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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 101 KB, 256x189, Mega_Man_X_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3833597 No.3833597 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Mega Man X the best Mega Man game and the best 16-bit platformer ever made?

>> No.3833709

I prefer Donkey Kong Country 2 but Mega Man X is good too

>> No.3833727

Always gonna prefer classic to X, but MMX is one sexy game. Couldn't get into the others.

>> No.3833730

just has that retro feel

>> No.3833880


It's pretty much perfect from a retro platformer standpoint. Many would claim Mega Man 2 to be much like that but that part at the end with the Alien boss throws that claim out to drown in my opinion.

Mega Man X on the other hand, every stage, every song, every character, every boss, every power up....all of it was just great. They never got it perfect again but you can't expect to catch lightning in a bottle twice.

>> No.3833887

it's great!

>> No.3833918

Best 16bit platformer is RKA. Best MM is MM&B.

>> No.3833934


>best MM

Hardly. Still surprised the game was as good as it was though. Was just a rush job to please SFC fans that were pissed over Mega Man 8 being on playstation and saturn.

Anyway, I disagree but can give you that its still great. Many unfairly dislike it because of the sprite size and how stupid the final fight is(which is made worse on the GBA version because of the screen size).

>> No.3835170
File: 402 KB, 920x1000, wrong, tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Risky Woods, Ghouls and Ghosts, Contra 3, Gunstar Heroes and Skyroads are orders of magnitude better.

>> No.3835180

Beakman is gay irl

>> No.3835259

X isn't even the best Megaman game, and everyone always glosses over its flaws.

>> No.3835361


I'd argue that they did a better job of capturing the retro feel in X2, but yes, they did it fairly well in X. I'd even put X4 ahead of the OG X, in part because the anime cutscenes are just oozing with the "watching Toonami after 8th grade lets out" feel, which I'm pretty sure was what they were going for.

>> No.3835408

Which is funny since MM&B is way better than MM8.

>> No.3835502

Quit making these threads you degenerate.

>> No.3835534

Just greatly designed