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File: 108 KB, 256x351, Super_Mario_Bros._3_coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3838351 No.3838351 [Reply] [Original]

Who actually beat this on the NES? It's like 5 hours long and when you die in world 8 you have to start from the beginning. Do you think using warp whistles is legitimate in this game?

>> No.3838360
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me, yes, shitty thread

seriously, what is your endgame with this? waste of a good thread getting bumped

>> No.3838361


It's not cheating, no. Just that clearing the game with no warps is more difficult and thus more of an accomplishment.

I don't really like using the warps in Mario because of how jarring the shift in difficulty is between the earlier and later levels.

>> No.3838364

>Who actually beat this on the NES?
Literally everyone

>> No.3838368

Nobody can beat Mario 3! Trust me, I've been around here a long time and it's impossible! To beat Mario 3 you'd have to be some... some... some kind of gaming god! It's just not possible.
Sure, sure we've all heard the tales of someone who beat it, but have you seen any proof?

>> No.3838560

>Who actually beat this on the NES?
Everyone did.

>> No.3838571

You never spent 5 hours playing games?

>> No.3838583

>It's like 5 hours long
Most levels are ridiculously short. Like 30 seconds to a minute.

I'd say 2 hours or less is very possible if you're good at the game.

>> No.3838586

Everybody used warp whistles to get to the last stage. You should absolutely play every world at least once though.

>> No.3838593
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Revealing the location of the first warp whistle in The Wizard was no mistake.

>> No.3838598

Don't think OP knows what you are talking about

>> No.3838601

Kids on the playground talked about it. I didn't even own an NES at the time and knew where they were.

>> No.3838609
File: 116 KB, 500x346, 291359911_d7bb080b9b[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, sometimes nobody knows what I'm talking about! I've accepted it.

>> No.3838808

I just beat it last month, farm the goombas in world 1 for enough 1-ups and save all the cloud powerups that let you skip stages for the end

>> No.3838829

In Mario 3 they got the warps right, I think they make the game much more difficult. If you go straight from world 1 to 8 you can't carry as many items in with you. On a full playthrough my inventory is stocked and then world 8 drains like at least half of it.

I'll admit I can only beat world 8 if I'm able to use items. Warping as soon as you get two whistles and going into world 8 with like three items in stock, I can't do that.

Call me a shit player if you want but I think it shows they did the warps right in this game.

>> No.3839113

Do you guys actually play the game on "permadeath", aka when you are game over you have to start anew?

>> No.3839135

I beat the game when I was a child (but in all fairness it was my favorite game and I played it quite a bit).

I wouldn't say using warps is cheating per se, but I wouldn't go around saying I beat the game if I used them to do it.

>> No.3839139

That one you can figure out on your own easily enough. The whistle in 1-3 where you have to hold down on the white block is way more unlikely to locate, and it wasn't until a couple years ago that I found out about the third whistle in world 2.

>> No.3839238

No. But if you're struggling in world 8 and lose all your lives you have to start over from the nearest "checkpoint" equivalent on the map, so a bad player like me can be stuck on the same loop of levels for a while. Especially if I've already used up my power ups trying to get through them the first time.

Just a matter of time until you need to shut the game off and lose all progress. With warps it's easy to get back, at least.

>> No.3839613

I remember dedicating a lot of time to sb3 as a child. By the time super mario world came out, I was able to beat it in under half an hour. Of course some asian cam along and did it in under 15 minutes.

>> No.3839658

Why would you game over in world 8? The game is easy as fuck.

>> No.3839792


Here, I'll give you the 10 minute guide for the game:

>Get 99 lifes in 1-1 or 1-2 (jump -floatfloatfloat - jump - floatfloatfloat, you'll figure it out)
>Get whistle in 1-3, white blocks are mysterious if you look down and inspect them for a while
>Get the mushroom house and secret coin mushroom house in 1-4
>Get whistle in mini-castle by watching 'the wizard'
>Beat Hammer Bros by just running under him at start (sometimes hidden power up in last block)
>Optional: beat stage 1 for cloud to skip a level in last world

You can do less if you don't feel the need to horde power ups, or more of lvl 2 if you need more. Then:
>Whistle; whistle again in warp zone to get to 8
>Beat tank lvl (look for safespots on canons); swim under ship lvl
>If you run fast over the hands, they will most likely grab you; but every hand lvl has item at end so maybe worth it (eg feather)
>use items to get through last stages (cloud, feather)
>sun level has sekret quicksand and is easy as racoon since sun stays on horizonal placement
>other evel also easy with feather (pic related)
>skillcheck with last tank

Dun dun duuunnnn - Bowser lvl
>You can glitch through wall with hidden 1-up block if you're big in corner
>Stay high at lava part 420blazeityo
>Imo second from top door is the one I always choose, not sure why (probably easiest?) you can fall through donut
>Beat Bowser and don't fall into hole afterwards, else you have to replay it again (don't ask why I know this)
>get kisses

Maybe this helps you OP, you can do it (under 5 hours), I believe in you!

>> No.3840001

Ah lol I'm a pleb who played the remake of this game on GBA where you could save

>> No.3840018

Just warp as far as you can, beat everything else, and hoard all of your P-Wings so you can fly over all the bullshit in level 8.

Piece of cake.

>> No.3840031

It's been forever since I played this game seriously, but I played through it in an afternoon with a (diagnosed) autistic guy who's obsessed with Mario Maker about a week ago. The Wii version of Super Mario All Stars

Man, this game turns up the fucking heat in world 7. World 7 and 8 took fucking forever to get through. It was good for my partner though, motherfucker will drive you nuts because he HAS to get every coin in every level, but after about or 6th or 7th go at the final stretch of world 7, he finally fucked off with that shit and got serious about just winning at all costs. I'm his therapist and although "being less of an insufferable sperg while playing videogames" isn't a stated behavior goal of his, I'd say that was a decent victory for him.