation was that the same thing happened to him, and he was handing off the burden to change the system or determine the new future to Fei, who was the original contact and the only person with the power and the right to actually make that decision. Citan himself was just another cog in the machine, and if he started to take responsibility now he'd have to take responsibility for everything he'd done.

>> No.3866536

Ramsus deserved to die.

>> No.3866552
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>> No.3866802

>she wanted dat dick.
>it's the last scene that any of them are seen in.

Really makes you think

>> No.3866821

all items like aquasol and zetasol's are byproducts of people from the solent system.

Citan states it as part of life get over it. basically for you to live in the way you do others must die.

still one of the best on rails rpg's ever made.
still pissed that they cut the development time/team to ribbons fucking the second cd completely, anyone else see the debug areas in that game showing the areas that are still on the disc but unable to get to. fucking sacrilege

>> No.3866862
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And instead he got away with some light PTSD and was almost certainly plowing four different flavours of pussy every day for the rest of his life.
>still pissed that they cut the development time/team to ribbons fucking the second cd completely
Blame Sakaguchi.

>> No.3866868

for what ff8 or tactics.
either way xanogears was better.

fucking hell it was even ep IV from memory. if they had played it out it could have been the star wars of vidya.

>> No.3866878
File: 8 KB, 262x193, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing that they cut the budget for FFVIII. Now imagine how the second disk could have been with the same level of dialogue and details as the first one, instead of those "chair scenes".
They just cut of the budget for a game that is considered one of the most hated games in the Final Fantasy series instead of finishing this game, let that sink in

>> No.3866909

indeed, ironic too that there is a whole underlying theme in that pile of dog vomit ff8 that is about "TIME KOMPRESSION" fucking nips, don't know when they have something grand in their hands.

Xenogears was/is one of few commentaries on almost all of human existence it asks questions and makes you think about so much. I recall. this fucking game, I saw it. this is after ff7 was released in au where xenogears was banned. when I saw this fucking game, next day on poor kid funds I went out got a new psx and got it fucking mod chipped same day to play this game. FUCKING WORTH IT even in the flawed state it was.

like >>3866270 I too used to play this bi annually then I became time poor :( last time I played it was 2014 ? got up to jessie's story and the fuge packing church.

>> No.3866960

It's funny, because it's true!

>> No.3866987


>> No.3866994
File: 137 KB, 526x436, LkARIDr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Question the artistry of FFVIII
>Hold Xenogears of all things as being a more cohesive story

>> No.3867014

I honestly didn't know FF8 was a good game until I was like 25

>> No.3867026
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Xenogears had so much cool shit in it. It's GOOD that didn't happen. If you could get your hands on everything, I dunno, that'd make things kind of crappy. I know the game wasn't finished or whatever. Liked it despite that. Loved Disc 2 for it! It was like a 10 hour long ending cutscene.


>wanting Ramsus instead of the Elements under his command

>> No.3867032
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>> No.3867036

Why did Elly's Pilot Uniform go for so much? I think it's 2500G.

>> No.3867039

>The only reason he didn’t die in poverty is because Ramsus saw potential in him and sponsored Citan for entering Jugend.

Did Citan gay Ramsus for survival?

>> No.3867042

>Serves as the only doctor in the village of Lahan but lives miles outside of town, on top of a mountain, past a wolf infested trail with a broken bridge that has been washed out for at least a week before the events of the game.
>Knows Fei’s entire past and the fact he’s a walking WMD but keeps that all to himself.

Just saying, these are connected. With his family and all, it's a reasonable precaution.

>> No.3867060

Why are people reposting this dumb shit?
None of the things in those list make sense at all

>> No.3867061
File: 263 KB, 419x472, Tolone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have sex with a teenaged, tsundere, Gin n' Tonic Futon brained, pig-tailed, cyborg warrior goddess

It sounds uncomfortable. Also, those are the worst type of pig-tails. I'm sorry I've seen her full profile now.

>> No.3867147
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She looks like Billy

>> No.3867159
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Place is pretty great otherwise. All these weird ass rooms. All the shit in this place just makes me wonder.

>> No.3867160

Literally wants to suck old man dick.

>> No.3867163

because it's used and the game was made in japan

>> No.3867374
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Sera is better

>> No.3867462
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>> No.3867472
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>> No.3867504

You're doing gods work, anon

>> No.3867543 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 355x402, HammerXeno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd he doing it?

>> No.3867549
File: 265 KB, 355x402, HammerXeno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd he do it?

>> No.3867554

he wanted dem mad skills

>> No.3867624
File: 41 KB, 480x1000, 1475123326589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was her problem?

>> No.3867640

I don't remember any. And even if she did, she would counterbalanace that with the best introduction ever, the song that plays (June Mermaid) is beautiful and the only one I still keep on my HD after all this time.

>> No.3867745


>> No.3867786

>Your gears can fly
>Instead of flying, climb the tower on foot

>> No.3867790
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.3867839

She lost Kim.

>> No.3867849
File: 27 KB, 500x375, Pikachu Crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Rope of Robots will never finish his LP

>> No.3867996

Her gear was more powerful than the xenogears itself

>> No.3868012
File: 306 KB, 414x600, 1465084282100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the matter with Fei is he gay?

>> No.3868120
File: 35 KB, 640x480, Kim17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucks Elly
>is gay.

>> No.3868131

Yeah, I like your second idea a little better. The first one makes logical sense, but I'm not sure anyone abiding by that principle would take it to such an extreme.

>> No.3868223
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Were they all pure before Ramsus?

>> No.3868230
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She spent 4000 years in a body-less state, trapped with no knowledge of what happened to her Father and creator, far under the Earth in the dark with no one beside her.

Also, her nanomachine colony built baby maker desperately wanted to be filled with Kim cum.

>> No.3868231



>> No.3868237 [SPOILER] 
File: 395 KB, 160x120, 1489895156709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never mentioned again after the start of the game

>> No.3868240
File: 81 KB, 800x381, 1286767164425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why wasn't Elly part of their group?

>> No.3868256

>they've taken each other's virginities countless times

>> No.3868267

>last fight with the elements
>ending cutscene as the gang and Elly walk off in their gears
>johnny in the background in his idle animation

>> No.3868338


>> No.3868353

Fight dan and he qq's the whole time about her.
>never mentioned again.

dude do you just fail or what?

>> No.3868356

wow deep.
and true.

>> No.3868462

Nothing that comes out of that mutant's mouth can be taken seriously.

>> No.3868535

no Fei is Ellysexual

>> No.3868537

>Fei is Ellysexual

factually accurate

>> No.3868740

Well, atleast you got her wedding dress

>> No.3868790

>not power leveling so you can beat a small child who is already distraught.
why even be the one who bears fangs at the God.

>> No.3869252

I feel bad fighting these frog people.

>> No.3870016

Dumb stupid bitch

>> No.3870059
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Emeralda is pure

>> No.3870069

I want to try and beat Alpha Weltall...but it's going to take so much time...

>> No.3870226

Just use the debug room

>> No.3870463
File: 2.17 MB, 250x175, 1429675358002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, all those millennia Fei was fucking his mental manifestation of his mother?

>> No.3870465

I don't remember the game showing you what Fei's mom looks like, though.

>> No.3870670
File: 130 KB, 808x454, fQ0GCrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, she's a total milf for the two seconds you see her before she is eviscerated by the n^th iteration of this little fellow right here >>3870463.

>> No.3870676

So what we Freud nao?
As if there was not enough layers on this game already.

>> No.3870840

This thread just reminded me that this game is easily the greatest game of all fucking time

>> No.3870871

Until you reach cd 2.

>> No.3871026

Still loved disc 2. Especially beating Deus without a guide/cheese equipment. Shit was epic as fuck, especially since I killed him with literally all my other party members dead and like 500 health remaining after his final ultimate break attack. My cock was rock hard after

>> No.3871204
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*blocks your path*

>> No.3871413

Why the fuck didn't the Earth Federation go find out what the fuck happened to the Eldridge?

>> No.3871554
File: 18 KB, 448x336, 1265557530879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what the Wave Existence created when he made Elly. Fei/Abel's desire for his mother made real.

I gotta say, they made a damn good Eva clone so soon after Eva was made.

>> No.3871563

My only problem with Disc 2 through my current playthrough is that it's getting damn depressing. I know I dug it when I was younger, but this ain't helping the day-to-day. Goddamnit, just be happy, you eternally-fated-to-live-and-die-endlessly-by-advanced-genetic-nanomachine-engineering-magic fags!

>> No.3871565

>(C89) [AERIAL RAVE (Jacky)] Seraphic Gate 3 (Xenogears)

>> No.3871632



>> No.3871637




>> No.3871951
File: 71 KB, 800x600, _wallpapers_xenogears_xg21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i saved all my Ether Drive for SUPERIOR girl

>> No.3871993

But I mean, Abel's mother is never shown in the game (I think). So we don't know who Elly was based off of, if anybody, so I don't think there's some kind of Freudian shit going on. HAR created Elly as a mate for Abel and his incarnations to eventually free him from being trapped inside Deus. The "Fei/Abel/etc. wants to fuck his mother" just doesn't add up.

>> No.3871996

>we don't know who Elly was based off of

Elly is Miang inverted, at least appearance-wise.

>> No.3872009

Miang doesn't have a physical form, she's a computer AI that takes over women's bodies to carry out Deus' will.

>> No.3872016

based off Miang #1 from the end of the opening cinematic, then

>> No.3872023

wasn't she created inside the kadomony machine

iirc the only human survivor of the eldridge was abel

>> No.3872319
File: 2.82 MB, 1200x1600, 1474766041787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is always a pleasure to replay this game, never got tired of it t b h.

>> No.3872379
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 21-fuckthisdungeon33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so...pained looking at this.

>> No.3872381
File: 319 KB, 368x525, EmeraldaArt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat brown, exposed midriff

>> No.3872386

Right. Abel is the only "real" human that ever existed on the planet. Not that Miang Type Humans are any less human...

>> No.3872394
File: 532 KB, 960x720, Family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this ever explained? I know Xenogears has sameface syndrome, but it LOOKS like Elly.

>> No.3872407

>Not that Miang Type Humans are any less human...
Aren't they all -Wels- but disguised as humans? Or did I miss something?

>> No.3872415

I guess it's possible Abel is the captain's son. Does Perfect Works touch on it?

>> No.3872417

But then Abel should be in the picture along with his mom and sister, right?

>> No.3872426
File: 19 KB, 180x180, 1327106616388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I'd have to go read the wiki to go figure it out.
>Xenogears/Xenosaga lore tied together

UGH. Xenogears worked a lot better without Saga. Saga jumped the shark hard.
>Jesus is literally a character

>Rice is older than Jesiah

>> No.3872547

>Some fans theorize that Abel is Shigeyoshi Inoue's son, meaning the girl and the woman in the photograph would be Abel's family—possibly his sister and mother. Abel was searching for his mother and Kadomony may have chose the form of a similar looking girl, which would lead to the creation of Myyah Hawwa / Elly Van Houten.


The girl looks like Elly...the Mother looks like Miang...

>> No.3872601

I liked the art style and the story is fun (if clunky). The battle system really need some added depth though, and is easily the biggest con of the whole game. The battle arena almost makes up for it.

>> No.3872839

I was so enthralled by the story and overall experience of the game that I had fun with this dungeon

>> No.3872886

This, Deus is a pretty cool boss fight with more strategic options than most other bosses.

>> No.3872892

I'm playing through this game right now and I'm really fucking tired of all the cutscenes already. Which is a shame because when you actually get to play the game it's really fun.

>> No.3872916

Isn't that the point of playing most rpgs? for the story? That's the main reason xenogears is famous after all, along with its god-tier soundtrack

>> No.3872920

Use the fast text cheat code if you haven't already.

>> No.3873060

This, the story it's the core of every rpg, there are a few exceptions but most rpgs are driven by the story

>> No.3873104

Only a bunch of dilettantes in the genre will tell you that. It depends on the game, really. Like, who the fuck plays Paper Mario for the plot?

>> No.3873316

Never played Paper Mario, but the appeal of most RPGs is certainly the fact that they're the most "artistic" video games. They easily have the best stories of all the video game genres with actual themes, and tend to have the best music as well. Case in point with Xenogears, and ditto for most other great RPGs such as the Chrono series, final fantasy, countless others. There's some exceptions sure, but you act as if the artistic qualities of RPGs are a niche in the genre, when it's basically what rules it

>> No.3873339

Why don't they just rerelease this is a VN? Disk 2 >>>>>>>> Shit >>>>>>>> Disk 1

>> No.3873346

>but the appeal of most RPGs is certainly the fact that they're the most "artistic" video games.
You gotta be baitin'.

>> No.3873434

Seraphita being offsync is triggering my OCD.

>> No.3873501

I'm loving kicking angel ass in my Omnigears. Wish all the Omnigears were available.

>> No.3873647

>Emeralda did 99% of the damage to take down Deus
>didn't even get Fei or Citan to Hyper Mode

Maybe I gave her too much magic.

>> No.3874165

>tfw Weltall-2 is better than Xenogears

>> No.3874235


>> No.3874254

Visual novels have better plots than JRPGs, though.

Umineko's and Steins;Gate's blow any JRPG story away.

>> No.3874331
File: 224 KB, 475x332, MDGeist_mostdangerous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread has reminded me to read xenogears tentacle doujins for several nights in a row

hell yeah motherfucker this shit is 10 out of 10.

>> No.3874585

The message sent by the captain before distinction might have something to say? Wild bionic intelect weapon has taken over drive systems on this vessel and is attempting to jump to prime planet we are self destructing DO NOT SEND ANY TECH THAT COULD BE USED BY IF TO JUMP.

Or something idk?

Talking of which isn't Elly based of the captains daugther photo he look at in his last moments?


>> No.3874596

>Eva clone

Because gears are living and the protagonist is a whiny bitch and this game is so deep in comparison that is akin to a ocean compared to a fish bowl

>> No.3874607

Where is this explained in game?

>> No.3874638

Who ever found the part that allows xenogear to run with out fuel. One of the mechanics on the Yggdrasil talks about it? Best I could find was a small fuel tank with the best refuel kit proven is the tank is so small that x attacks almost empty it so it's shit.

>> No.3874664

everything after eva had to be existential. xenogears is clearly influenced, as is PDS.

>> No.3874734

xenogears was being planned and written before eva though, it dates back to ff6's development time at least, and was going to be the actual final fantasy 7

>> No.3874762

Cloud mentions xenogears ehen he is recovering from mako poisoning.

>> No.3874903
File: 213 KB, 700x978, 1463701222600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those girls are NOT for sexual, sir

>> No.3874908

Dude, Emerelda doesn't get tentacled, she IS the tentacle.

>> No.3875016
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 56-workerbees62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some identical twin of her fiance appears in Solaris near the end of the first disk. He like helps you get somewhere in the prison part of Solaris only to get vaporized or something.

I seriously have no fucking clue what the point of this scene or character is.

>> No.3875058

It's not, but you can infer it from when Fei/Citan(/Bart?) find the machine near the end of the game (after they try to blast Deus but before you regain access to the world map).

He exists to demonstrate how deadly those ID scanner machines are so that it's that much more puzzling when Citan can get through them so easily. As to why they used the same sprite as Timothy I have... no idea...?

>> No.3875070

You can mindlessly parrot "b-bait!" without supporting your claims in any way all you want, but it's the truth. What other game genres top RPGs on an artistic level?

>V-Visual novels!
What's the fucking point? Apparently there's an anime for steins gate that a lot of people consider superior to the visual novel, so yeah, what's the point? Might as well watch a movie or show, since they're closer to those than actual games

>> No.3875075

he's super easy with the right setup

>Sonic G-Whip
>Wild Smile
>Magnetic Coats

you might take a whole 7K damage on the off change that he hits you with a physical attack.

>> No.3875145

>Tim dies horribly in all his reincarnations
>And it's always as an acquaintance of Fei's.

>> No.3875147
File: 758 KB, 2480x3490, 000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I got so obsessed with this game I bought a copy of Perfect Works years ago, not knowing any Japanese and still don't. Not even 100% sure where it is anymore. Got to look at some nice anime tiddies though.

>> No.3875162
File: 47 KB, 480x640, 1485475648526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elly's god is the Wave Existence, Miang's god is Deus

that is essentially what Perfect Works says

Those nipples tho

>> No.3875178

It's been translated online.

>> No.3875243 [SPOILER] 
File: 152 KB, 800x379, 1490162699371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would think of doing something like that

>> No.3875387

If this isn't bait you should literally kill yourself.

>> No.3875523
File: 109 KB, 580x535, 1474170669732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better set up

1 etherdoubler + 2 power magic and 1 E-circuit on everyone (also I equipped 2 etherstoneLG on everyone to boost the damage a little bit)

Fei and Billy starts with booster, followed with a constant spamming of Flaming hell and Jessie cannon

Bart uses Wild smile as soon as he can, next he uses booster and then joins Fei and Billy spamming his Yggdrasil cannon

I dealt 9999 with everyone and Alpha was defeated

>> No.3876185

I like the idea he goes for, but it's damn hard to see where the body starts and the tentacles end. Porn needs to have clarity! I can't fap to what I can't see.

>> No.3876191

>3 ether doublers

How long did you have to grind to get 108k that early in the game?

>> No.3876347

Buy two before going to Shevat, the other one can be found inside the anima dungeon 2.

>> No.3876351

Meant to reply to this post

>> No.3876645
File: 1.76 MB, 2000x822, 1469413860106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's their problem?

>> No.3876650

>You can mindlessly parrot "b-bait!" without supporting your claims in any way all you want, but it's the truth. What other game genres top RPGs on an artistic level?
You're baiting, dude. There's no way someone past their teens would genuinely ever think this.

>> No.3876651

They were this close to being sent to Krelian's underlings' sex experiments and Ramsus saved them.

>> No.3876658

And yet you still don't know how to support any of your claims. Who's the teen again?

>> No.3876665

I'm not refuting your statement, I'm dismissing it outright. Anyone who thinks RPGs are the best at any thing needs a reality check.

>> No.3876674

And you thereby unequivocally certify yourself as a man-child who can't back up a word he says. Cograts.

>> No.3876728

>Never played Paper Mario, but the appeal of most RPGs is certainly the fact that they're the most "artistic" video games. They easily have the best stories of all the video game genres with actual themes, and tend to have the best music as well.
I'm dismissing your argument because people who spout dumb bullshit like this tend to binge on that genre or have no clue what the fuck they're talking about. Best stories? When's the last time you heard someone praise games like the Dragon Quest series or Chrono Trigger for having a deep and meaningful plots? The vast majority of games in this genre either recycle familiar fantasy tropes in various combinations or spout a bunch of crazy bullshit like Xenogears, Chrono Cross, or some of the MegaTen games. I'll give the genre one thing: it's probably the best at handling world building when it's done right - but most games in it don't have the kind of writing to match their ambition.

Oh, and the music point is utterly stupid. Any game in any genre can have great music. Hell, some of my favorite soundtracks are not from JRPGs.

>> No.3876773

Why was Fei "better" then id, when id, could pilot a gear without even being in it, he also could lift one handed the Yggdrasil without touching it. Just to be pwned by fai's crew later. Never in the game even when you get xenogears are you that hardcore. Sad desu. And is Graf = previous reincarnation of Karelian?

>> No.3876801
File: 363 KB, 725x1024, 1488778604253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graf is the previous reincarnation of Fei

>> No.3876924

I want more Xenogears, but every Xeno I've played since was no where near as good.

>> No.3876927

Xenoblade's a better game, though.

>> No.3876996

Sure, if you like offline MMORPG's.

>> No.3876997

You clearly have never played an MMORPG if that's what you compare it to.

>> No.3877068

>this is after ff7 was released in au where xenogears was banned

Nigga what? There were plenty of Squaresoft PS1 games that were never released in PAL territories. Xenogears is hardly the first or last.

>> No.3877070

It still isn't.

>> No.3877182

Never said it was the only one, just said I was so impressed with it that I got a ps1 and mod chipped it same day.

Btw it was released in pal and was actively banned by au gov citing religious reasons or some bs.

>> No.3877217

and to clarify, most people wet their panties over ff7 when it came out, I was impressed with it sure, but not enough to pony up the $$$ for a ps1 at the time. less then a year later xenogears hits. Throws money everywhere just to get a burnt copy to play..

>> No.3877485

What other game genre consistently tells decent stories aside from RPGs then you dumb faggot? Never played a dragon quest game, but if you can't even name another genre that competes with the stories told by RPGs, then my point still stands. And don't give me some visual novel bullshit cause those aren't even games

>or spout a bunch of crazy bullshit like Xenogears, Chrono cross...
Woah real compelling argument you got there.

And as for the music, RPGs easily have the best, and anyone who doesn't believe this is a delusional faggot.


This is the definitive chart for best video game music on the internet. Notice a trend? Oh yeah over half of the top 40/50 are RPG OSTs. Wonder why that is? Maybe because they consistently make the best music? Dumb ass

>> No.3877737

>Btw it was released in pal and was actively banned by au gov citing religious reasons or some bs.

I find it hard to believe it was banned in AU but not US because of bible thumpers.

That was mostly due to the marketing, the budget of which was twice of that of the game. And I say this as a huge FF7 fanboy.

>> No.3877769

Baiting again, as usual. This guy right here, man.

>> No.3877863
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>> No.3877868

believe what you want bub but it happened.
it was under the Howard Costello government at the time and they where pulling this shit, I remember posters that where at stores one week and gone the next as though they never existed. same thing happened with xenosaga 1 on ps2.

>> No.3878086
File: 458 KB, 800x1120, 1349146147918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got to play Xenoblade, but I did try XCX and didn't like that much. I have a Switch though so maybe XB2 will show some promise. But having just replayed Xenogears, despite it's "Disc 2 flaws", EVEN with them, the game was damn good.

>> No.3878090
File: 167 KB, 960x542, a384476c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the shit is this?

>> No.3878148

Running away again when I ask for a video game genre that can compete with RPGs on an artistic level, as usual. You're a pussy, dude

>> No.3878186
File: 356 KB, 800x497, 1481832562882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your favorite girl /vr/?

>> No.3878226

Dominia, thought she was a dude first time I played the game, no thanks.
Kelvena, boring.
Tolone, dumb as shit.
Gotta go with Seraphita.

>> No.3878258
File: 161 KB, 350x540, two_foot08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3878269

I honestly can't even remember their personalities enough to say.
Maybe I should replay this sometime soon, its only been a year since I played through it and I've already forgotten half of the game, it just really didn't stick with me.

>> No.3878310

Tolone is literally a robot, a genius

>> No.3878335

I think she's only a cyborg, and I don't give a fuck about her gin 'n' tonic futon brain.

>> No.3878628


>> No.3878630

Action-adventure can. The level and enemy designs and atmosphere outdoes RPGs on an artistic all the damn time.

>> No.3878631

Seraphita > Kelvena > Dominia > Tolone

>> No.3878665

Seraphita or Kelvena

>> No.3878690
File: 302 KB, 1024x768, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was nice to Elly, but I'd like to hate fuck Dominia.

>> No.3878718

Dominia > Tolone = Seraphita > Kelvena

>> No.3878732

Do you want to be dominated by Dominia while she wears a strap-on?

>> No.3879032
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>> No.3879120 [DELETED] 

>e-enemy designs!

Wow, you're even more of a retarded faggot that I could've ever imagined.

>> No.3879129

Visual designs and aesthetics aren't artistic elements to you?

Ugh, why do I even bother? You're clearly a troll.

>> No.3879358

Fei actually remarks that the character looks exactly like Timothy and is perplexed by this resemblance.

You'd think the fact Fei points it out means it is somehow an important coincidence in some way, but it is never elaborated on.

>> No.3879934
File: 1.79 MB, 2480x3490, 177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3879951


>> No.3879986

Bunny girl is the leader, huh I always thought the Amazon was the leader.

>> No.3880175

>Seraphita is the leader


>> No.3880201

Visual design is a weak artistic element if it isn't didactic, which is clearly the case in enemy design. So yeah, you're clearly an autist

>> No.3880586


Huh? I always thought Kelvena was the leader, did I miss something?

>> No.3880621


>> No.3880907 [DELETED] 

>weak artistic element if it isn't didactic
Hahahaha. What kind of pretentious dickhead are you?

What is didactic about JRPGs? When have they ever significantly changed your outlook on life?

But sure, continue to spout your bullshit and maybe some idiot on here will believe you.

>> No.3881540

Xenogears lore has a lot of these weird details that aren't illustrated well by the actual game. Jesiah's story and especially his plastic surgery are another of these things.

>> No.3881609
File: 2.48 MB, 2480x3490, 278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playable Margie

This makes me...sad.

>> No.3881616
File: 2.46 MB, 2480x3490, 277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except I meant to post this image.

>> No.3882239
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 55-EU88h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Grahf save Elly?

>> No.3882240

They are a good way to learn a second language, that's it.

>> No.3882480
File: 289 KB, 540x495, 1429675357942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save points are can be explained within the lore

>> No.3882514

>ink ribbons

>> No.3882574

Although this doesn't bother me, I always wondered why you/the characters still use them even after they know they're Gazel surveillance tools. For that matter, why do they still work after Solaris explodes/the Gazel are erased?

>> No.3882585
File: 20 KB, 324x454, images (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graf was in love with the previous reincarnation of Elly

>> No.3882621

That and Elly is important to Krelian, who has a vague alliance with Grahf/Lacan.

>> No.3883193
File: 21 KB, 236x330, 35cc6687bbc45e15c7ba87b8a9913766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if someone didn't use these save points? technically, The Gazel Ministry wouldn't be able to track Fei's group if they didn't use save points

>> No.3883627

This kind of thing is in Chrono Cross too.

>> No.3883694

I can't even remember anything but the most basic parts of the story anymore.

>> No.3885296

What's the name of the purple haired woman again?
I'm horrendous with names, but she might be the greatest villain in videogames.

Really opened my eyes to the true nature of women with colourful hair.

>> No.3885363 [DELETED] 

Xenogears is one. It opened my eyes to what philosophies are worthy of pursuing in life, and what other ones are objectively destructive to believe in (embodied by Karelian). It also opened me up to God from a strictly atheistic position. Mother 3 is another one.

By the way, the way you say action/adventure games have "aesthetic" is hilarious. You're no different from retarded 70s comic book fags who thought the "bad guy designs are so cool! T-the aesthetic here is genius!" You act as if they have the aesthetic of a Monet painting, when their aesthetic is closer to that of a retarded comic book. If the "aesthetic" of action adventure games is as good as it gets for you, well that's just sad

>> No.3885421

Miang, although the original Myyah sounds way cooler.

>> No.3885507


I like the fact that Myaah is part of Elly's surname backwards

>> No.3885558

Yep, you're definitely a pretentious twat or a relentless shitposter. Good to know.

>> No.3885585 [DELETED] 

If you developed any sort of outlook from Xenogears that you believe to be applicable to real life in any shape, form, or fashion then you need to step away from anything not relatable to the most basic and easily digestible common denominator entertainment accessible because it's readily apparent that you're the type of low I.Q. easily impressionable rube that's extremely malleable and very manipulable.

>> No.3885616

Nice ad hommiem

>> No.3885626

Not him, but he did say it was the start and depending on the age he was when he first ecounted might be a deciding factor. Point is that schools do not readily teach philosophy, and if this was his first encounter not with just one but multiple differing ones then he could have done a lot worse. If he just stopped there I would agree with You however although the platform of this game was main stream (ps1) I would be loath to say this game is the lowest common denominator as it didn't sell as well as much as a low common denominator game would have (before of course becoming the sleeper cult classic it is today)

>> No.3885629

Please excuse grammar/spelling shitpoating on mobile

>> No.3885769

Trying to have a legitimate debate with the likes of him would be a complete waste of time.

>> No.3886039

>People trying to ""win arguments"" in 4chinz

>> No.3886087

since the dawn of internet message boards there's always been that one guy that comes in to say this and bask insipidly in feeling like he's just pantsed everyone

>> No.3886101
File: 707 KB, 1844x1448, 110OmegaMetempsychosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Xenogears references in Xenosaga Episode III.

>> No.3886813
File: 347 KB, 480x984, 1485878099215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Vierge is CUTE

>> No.3886873
File: 46 KB, 494x350, 17mb_by_bardpado-d3f2vw8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best gear
best dril

>> No.3887015

it just works

>> No.3887156
File: 691 KB, 921x666, Calamity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.3887504
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>> No.3887541

El-Regrs looks better, too bad it isn't available outside of the battle arena

>> No.3887616
File: 968 KB, 1000x2506, 1479064830563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a big gear

>> No.3887632

What puzzles me about that part is how when Elly fights Krelian's minions at Golgotha, they could have very easily made it a playable battle. Like, they made battle animations for Sophia's gear and everything. Instead they did that "cutscene-within-a-battle" thing.

>> No.3887745
File: 279 KB, 821x827, Elly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3887889
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, Xenogears - G-Elements Formation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hear, you lose.

>> No.3888203

I see where disc 2's budget went. You can tell they had a lot of fun with this.

>> No.3888210


>> No.3888569

You can play with El-Regrs on the Japanese version using GameShark


>> No.3889313

>Citan with Xenogears

Doc, use your own gear. That "I left it with Gaspar" excuse isn't cutting it anymore.

>> No.3889431
File: 2.69 MB, 480x360, Xenogears 086 Multiple Personalities 02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, where is this?

>> No.3889432

It's a visual aid representing Cain speaking to Citan telepathically.

>> No.3889437

Doesn't Ramsus physically stab him in that same space later on though?
Did Ramsus kill him with his mind?

>> No.3889614

Well, I think basically they just reused the only setting Cain is ever seen in because it's Disc 2, and that when we see him at that point it's the same basic concept as Elly talking to different people with a portrait of Nisan in the background.

Not that I'm defending it. It's sloppy continuity.

>> No.3890647
File: 49 KB, 470x706, Bane_TDKR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.3890743
File: 1.41 MB, 2480x3490, 219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think she's the loli character of the game
>aside from her OP gear, that's all she's good for
>nope, an even better loli that can fight outside of her gear drops later

Being Maria is suffering.

>> No.3890996
File: 25 KB, 321x322, 1464509329129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hips 70cm

>> No.3892976
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>> No.3893445


This is adorable. The definitive chart! Nice post mang. It made me chuckle in affection toward the character (of you) that it paints.

>> No.3893450


I have never played this game, but looking through this thread I can see that obviously the purplish one (far left in your image there) is the best. The blue one is too loli-ish, the pinkish one is cute but too furry, and the green one has stupid hair that makes me feel embarrassed for Japan.

>> No.3893720
File: 146 KB, 641x432, 1463003085631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S-stop h-hands up or i'll shoot!

>> No.3893757
File: 174 KB, 684x565, too much gin and tonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the skank

>> No.3893807


>> No.3893816

(C79) [AERIAL RAVE (Jacky)] Seraphic Gate (Xenogears)
From the first or second one (3 total, though this guy must have really liked xenogears since he did a shitload of them).

>> No.3893857

>too loli
>bunny ears are too furry
I want normalfags to get off my board.

>> No.3893865


>> No.3893957
File: 188 KB, 500x502, 1426393020333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the hardy chuckle, boys.
Given the context of having just come off this game, this the biggest "what the fuck am I reading" moment I've had in a long time.
The human libido truly knows no bounds

>> No.3894385

The same artist made doujins of every single loli character in the game if you're interested.

>> No.3894386

>Aerial Rave and his eternal rapes.
>Mochi and his loli prostitues.
>Futa Dominia being dommed by futa Elly courtesy of that guy who also loves FF Tactics.
Xenogears has the best porn.

>> No.3894848
File: 202 KB, 800x1136, 1466725214901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is great art right there

>> No.3895131


>> No.3895363

What the fuck happens at this scene?


>> No.3895442

Now imagine that in their original size.

>> No.3896282


>> No.3897859

Hello, stupid.

>> No.3899641
File: 1.66 MB, 500x375, Let's Play 'Xenogears' Part 00 - Introduction 02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think maybe there was too much religious stuff?

>> No.3899651

Shoving Genesis in the player's face as the very first thing they see was a bit heavy-handed, but overall I think Xenogears' implementation of religious imagery, tenets, and ideologies is pretty tasteful.

Unlike in Eva where they occasionally have a mushroom cloud shaped like a cross and this is supposed to be some sort of deep connection to Judeo-Christian philosophy.

>> No.3900142

What are you trying to say sempai

>> No.3900381
File: 429 KB, 1070x720, Yep1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva religious imagery was completely there just to look cool. It really has no impact on the story, characters, events, or overall meaning of the show. I almost forget that it's even there when I watch it nowadays because there are so many more interesting aspects about the show than the goofy crossplosions.

Xenogears does have some interesting portrayals of the Ethos, with their little boy rape chambers, and all.

>> No.3900384
File: 26 KB, 512x256, Qfk5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this...

>> No.3903018

Golgotha is one of the redacted areas. I wonder what you would have been able to do there.

>> No.3905560
File: 573 KB, 734x444, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3905671

Man, i used to love this game
But i remember so little about it now

>> No.3906701

it's time anon,
relive the magic.