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File: 24 KB, 620x465, Water Temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3851954 No.3851954 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside, is it really THAT bad? Why do people hate this temple so much?

>> No.3851960

The Great Bay Temple in Majora's Mask is so much worse.
It makes the Water Temple look like a playground.

>> No.3851961


I played oot for the first time on 3ds and had absolutely no problem with that temple. In fact i didn't like the game because i thought it was much too easy.

>> No.3851962

it's just annoying having to stop playing the game and go into the menu to change your boots every 30 seconds

>> No.3851964

It's not even that frequent, mate. I didn't think anything of it as a kid.

>> No.3851970

There's one switch that's pretty easy to miss if you're not paying attention, but that's all.

also this

>> No.3851984
File: 46 KB, 354x450, Dark_Link_(Ocarina_of_Time).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has one of the coolest enemies in the game. There were so many rumors about this fucker back in the day.

>> No.3851985

Does nobody have patience anymore?

>> No.3851989

i heard he was the boss of zelda 2...

>> No.3851990

He is.

>> No.3851992

No swimming controls in an underwater level. Let that sink in.

>> No.3851993


OOT fan here.

It's true, and this is the only (and a big one) mistake of the game.

>> No.3851995 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 504x282, 1489207135089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is

>> No.3851997

i knew it :o)

>> No.3852004

Due to the myth that you can use the keys in the wrong order and fuck yourself.

>> No.3852016

>he remakes this exact same thread every few days with the exact same image
>people keep responding


>> No.3852025

>if you start the battle without a shield, Dark Link won't have a shield

>> No.3852028

>people begin having a discussion about the water temple
trolled hard dude xD

>> No.3852091

I seriously thought I fucked up my friend's save because of this. Or maybe because I couldn't figure out how to lower the water again.

>> No.3852137
File: 211 KB, 709x436, IMG_0091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just annoying.
>Pause the game,
>move over 3 times
>Doodlredo doodlredo doodleredo
>equip the iron boots
>wait for link to sink
>wait for link to be ready for action
>link is slow as balls
>get to a part where you need to take the boots off after maybe 5 min
>pause the game
>move over 3 times
>Doodlredo doodlredo doodleredo
>unequip the iron boots
>wait for link to float up
>run around for 5 min before having to equip the boots again
>see first line of green and repeat
Seeing Shadow Link again was cool though

>> No.3852141

That's Link's shadow. Dark Link is different.

>> No.3852143

Are they really that different
Both are evil versions of Link trying to kill him
And both are black model/pallet swaps of him

>> No.3852193

It's actually the best temple along with the forest one.

Hating it is a meme, ocarina is pretty easy after all which is why no one complains about Master Quest.

>> No.3852206

And lovin it isn't a meme either?
Best temple in OoT was spirit temple
Had to actually think for the puzzles, iron knuckle fights, and a helluva lot less waiting

>> No.3852219


Except great bay is pretty easy, especially if you don't bother about the fairies.

>> No.3852261

It required more thought and a greater degree of spatial memorization than the other dungeons.

People itt are bringing up valid points against it, but in my own anecdotal experience most people who hated it back in the day were just stuck on it for a really long time.

People rag on OOT for being too easy but the water temple meme is what happens when you put something difficult in the game. I actually think it's kind of interesting that those are two of the most common complaints the game gets, when they so obviously come from totally opposite viewpoints.

>> No.3852290

I don't hear too many complaints about OoT being too easy. It's about the same difficulty as LttP. For kids with little experience playing 3D games (basically the game's target audience back in 1998), the difficulty is pretty much perfect.

Wind Waker on the other hand...

>> No.3852303

Areas open up in a nice way in the water temple. Music is awesome. Not everything is a meme.

>> No.3852305

>put on boots
>take off boots
>forgot a key, gotta do the whole water level thing all over again
Yes it was bad but nowhere as bad as wall climbing and magnetic boots in TP.

>> No.3852306

The 3DS version is redesigned and the tedium of entering the menu every 10 seconds to swap boots on/off is removed

>> No.3852307

There's a very easy to miss key in the central tower that ALWAYS fucks me up. You have to go down but my natural instinct is to go up and change the water level

>> No.3852374

>People rag on OOT for being too easy
>the water temple meme is what happens when you put something difficult in the game
No, the water temple is what happens when you put noticeable cumbersome design in the game.

>they so obviously come from totally opposite viewpoints
No they don't, it's just you mixing up difficulty and unfun game design.

>> No.3852502

Not at all, I only had problems with shadow link, but the rest of the temple is a cakewalk

>> No.3852520

The main problem is that most sections of this temple loop, and there is one loop that is extremely long and you can't backtrack through it.

And you can miss a key in this loop, which halts your progression in the other loops, which means that you'll have to backtrack through 5+ rooms and solve each puzzle, which required a lot of backtracking as well, in order to find the key, if you didn't find it the first time through the loop.

Otherwise it wasn't a terrible dungeon, the biggest problem was boots being equipment rather then tools, so you had to toggle through menues a lot.

>> No.3852738

I'm gonna be honest.
I played this game through once in middle school.

All I remember is blowing through the entire game with no trouble whatsoever.

The only thing I remember and the water temple is the fat tittied mermaid.

Anyone who complains about the the he water temple is a whiny meme spewing wuss.


>> No.3852760

No, my brother beat Ocarina and Majora when he was five, no guides.

>> No.3853593

>Due to the myth that you can use the keys in the wrong order and fuck yourself.
>due to the myth
>the myth

Haha good thing when I was a kid I didn't restart my entire game over again twice because of this. That would have been pretty silly right? haha

>> No.3853793

Because it is a pain in the ass to change the water levels. Some assholes are going to say changing the water levels is not bad, but it is, it is very tedious.

>> No.3853801

It only had forced camera angles and water currents are trial and error until you learn them and it suddenly becomes easy.
But the water temple isn't too far ahead in difficulty.

>> No.3853826

I agree that water temple has a lot of cumbersome design elements. But like I said, in my own admittedly anecdotal experience when someone got stuck in OOT it was usually the water temple. I knew plenty of kids who were stuck on it at least a few days, some a few weeks, and some who just got stuck there and gave up. It's more confusing than most other dungeons in the game, and as a result it gave people problems. I think that played a bigger part in it becoming a meme than the boots menu and slow floating, though that probably played a part in it as well.

Call it unfun if you want, I don't give a shit if you don't like it or OOT. I'll always think of it as the game's casual filter.

>> No.3853830

If someone has trouble remembering the basic parts of water temple's layout, remembering the gbt's layout and where the pipes lead and where to change which water flow is going to be a nightmare for them.

Still my favorite dungeon in MM though.

>> No.3854214
File: 1.45 MB, 1440x1080, Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA)-170311-203731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing through this the first time right now.

This is really embarrassing to admit but I'm getting stuck a lot, and its from really small things. Not using a faq or anything. I never really had any trouble with LTTP but this game seems to really mess with my assumptions.

>Stuck at Goron city because I didn't realize I had to use the Ocarina at the door.
>Spent a shameful amount of time trying to find a fishing rod because I didn't realize you could just use a bottle to catch the needed fish.
>Went up and down through Kakriko village many times trying to get the gravekeepers ghost to appear before finding out that I was able to pull the gravestones.

I don't really know how to explain it. I'm not having trouble with any other parts of the game, but every so often my expectations that come from modern games cause me to completely miss something the designers intended.

Other than that sillyness, I'm enjoying OoT quite a bit.

>> No.3854429

It's a meme.
You legit have to be retarded to get stuck. who in their right fuking mind jumps off a small ass platform when there is a door right behind you?
If you got stuck? you were one dumb fucking kid. Take your "but i was just a kid, how was i supposed yo know" and fuck off right back to your short bus, you velcro shoed retard.

>> No.3854513

Nothing to be embarrassed of, it's the little things like that which people usually got stuck on.

Hardest part of lttp for me was figuring out I was supposed to pull the bars off the statue in dark world kakariko. Was stuck on that waaaay longer than any of the actual dungeons.

>> No.3854519

basically if the fairy starts buzzing around in a weird area, unsheath that ocarina

>> No.3854609

People who got stuck in the WT are the ones who overlook the floating block in the main pillar hiding a room under it.

>I think that played a bigger part in it becoming a meme than the boots menu and slow floating
They had to keep exploring the dungeon which means more boots and more floating, the design of the dungeon DOESNT encourage exploration because of those mechanics.

>I'll always think of it as the game's casual filter
Once again you got it all wrong, it's not a casual filter, it's a sane people filter, only insane hardcore gamers can look at unfun bullshit game design and come up with reasons to defend them.

>> No.3854641

haha I wonder if Link's feet get smelly from the wet boots he wears haha. maybe he gets embarrassed about his stinky feet haha i'm just wondering

>> No.3854659

I see no one daring to argue with that.

>> No.3854743
File: 1.12 MB, 500x599, Huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carry iron boots in pocket
>put iron boots on feet

>> No.3855751

Because I never said it was bad, just annoying and it was
The developers played dnd (or they at least had too if they want to explain this one)
Bag of holding. The bag doesn't change weight but you can have a giant tower shield and great sword with full plate armor in there with the bag still weighing 10 lbs ofc if there's nothing in there the bag still weighs 10 lbs

>> No.3855882
File: 67 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3856000

It's tedious until you realize where that one key is, and then it's just business as usual. I'm convinced the people complaining about the Water Temple are under 21, or what >>3851985

>> No.3856041

Looks like that robot from that shitty 70s sci fi thing.

>> No.3856046

I suppose it does sound like that.

>> No.3856056

I never found it hard, just annoying because the iron boots thing

>> No.3856213

How would you make the onomatopoeia

>> No.3856690

It's just 'the water level' everyone hates 'the water level' with a passion regardless if it was good or not

Sonic, Mario Megaman, Zelda
They're all just fucking annoying
Fucking Drowining and going slow in a game that has blast processing
Fucking Bloopers
Fucking gravity gimmicks because water
Fucking waiting and the equipping of iron boots

I have patience but goddamn that game tests my limits sometimes

>> No.3858107 [DELETED] 

Haha does anyone have pictures of Libk without his boots on and being embarrassed because Navi says his feet are smelly? Haha it would be so funny haha maybe a it would be funny if he was rubbing his smelly feet on Navi haha does anyone have pictures of that haha

>> No.3858136

>carry armor to sell
>encumbered if worn

It's like a fantasy trope.

>> No.3858154
File: 28 KB, 719x136, Global Rule 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this disgusting shit off my board.

>> No.3858175

Thank you, based mods.

>> No.3858183

Donkey King Water Levels T.T

>> No.3858237

I played it on the GC and the only part got stuck at was one room and I think it was a perspective thing.

Other than that, it's pure meme material to say UGHHH SO HARD.

>> No.3858391

Nah, they'd get smelly regardless. If anything, Link would take care to dry out his footgear and his feet after getting them damp to prevent blisters and trench foot so they'd be clean.

>> No.3858432

I'm already seeing a lot of retards in this thread so it's well beyond salvaging (what do you expect, it's a Zelda game.) The water temple isn't hard. It's not broken, it's not remotely difficult in any way. It is tedious. It is a very slow, boring dungeon that has painfully boring navigation and it makes it a chore to play. The content would make any other dungeon last a half hour - tops, and that's pushing it - but because there is so much

>select iron boots
>slow fall
>select normal boots
>repeat several times in numerous sequences

it makes it one of the worst designed levels in a zelda game. It doesn't help that the miniboss is a fucking joke that doesn't work in sword-to-sword combat like it would be more interesting - no, instead it relies on you cheesing it with dins fire (which is why there's so much magic available outside of the miniboss room) or the hammer. Fucking joke of a design. The entire thing reeks of an amateur effort by a designer who was told to make a water level, told he had these tools, and just hopped into the development server to pull out a few test files and made a shit miniboss from them.

It's not fun, it's not interesting, it doesn't even make you think. It's tedious, boring, and a chore to get through because it takes so fucking long.

>> No.3858457

i never had a real problem with swapping boots back in the day and hell i played the PAL version

i think kids these days suffer from internet-induced ADD and no longer have any patience which is why this is suddenly a big issue

>> No.3858463

it's poor design to have long stretches of the game where you don't get to control your character, nothing to do with the internet or behavioral problems. the water dungeon making such heavy use of the boot swap mechanic is a flaw. the game isn't perfect.

>> No.3858464

>it's poor design to have long stretches of the game where you don't get to control your character

so basically every RPG ever

>> No.3858473

yes, exactly

>> No.3858905


You shouldn't need patience to do something trivial in a game. Like, yeah if you had to go into a menu every time you wanted Link to swing a sword, you could play and win, but it would be too tedious and irritating. Things shouldn't be pointlessly tedious.

That said, I don't personally see how any of this applies to the water temple much because I barely remember having to do this menu thing myself, which means it didn't bother me.

>> No.3858907

I'm playing through OoT right now (first timer) and I must say I found the Fire Temple to be a little harder. That said I've still got about 3 dungeons to go so we'll see.

>> No.3858914

You can also use it to store hundreds or thousands of rats for various purposes, which Zelda has yet to do.

>> No.3859139

It's not that it's hard, it's annoying af. The currents, the fairies and the time limit make it an unpleasant experience.

>> No.3859226

It's that one jump from a higher level while the water is at a certain level that acts like a bottleneck solution that you don't immediately discover which results in people going around in circles, lowering and rising the water endlessly before they finally stumble upon the solution.