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3822467 No.3822467 [Reply] [Original]

Please recommend me some shmups with unlimited continues. I like to play this genre but it's just too much at this point, I can't sit down anymore and practice a single shmup for a week just so I can beat it. Not when there are so many good games out there.

>> No.3822548

Why not just pick the ones you like and give them unlimited continues?

>> No.3822571

I really hate to sound like an elitist cunt but most of the appeal to shmups is gone if you're going to just continue until the very end.

>> No.3822583


Stage 6 will make you rage hard regardless of unlimited continues though.

>> No.3822594

Shmups are all about 1CC (using only one credit to finish the game), you can use more credits to pratice, that's ok, but you can't say that you beated a shmup until a 1CC.

Credit feeding is too cheap, you don't learn anything about the game, tactics or anything, just dumping unlimited credits to see the staff roll (and probably a bad ending) is boring.

Protip: If you don't has time at hands to play this kind of game, then just go play something simpler like Super Mario or Kirby.

>> No.3822601

Go get an arcade emulator like MAME or GGPO. You can feed as many fake credits as you want to practice.

>> No.3822737

You sound like an elitist cunt.

>> No.3822817

Limited continues are extremely flawed in design.

1. Limited continues were made for arcade purposes. The idea behind them doesn't make any sense on home systems.
2. The reason why limited continues were used in home system ports was to artificially lengthen the game.

There is also a third reason which is mostly a modern reason.
3. It gives games the arcade feeling.

All those reason are shitty as fuck. Limited continues serve no purpose beyond that. If you think about it the system doesn't make any sense at all.

You will play the easiest levels the most.
You will play the hardest levels the fewest.
Explain to me how this is a reasonable game design decision?

Limited continues are extremely flawed. The best anyone can do to avoid this shitty system is to use save states. Play any level with save states, fuck redoing the entire level again just because you have trouble with the boss.

After you got the game down play it again Write down which parts still give you trouble. Train them with seperate save states. Now play the game again with a single continue. Voila, you are just as good as the autists that played "honestly" but wasted tons of time doing so.

>> No.3822821
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>> No.3822919

Limited continues was made for people who will get a game, continue to the end, and then return it saying it was too easy.
Most arcade games on defaults aren't too bad if you give the player five continues (in most cases, that's fifteen lives, plus a bunch of games power the player up to max on continue), so you can be pretty bad and still get a challenge that seems reasonable and surmountable vs "oh shit I don't think I'll ever beat stage 3"

with unlimited continues, you'll play everything once and nothing is hard since dying doesn't matter at all, getting hit doesn't really impede your progress
with limited continues, the player is still mindful of taking damage and will now actually play and learn the game

limited continues weren't made for arcade purposes -- arcade games don't limit your continues (because they want your money)
they are strictly a home concept

and it's not artificial lengthening -- it's making the game easier, since the game is generally designed to be beaten without continuing (case in point: your score disappears in a lot of games on continue)

what you're really looking for is a practice mode (there's only a few games I can think of off hand that do this, Shadow Dancer has one that's hidden)
savestate training is genuinely great and pretty much all the good western shmup players do it, if your issue with limited continues is that it impedes practicing harder bits of the game since you can't continue to that point and make a state, that's a little dumb but more reasonable

games that send you back to a checkpoint probably can get away with unlimited continues since you actually need to get past the part that's killing you

What's elitist about it? There's no point to the game if you credit feed -- a shmup will be "beaten" if you map a button that does fire, coin insert, and start, give it autofire, and tape it down until the credits roll.

>> No.3822938

>hate to sound like an elitist cunt
No. You love it and you know it.
The appeal of shmups is not having to play early levels over and over just to get to later levels to learn how to beat them. At least not for anyone who doesn't own a non free play arcade or isn't a colossal autist.

>> No.3822957

Pretty much all you're saying about continues is wrong. No one has the money to credit feed an arcade automate endlessly so the concept is inherently about limited continues.

Continues were absolutely a way for developers to lengthen a game. There are tons of interviews of oldschool game developers who admit to this. And obviously a shitton of it was inspired by arcades who were lightyears ahead of home systems back in the day. Also an arcade port will obviously orientate itself around the original.

Also there is nothing wrong with continues. Needing to restart a level without powerups is punishment enough. There is no need to give the player additional stress that he will need to replay the shitty easy early levels till he gets to this point of the game again to practice.

There is literally nothing good about continues. Nowadays they are 100% about the elitist attitude and nothing else. They serve no gameplay purpose. They are the worst form of making a game challenging since you don't work on the problem that challenges you. You just fuck around in the easiest content of the game to have a very limited time frame to try out the content that challenges you.

You play the easiest content the most.
You play the hardest content the fewest.

There is no other kind of game that has this kind of retarded design philosophy. You can't debunk this. It's inherently completely flawed.

>> No.3822958

Unlimited continues in shmups is fine as long as it has ridiculous checkpoints to piss-off the casuals.
Now infinite credits in a game with no checkpoints is a fucking dreadful experience

>> No.3822962

R-Type Dimensions, for both the XBOX360 and PS3, allow you to choose infinite mode for R-Type and R-Type II.

>> No.3822979

>yeah fuck playing video games, let's just use silly shit like save-states to beat it as fast as possible and never touch it again
Modern gaming mentality sickens me, you don't play games for fun but rather to finish it.

>> No.3822987

I play games for the challenge. Fuck outta here with your fetish for replaying easy content. Some people have jobs and want to spent the few minutes of freetime they have on quality content.

>> No.3823004

You know what game was perfectly designed around the concept of limited continues? Fantasy Zone. From the beginning to the end you needed to strategize when to spent money to make the game easier for a while.

It was almost a strategy game in that sense. You knew it was worth it to get good at the early levels so you could spend more money in the harder levels. So playing the early content well rewarded you with a more approachable endgame.

In fact, you don't have any continues at all in the game, only lives. If I remember correctly you also can't feed the machine for continues, continues simply don't exist at all.

>> No.3823005

>yeah fuck improving your skills in a hard 20 minute games, you have no life loser
>but a 100 hours RPG is totally fine because it's piss-easy and has saves everywhere so even a retard like me can beat it!
Again, modern gaming kids everyone.

>> No.3823009

You're one of those fags who love the fact that shmups didn't evolve a single bit in the last 20 years.

>> No.3823018

And you are one of those retards that know jackshit about arcade gaming yet feel confident enough to spout your shitty uneducated opinion.

>> No.3823034

Oh great, some elitist retard who pretends an extremely simple topic is actually deep and complex.

>> No.3823038

>calling him an elitist will make me less of a uneducated faggot
yeah sure thing mang

>> No.3823043

Yeah, you sure won't look retarded for baselessly pretending to be in a higher position with deeper knowledge.

>> No.3823050

Nerd fight!

>> No.3823060

>baselessly pretending to be in a higher position with deeper knowledge.
And this is coming from the retard who thinks a game is innherently better than other just because it's longer, kek.

>> No.3823098

What I hate about limited continues is it kinda forces you to play the game like speedrunning. You have to do the easy levels in the most efficient way in order to overcome the harder ones. It makes it much less overcoming challenge than memorizing patterns. Of course I'm sure some people actually like the concept of doing speedruns and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3823153

>What I hate about limited continues is it kinda forces you to play the game like speedrunning.
Eh, not really, you don't have to worry about playing fast, just not die which is the bare minimum challenge for most games out there.

>You have to do the easy levels in the most efficient way in order to overcome the harder ones
If you have to play the "easy levels" more efficiently then they aren't easy levels as you clearly need more practice to overcome them easily.

Memorization helps but it doesn't guarantee that you will have a good execution when playing the game.

>> No.3823163

>Shmups are all about 1CC (using only one credit to finish the game), you can use more credits to pratice, that's ok, but you can't say that you beated a shmup until a 1CC.
>LOl, no elitism

Yeah right, just enjoy the games.

>> No.3823173

The tension of being punished is the good thing about the system though, when you know that you can die countless times and just restart at the beginning of a level, you don't really feel intense, but knowing that if you mess up a run you will be sent back to the title screen, this kind of feeling can even make you play better, be in sync with the game, put more of you in it when the game demands and even surprise yourself in the process.

While I agree that this system doesn't works well for ALL the types of games (like, Super Metroid or Symphony of the Night would be unplayable like this) it DOES works well for Shmups, it's generally a short kind of game, with alternative shot types and stuff, it incentivates you to try different kinds of things even if you lose, not a massive progress is lost - but still it's just enough to make your heart race a bit during the hard parts. Punishment is the key word in all that.

At the end of the day, I think it's just ideologies clashing here, nothing is wrong, nothing is right, what you has as absolute truth is not the same for others and vice-versa.

>> No.3823276

Sounds like you should just watch games on youtube. That's the most efficient way of meeting your endings-seen quota.

>> No.3823281

>Eh, not really, you don't have to worry about playing fast, just not die which is the bare minimum challenge for most games out there.
Yeah, I didn't mean it to be the same, just the mindset that you need to do things perfectly and in extreme cases a restart is better than soldiering through. And like you said yourself it's all about the execution, which is the main point of speedrunning.

>> No.3823328
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Games requiring you to earn attempts at the harder parts provide a sense of tension because it means something is riding on your success. That tension is enjoyable to some people, but it's fallen out of popularity these days, outside of rythm games where you usually still can't practice arbitrary sections of songs.

Mastering--not just beating--the earlier portions of the game also, in many games, resulted in you having more resources (lives at the very least) with which to challenge the later portions of the game, so it's somewhat more complex than purely an entrance fee to the later portions. (This post >>3823098 asserts this as potentially a negative thing, but for people who enjoy mastery and memorizing it's a positive one. Probably the same people who enjoy rhythm games.)

As you said, ability to beat the game is a separate concept. If someone can sit down at a NES and beat a game under the normal rules, then they've beaten the game, regardless of how they practiced to get to that point. Whether using save states to bypass repeatedly playing earlier portions made that practice process more fun for them or not is something only they can know (though they may not know themselves).

>> No.3823332

You can't improve imperfection.

>> No.3823335

Well that was an embarrassing typo.
I will strangle myself with my ethernet cable.

>> No.3823337

You can put in as many credits as you want in MAME/FBA.

There are probably cheats you can use in emulators for other systems.

>> No.3823354

It depends on the game really, many arcade stuff don't require you to be an expert of the game to get a one credit clear, just a decent amount of time (~5-10h) to understand the basic mechanics and levels.

>> No.3823430

>muh autist
ah yes the trademark buzzword of anyone to lazy and pathetic to put effort into anything.

>There is no other kind of game that has this kind of retarded design philosophy.
oh you mean learning? learning a shmup isn't much different from learning a piece of music not that it matters when we all know you're just butthurt about being shit and need excuses to feel better about it.

>> No.3823439

>You're one of those fags who love the fact that shmups didn't evolve a single bit in the last 20 years.
Oh they did but if you're like a baby sat in front of algebra it all looks the same.

>> No.3823661

Top kek kid. I put in the effort and beat all the so called hard games decades ago. Only an autistic cunt cares how many continues were are used to beat a game. Certainly on games where you start the level over when you die or continue. I imagine OP simply has better things to do with his time than 1 CCing games to impress the internet. He may have even touched a gurl once. kek

>> No.3823662

They devolved into bullet hell trash.

>> No.3823663

You beat the second loop in Daioujou White Label?

>> No.3823667
File: 874 KB, 1024x768, Salamander_Brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salamander, Salamander 2

>> No.3823703

Vertical? Tyrian.
Sidescrolling? Not retro, but Jets'n'Guns

>> No.3823831

can we see ur 1cc videos?

>> No.3823858

I don't have any problem with games that use 1 CC. I think it's a way to make the players master the game. It was great for a child that needed that feeling of overcoming a great obstacule and eating away those long hours with nothing better to do. Nowdays unless you had played and mastered those games before it doesn't make sense to play these 1 CC.

Other shmups with limited continues are pretty okay if you like the game. You will need to memorize the levels and the boss fights but you can do it easily if just take your time with the game, playing it every now and then. They are better enjoyed in moderation, in my opinion.

They are perfect for those that have other shit to do, but it's has been replaced for more social gaming.

>> No.3823886

Stuff like R-Type/most Irem shooters, even Gradius to a degree (if you're playing to learn) do the whole checkpointy thing and there's so many spots you'll just continue endlessly til you get through a tough segment and can power up. Gradius if anything rewards staying alive as long as possible on one life - you can recover if you die, but there's spots where even that's tricky.

Extends are so easy in Gradius it's a lot more playable on one credit, but it took me a good while to be able to beat 3 SNES on the limited continues it gives, which is an entirely reasonable amount of credits.

>> No.3824106

R-Type? I think

>> No.3824161

you can like get a gamegenie/gameshark and load some cheats for unlimited lives

>> No.3825029

Not retro. 18+

>> No.3825034

if you can't bump a thread with meaningful discussion don't even post.

>> No.3825080 [DELETED] 

>I imagine OP simply has better things to do with his time than 1 CCing games to impress the internet.
Except most of the cucks that shit on arcade gaming are the same faggots that put countless hours in shit like RPGs, hypocritical faggot

>> No.3825087

>I imagine OP simply has better things to do with his time than 1 CCing games to impress the internet.
Except most of the cucks that shit on arcade gaming are the same faggots that put countless hours in shit like RPGs or complain when a game is less than 10 hours long, hypocritical faggot

>> No.3825228

repeating the same two stanzas like some kind of mantra isn't really helping your point

>There is no need to give the player additional stress that he will need to replay the shitty easy early levels till he gets to this point of the game again to practice.
if the early levels are shitty, you need to pick a game that doesn't suck

>> No.3825271

That no one adressed the point but only talked down on it like you little faggot are doing right now shows plenty that you can't find any legit argument against it.

Everything said positively about repeating early levels was subjective, like that it helps focusing on the game and shit like that.
Where is the hypocrisy, retard? There is a clear difference whether you play consistent new content for 10 hours or repeat the same content for 10 hours.

Like I said already. You can play effeciently with save states and still attain the same skills in a much shorter time. I tried it myself with the battletoads games. It was fun and challenging to train the games but never once was it frustrating since I never needed to redo content. To this very day I can 1CC the game but I need to replay it at least every few months to keep the skill.

>> No.3825308


This guy is right. Shmups are probably the genre that give me the most intense enjoyment and I play all sorts of things. But that fun comes from getting better and finally reaching my goal after trying for a while (usually by a narrow margin).

Shmups can be great fun, but you need to invest time and some dedication to them, trying to breeze through on easy mode defeats the purpose. It's about the enjoyment you get from conquering a challenge.

My advice is not to play multiple games sloppily, but find one you really like and take time to beat it legitly. You'll know what I mean when you make it.

>> No.3825393

Should games have had a practice mode so you can experience the harder portions so you can prepare for them in a whole run? Absolutely. I'm completely on board here.
shit, I'm still bothered that there are modern rhythm games that don't let you practice portions of a song

The problem is that unlimited continues pretty much ensure that most players won't even bother actually playing the game in the case of most arcade ports (where you respawn at the same spot on death/continue). It's literally unlimited lives in this case.
In games where you start the whole stage over or go back to a checkpoint when you die, unlimited continues are less defensible, but there's still a difference between doing something right once after trying several times and finally getting it vs doing a long set of things right in a row. It's like the difference between hitting with a single special move vs a big combo in a fighting game.

Is playing the easy stuff boring? It can be.
Is getting to the hard bit frustrating when you don't know what's next? Absolutely.
But it's not a brain-dead system to limit continues for arcade style games, primarily those that respawn in place.

>Needing to restart a level without powerups is punishment enough.
but there's the rub -- most games that offer unlimited continues at home don't do that
Most beat-em-ups don't. Shit, I can't think of any beat-em-up that uses checkpoints.
Most shoot-em-ups from the early 90s onward don't.
I can't think of a run-and-gun that does off hand, but I think there are some.
etc, etc

I could mention stuff about how there being a penalty for failure (being sent back to the start instead of just continuing until you get it right) can be exciting and enhance the game, but you clearly don't give a shit about that.
really, as far as I can tell, your best argument against limited continues is that it makes savestate practice annoying since you can't get a save of late game easily

>> No.3825407

The only genre that is a problem are shmups to be honest. In most other games I'm never bothered by limited continues. Run and gun games are the most similar ones but even they are so much fairer and manageable that it doesn't bother me at all. Games with lifebars are no problem at all.

You mention rhythm games and those are pretty close too but in basically every game you start the track and if you fail your perfect attempt you have an easy retry option or you can just fail and retry.

If rhythm games were like shumps you would lose all your progress if you failed a song and needed to redo every track from the beginning just so you could try again. But if shmups were like rhythm games you could do every stage seperately and would be judged accordingly to each performance. A system Jamestown used and I liked. That way difficutly settings make more sense too and you could challenge yourself with your favorite maps.

>> No.3825415

>There is a clear difference whether you play consistent new content for 10 hours or repeat the same content for 10 hours.
And again with the retarded shit like "muh content, muh length", if someone plays a short game over and over it's simply because it's fun to play, has engaging gameplay and offer a good challenge that you can overcome the more you keep playing. Meanwhile long games often recur to cutscenes, unfocused gameplay, grinding, roaming empty areas to the point that your only goal is fucking finish it and never touch it again. You play the first for fun and it's always pleasurable to replay it, you play the second just to see the ending and never touch it again.

>> No.3825432

>putting arcade games on a pedestal
Get over yourself. For every arcade game there are 50 similar ones. Fun and challenge comes with tons of other games, those aspects are not unique to arcade games. Not to mention that the challenge is not honest to begin with since there is the aspect of limited continues.

The games you replay over and over are called favorites. again something not unique to arcade games. Everyone has some favorite games he replays every once in a while.

You seem to be autistic with a very short attention span if you can only find those values in arcade games.

>> No.3825459

>Fun and challenge comes with tons of other games
Never said the oppossite you dumbass.

>Not to mention that the challenge is not honest to begin with since there is the aspect of limited continues.
Oh so it's only honest when a retarded baby like you beat the game with 0 effort and playing like shit on your first try? get a load of this faggot.

>The games you replay over and over are called favorites
Regardless if it's your favorite or not, an arcade game is intrinsecally more replayable than a long story-focused game, the appeal of the first is the direct non-stop gameplay where you can always improve yourself, in the second most of the appeal is in the plot/cutscenes, if you already know all the story it's much more redundant to replay.

>You seem to be autistic with a very short attention span
And this is coming from the retard who will stop playing after the slightest failure at it kek, talk about ADHD

>> No.3825471

There are more games than just arcade games and story driven ones, you massive retard.
So every game that doesn't offer limited continues is dishonest and baby difficulty now? Way to prove that your bunch is just full of elitist retards after all and that you play games to prove something to the world instead for enjoyment.

You fucking disgust me so much. Everyone who shows elitism for a casual hobby should be gassed on the spot.

>> No.3825487 [DELETED] 

>So every game that doesn't offer limited continues is dishonest and baby difficulty now?
If the game has checkpoints it's acceptable, if not it's fucking garbage. However you are a fucking retard if you think any game with limited credits is badly designed and unfair to the player.

>Way to prove that your bunch is just full of elitist retards after all and that you play games to prove something to the world instead for enjoyment.
Cool projections nigger, I play games for fun, I have fun when I play the games skillfully as many arcade developers intended, sorry if your retarded brain can't understand such a simple concept.

>hurr durr elitism!
No, you are shitting on arcade games just because they are short and require practice to beat them, I'm simply stating that replaying challenging games is a legit way to have fun so fucking kys.

>> No.3825494

>There are more games than just arcade games and story driven ones
Again, never said the opposite dumbass, if you want to prove me wrong then give me some actual examples.

>So every game that doesn't offer limited continues is dishonest and baby difficulty now?
If the game has checkpoints it's acceptable, if not it's fucking garbage. However you are a fucking retard if you think any game with limited credits is badly designed and unfair to the player.

>Way to prove that your bunch is just full of elitist retards after all and that you play games to prove something to the world instead for enjoyment.
Cool projections nigger, I play games for fun, I have fun when I play the games skillfully as many arcade developers intended, sorry if your retarded brain can't understand such a simple concept.

>hurr durr elitism!
No, you are shitting on arcade games just because they are short and require practice to beat them, I'm simply stating that replaying challenging games and getting better at them is a legit way to have fun so fucking kys.

>> No.3825502

What the fuck are you arguing even anymore? You don't offer a single argument for limited continues but instead just went on a crusade against all games and pretending I'm against arcade games instead of the concept of limited continues. Your thoughts are all over the place, you may be brain damaged. Grasping at straws just to argue against me.
> if you want to prove me wrong then give me some actual examples
What fucking examples? You're legit clinically retarded. Do you know the percentage of arcade games and every other game? Do you know the genre variety of non arcade games compared to the few genres arcade games do cover?

What The Fuck Are You Arguing?

Fucking think about it and organize your thoughts and then you can talk to me again.

>> No.3825531

>and pretending I'm against arcade games instead of the concept of limited continues.
Except you are as proved in your earlier posts you cynical piece of shit.

>but instead just went on a crusade against all games
Wrong, I just refuted your dumb as fuck statement that longer games are better because they have "more content". I used story-focused games as an example of long games with little gameplay/replay value compared to arcade-style games, so far you haven't given a single counter-example to that, just basic level ad hominem.

But that's to be expected, I'm talking to a retard who will get frustrated at the first real game over anyway

>> No.3825552

Holy shit, now you're starting with the ad hominem bullshit. Are you even fucking self aware? Of fucking course the argument derived into ad hominem long ago for both of us. There isn't even a point of argument anymore. Just accusations that grew out of assumptions that grew out of purposely negatively misinterpreted implications.

Tell you what, I think limited continues can work out as a game element. But the reality is that a shitton of arcade games didn't properly design around this element. It's just there because it must be there.

>> No.3825572

>But the reality is that a shitton of arcade games didn't properly design around this element
Why not, most games are designed to be cleared with one credit if you played it enough, failure and learning is an innherent part of them and not a design flaw.

>> No.3825601

If it adds to the strategy and adds a managing aspect to the game like in Fantasy Zone I can appreciate it. If it's just there so you will get fucked to pay the cabinet jew I hate it.

Shmups are just often the worst offender of this and very generic. But the genre is extremely stagnant anyway. No other genre offers so little creativity and originality.

>> No.3825619

>If it adds to the strategy
There is always strategy involved when playing them lol, have you even played them?

>and adds a managing aspect
Items management doesn't automatically makes a game more or less balanced.

> If it's just there so you will get fucked to pay the cabinet jew I hate it.
Then try getting good enough so you don't have to use more than credit anymore, that's what most people did you know.

>> No.3825621

more than 1 credit*

>> No.3825623

Have you thought about not using continues?

>> No.3825634

Some devs did far more with it than others. I have nothing more to say to you if you deny this.

>> No.3825647

>You will play the easiest levels the most.
that's not bad if there is a way to improve your score/find some extra resources on early levels, which is often the case even with shmups. not to mention that you'll eventually be speedrunning through them which feels good.
>You will play the hardest levels the fewest.
usually the amount of continues you get(let's say 5) is enough to get bored of the level that gives you trouble and do something else, so even if you'd have unlimited continues you'd still have to start all over or leave your console on.
>Now play the game again with a single continue. Voila, you are just as good as the autists that played "honestly" but wasted tons of time doing so.
have you ever done it in a legit hard game? it doesn't work like that, usually it takes a shitton of runs to beat the game even if you already did it with states, especially if you don't study how everything works with states and just move on to the next level after getting lucky. i'm all for states/level choice, but it's really not THAT much worse without them, at least if it's a good game, you'll enjoy early levels anyway(not to mention that they serve as a warm-up before hard stuff).

>> No.3825653

I have done it with battletoads. It worked beautifully since the first two levels are easy as fuck but the bike level is bullshit levels of difficulty where you will die tons of times to learn the pattern. It's pretty much a level where it's impossible to play on reactions alone. And that goes for pretty much the entire game.

>> No.3825661

>speedrunning through them which feels good
>enough to get bored of the level that gives you trouble and do something else
>usually it takes a shitton of runs to beat the game even if you already did it with states

this is starting to feel like arguing against people who think earthbound is a masterpiece

>> No.3825679

that post i was replying to was also entirely subjective, play it how you like, but don't think that people who don't use states can't enjoy it as much as you. for me using states just feels wrong, i do use them quite often as a tool, but doing full runs feels a lot more like a proper and a fun way to play, so i'll often do runs even before i figured everything out (with states or other tools) and therefore have no chance of winning, it's just fun if you won't win.

>> No.3825680

>it's just fun if you won't win.
even if you won't win

>> No.3825686

You can do all that even if the game offered unlimited continues. You guys are just autistic as fuck.

>> No.3825713

I agree, honestly. Whenever I'd start credit feeding in a game, I would inevitably just switch to a brute force mentality. I'd try to tell myself to try to play honestly anyway, yet it was a tough sell when I knew I could just keep going through everything, at which point it became more work than play (i.e. there was no challenge and thus no intrigue, but I felt obligated to finish it). But I dunno, maybe that's just me.

>> No.3825719

>You guys are just autistic as fuck.
hitting against a wall for hours until you finally beat it with unlimited continues(or states if you save at the start of the level/boss and not exploit it like a bitch) seems more autistic to me, if i play for 1 credit i'll be done in 5 minutes, just so i can try later that day and last 7 minutes and then 10 etc. i dislike games that take more than 40 minutes to beat, which is probably why i dislike unlimited continues, shit will drag on for hours and i'll get bored as fuck.

>> No.3825721

So far the best post in this thread.

>> No.3825725

>i dislike games that take more than 40 minutes to beat
Cool, you hate 95% of video games. May as well join /v/ in their quest to hate every game to oblivion.

>> No.3825742

If some autists hate games with limited continues I wonder what they think about games with no continues...

>> No.3825746

>Cool, you hate 95% of video games
most arcade and arcade-like games fall into 35-55 minute range. and liking Y doesn't mean i hate X and never play it.

>> No.3825821

Your fun is wrong," half of everyone in this thread.

Jesus christ people, people can enjoy things however they want. Unlimited continues just to site-see a Shmup is totally fine.

>> No.3825835

OP doesn't sound like he really wants to play, he just wants to brute force the game.

Shit, I love shmups and I suck at them but I stop play after continuing because I know that's not the idea. I'm not really earning my ending, it's more a test of patience to see how many times you can lose before adding more credits.

The sense of fun and challenge is gone because "meh, time to add another credit"

I'm against having no continues at all but limited continues are fine and it's better if you earn them say by points. 3 continues and no more is fine by me.

>> No.3826024

Agreed. Fuck of back to /v/ with your not retro underage shit.

Not wanting to repeat the same shit over and over needlessly isn't shitting on something champ. Sounds like you might be a delusional autist. Good news is you'll get on great with all the other spergs ITT.

>> No.3826063 [DELETED] 

Do you even play these games you stupid fuck? You can always optimize the earlier levels to play them better and make a better run, the point isn't just beat the game but always chase for a new challenge, like improving your score, using a different character, not dying etc.This is a concept many of you faggots still can't understand because you are so obssesed in beating the game instead of enjoying the process and actually learn to play the fucking game.

>> No.3826065

>>3826024 #
Do you even play these games you stupid fuck? You can always optimize the earlier levels to play them better and make a better run, the point isn't just beat the game but always chase for a new challenge, like improving your score, using a different character, clearing more loops, not dying etc.This is a concept many of you faggots still can't understand because you are so obssesed in beating the game instead of enjoying the process and actually learn to play the fucking game.

>> No.3827354
File: 75 KB, 478x477, 149656-Choujikuu_Yousai_Macross_2036_(NTSC-J)-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmups with unlimited continues
Choujikuu Yousai Macross 2036

>> No.3827362

I do play non-retro games
I don't discuss them here
I do tell underage who do to fuck off back to /v/

>> No.3827850

so, the only vr game you don't suck in is battletoads? i think you are the one who should fuck off.

>> No.3828323

18+ and games before 2k sport. Don't care if you don't like the rules.

>> No.3830234

so what vr games are you good at?

>> No.3831142

Go Go Godzilla!

>> No.3831151

Gradius 3
Battle Garegga
R-Type Leo
EsP galuda

just use coins.. you have unlimited continues

>> No.3831162

also for the record.. you can 1cc a game on your own decision like you can speedrun a game you really like on your own decision. shmups are not for elitists and etc, old games played in the arcade are naturally hard and require you to memorize, and have good reflexes. they are designed this way

using savestates is fine , if you are practicing to try and 1cc a shmup, but if you wanna beat it and never play it again whatever.. your choice dude. its a pretty lame way to finish the game and there's no reward or sense of success if you do that imo.

>> No.3832226

All of them. As I said, I beat all the so called hard games as they came out. I used to be able to play the first level of R-Type blindfolded. Because I played that level countless thousands of times and the entire game is simply memorizing a series of inputs. The same applies to the majority of old games. In games where something truly random happens you might have to break down that one series of moves into several sets and hide in a safe spot and take cheap shots to beat a boss or something.
Games were designed for button mashing ADHD sperglords to pump quarters into machines. A rational intelligence person with a little patience can easily master any. I guess it's obvious which of those two you are. kek

>> No.3832252

> you can 1cc a game on your own decision like you can speedrun a game you really like on your own decision.
The reward in arcade games for clearing with one credit is higher however, you keep your score, you have secret endings, secret bosses, bonuses etc. Meanwhile speedrunning feels more self-impossed since most games didn't care about you playing fast or not.

>Because I played that level countless thousands of times
>Games were designed for button mashing ADHD sperglords to pump quarters into machines.
Yeah it shows so.

>> No.3832262

None, he is just a sperglord stop asking.