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3784256 No.3784256 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best Game Boy / Game Boy Color mods?

I have a couple stock ones and thinking about getting a modified one for a daily driver, suggestions?

Also, Game Boy General, post your Game Boys.

>> No.3785129

GB Boy Colour seems pretty cool, you can mod it with an original GBC D-Pad

>> No.3785136

Cut a couple inches off the sides so you can fit it in your ass

>> No.3785138

Doesn't GB boy have the wrong aspect ratio?

I only have a Pocket and a GB Light. If anyone wants to trade the Light for a AGS-101 modded pocket I'm game. Light is a cool novelty but the ghosting is too much.

>> No.3785147


Had you any know-how you'd be able to concoct a 4 dimensional holographic projection by placing the Game boy flat, rigging the speaker to a colloidal base triggered by the same lasers found in a Virtua Boy with improved interfacing (courtesy of yours truly and some slick fingers), knowing which 3 plastic clips to dismantle and where to solder specifically, these specifications are not for the faint of heart (I was 12 when I did this). The speaker would amplify the screen image as a result of gamma rays, adding a layer of sound to every image and even being tangible didn't the colloidal surface area. Imagine the holographic chess from Star Wars. This is almost the same thing. Learn to mod on your own. You'll get more out of it.

>> No.3785156

It's slightly squasged, but they're $30 and have a way higher quality screen than any front-lit original GB. It's a cheap price for the convenience, even if it's not perfect. I'm really jealous of your GB Light though.

>> No.3785209

I modified a GBC with a frontlight and it came out alright. It's cool to be able to play in the dark, but I found myself going right back to a GBA SP after a week or so. I don't regret the mod, but I guess I have a hard time justifying using that over a GBA

>> No.3785364

OP here

Edgar that is freaking awesome. You've inspired me.

>> No.3785369

Frontlight : Shit
Just get an AGS-101.

>> No.3785372

when the fuck are we gonna see chinkshit aftermarket backlit displays for all classic gameboys

>> No.3785450
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I've pretty conclusively concluded that SPs are everything any reasonable person could ask for from a Game Boy and for this reason they are over-represented in my personal collection.

That having been said, when I'm feeling unreasonable I find that the Pocket is the most attractive, comfortable and has the best small, low resolution monochrome screen ever to have existed.

>> No.3785503

There's actually popped up a new listing on taobao a week or so ago, of a chink that apparently has developed a gbc screen with the correct aspect ratio + backlight and higher resolution than the original screen + less ghosting than ags-101.
The specifications are of course stated by the seller itself so who knows if they are true but there are pictures.
The ones that were brave enough to take the chance haven't received their's yet so no confirmation on it just yet.

>> No.3785576

no fucking way
link me up nigga

Also, could this have something to do with the 33C3 seminar that was held a few weeks ago? Some dude did a talk about Game Boy and showed us some never-before-published details about the Game Boy display

>> No.3785621


I wish the GB carts didn't stick out of them.

>> No.3785687

Sorry for linking to reddit but the direct taobao link doesn't load for me right now
and it actually does contain some translation on it, which might be helpful.
I don't know if it could have anything to do with it but you never know where the chinese get their knowledge from.

>> No.3785710

The GBP is such a beautiful display. It's infinitely more usable than the DMG, and the size is so perfect.

>> No.3785731
File: 3.02 MB, 2160x3840, DSC_0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a PVM as display is also pretty neat

>> No.3785747

lol yeah I agree. If they'd put the cartridge slot on the top, the shoulder buttons would have been weird though.

>> No.3785756

Why did you build a Super Game Boy? Was the 2% different clock speed just more than you could take? I feel like it probably would have been easier just to swap the crystal.

>> No.3785765

It's a standalone GBA mate.
If anything, it'd come closer to the Game Cube + GBP

>> No.3785771

can you explain what that is? looks pretty awesome.

>> No.3785792

>SNES controller
>Running GBC game
Yes how dumb of me not to realize it was made from a GBA just because it has a GBA cart sitting on it. That considered, I suppose it was probably cheaper than buying a GB Player disc all of which seem to have spontaneously combusted. Were you able to tap RGB directly or did you have to build a custom transcoder?

>> No.3785797
File: 126 KB, 500x660, Mods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the pic related isn't a GBC but the premise is the same. There's a whole community surrounding just making the Gameboy more visually-appealing. Considering the fact that your eyes are going to be glued to it the entire time, it may as well be aesthetically delicious.

It goes so deep as for people to make custom silicone molds for the buttons and pouring their own silicone/plastic mixture to make trippy colors and even glow in the dark materials.

I guess the most common things I've seen from what I've researched is a backlit screen or putting mods on it to make it be able to be used for chip tunes. There's obviously custom ROM loaders and rom cartridges so you can play virtually any game you want for it.

>> No.3785809
File: 1.09 MB, 3361x2083, EoJwlGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a standard AGB-001 PCB with a TV out board mounted into a shell.
It takes input via a SNES Pad trough a VGA connector.
I never called you dumb. Sorry if what I wrote came off as agressive though.
The TV out board taps into the LCD connector and produces clean RGB from that.
Here's a screen from an LCD with Framemeister since my lacking skills of taking photos of CRTs doesn't really do it justice.

>> No.3785817

That's fuckin rad dude. Really cool.

>> No.3785825

>What are the best Game Boy / Game Boy Color mods?
GB(P): Backlight and Bivert mod. Bivert is optional on the Pocket due to its better screen.


GBC: None really, but you could look into a frontlight mod, but then only with LOCA.


>> No.3785831
File: 3.34 MB, 3840x2160, HTDm0TW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
Here's a shot of it on my tiny ass PVM for the heck of it.
Looks much better in person of course.

>> No.3786267


best response so far

>> No.3788662

Someone in another thread linked this, and I think it might be worth following.
Hopefully the claims are accurate.