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3788663 No.3788663 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen one of the in a while, so let's make a Baldur's Gate general!

I'm about to start playing BGEE for the first time ever. Is it friendly for someone who has no idea of the rules of D&D?

Do you recommend to play vanilla unmoded or EE unmoded? Or in case I just have to use mods, which are the must have?

>> No.3788698
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>> No.3788720

>Is it friendly for someone who has no idea of the rules of D&D?
Read the manual. Seriously.

>> No.3789129

Vanilla. No mods.

Yes, it's friendly unless you are braindead.

>> No.3789153

I hope that picture is a joke. If not here are a few important tipps
>Pure mages are awful in Baldur's Gate
>You should always reroll stats until you have 18 Constitution for Fighters, Paladins or Ranger and 16 Constitution for all other classes.
>Unimportant stats like Wisdom and Charisma for mages can be put to the minimum
>The only level 1 mage spells that matter in BG1 are Sleep and Identify
>Use slings or darts as weapon since you can't survive in melee as a mage

>> No.3789169

>Is it friendly for someone who has no idea of the rules of D&D?
There are some weird stuffs (The lower your AC is, the better is; how spell books work, which can be a bit bizarre if you're new, etc). Shouldn't be hard to grok.

>vanilla unmoded or EE unmoded
EE is fine, if you are not a purist, which itself is often heresy in this board.
EE gives BG1 a few more classes from BG2, one of which is the sorcerer, my personal favorite.
My eyes also appreciate the crispier UI.
If opting for vanilla, at least get all those fan-compiled patches.

>> No.3789208

I'm looking to play BGEE soon myself, this site looks to be a godsend


>> No.3789331

I've noticed one of the reason /vr/ hates EE so much is because it uses the rules of BG2, which BG1 wasn't made for. It affects a lot of the people who grew playing the original game but for a first timer I guess it's fine.

>> No.3789332

It wasn't a joke, like I said it's my first time in something D&D related so thanks for the tips!

>> No.3789353

>I've noticed one of the reason /vr/ hates EE so much is because it uses the rules of BG2, which BG1 wasn't made for.
Ironically, there's already a very popular mod called BG1Tutu that puts the BG1 content in the 2's engine long before EE, so the hate in that department is rather unwarranted outside of not having a choice to play the original.

>> No.3789362

Those people should go play the version they want then, the EE didn't get rid of it

>> No.3789371

>BG1Tutu is a project which brings the content from Baldur's Gate (or Tales of the Sword Coast) into the Baldur's Gate II engine. This allows BG1 to enjoy all the benefits of BG2 such as higher resolution, new races, classes and kits, dual-wielding, and much more!

Wouldn't purists hate Tutu even more then?I guess the only real way to play is unmodded vanilla.

>> No.3789412
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Nice try Beamdog shill, that has absolutely nothing to do with why /vr/ hates EE. There were plenty of threads for BGT well before EE was a glimmer in a blue-haired communist's eye.

The consensus is, always has been and will continue to be regardless of how many times you try and shill your abortion of an "enhanced edition" as follows:

Playing the game vanilla. Especially for first timers, play it as the original Bioware team intended.

Playing with long established and supported Mods, like BGTutu. Especially for people that have played the game enough that there are no more surprises but still want more to do.

The Enhanced Edition. There is literally no time to ever play the EE. You can mod the vanilla game to have everything EE has, but you can't mod EE to go back to vanilla.

Always remember, Beamdog used their Enhanced Editions and Siege of Dragonspear as political platforms. Whether you support their ideologies or not, you should never support anyone desecrating a beloved franchise to be their mouthpiece.

>> No.3789438

I'm interested in playing vanilla with SOME of modern day standards (widescreen or removing any tedium, I heard mass looting or inventory management weren't a thing back then) but I want to keep the original story as vanilla as possible, without extra classes and shit.

Which would be the best mods for that?

>> No.3789513

Right now I'm just downloading the widescreen mod and the Unfinished business mod.
I'm still not sure if Tutu is fine if I want to keep things as vanilla yet not tedious as possible.

>> No.3789581
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Yeah this looks fine.

>> No.3789612

>You can mod the vanilla game to have everything EE has
Zoomable camera

>> No.3789714

>I'm interested in playing vanilla with SOME of modern day standards (widescreen

Infinity Engine and similar games look best on a 4:3 CRT. Just plug on into the side of your laptop and it will automatically double the image onto it.

>> No.3789909

>Pure mages are awful in Baldur's Gate
Wrong, they are still extremely versatile even if you don't munchkin them and you can even roll them with no stats at all.
>>You should always reroll stats until you have 18 Constitution for Fighters, Paladins or Ranger and 16 Constitution for all other classes.
Not necessary. Convenient, but not necessary.
>>Unimportant stats like Wisdom and Charisma for mages can be put to the minimum
He's gonna go for a full saga run and you are telling him to not reap benefits from Limited Wish?
>Use slings or darts as weapon since you can't survive in melee as a mage
Learn to Polymorph Self.

>> No.3789915


Do your advices apply to EE?
I've been reading lately abd really EE just seems the best version for me now.
I just wanna enjoy some D&D.

From some experience in Diablo I've learned playing melee characters is boring in the long run, just hitting single enemies and shit. I wanted something more versatile.

>> No.3789940

>From some experience in Diablo I've learned playing melee characters is boring in the long run, just hitting single enemies and shit. I wanted something more versatile.
Not necessarily in BG. There is plenty of utiltiy items that even Fighter types can utilize. And you can also make successful spellsword types like Fighter/Mage, Blade, and Fighter/Cleric (or just pure Cleric). But yeah, spellcasters are the most versatile class.

What the other anon implies is that pure mages are garbage.
They are not, but yours is just unoptimized. He will still rape everything in sight with some levels (early game is tricky and vulnerable though). You could reroll stats until you have 18 in every stat, but it's not necessary - would make things easier though.
The idea is that Sorcerers and Mage Specialists are better single-classed arcane casters, and multiclass characters are just better chars overall.

Sorcerers however require you to have some knowledge of spells in the game, so that you don't make garbage choices.

Mage specialists give you +1 spell per level but forbid you from casting from a certain spell school. Some spell schools are better than others, i.e. Conjurer only loses Divination, which only has a small amount of good spells that are easily replicable.

Multiclass characters are cool, but if you want a flavor of a pure mage with a robe that shits stuff up, you don't want a multiclasser. Maybe a Cleric/Mage, at most.

For a first time playtrhrough of just enjoying yourself, your mage is just fine. His advice about Sleep being uber in early BG1 is top notch though.

>> No.3790017

Awesome, thanks!
Gonna start my EE run, first time diving into BG.
I'm going to fix my mage a little based on all your advices.

>> No.3790030

12 str, max dex, 16 con, max int, 10 wis hits some quality of life points for mages

>> No.3790037

I disrecommend it at all since you have to constantly pause unless you OP your characters.

>> No.3790039
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>> No.3790041

You can also be tempted to roll a Wild Mage.
They can cast every spell in the game and they also get the +1 Specialist bonus, but they carry a risk of unpredictable things happening to them with every spellcast.
They have some buffs they can pre-cast to reduce the chance, and they have a special level 1 spell which is highly risky, but can replicate a spell of any level (Nahal's Reckless Dweomer is the name).
They are a fun way to play a mage: your Magic Missile can suddenly summon a cow that will drop on your enemy and splat him. Your single-target buff spell might suddenly decide it will encompass your entire party. Your buff spell might turn into a Fireball and roast your entire party.
It's fun for some laughs and is perfectly playable, especially since you're not playing something like a No-Reload Challenge where a bad spell outcome is not just a reload but potentially a game over.
So you might want to roll that.
Your pure mage is fine, though.
Recommended specialist mages are Conjurer and Illusionist (loses Necromancy, which has a few good spells and some amazing ones, but is still not nearly as crucial). Illusionists are also good because you can roll a Gnomish one, and Gnomes are a cool race if you're into their puny looks - they get some cool saving throw bonuses.
For an Elf Mage, which is a cool concept, there is no specialist that is too great - Diviners lose Conjuration, which is great, and Enchanters lose Invocation, which has the bulk of offensive spells - most of them are replicable through wands easily, but you will also lose endlessly potent Sequencers and Contigencies in BG2. Enchanters make for great support mages with focus on debuffs and AoE battlefield control, but you do lose a lot of the cool, flashy stuff like Fireball and all that.
So, if you want an Elf Mage for thematic purposes, either make him pure - a perfectly valid choice, you WILL beat the game and you will feel powerful doing so - or a Wild Mage for craziness.

>> No.3790085

I don't really agree with all those numbers.

Like the 12 Strength. That seems like a very arbitrary point to reach. It has no particular bonuses that 10 doesn't have and no penalties. However, from 6-12, every two points give you twenty extra pounds of carry weight and 2 points of bashing. At 14+, it's 30lbs. So, even if you're recommending a 12 Strength for carry weight, a 14 would be a better point.

The 16 Constitution also feels a bit wasted too, unless we're talking about a Gnome Illusionist going for Shorty Bonuses (even then, there's no difference between 16 and 17, you're looking at mid-BG2 at the earliest to get that +1 Save bonus). One of the very first Stat books you're going to acquire in BG is the Constitution book. That's around the beginning of Chapter 2, arguably still at first level depending on how direct your trip there is.

The 10 Wisdom also feels like an arbitrary stopping point like Strength. Just high enough to avoid a Lore penalty that doesn't matter to you anyhow since your class has Identify readily available immediately but still far too low to take advantage of a Limited Wish naturally.

I do agree with you on maxed Intelligence, and while I think the Dexterity is a judgment call (Fighter/Mages certainly, but pure Mages? Eh, better to max that than Wisdom or Strength, I suppose), isn't really a "quality of life" stat for Mages.

>> No.3790091

Max Dexterity is nice for when you have no spells and want to Sling around. And the AC is nice, too, I suppose.

Do you retroactively get more HP from your previous levels when you use a HP raising tome?

>> No.3790096


>> No.3790147

What makes this game gud? I think about playing the android version

>> No.3790160

>I think about playing the android version
I have no idea how you'd comfortably steer that shit.
>What makes this game gud?
Pretty visuals, entertaining combat versus enemy parties, fun story, great voice acting, lots of cool ways to form a party/character, a classic to which the revitalization of the RPG market in the late 90s is attributed.

>> No.3790193

12/18/16/18/10/1 is a roll a 75. it's just a generic minimum that gets no practical penalties. they can roll an 80 or 85 and drop con to 15, spread the extra points around to strength or wherever

the extra ac from dex is huge early game, and especially gives some good wiggle room for a new player and new mage. the missile bonus helps too when they're stuck slinging things to death after they've used their tiny low level pool of spells

i agree that wis at 10 is pretty worthless, even without identify spells the game throws enough money at you that you never worry aboutnpc identify costs. if i were to do a 75 roll run id drop wis some more and increase strength, but im always a packrat and also almost never use wish

>> No.3790197

As someone who has recently played through and adored Dragon Age: Origins, which has an arguably similar playstyle from what I've seen, will Baldur's Gate be a comparably (if less-polished) good experience? I know I also really liked Planescape: Torment, which I understand is based on a modified version of the BG engine. Or is it even fair to compare them?

>> No.3790201

The EE uses the same rules as 2, that is to say about as far from D&D as possible while still calling itself D&D. For baldurs gate 2 there won't be much of a difference, but for one it's practically a different game, and not nearly as good as the original.

>> No.3790278

>Charisma 1

Can't go that low, and that -8 Reaction Adjustment at Charisma 3 is a much bigger pain than the carrying capacity or lore penalties.

And 75 is a bit of a low-roll. The average roll for the NPCs found in vanilla BG are 79.5 and in BG2 are 84. There's a reason most people shoot for a 90. Discounting fanfic EE NPCs, it puts you just a point or two above all the other NPCs, but five points below Sarevok. Right where a Bhaalspawn should be.

>> No.3790284

Polymorph Self needs Quarterstaff?

>> No.3790729

It did on Steam and GOG, actually
so track down an old copy or torrent it, like I did

>> No.3790839

I don't know about Steam, but on GOG they still sell the original edition, you get it when you buy the Enhanced Edition.

A shady fucking practice from Beamdog. Anyone wanting the original HAS to buy the EE. But I'm sure it pads their sales enough to avoid looking like the EE was a total disaster.

>> No.3791182

Well, no, it was mostly in reference to the idea that melee mages are a niche that does work with just a few spells.

Hell, you can even do some good damage with Chill Touch if you set it up properly.

>> No.3791190

Yeah, a Chill Touch cast lets you hit with your fists as many times as possible during the duration (10 rounds), which is 1d2+Strength bonus+1d8 Chill Touch itself. While hitting with Fists +4 (-4 THAC0 bonus).

If you can somehow set yourself up to not die while administering it, you already have the strongest level 1 damage spell.

>> No.3791239

>The only level 1 mage spells that matter in BG1 are Sleep and Identify

You left out Magic Missile and Chromatic Orb.

>> No.3791245

Chromatic Orb only starts stoning at level 10 and killing at level 12 and you need to combine it with savethrow lowering spells if you want a realistic chance to make it work.

BG1 only allows level 7 mages in vanilla and level 9 mages with TotSC.

>> No.3791279

Magic Missile is a great spell, but not at level 1. It always hits, is a good anti-Mirror Image measure, and will win you encounters like the Doomsayer in the Charleston Nib excavation site. Still, if you're going on a trip to something like Firewine or Gnoll Keep, you definitely want to cram as many Sleep spells as you can instead of Magic Missile.

>> No.3791635

If you enjoyed DA and PST, odds are pretty good you will enjoy both Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series.

>> No.3791720

I minor thing that really bugged the fuck out of me in the EE was the camera always pulling waaaay back during in game 'cut scenes', such as when Gorion is killed at the beginning of the game. The camera pulls so far back it's really annoying, I'm pretty sure you can even see over the edges of the map.

Is there a way to lock the camera at a certain distance so it never moves, not even during scenes like this?

>> No.3791758

PST and IWD are the most different WRPG's I could think about.

>> No.3791846

Infinity engine and d&d makes both games slightly similar, despite IWD being combat oriented and PST's wall o text.

>> No.3791854

Where does BG stand?

>> No.3791857

Anyone starting a game of Baldur's Gate or BG2 for the first time should read DSimpson's AD&D rules FAQ in GameFAQs. The AD&D rules are quite counter-intuitive, and you need to understand them before you can create a character you're happy with.

>> No.3791921

>from what I've seen, will Baldur's Gate be a comparably (if less-polished) good experience?
>I know I also really liked Planescape: Torment

You'll almost certainly like BG1&2. TOB however, perhaps not...

However(and these aren't retro), you may also really like the Witcher 3; it's really, really good even if you're going in with zero knowledge of the series. Also, if you haven't already played it, give mass effect a go.

Just be warned, if you're the kind of guy that autisticly does every side quest(like me), then you may struggle to complete TW3; hardly any quests feel like filler and there's a TON of them to do. I'm 50 hours in and have just barely made it to the 3rd zone.

>> No.3791945

I played it for few sessions with some IRL friends. We had a blast doing a lot of random things such as killing innocent folks and questing at the same time. I was a Transmuter mage and was good for nothing, as I put 4 in strenght I could barely carry things... it was really funny on its own but I've never attempted to play it seriously.

>> No.3791956

Just read up on THAC0 and you're gravy. It's the only crucial detail not explained .

>> No.3792103
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Right in the middle. Less combat than IWD, less wordy than PST. Arguably the best of all three for having a good balance between both.

>> No.3792207

It starts getting pretty debilitating at level 4, while saving throws are still low enough for it to take affect but where blindness and stun are pretty big helps in an encounter.

>> No.3792315

More like

Missed Attack simulator

>> No.3792321

Why not just cast blindness then, it has a saving throw modifier so it lands far more often.

>> No.3792356

No damage. Blindness doesn't get better at level 5.

>> No.3792486
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Fuck beamdog in their nigger ass!

>> No.3792526

Holy shit this game is boring, is an endless barrage of missed attacks and characters who never level up.

>> No.3792613

Blindness instantly gibs all archers and casters though. It's always been my go-to for removing Semaj and Angelo from the Sarevok fight. They just stand around twiddling their thumbs once you drop that first level spell on them.

>> No.3792723

sounds like a bad case of 'git gud' to me

>> No.3792746
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Give me actual tips then because so far this game has been the biggest Missed Attack and Save Scumming fest for me and I'm sure this isn't the way you play this.

>> No.3792759


Jump to "iii"; character creation.

Read up, and go with fighter. If missile attacks are giving you trouble, then equip a tower shield.

A down a dirty thing on thac0(to hit armor class zero); you'll notice as you equip better armor, your armor stat goes 'down'; this means your opponent must roll a higher number to even hit you.

Weapons and such(like specialization, higher str/dex..) that give thac0 bonuses can essentially can be treated as adding "hit rating"(if you've never played wow, hit rating, as you might expect, increases the chance you'll land an attack.).

>> No.3792761

So what exactly are the big problems with Hexxat?

Because if it's literally just "she's black," then I'm going to buy the Enhanced Edition on Monday.

>> No.3792764

I think anon is mad not for the fact she's black (unless he's racist), but because the first portrait is actually prettier to look at.

>> No.3792772

That's actually very nice but what if I want to go with mage or something?
Part of the fun of D&D are the different classes.

>> No.3792785

She's a mary sue, OP as fuck, and looks like a "I want to get in touch with my ooga booga roots" woman who once read a national geographic rather than an actual character. Seriously those neck rings cause extreme damage to where removing them can result in breaking your neck. She reeks of "DM'S Girlfriend"

Also the bait and switch that the pic itself mentions. It would be like a quest hyping you up to recruit Drizzt and it turns out to be a doppelganger three levels after having the Do'Urden himself in your party.

>> No.3792789

Recruit Edwin or Dynaheir, both of them are great mages but if I recall they are mutually exclusive.

>> No.3792790

Too bad early game for mages is hell.
Casting Magic Missile once every rest while slinging rocks isn't a synonym of fun and neither is going full brute with fighter.

>> No.3792791

I think anon meant HIM playing mage, not getting one.

>> No.3792795

Yeah, I googled it, it does sound pretty dumb.

Apparently she's a vampire that hexed some girl named Clara (the white one) into going deep into some tomb, then pops out and kills her, and is later willing to join you . She's apparently basically an evil serial killer vampire that only feeds on attractive young women. The character's apparently a pathological liar, too, and every even slightly good party member or person who knows who she is/what she does openly hates her. But she's still invincible and immortal.

Sounds like it would be pretty good if she weren't immortal, or if you had the option to fight her off/save Clara/kill her. Maybe a thing where, if you manage to hit her before she kills Clara, then, if you kill her, she goes to her coffin, and then you can pursue her there and finish her while she's recovering.

But yeah, as it's written it does sound mary sue as fuck. My bad, but tbf the screencap and post didn't do a good job explaining that, and plus this is 4chan.

tbf about her appearance and the neckrings though, she is apparently Chultan and they basically are "I want to get in touch with my ooga booga roots," but that's more the fault of Forgotten Realms as a setting. I get what you're saying now though, and I agree.

Are there at least any mods that fix the problem? Because I'd still consider getting it just for the better portraits since vanilla BG portraits are absolutely fucking disgusting to look at, and (admittedly I haven't looked in years, but) last I checked the few portrait replacer mods for vanilla BG are as bad if not worse than the defaults.

>> No.3792805

nvm, just googled for portrait mods. PaintBG looks decent.

>> No.3792806

Archers are good in BG1, but they fall off in 2.
I'm not the guy to talk to about thieves, I've always just used Imeon as my token thief and never really got into the whole backstab thing, but I've seen it done to brutal effect(and with Annah in PS:T, though that felt a bit different, and on a tangent, it's also kind of why her getting killed by shadows kind of pissed me off. She was bad ass man! But of course goes down with a wimper, bullshit.).

Where were we? Oh mages, they pretty much suck for BG1, but in 2 they become gods. But that's not exactly true, because if you're playing vanilla, then mages(and everyone else with summons) get to summon an unlimited amount of mobs! That's right- you get your own yipping, HUARGHing, growling army to devastate any foe you wish- just don't run out of charges on your wands.

I'm not looking into theorycrafting-tier shit, but for the effort and skill required, fighters output a ridiculously good amount of "oomph". You're basically a whirling death machine of steel and hardly anything can stand in your way(except maybe pesky basilisks, hope you have a scroll homeboy!). Seriously, it's totally a viable strategy to just equip your warrior with the best shit, buff him up and have him rush in and kill everything- and maybe have a mage and or cleric debuff/heal if you're feeling ballsy or the fight is hard.

Oh, speaking of buffing; haste is your best friend, learn it, live it, love it.

>> No.3793226

you guys are going to be annoyed but...

I'm replaying pillars of eternity right after playing Baldur's gate ee and I like it more.

villain and story felt better in BG. I love d&d...but in PoE the combat seems more refined as well as the locations more varied. also LOVE that I can make my characters dash across a screen.

>> No.3793249

I loved PoE too (backed both of them) but I don't know that I love the combat more. I prefer the traditional D&D magic from Baldur's Gate. PoE's system felt too MMOy.

>> No.3793328

Nah, it's not my fault the main way to play this is through save scumming and coping with 1 out of then attacks hitting (and even then barely doing any damage) and one hit kills.

BG could have been a great game but relied on stupid stuff to make it last longer.

>> No.3793347

Is there a true disadvantage of playing a Dragon Disciple Sorcerer?

Being a Mage is pretty hard with my MC and Imoen dying to everything early game and having to prepare specific spells while resting 90% of the time.

Sorcerer sounds more fun for a wizard casting more shit to defend myself.

>> No.3793367

You're meant to run away from enemies and go to either the Friendly Arm or to Beregost to get some more party members.

If you know where they are it's also possible to pick up Kivan, Ajantis or Shar-Teel early.

>> No.3793372

>You're meant to run away from enemies and go to either the Friendly Arm

I guess I was just rushing to combat.

I mean, yeah, Gorion explicitly tells you to go there but still, well, my mistake there.

>> No.3793374

Meant to >>3793367 but anyway

>> No.3793375

What do you guys think of this?

I liked Mage but it felt too restrictive compared to Sorcerer.
I want to cast magic dammit, I don't want to rest for each magic missile.

>> No.3793408
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This is were my party dies.

>> No.3793521

It's that how EE looks? Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.3793528

Nostalgia fag

>> No.3793546

sleep is better than MM at low levels.

>> No.3793549

That if it works.

>> No.3794031

Why don't you have multiple instances of sleep memorized? Hell, it's even easier if you have the ring of wizardry.

>> No.3794273

You can turn that shit off. It is ugly as hell though.

>> No.3794301

It doesn't really solve the problem with mages. Casting sleep and chucking rocks is pretty lame as well. But then, everyone sucks at level 1. One of the nice bits of the latest EE is that NPCs don't come with shitty builds putting points in to bad skills. They just start at their base level and get a few levels of XP, so soloing the basalisks doesnt fuck you up.

>> No.3794317

Basic mobs have garbage saving throws. When you're fighting gnolls at level 1 sleep is absurdly powerful.

Casters bring extremely overpowered utility in bg1. Chromatic orb has a +6 save modifier which is fucking terrible. If a target is blinded it cant attack, cast spells, or do anything but sit and wait for you to kill it. Your 1-6 damage is not only useless but comes at the cost of giving the monster a huge boost to avoiding the real reason you cast that spell(crowd control).

>> No.3794342

Dragon Disciple Sorcerers get dubious bonuses in early game that become utterly irrelevant in late game and they get crippled scaling compared to regular Sorcerers. You will be advised to stay away.

>> No.3794346

Because in early game you barely have 2 or 3 slots and take ages to level up?

>> No.3794352

iirc that's just the effect you get at night if one of your characters have nightvision

>> No.3794357

That's the game paused dude.

>> No.3794459

Gnolls aren't worth the trouble of crowd control. Also, blinding an enemy caster mid-spell isn't going to interupt their casting. By the time you're looking at needing serious crowd control for mages and clerics, you typically have better options or other spells to be casting anyway. Blindness is a specific crowd control versus Chromatic Orb's general utility. I'll cast chromatic orb more just based on the fact that it's a decent enough filler to use instead of slinging another rock or if I need a quick hit on a caster.

>> No.3795039

>Gnolls aren't worth the trouble of crowd control.
They are at the level you generally go to Gnoll's Keep at.

It's not like your mage is going to have any different spells memorized at this time. Unless you really want to hit Gnarl or Hairtooth for 1d4+1 damage once.

Frankly, given how crowd control downright shuts down some encounters, is often AoE and casts quickly, I don't get how can you be like "CC is too much trouble".

>> No.3795072

I didn't say it was too much trouble, period. I just don't bother with shit like gnolls because they barely hit as is. I mean crowd control is vital when you need to stop an enemy from acting, but level 2 has many more effective spells: web, stinking cloud, horror. Sleep is useful on a mage for a very short time period before you can pick up a wand that does the same thing if you plan on spamming sleep to trivialize already simple encounters. There are SOOO many ways to trivialize the game, if you know enough to know how useful sleep is, you should know enough to know all your alternatives.

I'm also not even saying you want to use Chromatic orb at level 1. The mage's value comes from being able to use shit like scrolls and the beefier wands until their level is high enough they start getting genuinely useful spells. Chromatic Orb is just handy when you have nothing better to be dropping your level 1 slots in to, at which point you're talking Magic Missile's better damage or Chromatic Orb's chance to occasionally drop a CC effect on something that probably didn't need it, but it helps anyway.

>> No.3795906

It's hard to argue that things like the miss/graze/hit/crit d100 system aren't superior in a CRPG - playing with pen and paper you might argue the more complex PoE system takes up too much time but that isn't applicable when your PC is doing the math for you, or that PoE doesn't have more interesting things going on in its wilderness.

People tend to view it negatively because of comparing it to BG2 rather than BG1, where Pillars does have a comparative lack of truly exotic locales. The question is now will they actually make Deadfire the equivalent of BG1 -> BG2, where basically every single aspect is improved.

>> No.3796581

Is there a way to reset Kivan's timer?
He's leaving just when I'm about to reach the bandit camp.

I read something about using the console to set flags but I can't find the config file for the GoG version.

>> No.3796662

The global variable for Kivan's quest is "FINEBANDITS". If you reset to 0 it should give you additional time. If that doesn't work, setting it to 2 counts it as having the requirements fulfilled.

Saying you're playing the GoG version doesn't tell us if you're using the EE version of the game (and if you are, if you're using the 2.0 patch which changed things around with the Baldur.ini file) so I'll leave it to you to google how to enable the console on whatever version you're running. You should be able to edit the variable with a saved game editor like EEKeeper even if you can't get the console working.

>> No.3796664

"FINDBANDITS" even, fuck.

>> No.3796789

What stats and weapons for a Cavalier?

Is a Jester fun?

>> No.3797039

>What stats and weapons for a Cavalier?
For BG2, I'd recommend dual-wielding Axes, because a Cavalier can get around his "no missile weapons" workaround by using thrown axes, and Bernard shops an amazing pair of axes after you topple Lehtinan, one of which is Good-aligned and one of which is a thrown axe. There's plenty of good returnable thrown axes too, so you will have more versatility to your holy warrior. Then, you will have plenty of time to either take your dual-wielding specialty for a Purifier/Foebane Bastard Sword combo in the late game, or your typical Carsomyr dual-wielder.

>Is a Jester fun?
Yes. You can use the song from invisibility, and the AoE confusion is a fun effect to deal with some mid-tier enemies. If you want a more supportish character that can do anything from wand usage to AoE disables to some skirmishing, take a Jester. With HLAs, you will be able to use his Enhanced Bard Song and he'll be like a regular high-level Bard, but with a bit more interactive early-mid game.

>> No.3797045

>gnolls aren't worth the trouble of crowd control
You realize that when monsters roll a 20 you die right? If you wanna save and reload a game all the time that's your bag I suppose, but for the rest of us never dying is a good thing.

>Chromatic Orb's general utility
Chromatic orb is arguably the worst level 1 spell in the game, its damage is shit and monsters get a tremendous bonus to save vs spells, nullifying any chance of utility. Enemies would have to roll a 1 every time you cast it for it to be useful.

>Level 2 has more effective spells
Higher level mage tiers have better spells? I would never have guessed.

>I'm also not even saying you want to use Chromatic orb at level 1. The mage's value comes from being able to use shit like scrolls and the beefier wands until their level is high enough they start getting genuinely useful spells. Chromatic Orb is just handy when you have nothing better to be dropping your level 1 slots in to, at which point you're talking Magic Missile's better damage or Chromatic Orb's chance to occasionally drop a CC effect on something that probably didn't need it, but it helps anyway.

There is never a time to use chromatic orb, ever. Magic missile will, at every stage of the game, be doing more damage, and blindness is far more reliable and potent cc. For early game sleep will drop half a group of mobs, allowing your entire party to land every single attack. Cleric command is broken for a similar reason. Monsters under level 6 get NO saving throw at all, this means you can instantly remove a threat 100% of the time, no RNG involved.

>> No.3797053

Awesome. Cheers.

I'll save an evil Jester for a second playthrough.

>> No.3797450

Noob question but how do you "never die" in BG?

It's not like you can manipulate rolls (enemies or yours) here.
I find myself savescumming though a lot of battles against multiple enemies because... I just die. It just happens.

>> No.3797518

Perhaps he meant 'to gnolls', in which case proper use of CC does guarantee your survival. Throwing a cast of sleep on a group of gnolls will disable almost all of them, with no chance at all that whatever is left standing will get to you before your archers cut it down.

People have managed no-reload playthroughs of the entire saga, even solo (though not consistently,) so actually never dying is possible. Mostly involving knowledge of how enemy AI works, where enemies are placed, a good order to complete quests and areas in, what and where equipment is useful, playing safe by using at least some consumables on most non-trivial fights, playing a shorty race particularly if you're starting in BG1 where it's not anywhere near possible to get your saves down to 0, etc.

>> No.3797520

>Noob question but how do you "never die" in BG?

Given that there is an ongoing No-reload Challenge on all major Baldur's Gate fan forums, it is possible.

Generally, it boils down to knowing your enemy well, scouting well, having a lot of "Oh Shit" buttons (potions of invisibility on your main guy to avoid getting sucker-punched in a Waylaid By Enemies encounter, that sorta thing)

Playing solo/small parties is easier with that in mind because you reach level caps quickly and some high level abilities/spells can really break early chapters, and also the micromanagement is easier.

Sometimes you get suckerpunched by things that you simply missed or that were beyond your control - i.e. you can get killed off by the game's plot if you fail to protect the noblemen during the BG1 Greater Doppleganger fight in the Duchal Palace, and even some defensive measures you take might fail, since, well, you are still basically protecting low level neutral NPCs.

Overall though, it's basically playing efficiently and making sure you always minimize any risks. Using proper buffs, shutting down the right targets, anticipating the right spells, using the right tactics.

Some mage and cleric spells make your character unkillable for a couple of rounds, after all. Just abuse whatever leverage you can get.

>> No.3797550

The dukes aren't total chumps, Belt is a level 11 fighter with 102HP, +1 chain mail and a +1 medium shield, although he has crappy dexterity. Liia Jannath has up to 4th level spells, but her memorization is awful and isn't used properly and most of her spell slots are empty. Both of them have innate resistances to all physical types of damage; 40% for Belt, 50% for Liia.

Their problem is that greater doppelgangers have a base THAC0 of either 7 or 10 - different creature files, I'm not sure which version is present at the palace, probably the more dangerous type since it's later, but then you're facing more of them than you did at Candlekeep - and four APR. If I'm reading their equipped 'weapon' (their own claws) right, it does 1-12 damage. So the dukes get shredded pretty quickly.

>> No.3797569

That's what I'm saying, they could use some more fortitude under their Belt.

>> No.3797571
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I want to love it and I see the twinkle in people's eyes when I hear the game so enthusiastically talked about, but feels weird knowing I was too late for it. That I'm not the audience and could never truly appreciate the game, at least not month or years of investment within campaigns and novels.

Because the priority of the series really to at its core be a virtual AD&D campaign and be for those hardcore fans that have read all the forgotten realms novels. When Drizzt shows up, I know I'm supposed to jizz my pants in joy, but I don't know who the fuck he is. Combat feels clunky, confusing, bullshit, but for the people who are supposed to be playing the game it's second nature via years of play in campaigns.

It make me sad that a really important and seemingly the greatest game of all time to many is so cemented within a highly specific era and community of a completely separate hobby. And one that I was too young to really experience.

>> No.3797609

>Because the priority of the series really to at its core be a virtual AD&D campaign and be for those hardcore fans that have read all the forgotten realms novels. When Drizzt shows up, I know I'm supposed to jizz my pants in joy, but I don't know who the fuck he is. Combat feels clunky, confusing, bullshit, but for the people who are supposed to be playing the game it's second nature via years of play in campaigns.

Which is totally why this game is such a hit in Poland, where it was totally carried by the references to a setting that nobody played at the time (because WFRP2, WoD, L5R and some more local systems were always gaming systems of choice, not D&D, which was often a subject of derision, in fact, and didn't get ported to here until the 3rd edition) and not because it was a compelling game with great graphics, great systems, and a gargantuan effort at video game localization and some amazing voice acting that makes the Polish product a standout on par with the original.

I'm pretty sure all of us just played it and then were like "yeah but what the fuck is this world anyway".

>Combat feels clunky, confusing, bullshit, but for the people who are supposed to be playing the game it's second nature via years of play in campaigns.

And, again, for many of us, it was the first time we ever experienced anything like this and it was not a barrier. I even remember thinking that higher AC and THAC0 is better because I was a dumb shit and didn't read manuals at the time; they were a novelty to somebody who grew up on pirated Heroes of Might & Magic games. Still loved it.

You're making up dumb shit to justify that you just can't get into a game because you do not think it aged well.

>> No.3797638

Not him but I'm sure most of the new people here getting into the game don't actually think they're bad but feel something about not having full control of the combat about the dice roll thing.

For instance I'm playing a mage in a full parte and I understand how dice rolls work, I understand how I take ages to level up because my Exp is scattered between between my party and I understand how a low AC means it's harder for me to get hit... but I still end up dying for playing a squishy wizard and most of my battles being massive missed attack fests.
If it werent for my archers and Mincs, my wizard would barely survive a single gnoll.

I don't wanna seem like whining or something, I legit want to git gud at this game because I kinda like the setting but these things just happen.

>> No.3797701

I don't mind people being confused and overwhelmed by the game. BG1 (in particular), like many old RPGs, can eat a newcomer up.

But the idea that you need some massive knowledge of the setting to properly appreciate the game is ridiculous. Especially since it was basically set up to be a gateway RPG game, alluring newcomers to a dying genre with cutting edge graphics and a quasi-real time system to avoid alienating audiences that might find the turn-based combat system unpalatable.

It's easy enough to turn Baldur's Gate into a tactical/action game. Just perforate enemies with arrows.

If you wanted a backwater oldschool RPG experience, you'd still be playing Curse of the Azure Bonds and other SSI games, not Baldur's Gate.

Most BG fans I know don't play tabletop RPGs, and if they do, they got into the hobby because of fantasy computer games, not the opposite.

>> No.3797750

>Noob question but how do you "never die" in BG?

Same way in any other game, the more you play it the better you get. Fights you once thought were impossible become much much easier. Your first few plays are going to be very very bloody. I rolled a mage myself my first play and put points into grease and chromatic orb. These are two spells I haven't used since the 90s. It's a fun game though.

>> No.3797775

Yeah, playing P&P roleplaying games because of Infinity Engine games seems more common than the other way around. That's what I did, and then ran into the issue that the then-current edition of D&D was 3E, which had a huge issue of being covered in trap options and it being easy to make simply awful characters. I initially tried to recreate my dual wielding dwarf fighter from BG2, and boy oh boy was dual wielding a giant sack of shit in 3E if you didn't have swarms of extra damage dice (and even then...)

>> No.3797812

Not to mention how some of the 3E features backported onto BG2's AD&D just don't work like the ones in the tabletop.

Sorcerers are supposed to cast from Intelligence but don't have any relevant casting stats at all (and in tabletop 3E, they rely on Charisma), Barbarians kinda work but then you have to wonder how they differ from Berserkers, and your Monk in BG2 is actually capable of some competence in fighting.

>> No.3797840

I was going to say that barbarians existed in 2E but having just looked at the book they were introduced in, it doesn't have much to do with the version of barbarians that you can play in BG2.

Also, if you didn't start with the assumption that monks were amazing when first looking at the 3E player's handbook, you had some serious intuition. Everyone I knew that was getting into D&D with 3E saw the all good saves, special abilities every few levels, flurry of blows, innate spell resistance, eventual 1d20 fists and so on, thought "wow, these guys are awesome!" Obviously it turns out that 3/4 BAB without even weapon enchantments (keen, etc.) makes you an offensive cripple, but that's not obvious to a novice.

More broadly than the monk, iterative attacks instead of just APR was a mistake, I've no idea what they were thinking, as if hitting level 16 as a fighter and getting an extra attack at a -15 penalty from your first is in any way meaningful. Unless your near-demigod warrior is beating up on hobgoblins, you've getting extra attacks that you'll need high teens or natural 20s to land with.

>> No.3797859

Slightly offtopic and out of curiosity: what system should I run light-hearted dungeon crawls in? I wanted something D&D-like, but none of my friends understand the 3.5 books that I own from way back when and I don't want their first tabletop game to be an insurmountable shitheap of rules.

Also, pure Monks somehow fare better in Neverwinter Nights; don't they get full BAB on that?

>> No.3797879

D&D 4e is unapolagetically gamist and very straightforward to run. 3e is a shitty trainwreck but 4e streamlines everything and throws a lot of rules out the window to focus on the game instead of pretending to simulate roleplay.

>> No.3797896

Hey, nice. Didn't know that. It seemed like a lot of communities shat on 4e when it was new for some reasons, but I wasn't following it. Might try it out. Thanks.

>> No.3797954

Mages are squishy by nature and should keep their distance. You need a party to help you if you want to live at a low level.

>> No.3797959

That was just threeaboos who couldn't handle the fact that their zero-effort power fantasies were thrown into the fire. 3e players suffer from catastrophic brain damage to where they literally start screaming and getting physical with people when they're told they can't just roll their way through everything.

>> No.3797962

You said it well.

I knew nothing about D&D prior to playing BG1 and although I had to learn a lot it was a fantastic experience. It just takes patience.

>> No.3798073

Making and role playing an evilparty in bg2.

How should I evily justify helping people out? (Like the slavers quest, circus tent etc.)

>> No.3798154

Evil options are scarce and are about being total dicks, so if you do not want to have a minimalistic playthrough, just do all quests.

But also do dickish actions, kill heroes like Drizzt, use a mod to remove NPC complaining about high Reputation and consider having a high reputation as being something akin to Lex Luthor, and make sure everything you do is used for profit.

In BG2's simplistic morality, being good gets you good shit, so just use that as a knowledge of how world works and twist it in your own way. All those people will be happy to grant you their livelihoods for your help in solving their problems without knowing that it's all a cover-up for your past murder sprees.

Everything you do is for a challenge or gold.
You have your own code and adhere to society's rules when it's convenient, and when you don't have to, bend them over backwards.

Lawful Evil types are ideal for intentionally pissing off Cowled Wizards, murdering their patrols for rare scrolls, and then donating to temples and doing a few do-good quests to "clean up this horrible misunderstanding that had occurred".

And have some sort of code of honor. You are loyal to your teammates and to Viconia's hot pussy, and you don't want to be kicked out of your shiny Fighter's Keep, so look like a benevolent ruler and a good party member.

But aside from that, everything is about making sure you look out for number one while taking a shit on number two, whenever possible.

Collateral damage when doing these quests is purely optional. Did you know Kalah's illusion makes it so that you can permanently turn Aerie into an ogre?

>> No.3798162

>Did you know Kalah's illusion makes it so that you can permanently turn Aerie into an ogre?
hahahaha YESS

Thanks anon. These are beautiful ideas. I'm going for a "villain, seeking revenge on another villain"

>> No.3798269

Evil characters can still love to adventure. So what if you want to push Firkraag's shit in because a dragon that big must have a hoard rather than because Windspear deserves your help?

>> No.3798478

Try this ultra light game


>> No.3798597

That's bullshit. I played the game when I was 14 yo, didn't know what exactly was an RPG or what AD&D meant. I enjoyed it a lot and ended it in two weeks. You simply don't want to put any effort into it, and that's ok, but stop considering Baldur's Gate as some sort of super complex Dwarf Fortress-like game. It was considered casual and mainstream even in 98.

>> No.3798605

Do you seem to know a little about Poland, why they like RPG's so much? They even keep playing the first Diablo 1 in battle.net. I buy new RPG's from there (Pillars, Tyranny) because they have exclusive physical editions that are better than the ones from the rest of Europe. For some reason those just exist in Poland, why? How Baldur's Gate polish editions were?

>> No.3798635


I was even younger than this and really enjoyed the game and didn't have a fucking clue what d&d was. >>3797571 is doing something very wrong if they think this game requires massive amounts of knowledge to get into.

>> No.3798650

>Do you seem to know a little about Poland, why they like RPG's so much?

The general idea is that the Polish game market was ripe with pirated Russian-made localizations of games (most famously GTA 2, AoE 2 and Diablo 1) and pirated versions of video games.

CD Projekt started off as a Polish publisher that signed off a deal with Interplay. Initially they started off with really obscure games. They managed to convince Bioware's Ray Muzyka that they can make something really big. Interplay told them that they can put a Polish Baldur's Gate on an unstable market, but they have to put their own money on it.

CD Projekt succeeded with this huge localization effort and people grew to love Baldur's Gate from it. Interplay got some love in the process and Fallout and Fallout 2 were added to the biggest Polish gaming magazine as freebie games, so that's thier legacy. Also, our shitty computers mean that we used to always be behind the times with games, and Polish-localized games often ascended into meme status, so that's why we got so big on Gothic and HoMM3 compared to other nations.

>> No.3798651

>Are there at least any mods that fix the problem?

Don't buy the ee edition. there are a log of character mods for the original game.

>> No.3798663

I don't think you know what casual means, thus your entire post is moot.

Here's a hint; it means you play at your pace with zero long-term consequences beyond restarting a level.

>> No.3798680

Well, at least I can play Baldur's Gate without having an aneurysm.

>> No.3798719

Usually it's a matter of figuring out how the enemy killed you, which this game is pretty bad at explaining. Top two causes of death:

1: you're low level and the enemy gets a lucky hit
2: the enemy hits you with paralysis, fear, confusion, or any of the other statuses that will fuck you up

Once you figure out how to avoid putting yourself in danger and how to handle enemy spellcasters, you end up having to reload a lot less. Problem is that the game is just really bad at putting some unseen bullshit in your path, like lightning traps and such.

>> No.3798721

It's got a high learning curve is the issue, so it feels like you have to know a bunch going in.

>> No.3798725

Remember that evil people will dick over other evil people for rewards.

>> No.3798741

I remember how you could always ask for a reward in every quest of Torment. That was a good solution for an evil/neutral character, you could do the same quests too but there was always something for you, or at least the promise, so you weren't acting like some sort of saint.

>> No.3798806

Evil people always want to appear good so that they can huge their high reputation for profit.

>> No.3799337

Stupid question.
I have BG EE (along with the original game) in GoG and BG2 EE in Steam.
Will the mod BG Trilogy still work or I'm better off with Tutu in this case?

>> No.3799351

Oh nvm, just noticed I have no use for the BGT mod if I don't have the original BG2.

Since I have the EE of 2 I guess I'll just have to use Tutu for the classic BG1.

>> No.3799361

Ok I'm a huge cocksucker.
Seems both mods need to have the original versions of both BG and BG2 installed.

EE for both it is, I guess.

>> No.3800804

BGTutu with G3Fixpack, G3Tweakpack and Widescreen mod. Literally all you need.

>> No.3802708

One of the things that really stands out as an issue in Infinity Engine games is not having any indicator of the length of disables or debuffs you're under. Kind of wish they'd been able to patch that in, having a game with less obtuse stuff but better enemy AI would be a better system even if the overall difficulty ended up the exact same.

>> No.3804452

>>The only level 1 mage spells that matter in BG1 are Sleep and Identify

Magic Missile is necessary after level 3. Larloch's minor drain will save your ass at the beginning if you play it on hardest difficulty. With that said, you pick up those scrolls quickly so you will have the choice.

>> No.3804617

gonna play BGT with tweaks and fixes and Sword Coast Stratagems on top with max settings

thinking I'm gonna actually use AIs this time and probably 2 custom characters to go with the NPCs (going to go neutral/evil)

recommend me builds and weapon specializations, thinking of using a Mage/Cleric multi and Kensai/Thief dualclass

are any of the NPCs good for using halberds? they have a really nice progression

>> No.3804824

How do I get into IWD2? I'm just utterly confused by the character creation because of the different ruleset. After reading a guide for it I feel like dropping the game even more. Could anyone just give me a small things to avoid during the character creation so I don't end up with something totally useless?

>> No.3804885
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Is the sequel considered retro?

If so, what're the mods that bring more to the table?

>> No.3804904

Won't bother much with strength because it's a simple max it on anyone that will melee people a lot, leave it low on pure casters.

Charisma is a dump stat except for one character like a bard or a sorcerer who will do your talking for you and who should have points in most of the social skills. Paladins kind of work but they'll refuse quest rewards sometimes.

Intelligence isn't a total dump stat because you'll want to cover most skills across the party, but you should be able to lower it on several characters if you have it quite high on your party face and maxed on a wizard/rogue multiclass (starting rogue for the multiplied level 1 skill points, leveling mostly as a wizard but saving your skill points for occasional rogue levels, you don't need a single class rogue to handle your thieving skills.)

Wisdom can be lowered if needed on anyone that isn't a divine spellcaster of some kind or a monk, especially if the character has innate spell resistance to compensate the lower will save. A deep gnome monk with maxed dexterity and wisdom makes the best tank in the game, and is one of the few builds that will actually scale with enemy attack bonuses properly.

Dexterity is more useful in the early game than the late game because of the issue with your AC scaling poorly, so eventually even what starts as a hard to hit character won't end up that way, but you'll get plenty of use of 16 dexterity before that point even on characters that have heavy armour proficiency because there is very little useful plate in the game.

Part 1 of 2.

>> No.3804905


Constitution is always nice and you'll never want to have it be negative. You can usually get it to at least 14 by removing whatever mental stats your character doesn't need. For example, a pure martial intended to be a fighter4/rogue3/barbarian13 doesn't need any of his mental stats at all so long as you've got someone else with rogue levels to cover the skills. Only characters like paladin might be stuck with a shitty constitution because it uses all 3 physical stats as well as charisma and wisdom to some extent.

I like to have a bard or sorcerer as party face, a deep gnome monk as a tank, a martial multiclass for physical damage, the wizard/rogue tilted towards the wizard for thief skills, and either both a cleric and a druid for divine spellcasting or just one and another melee dude, maybe a paladin so you can use the holy avenger later on. ECL races in general are strong because of how the game calculates XP rewards, you don't really get penalized the way you should be.

Part 2 of 2.

>> No.3804909

It's horribly balanced.

A Cleric will always be better tank than a Fighter or Barbarian. Traps only do single digit damage and all locks can be opened with a Knock spell so Thieves are useless too.

>> No.3805034

I disagree.

A Rogue means an infinite number of locks picked at any time, whereas the Knock spell means having to prepare 1 for every lock you think you'll come in contact with and foregoing the spell slot's use for anything else.

And the thing about a Fighter is that with this ruleset he's not locked down into just being a Tank. Sure, your Cleric with the right feats, stat spread and spells prepared could probably out-tank a Fighter. But the Fighter is simultaneously also to be an excellent tank, ranged attacker, front line heavy or whatever combative role you need. The handful of feats that the Cleric needs to lock down his role are just a drop in the bucket to the Fighter, master of warfare that he is, to blow on numerous styles and avenues of combat. And game-specific feats like Maximized Attacks only compound the Fighter's use.

And no one considers a Barbarian a Tank. They can't wear Heavy Armor and their signature ability lowers AC.

>> No.3805343

>Archers are good in BG1, but they fall off in 2.

Archers are top tier in BG2, they can get a ridiculous thac0 and basically have a 100% hit chance

Pure Rogues on the other hand are really crappy

>> No.3805378

So I'm playing enchanced edition for the first time. Just picked up Neera... is she supposed to suck this much? She only got 4 hp... anyways after picking up Minsc and his witch friend, I have no idea what to do. It's full party, and dunno where she goes after I remove her from party
I've heard Saerileth mod was something, haven't played it yet.

>> No.3805435

Well there goes my first party of a paladin, fighter, druid, wizard, ranger and rogue. Thanks for the tips I'll try again.

>> No.3805483
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>Pure Rogues on the other hand are really crappy
Highest damage potential in the game is a Thief's sneak attack. And there is literally no more broken a mechanic than Thief traps.

>> No.3805502

>I've heard Saerileth mod was something, haven't played it yet.

Saerileth mod is a meme about wooing a 14 year old paladin girl who will never shut the fuck up and whom the whole universe adores. Never install it.

>Highest damage potential in the game is a Thief's sneak attack

On a single attack that works very, very restrictively. You can't use it on constructs, undead, and many other creatures.

You never really "need" thousands of damage in a single hit. A dual-wielding berserker kensai will rack up the DPS way faster than assassin would, while bringing a lot more HP, saves, and some downright broken abilities to the table.

That is not to say that Thief hit'n'run tactics don't work - they do - but they have the tendency to be tedious and resource-consuming (Potions of Invisibility tend to be a must if you can't reliably run away from an enemy's line of sight and sneak back again).

>And there is literally no more broken a mechanic than Thief traps.
Those only become really powerful at HLA level, and HLAs, by design, are all fucking broken already. Simulacrum or Mislead abuse comes much earlier than trap cheese, and so do the multiple ways of inflicting burst damage.

>> No.3805565

Mages tend to suck at lower levels, but personally, I never cared for Neera. Minsc and Dynaheir are great. Who else is in the party? Ajantis or Branwen (the statue at the Nashkel fair) are pretty good.

As for what to do now, the way forwards in the story is to clear out the Nashkel mines. Or to put it more broadly, to investigate and end the ore shortage. Things tend to lead you around from there. You might try crashing through the wilderness a bit, there's always lots of encounters there to have fun with. Have a look through Nashkel with item find on, there's a few really juicy stashes there you'll like.

You might also want to explore the coast up near Baulder's Gate itself. There's some good quests up there, including one that gives you one of the best armours in the game.

Where she goes is back to the Friendly Arm Inn, IIRC. That's where the EE characters go. I think she might mention it when she leaves the party.

>> No.3805567


I usually just went through the area loaded up on Knock spells after I'd cleared the place out.

>> No.3805816

Installing Saerileth just once is a right of passage for people playing modded BG2. Even if it's just to fuck Phaere while romancing her so that she dies of a broken heart right there on the spot.