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File: 70 KB, 621x254, Final_Fantasy_Tactics_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3841126 No.3841126 [Reply] [Original]

PS1, PSP, or PS1 + Patch or PSP + Patch? Especially on my phone, since my PSP's analog stick is broken right now.

>> No.3841130

psp has more stuff, but i think isnt the psp version slower gameplay or something?

>> No.3841132

Yeah, that's what the patch is for

>> No.3841170

PS1 on emulator so you can use the fast forward button and get on with your life.

>> No.3841724

It's on Android and Mobile devices now, right?
Anyone know how they play?

>> No.3841727


>> No.3841907

I am always an advisof or playing old games remade for new systems since they usually add a bunch of new stuff (new dungeons, new characters, new dialogue or something). Hell, even though Chrono Trigger on the PSone was worse than the SNES one due to incomprehesingly long load times for battles, it gave you sweet cut scenes.

However, the fact that one of my favorite things is cut from FFt on PsP, that being the batte quotes when you use certain abilities, I can't recommend it. I remember spamming abilities that were shit, just to see if it would proc a message of doing awesome shit.

>> No.3841960

In all seriousness, play the PS1 version first.
If you like it, despite translation errors, then try the PSP/phone version. I can't wholeheartedly recommend the latter as a first entry into the series because of the slowdown and removal of flavor texts to spells/abilities that other anons posted about.

Don't get me wrong, some of the added content in the PSP/mobile versions is amazing. I wanted multiplayer FFT since I was a kid, for instance. But, the slowdown really does negatively impact the game, which is already slow by its very nature as an SRPG.

>> No.3841970

PSP somehow manages to looks worse and has shitty sound

>> No.3841971
File: 193 KB, 844x533, 4ec6b94b16dbbc8aea79657c627f88d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No disrespect, but you'd be a dumbfuck to buy anything from Square-enix. They sell their games at a premium and discontinue support IMMEDIATELY. Look at Chaos rings Omega, 1, 2 and 3. They cost originally 15-20 each and stopped supporting them the moment Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat dropped. Fuck Square Enix. Fuck them hard.

>> No.3842414

PSP is superior for the cutscenes, extra classes, better balance and vastly better translation, but even with the patch it's missing a handful of things.

Still reccomend PSP.

>> No.3842784
File: 42 KB, 545x397, 8e1d153c62ad3e0160cbf98cea6292ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the original Playstation version for your first time. The translation is not as bad as some people make it out to be and has a lot better dialog. Even if it can fumble sometimes, it's more than coherent. It also has a lot of neat little features like spell quotes when you cast spells which are great. I personally like it more than the flowery translation that WotL did, but, lets not get into that.

If you want to make some names clearer, since there are some issues (such as having Breath being translated as Bracelet), you can use a patch like the Name Fix patch which finds a middle ground between the two translations.


Then you can try the PSP version if you want, but make sure to get the anti-slowdown and unstretch patch. If you like that translation more you can keep with this version if you want.


If you want to wait a while, there is this hack coming out too, which looks to be the definitive version of FFT.


Then if you want to try some romhacks after your first playthrough, I personally recommend Laggy Fantasy Tactics. It's probably the best rebalance of the game that keeps the original spirit of job combinations alive.


Anyway, have fun. FFT is probably my favorite game of all time OP. I've spend countless hours with it and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I have.

>> No.3843140

I like the Reed flute scene between Delita and Ramza in the original.



On one hand, the psp version gave Delita more anger and frustration.
But in the original it seemed like Ramza was his confidant and they were actually friends, which makes Delita running off to do stuff without him much more impactful.

>> No.3843225


I'm assuming you can't read Japanese. Either way, you're going to have to tolerate a shitty translation. May as well go with the PS1 version. The PSP version has a little extra content, but it seems incredibly out of place. They even shoehorned a character cameo from that abortive FF Tactics Advance sequel for DS.

Square-Enix is notoriously bad for the quality of its ports.

>> No.3844283

Maybe I'm dumb, but where can I find the original FFT patch?
ffhacktics.com got nothing, and elsewhere I can find stuff either named like 1.3030 or

So which is newer/better/gooder?

>> No.3844359

>out of place
So out of place fans of FFT are making this: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10179.0

>Square-Enix is notoriously bad for the quality of its ports.
SE is notoriously bad for its ports to PC, like pretty much every other Japanese developer.

>> No.3844397

PSP version with the patches.

>> No.3844406

handheld, even if it means playing an emulated ps1 version. i can't imagine playing something so slow paced in front of a console/pc.

>> No.3844410
File: 109 KB, 616x513, 45675467567923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best way to play FF Tactics?
easy, you play pic related

>> No.3844428

Fix your psp joy stick. Make sure to order a new silicon contact rubber so your joystick connects to the board well and doesnt throw off the deadzone