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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 787 KB, 1920x1338, sonic-3-knux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3818720 No.3818720 [Reply] [Original]

I only have enough money to buy one, what should it be; Sonic 3, or Sonic & Knuckles? What game is better?

>> No.3818723

Just get Sonic 2.

>> No.3818725

Sonic CD

>> No.3818738

knuckles has better zones
but 3 has a save feature

idk man

>> No.3818740

Save your money and get both.

>> No.3818747

Sonic the Hedgehog.

>> No.3818768

$14, you're welcome.

>> No.3818839

Sonic 3, I guess, but you really should have both.

>> No.3818853

My opinion might be weird, but S&K.

I feel the zones in it are just superior. Sonic 3 has annoying first level with tons of cutscenes, and many sequences where you have barely any control over character later. I still like lvl 2 for example, but the rest—nah.

S&K had amazing 2 first levels at least. It's a little more annoying after it, but after you memorize it it's OK.

>> No.3818862

They are literally two halves of one game, get Sonic 3 first, and Sonic and Knuckles later.

If you pick up Sonic 3 first, and insert Sonic and Knuckles later, your save file will carry pver and you should be able to continue from Mushroom Hill Zone with all your emeralds.

You can't save at all with Sonic and Knuckles solo.

>> No.3818863

Sonic 3D Blast

>> No.3818878

>Linking to an expired bundle
>Paying for ROMs
>Using Sega's shitty emulator
>Emulating in the first place
Quadruple retard.

>> No.3818884

This is the correct answer and the only good Sonic game.

>sequences where you have barely any control over character
You just described every Sonic game after 1, with the possible exception of CD.

>> No.3818953

Fpbp, once again.

>> No.3818965

3 was probably the worst of the big 5

SNK is way better

>> No.3818969

No one really has this opinion do they?

The best thing about it is the music, but you can just play that on youtube

>> No.3818973

I want to experience the game how gen X experienced it, with a CRT TV and the full original copy.

>> No.3818986

You would also need to purchase a time machine and their impressionable young minds (so a brain extractor, containment tanks and necessary BCI electrodes to hook yourself up as well)

>> No.3819013


here you go kiddo

>> No.3819016

Just buy Sonic 3 first, then get S&K if you liked it and want more. /vr/ likes to pretend they're two radically different games for some reason but they were developed as one from the outset, then split into two when they got hit with delays and/or decided they could sell one game as two instead.

>> No.3819031

This implies that the first half of a thing cannnot be worse than the second half of that same thing, like with a movie. It absolutely can, and in this case, is.

>> No.3819139

well op I remember I got Sonic & Knuckles first in 1994 and I enjoyed the shit out of it playing as knuckles. I didnt get Sonic 3 until later and I realized how shit it was compared to S&K.

>> No.3819150

just use an emulator, retard

>> No.3819154 [DELETED] 

>P A Y I N G
>F O R

durrrr, retard

>> No.3819272

>big 5
No love for Knuckles Chaotix?

>> No.3819282

Emulators have a lot of problems. One, you are not getting the game experience how the artists intended. The game was designed for a CRT TV, and the soundtrack was designed through those speakers. Being seated and playing from a controller to the TV, etc... Rom.emulation destroys the purity of retro gaming.

>> No.3819285

Golly gee, that's autistic.

>> No.3819289

>genesis emulation is near perfect
>artists intended
>meme tv
>tv speakers
>you can use usb controllers

>> No.3819291


>> No.3819293

>Near perfect

Why would you settle for near perfect when you can easily have perfect, assuming you're not a poorfag?

If you are or just don't care enough though, I see the value in emulation. I emulate Mario 64 because I don't give enough of a shit about the n64 to buy one.

>> No.3819308
File: 106 KB, 1118x876, naturalistic fallacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


source on Sonic Team's intentions for how the game should be played?

source on the relevance of output technology on Sonic 3's design process?

source on the composer using a consumer tv set instead of studio equipment?

source that genesis is the only way to play sonic 3 sitting down with a controller?

>> No.3819320
File: 67 KB, 500x322, tumblr_oc2lnb03oi1ulp8mfo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3819335
File: 71 KB, 540x347, sega digitizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, just as the artists intended, sitting at a desk on a PC

>> No.3819339
File: 70 KB, 248x252, Nothing Wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people still care about Sonic games?

Wow a game about "going fast" where the camera is perpendicular to the direction of movement. Easily the worst design in videogame history.

If it wasn't because Sega made Sonic their mascot and idiotic fanbois hyped it to the moon the game would be nothing more than another Bubsy.

At least the 3D games make some sense design-wise. Still mediocre games.

>> No.3819343
File: 125 KB, 512x441, 1476400662332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3819349

>muh authenticity
>muh artist's experience
>muh epic nostalgia
You have convinced me to pay hard earned money for ROMs in pieces of plastic.I tip my fedora to you sir.

>> No.3819351

>"going fast"
This is a new thing you retard. Sonic wasn't intended to just be about "going fast" in Japan and that phrase is from Sonic Boom which came out 20 years later. Fucking underage coons, man.

>> No.3819353

You wouldn't want to hurt the artist's feelings anon.

They've said in countless interviews how they intended their games to be played and how important it is to them and the artwork.

>> No.3819360

Yeah the sega ads about blast processing and the fucking character literally running in every representation possible doesn't have anything to do about the idea of going fast

my condolences on the mental handicap retard

>> No.3819390

It's okay Anon, I couldn't get past Marble Zone when I was a kid either. You'll get it one day.

>> No.3819491


Stay away from sonic 2 and get sonic 3. Much better, more polished game. Personally i like sonic 3 better than s&k. The levels are nicer, music is nicer. S&k has a better end boss though.

>> No.3819505

ma man

>> No.3819507

Sonic 3. It's pretty fun on its own. S&K is a must at some point.

>> No.3819508

There's a big difference between "going fast" and being a speedy platformer. This is something that got sacrificed from S1, though it kinda shows up in S3 some I guess. Spin dash is still the worst thing ever though.

In general, classic Sonic has big problems. I know shitty review sites made that into a meme now, but it's actually true. Spin dash/over-emphasis on speed for speed's sake, each act is repetitive itself and then each zone has multiple acts that are almost the same thing, (though S3 tries to change this sometimes), ring system AND lives AND continues trivializes difficulty to a degree that not even Mario games can touch, the vast majority of bosses are basically worthless (seriously, fuck the spin dash), and so on.

As you can see, S3 is pretty good stuff, though.

>> No.3819656

y not?

Why do people care about mario games. Mario is literally a fat italian plumber. I never understood the appeal

>> No.3819681
File: 10 KB, 350x261, 146868937738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not downloading Sonic 3 Complete
>not changing some shit of the soundtrack as you want
>not abusing the ability of turning off/on Super/Hyper forms whenever you want through the acts

>> No.3819810

Might aswell just play romhacks

>> No.3819857

Sonic 2 is better than both.
Sonic & Knuckles is better than Sonic 3.

Sonic 3 only Icecap going for it, and maybe the save function.

>> No.3819861

And Hydrocity Zone. Carnival Night is good too.

>> No.3819916

They're only like 10 dollars max each just buy both or invest in a flashcart

>> No.3820007

Gen X were in their 20s and probably weren't interested in kids games.

>> No.3820080
File: 188 KB, 799x577, Early_Green_Hill_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude. You must be 20 or something. Back in 91 there was nothing like it. Not even in the arcade.
Not even close. Maybe sonic is not breathtaking or anything special anymore but back then it was the most jaw dropping m68k game.

>> No.3820095

>Why do people still care about Sonic games?

Because they are fun?

I know, fun is a retarded buzzword, but give it a try sometimes, it might just not feel awful.

>> No.3820103

They're fun. Well, 2 and 3&K are anyways. 1 can be a bit frustrating.

>> No.3820565

You are supposed to play the game how the artist intended.

I only buy Sega games that are complete with their original box and manual.

>> No.3820581

>1 can be a bit frustrating.
>I don't like it if I have to do anything but hold right to win.

>> No.3820584

>hold right to win

Never got past metropolis did you?

>> No.3820585

It's only Labyrinth Zone that kills it for me, but hey, not every zone can be a winner.
Sandopolis Zone from S&K kinda sucked too.
I also really hate the enemies in Sonic 2's Metropolis Zone.

>> No.3820587

Am I the only person alive who liked Sandopolis?

>> No.3820589

I don't like having to wait for boxes to slowly move into the right position before I'm allowed to continue. Green Hill and Starlight Zone do a perfect mix of speed and puzzle platforming but the rest of the game drops the ball on it.

>> No.3820594

Act 1 is alright, Act 2 is boring and messy.

>> No.3820608

+ the music. I loved the music in that.

>> No.3820658

S&K is the better half, but buy 3 first anyway. If you start a save in S3, you can then finish the whole game when you finally get S&K.
They're both pretty good.

I'll bite.

It's got good graphics, catchy music, and the stages are large and intricate. The sprites are somewhat big and bold, and that was a major selling point back in the day. Sonic controls pretty well, with the only control issue being that jumping out of a roll locks the controls until you land in all of them but CD (it's deliberate, but serves only to annoy the hell out of people). Visibility isn't as severe a concern in Sonic -- the stages are laid out that in the cases where you're going balls-out fast, there's very little in the way, and the ring system is designed to keep players from dying just because they decided to try going faster in an area without knowing what was ahead.

Chaotix has amazing graphics and sound but really lazy, slapdash stage design and all of the acts just blend together into one big mess.
In fact, every character can climb walls/ascend vertically somehow to mitigate the fact that none of the stages are actually finished.

that's something I can't say about any other Sonic game since each act is distinct and memorable in the rest
in Chaotix, all five acts of each stage are pretty much the same shit (most obvious in Techno Tower and Amazing Arena, Speed Slider is probably the best of them)

It's a real shame, the game clearly had a lot of love put into it, but the rubberband is a somewhat poor concept (they didn't really think it through, needing the call button is the easiest example of that, and then it broke loops from working so they took them out) and then it was rushed out the door like every other 32X game.

that's a poor example -- Metropolis is an awful stage, and not because it's 3 acts long (the enemy placement is really obnoxious)
but S2 would stop you from holding right to win earlier than that, probably in Mystic Cave

>> No.3821339

Says who?

Which artists are you referring to and where do we find their intentions?

>> No.3822193

Sonic CD

>> No.3822765

>selling half a game for full price and the other half later also for full price
how did sega get away with it? that shit wouldn't fly in today's world.

>> No.3822771

>Paying for ROMs
You don't know much about anything, do you?
You're paying for ROMs even when you buy physical carts.