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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3785816 No.3785816 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 25 and since I was a little kid i've always preferred retro games, i've pretty much been collecting since I was in like elementary school. Growing up my parents didn't have alot of money so I only had an NES, but I had a shitload of games for it.

Now all I see is retro gaming everything everywhere. And its all people who didn't really grow up with it. Its completely burned me out. My roommate talks about how N64 is the greatest system ever to exist, and how he's a collector, so he goes and buys jacked up priced n64 games for $40-60 that I remember paying alot less for in middle school and early high school. All day every day he watches these lame youtube reviewers (I'm a fan of the angry nerd myself, but the rest of them kinda suck) who exploit this hobby. All of the prices of everything are completely jacked up now.

Theres so much about retro games on youtube now that its insane. Now I'm starting to see everyone loves retro gaming.

I'm not bitching about it, its cool that this is mainstream now, but at the same time i'm just fucking burned out by it. Time to move onto a different nerdy hobby, i'll focus on magic and for the time being get a raspberry pi instead of paying ridiculous prices for shit. I mean, its cool that its come to be a mainstream thing, but does anyone else feel like these people are just bandwagoners with nothing better to do?

I'm done having retro gaming be my main nerd hobby for a bit, i'll always love it, but a combination of these people and skyrocketing prices always ruined it for me. I always wanted to get into turbografx, amiga, and especially neo geo. I'm just gonna get a raspberry pi with my tax return so I can play this stuff and listen to my roommate talk condescendingly about how great N64 and the NES classic is.

>> No.3785826 [DELETED] 

If you "used to" like retro, you never liked it in the first place.

>"recent wave of popularity"
>had been going for like 10 years now

>> No.3785860

What do you mean I never liked it in the first place?

and yea, but its become way more popular over the last couple years. Maybe I just notice because my roommate is obsessed with n64 and doesn't even really play it and just watches youtube videos about it all day and talks about how he's a video game collector.

>> No.3785863

OP, the retro boom started in 2013. It's far from "recent" now.

>> No.3785871

You think it's bad now, wait til this comes out
If you "used to" like retro, you never liked it in the first place.
I liked some of the games when they fist came out, but don't play all of them now. I'm 50. Don't tell me what I like or don't like

>> No.3785872

>My roommate talks about how N64 is the greatest system ever to exist, and how he's a collector, so he goes and buys jacked up priced n64 games for $40-60 that I remember paying alot less for in middle school and early high school.
except N64 games were even more expensive than that back then you fucking fraud

also itt OP crying because he's not a special unique snowflake anymore. fuck off faggot.

>> No.3785882

I don't really pay much attention to what's popular.

>> No.3785886

The only thing I'm burned out on is people talking about collecting games or emulation methods instead of talking about the games themselves.

>> No.3785924 [DELETED] 

>I liked some of the games when they fist came out, but don't play all of them now. I'm 50. Don't tell me what I like or don't like
You misunderstood what I said.

OP pulled a hipster and said "meh, I retro is too popular now, so I hate it". I meant to say that if he really liked retro games, this wouldn't matter for him.

>> No.3785925

>stop liking what I like.

If you feel burned out by all the retro gaming youtube channels, then don't watch them.

>> No.3785936

This is it exactly. I dont care about the talk of emulation methods, i like emulation. But people like my roommate seem to be more into collecting than the games themselves. He now has this big library of N64 games and he purchased custom cases for each of them, yet I never see him play them. I've asked him how far he's gotten in ocarina of time, majoras mask, mario 64, paper mario, etc. The answer is not very far at all. He can't even get passed the first level in the zelda games, and under the rare circumstance i see him playing these games, he's got a gamefaqs or a strategy guide he got off eBay up, without even trying first. Than he talks shit to me for not using guides when i'm stuck and trying to figure it out.

The only game he plays consistently is the newest WWE game, yet he reps that he's a retro gamer all the time.

>> No.3785939

I know but my roommate who I've been bitching about this whole thread watches them on the TV in my living room constantly.

>> No.3785941

Maybe he doesn't play them often because his sweat-drenched roommate won't stop hovering over him and complaining that's he's having fun wrong.

>> No.3785942


>> No.3785943

Nah, I sit in my chair all day if I'm home and dont really talk to him, its just an observation.

>> No.3786060

>My roommate talks about how N64 is the greatest system ever to exist

Tell us why you decided to live with such an idiot

>> No.3786071

You sound like a fag, kill yourself

>> No.3786076

I mean, this is why the prices are skyrocketing. Worse even when they just google "top 25 games" and start buying off that list.

I know you faggots keep calling the retropie a mememachine but fuck if it isnt awesome having the full ps1 library. Played through fear effect, a game ive wanted since i was young, and then played through parappa the rapper for the 100th time afterwards.

The retro collecting shit is a nightmare now because people want collections. Not just collections of good games.. Not just games they found randomly and turned out to be gold.. They want the popular games. Its disgusting.

>> No.3786274

>raspberry pi
>good emulation
pick one

>> No.3786320

OP pic is dope
quit being a fag and play some belt scrollers with your room mate

>> No.3786348

Any knock off chinese tv box with android has better emulation than tha sadberry bi.

>> No.3786367

>Now all I see is retro gaming everything everywhere.

I see the exact opposite. I see people playing the latest FPSs and open world games on PS4/Xbone/PC and eSports like LoL. None of my friends play retro games and I've never met someone "in the wild" who played retro games. I kinda doubt the guys who run the retro stores near me even play retro games. You only see retro games "everywhere" if you go looking for them.

>And its all people who didn't really grow up with it.

Cool, more people will discover good games.

>My roommate talks about how N64 is the greatest system ever to exist

There are worse opinions one could have.

>so he goes and buys jacked up priced n64 games for $40-60 that I remember paying alot less for in middle school and early high school

I'm sorry that the basic laws of economics drive up the price of an item when the supply of the item is small and finite and the demand is high.

This is where I have the least sympathy for people. You wanna buy retro games? Well, that other guy is obviously willing to pay more, why do you deserve it over him?

>I'm done having retro gaming be my main nerd hobby for a bit

Ok bye.

Now that I'm done being a dick, I do have some sympathy for you. I don't like "bandwagoners" in pretty much any activity, and it does make me sad to see people who are only interested in video games superficially and casually, instead of treating their experiences with games like they mean something. But at the end of the day, people can pretty much do what they want. And I also think you're really exaggerating how popular retro gaming is right now.

>> No.3786945

Some exceptions are children, retirees, and people with disabilities

>> No.3786957

>ready player one (film)
Great, one of /lit/'s most popular shitposting topics is going to infect the entire site. Can't wait for that.

>> No.3787001

Simple - don't buy retro games. Flashcarts and burned games all the way, or use a raspberry pi if you're really poor.

>> No.3787003

To be fair, there's not a lot to talk about when it comes to retro games. I love shmups, for instance, but there just isn't a lot to talk about in regards to them. The fun comes from actually fucking playing them.

>> No.3787015

Snes and n64 prices are pretty low compared to a few years ago the only prices that have been skyrocketing are nes because of the nes classic, also I don't think its any more or less popular than it ever was I think it's just our age group (I'm 24) is now at a point where we have ok jobs and can actually buy the stuff we've always wanted, plus if you're not a pc gamer for modern games all that's out now is Call of Halo 5: Raising My Wife's Son so we're starting to look elsewhere for gaming experiences, though i personally have played old school games forever though I can't say I prefer either it just depends on my mood.

>> No.3787016
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>muh sekrit club
/vr/ is mostly Single Player, right?
If it matters to you at all whether or not other people enjoy the same solitary hobby as you, it probably means you're only doing it as an affectation, to make some kind of personal statement about what a special autistic snowflake you are.
It's like a fedora; it's not keeping the sun off your head, and it sure as shit isn't making you look good. You're wearing it so you can be perceived as a fedoralord.
You may as well wear a fucking zanerobe singlet and kanye glasses, you fucking poser.
Ree, get the fuck out.

>> No.3787018

Saying ree in 2017 is about as bad as a fedora... 2007 was 10 years ago buddy.

>> No.3787025

Simple solution...stay away from social media and play more games.

>> No.3787036

>2007 was 10 years ago
Maybe for you, "buddy".
>not entering carbonite stasis during the obama administration to hasten the coming of the god emperor

>> No.3787046


>Caring what other people think

Look at this fagot.

>> No.3787048

Fucking these.
I'm play NES games because I enjoy them. I don't really know what happens around.

>> No.3787082


And this is the reality: the guy is literally mad because other people like the thing he claims to like. He actually claims that other people enjoying it is making him like it less.

That's retarded.

>> No.3787152

>And its all people who didn't really grow up with it
Do you only replay the same games over and over? I got into retro gaming precisely to play good games I might have missed.

>> No.3787175


>Maybe for you

Lrn2maths, faggot

>> No.3787191

I don't really know anyone in person who is a bandwagoner retro gamer like you describe, and I don't watch youtube shit, so I'm rarely forced to interact with that aspect of the culture, apart from maybe rubbing elbows with a young hipster or two while I'm at the flea market.

Pretty much all of my friends, who grew up playing the same games I did, aren't really into the retro scene as you describe, either. They all still like video games but only keep up with modern consoles, and resort to emulation or virtual consoles if they play retro. I'm the only one who held onto my original hardware and still play on it. I've always been a sentimental faggot, though.

So ultimately, I'm too busy actually enjoying video games to give a shit what other people in the hobby are saying or doing.

>> No.3787201

Oh fuck. Shit. I better hurry up and just buy the last few games I want at whatever prices they are right now.

Although personally, I'd be more worried about the Console Wars movie, if that's still happening.

>> No.3787267


>> No.3787282

Did anything happen when Pixels was released?
I mean it did come out on 2013 when the final boom occurred but surely that's coincidental right?

>> No.3787339

Jesus you have more autism than I do

>> No.3787348

Tell him the n64 is shit and you don't wanna watch it.

>> No.3787352

I dunno. Actually, Wreck-It Ralph seems to have coincided with the most recent retro vidya craze. Prices were steadily on the rise from the late 2000s, but I feel like I've seen the most absurd price hikes post 2012.

>> No.3789006

What I started collecting n64 games in 2003 and I remember paying like 4 dollars for duke nukem 64 the manual and the strategy guide

>> No.3789495

No. Why would it?

>> No.3790665

Well the book prominently features a Tandy CoCo in Halliday's bedroom as a plot point. So if you've ever thought of getting one of those, better do it now.

>> No.3790673

yeah that makes more sense actually
seeing as its one of the only successful vidya-related movies

>> No.3790675

This is what I always thought. Prices didn't really spike like crazy until Christmas season 2012. And nothing has gone under that point since.

>> No.3790794


Tell your "friend" that he doesn't actually like games, but just likes the idea of them.

>> No.3791303

I think it also has to do with the general, widespread acceptance of nerd culture that has happened. It suddenly became cool to admit you like comic books and video games and Star Wars and shit, almost around the same time.

Also, isn't there a Wreck-It Ralph sequel in the works? Between that and Console Wars, brace yourselves for the second round of insane price hikes. I say less than two years, a copy of Super Mario World will be going for $50. Screencap this.

>> No.3791317

earlier than that even in 2010 or 2011 some guy bought out all of the cheap retro games in my city and opened his own "retro gaming" store and jacked up the prices