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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 62 KB, 480x459, RPG Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3818168 No.3818168 [Reply] [Original]

I just picked this up for $6 at work, but I won't be home for a few more hours. I had never heard of it, but I picked it up because it looked cool.
Is it any good?

>> No.3818170

I always love the SNES/PS1/PS2 graphics of the RPG Maker games - it's a shame they don't allow for easy distribution

>> No.3818185

This. You would need a DexDrive or similar - maybe a softmodded PS2(?) to copy pre-made RPGs onto a PS1 memory card. The PC versions have far more user content available and are also easier to develop for.

The most popular version is RPG Maker 2000 so technically not /vr/ which also saves us from the slippery slope of "are all RPGs made with RPGM2000 retro?"

>> No.3818201

Wait, so I'll be able to play it on my PS1 but I won't be able to copy my RPGs onto a memory card? Do they take up too much space or something?

>> No.3818207

It's a cool novelty but that's it.
You'll get some fun out of it by messing with it for a few hours, but I doubt you'll make any serious projects due to the limitations of no custom resources and lack of mouse and keyboard.

>> No.3818209

I'm talking about if you want to play games other people online have created, or want to share games you've created. There's not much point in creating RPGs for yourself then being the only one who ever plays them right?

>> No.3818215
File: 88 KB, 595x613, tsukuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's a western release cover illustrator misinterprets briefing episode

>> No.3818218

>implying it's a misinterpretation and not purposely making it edgier for murikan audiences.

>> No.3818221

Can you draw your own characters or make your own music?

>> No.3818223

You know if he just took out the DM no one would be the wiser.

>> No.3818228

Western cover is better tbqh - using a dragons fire for inspiration for your story is badass

>> No.3818260

These old RPG Maker games have really cool musics and enemy sprites, I bet it could be pretty cool in the 90's, making a entire game and lending your memory card to friends to play...

But nowadays there's really no point, the PC versions are much more fast for everything, including online distribution and reaching more people.

btw I'm making a Shin Megami Tensei inspired game in VX Ace.

>> No.3818278
File: 113 KB, 600x572, fighter-maker-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Fighter Maker

>> No.3818302

>But nowadays there's really no point
>The PC versions have far more user content available and are also easier to develop for

So... don't buy it don't waste your time.........?

>> No.3818315

There's a few finished games to download here
But according to the site you must use a Dex Drive to transfer them, what I said earlier about using a PS2 won't work.

>> No.3818334

if they're in a dexdrive format then you can get the data out into a plain format. You should be able to then put that on a USB drive and then use ulaunch on PS2 to move the files to a ps1 card.

>> No.3818350

That was what I was thinking but they say on the website that corrupts it. I do have a modded PS2, a Dexdrive and a retro PC but I dunno if I want to put the time and effort into finding out for myself.

>> No.3818417

The helper lady on the anime maker is my waifu. Can't find a picture of her though.

>> No.3818424

Well, if you're still willing to taste some RPG Maker experience, try using Rpg Maker Vx Ace or Rpg Maker 2003, same principle, but different outer shell and conveniences.

>> No.3818535

best fighting game ever made

>> No.3818954

It's the original indie shit enabler. You own a piece of vidya history there lad. Sort of like owning a lighter from Auschwitz.

Or, you know, as PS1 with two memory cards.

I don't think that's what they say and people who use RPG Maker aren't exactly wizards. I didn't see anything to indicate they've tried ulaunch. I'm guessing the devices they are using have problems with linked slots or something retarded like that. They list out a few they use, none of which is the official Sony device so ,yeah, I think there just might be options they haven't explored.

Ace was on sale for something like $5 on steam a while back. Best to wait for the next sale unless you like pissing money away on something you're just going to fuck around with a little.

>> No.3820684

I made an rpg about dicks once with this. Sucks that it requires a full psx memory card.

>> No.3820858
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, Fighter Maker (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you draw your own characters
Yes, using something called "Anime Maker".

>make your own music?
I can't remember.

This shit here features a deep, EXTREMELY DEEP moveset editing mode, but you can't change how the characters look or create a new character altogether.

I never saw a good game made with this, maybe because animating is hard and not for amateurs. So we get things like this >>3818535

Thge game is also fucking ugly and the only good character design is fucking Skullomania, a Capcom character licensed for this crap.

>> No.3820865

no custom music in the ps1 version

>> No.3820875

>I had never heard of it

Not even mad just kinda impressed you never heard of it despite the gorllion games made from RPG Maker that are pretty popular.

>> No.3820876

That used to be very expensive once upon a time. I think I remember seeing it for like $80 in the early 2000s. Don't know if that means it's value is tanking or if you got a good deal. Probably cool to have as a curiosity since the PC versions are better in every conceivable way

>> No.3820881

nostalgia bomb. I think it has a preloaded game made within the engine included? it's something about elfs and it's pretty hilarious. it's great for shits and giggles because you can make a lot of potty humor dialogue but the graphics are really terrible.

>> No.3820883

wrong rpg maker, moran

>> No.3820886

The console versions aren't part of that same franchise? I know the games weren't made from the PS1 version but I always assumed it was still part of the same series.

>> No.3820894

Yeah, the cards are small and the files are relatively big. I've seen games that take up 10 cards. And the load times. Fuck me. It's worse than playing neo geo games off floppies on a MGD.
At least with game basic on the saturn you could put all your shit on a floppy or CD. It comes with demos where the code alone is larger than 2 PS1 memory carts.

>> No.3821002

Has anyone tried the Super Famicom or PS2 RPG Makers? Are they any good?

>> No.3821007

they're all the same franchise but i thinks its bounced around a few companies.

>> No.3821031

The SNES are cool but probably more limited than the ps1 version. RPGツクール has been on almost every system including the gameboy. In fact there is a Strategy RPG Maker for ps1 as well that lets you make a FFT style game.
I like the music better in the SNES RPG Maker

>> No.3822898

>rpg maker 95 doesnt run on my modern pc

>> No.3822917

>This shit here features a deep, EXTREMELY DEEP moveset editing mode, but you can't change how the characters look or create a new character altogether.
The biggest problem is that the game doesn't support the use of a mouse and the menus are extremely tedious to navigate and change things around using only a controller, if they had done something as simple as include mouse support the amount of time spend editing moves would be cut down by so much it's ridiculous

>> No.3823056

You guys should check out Intelligentsia. They did the soundtrack for Fighter Maker and "ZONDERLAND" an arranged album of RPG Maker music.

Didnt even know there was a "shmup" Maker. I do know about Dezaemon but that is a different series and topic.


No mouse support for Fighter Maker 2 as well. I wish I had a PS1 mouse it would make RPG maker so much more enjoyable. Oh well its better to play it on emulator any ways.

>> No.3823057


>> No.3823068

here is there YT

>> No.3823316

This is pretty much my same experience with the game.

>> No.3823650

Really good.

>> No.3824387

the cover looks like doom

>> No.3826307

I want to see that

>> No.3826313

>You own a piece of vidya history there lad. Sort of like owning a lighter from Auschwitz.

how is it like this at all?

>> No.3827307

The whole ost sounds pretty good

>> No.3827420

Maybe a bad comparison. RPG maker indie shit is a far worse atrocity.

>> No.3827479

The ost really is the best thing about that game. FM2 on ps2 also has a great ost. FM2 lets you customize your characters as well but no mouse support doh.

>> No.3828265
File: 163 KB, 400x1744, 1393455503425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's worse than playing neo geo games off floppies on a MGD.

>> No.3829940

well I got rpg maker 95 running with this update and template files.
rpg maker for ps1 is great but suffers from not being able to share your game.

>> No.3829976

good thing i have a dexdrive.

>> No.3830014

This guy goes through the trouble of reviewing a bunch so you have an idea of what to play.

>> No.3830353

Only 6 bucks?

>> No.3831372
