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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 104 KB, 636x478, 1_vgc_original_3_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3810829 No.3810829 [Reply] [Original]

>>ywn have a massive video game collection filled with thousands of titles from all generations and hundreds of consoles at your fingertips to play whenever you feel like it.

Why even live?

>> No.3810839

75% of games ever produced are absolute garbage

>> No.3810846

this and that seems like hell honestly. Like, I collect games, but I only get the ones I'll actually play / get cheap. Having all these options and nothing to want or work towards.

>> No.3810862

>implying i would honestly want that outside of scalping the collection

Just buy consoles and flashcart/mod them. It's the same experience with more convenience.

>> No.3810881

most those games are shit people dont even bother to emulate

there is 20 or less retro consoles worth owning


The rest is collector stuff that never gets played.

>> No.3810906
File: 223 KB, 1240x1156, keyball controller v2 406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why even live?
To one day, hopefully, make something as awesome as this.

>> No.3810957

Having a collection that large would be an immense burden in more ways than one. Also, roms.

>> No.3811046
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I never got the point of this. Like >1% of that collection is anything worth playing. The rest is just shovel-ware or crap tie-ins.

A dozen games for a console can be incredibly solid collection. Going for quantity over quality like this is a waste of time, space and cash.

>> No.3811049

>Oi mate, whaddya wanna play?
>i don't know, megaman i guess?
>k, gimme a minute
>spend 10 minutes moving extremely rare limited edition jewel case games that would easily turn to dust if touched even slightly
>eventually grab Megaman 2
>find way back to couch
>friend has up and left
>You spent two hours finding a fucking game
>at least i have other games to take my mind of of it.

>> No.3811050

I wish I could walk barefoot and feel the plush cartridge between my toes.

>> No.3811063

>what is emulation

>> No.3811126


>tfw nothing will quell the pain of mortal existence

>> No.3811130

I have about 400 games, and as long as I can keep getting them cheaply I'll keep buying them.

>> No.3811139

>Why even live?
For all the usual reasons. Added bonus is to play those games.

>> No.3811339
File: 36 KB, 872x625, 1338072527372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a scarce collection of games while growing up
>get bored of newer games during 6th and 7th gen systems
>start collecting games for those older systems you still had
>end up getting nearly complete collections of games for NES and SNES and buying up systems like MegaDrive and N64 you didn't have as a kid
>get bored of collecting games, buy flash carts for your systems and start sell off your games
>I still have 90% of games I used to have playable on the actual hardware, finally have room things other than video games (this feels very liberating) and acquired shitloads of money while selling my games

I have no regrets of selling my stuff but for some reason I'm also happy I went through the collectorfag phase. I guess what I want to say is that I basically have completed the cycle and understand both sides of the argument of whether or not having ridiculous video game collection is worth it.

>> No.3811352

>nearly complete collections of games for NES and SNES
Sounds legit

>> No.3811386


I have a curated collection of roughly 800 games, overwhelming majority are games I like, a few are interesting, some are bad that I have a history with. Still have another 60-100 games from past systems I'm looking for on the cheap, but I don't need more than a single thousand titles to have a massive, enjoyable collection.

>> No.3811416

>game collection

there's a fine line between collecting and hoarding. most collectors i've seen on the internet are actually hoarders.

>> No.3811897
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Shit mane, that hit me deep.

If I was being perfectly honest, vidya is just an excuse to keep myself from really living and risking being hurt.

I never asked to be born /vr/. This shit ain't worth it.

>> No.3812357

Depends on what you're collecting for. Years ago I put together a set op SNES ROMs that I actually liked and would play. It was nearly 500. I'm sure PS1 would have similar numbers. All the other retro consoles would easily give me another 1000. Including more modern stuff there'd be thousands more.

>fine line
More like huge gap. Or rather gaps. Salary and age. If you're and adult with money having a bunch of games is collecting. If your a poorfag underage that guy is hoarding.

>> No.3812645 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 471x234, 1487644685449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but... I do!

>> No.3812667

I've already accepted this, thus started to put all my shit on bootleg cds, hard drives and flashcarts. I'll worry about the 7th generation later.
Of course it's not the same, but better than not being able to play at all.

>> No.3813073

Right? That said, my collection is quite respectable, even if missing some real gems.

>> No.3813207
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>tfw I never owned legit games until recent
I don't feel anything about collecting legal copies, the only thing I care is reliable play of pirate copies.

>> No.3814635


Life is fun, dawg. You can do it and don't let anyone tell you you can't. Now go conquer your dreams and take a vidya break. Someone out there is thinking about you.

>> No.3814638

Even if you're a collector, you only ever need to collect a fraction of that.

1433 games were released on PS3. I own about over 100 and I am VERY forgiving to shitty games.

And if you're collecting multiplats for every system that hardly deviate from one version - you're insane.

>> No.3814643

>It's the same experience with more convenience.
Emulation even more so.

>> No.3814726
File: 437 KB, 1224x918, Basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have around 1,350 or so physical games.

>> No.3815075

As others already pointed out, most games ever released are shit, also nevermind the money, big collections can can be a huge pain if you don't have enough real estate, or move frequently for whatever reason.
The best thing you can do is gather the very few games that are good and/or pose some significance either for you or for "history" as a whole, then get a flashcart for the rest.
For a start at least, if later on you improve your spending capacity/real estate situation, and you think it's something you can enjoy, sure why not, video games can be as good as any other collectible.

>> No.3815109

A big collection is only a problem if you're a displayfag. I have thousands of games. Nearly all are packed away in boxes and are easy to store and move.

>> No.3815114

This. I don't collect anything, but if I did I would only display the shit I'd frequently want to play. Or whatever would impress somebody I know.

Everything else would be tucked away somewhere safe for whenever I needed it later. If ever.

>> No.3815119

I just want to be friends with someone like this so I can treat their house like a museum or library. Why the fuck would I want to fill my home with this plastic bullshit and waste tens of thousands of dollars on meaningless toys when I could take advantage of someone stupid enough to?

>> No.3815126

By moving frequently I meant every 6mo-1yr.
I started collecting in a period of my life I had to move every 9mo average, at first I didn't mind it that much, but everything adds up after a while, especially as your collection grows and you also grow older.
I've settled down for about 5 years now and damn it felt so good not being bothered by such a constraint.
I might have to start moving frequently again soon, though.

>> No.3815294

Does anyone remember old Tips & Tricks magazine? At the end of every issue they had a Room Of DOOM and it seemed impressive back then but now it's just a waste.

>> No.3815296

All a gamer needs is Retroarch, a No-Intro romset and a set ot Redump-verified PSX isos. Fuck those crammed basements and those hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in physical copies that are mostly just rotting away.

>> No.3815730

I keep a few semi-rare things in a cabinet so I can take them out if anyone who comes out wants to see them. Or if an underage here can't believe everyone is as poor as they are and needs a pic. No point having them laying out in the open collecting dust if no one's looking. Or worse, if the wife is looking.

Moving a few extra boxes isn't an problem unless you're just trying to live out of a suitcase or something and have no home to go back to. In that case you're in a fairly rare situation. Even then, if space and moving was actually the issue you could put the stuff in storage.

>> No.3817172


>> No.3817445
File: 1.47 MB, 480x290, 1481062558428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The more you have, the less you will play. At some point you will switch from being a 'gamer' to being a 'librarian' and OCD about how the best to order games, make labels, build shelfs, etc...

I'm almost certain these people aren't happy, but are compelled to keep doing it, until it takes over a much bigger part of life than they intended it to be.

Imho, just collect the things that you get a fuzzy feel when you pick it up and go from there. I got some games I wouldn't even care if somebody threw them out the window, which tells me I should get rid of them.

>> No.3817452

What a weird gif. I recognize Goldblum from the fly: what's the other guy from?

>> No.3817459

Anon, if you're the /diy/ type I think some wall shelves on that barren left wall would look spiffy.

>> No.3817480

>3DO but not the SMS


>> No.3817483

That's a nice gaming dungeon, me jelly

But your shelves suck

>> No.3817487
File: 48 KB, 440x607, Sam_Neill_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek... both actors are from jurassic park, this scene is even a part of the movie (well... kinda...)

The other dude is Sam Neill

>Hi I'm Sam Neill,
>you might remember me from movies such as Jurassic Park, The Horse Whisperer and Event Horizon

>> No.3817494


lol i read 'german dungeon' and kept looking at the picture for clues... fuck me...

>> No.3817764

See, this looks pretty normal to me. A nice normalfag man cave but with a fuckton of games. You are collecting the right way

>> No.3817781

even that number seems to generous to me

>> No.3817790

power base converter unless you want the fm sound

>> No.3817817
File: 528 KB, 1224x918, DSCN0938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do plan to fancy it up eventually but i have quite a bit that eats up my time.

>> No.3817819

i figure i could replace those dinky shelves with proper bookcases eventually, i can't into concrete wall mounting.

>> No.3818106

Or a powerbase with FM if you want FM sound

>> No.3819806

Honestly, I'd rather have a smaller collection with nice selections of good games for each console.
I'm never going to feel the urge to play fucking Cool Spot or Eskimo Eddie.

>> No.3819808


you need to be over 18 to browse this website

>> No.3819809

That's rude, maybe he's a dwarf.

>> No.3819813

I wish I had a second Steel Battalion controller

>> No.3819814

that is my 2 year old son.

>> No.3819827


Does he get jokes better than you?

>> No.3819883

i got the joke but figured i would put in perspective.

>> No.3820084


75% of playstation games ever produced are absolute garbage

*fixed it for you anon :x