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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 256x224, Final Fantasy VI [TedWoolseyUncensored1.86]023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3834059 No.3834059 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite Final Fantasy games?

>> No.3834062

12 and tactics

>> No.3834067

8 and 10

>> No.3834071

Nearly all of them? The easier question to ask is which one's don't I like.

>> No.3834078

4 5 and 6
6 being my favorite as it's my first one played and beat
5 for not nostalgia reasons

>> No.3834081

ff1-10 good
ff11-15 shit

>> No.3834109

15 is rather decent actually.

>> No.3834120
File: 57 KB, 690x445, final-fantasy-vii-playstation-ps1-707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy 7. Need I go on?... okay! First for starters, the plot! Oh my squeaky crusts it's a good'n. At first you think you're playing as a member of the resistance against an evil empire. You're submerged in the slums of Midgar (think Detroit) and you can imagine spending the rest of the game blowing up reactors-- BUT -- whoooosh suddenly you're set up and things are not as they seem. Now we're after a man in black, on the trail of Cloud's sordid past, and we're looking after an ancient (whose fate anyone can guess :'( ). Yeah guys, this game is more than meets the eye. If you thought Akira was a dumb biker game for brutes then you probably have similar misconceptions about this gem of a title. The game set video games on the map in 1997. You don't even know!!!

Look at those flowers. I thought I could sniff them in the 90's. The church made me consider going to Sunday mass. Gosh darn it guys, this game is good! It has complex characters. It has a huge overworld map with towns and villages who define their world. There are secrets. Tears, laughter, humility. Sometimes we can't play the hero. In Final Fantasy 7 you don't always play the hero... but you can still SAVE THE PLANET!

Play Final Fantasy 7. It's a miracle.

>> No.3834127



PS1 Era

5 is under rated, but that might be because I love the Job System. Storywise 6 has it beat, but that's because it's 6.

>> No.3834312 [DELETED] 

I just might play it now.

>> No.3834318

5-6-7 are the only good ones

>> No.3834319

5 is my absolute favorite closely followed by 6. 7 is great but it hasn't aged very well (Haven't played the remake)

>> No.3834324

3 because the devout is cute and the soundtrack is ballin
nes only though fuck the remakes
literally no charm left

>> No.3834328

I dunno, the only one I dislike of the retro ones is 1

>> No.3834343

Agreed on all points. 7 was the best one by far.

>> No.3834348

1, 2, 4, 7, 8 and some of the spin-offs are the only games I cared for. The others have some incredibly shitty writing and characterization. I don't know what Square was smoking with FF6. "Ueeehehee! Seafood soup!" I forced myself to play through it once, but I gave up on ever playing again after I recalled all the party splits that were shoehorned into the game for absolutely no fucking reason.

The SaGa games were a lot more fun to play, although the series really started to stagnate after every sequel became a Romancing SaGa clone. And judging by the SaGa general on /vr/, that series attracts even worse autists than FF does.

I'm not sure what to say about Mana. The first game was enjoyable, but everything that followed seems to have been designed so even kindergarteners could beat it.

>> No.3834350

Well you're right about one thing, nincompoop... 7 was a great game!

>> No.3834353

IX is way better than the rest.
most are just okay-tier.

>> No.3834363

Ok... dare I ask who died and put you in charge of making those sort of INANE declarations? Go on... I'm waiting. Show us proof you're ANYONE to tell us something so friggin stupid and declare it fact. Uh-huh. As I thought. Ya can't. Can you? Yep. Not surprised. You're dumber than a pile of bricks.

9 isn't better than 7. Admit it, dummy.

>> No.3834380

man I hate ff9-fags. There's always a patter that follow them:
>they never give props to other FFs, they declare FF9 the absolute best above every other game in existence
>they never explain why is it so good (maybe because it's mediocre)
>they like to express disdain for the "modern" settings of FF7/8 and praise FF9 for being a return to classic settings, even though they haven't played the old FFs (they never mention them when discussing the series)
it's almost as if FF9 is the de-facto choice for people who don't like the series. It's the Sonic CD of Final Fantasy.
it's almost as if FF9 is the de-facto choice for people who don't like the series. It's the Sonic CD of Final Fantasy.

>> No.3834381
File: 15 KB, 400x300, Yt3bmRd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the Sonic CD of Final Fantasy.

>> No.3834557

8 is my fav.
7 is a masterpiece
5 and 6 are both awesome
Haven't played 2-4
1 is ridiculously hard but good
9 is pretty great
10 and 10-2, I played and beat but honestly did not like them at all.
At this point the only FF I'm interested in playing are 12 and the 7 remake. Anyone chime in and yay/nay 12? I've heard it's a grindy boss-fest with annoying dungeons.

>> No.3834656

My favorite is 12, but if we're talking /vr/, probably 5

>> No.3834689
File: 12 KB, 512x448, ziegfried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SNES trilogy is my favorite. FF6 is one of the greatest games of all time, with what might be the single finest soundtrack in the entire medium. FF4 just throws in so many memorable characters and events at you that it's impossible not to love its charm. FF5 has the fucking job system and its just so much pure fun.

NES is just a bit too pared down for me. The memory and processing limitations of the console really constrain what is supposed to be a series of epic journeys.

I don't really like the Playstation games for a variety of reasons. FF7 was a huge leap for RPGs at the time, but I never emotionally resonated with it. I do hold a lot of fondness for FF9, but it's a flawed game with some serious issues in the pacing and mechanics.

FF8 is probably the one game I hate most in the world. Everything about this game was engineered in a way that absolutely repulses me. It is the closest thing I have ever experienced to actual video game kryptonite. I fucking despise this title.

>> No.3834706

>I've heard it's a grindy boss-fest with annoying dungeons.

doesn't matter, you can program the game to play itself

>> No.3834707

that one

>> No.3834708

>8 is my fav
stopped reading

>> No.3834709

2(gba/psp versions though), 5, 6, 8, 12 are my favorites.

>> No.3834728
File: 3 KB, 200x206, chemist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that 5 was as fun as SaGa Frontier.

>> No.3834730

That's literally what you do in battles anyway

>> No.3834735

I liked 10 best.

7 was good too.

>> No.3834786
File: 29 KB, 430x337, Amano_Mog_alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 is my favorite, with 4, 5, and 7 tied for 2nd place. I love most of them though.

>> No.3834993 [DELETED] 

This kid needs to really stop false-flagging FFVII and just go back to shilling FFVI.

>> No.3834996

This kid needs to really stop false-flagging FFVII and just go back to shilling FFVI.

>> No.3835004

>responding unironically to tripfags

Come on son you should know better than this.

>> No.3835019

chronno trigger > tactics > 6 > 4 > 5 > 7 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 9 > 8

>> No.3835040

>OP asks what's everyone's favorite Final Fantasy
>half the threads reply with either a spin off or a game from a completely different series

What's the point of these threads when every other person is pretending they're partition by repeating popular and safe opinions?

>> No.3835062
File: 25 KB, 490x480, when you walk away you don't hear me say propane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF1 and Kingdom Hearts

>> No.3835083

The only correct post ITT

>> No.3835093

Keep calm and Phoenix Down

>> No.3835242

Dam right VII was the superior Final Fantasy.

>> No.3835267
File: 988 KB, 1000x563, NOHkWUp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's your favorite Final fantasy game?
>kingdom hearts
>pic related

>> No.3835279
File: 256 KB, 760x1000, Amano_FFII_Cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

II. Yes, even the NES version. It was the game that defined the franchise. I was a tech demo in comparison--bare bones story, faceless characters. In II they die left and right. The cold opening is classic. Keywords made the dialogue a bit more interactive. Really nice spell list, and you're free to develop the party however you like. It's tightly crafted and fully realized.

>> No.3835282

it does have an underated soundtrack

>> No.3835504

1, the one with Cecil, and the one with Sabin.

>> No.3835507

So I guess that means I like 1, 4, 6. I also never played any others so I like all the ones I played, you could say.

>> No.3836317

I like almost all of them, even if I detest some of the things some of them do.

In my eyes, there isn't really a bad Final Fantasy game except XIII and its bastardized sequel.

But if I had to pick, it'd probably be 1

>> No.3836339
File: 4 KB, 256x224, ff1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing can replicate the lightning-in-a-bottle that was Final Fantasy 1987. It was the perfect mix of J and W RPG. After that, too much J.

Then again, I love Empire Strikes Back, but Star Wars is still my favorite. So take my opinion in kind.

>> No.3836626

You have ps1 era backwards

>> No.3837949
