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3782751 No.3782751 [Reply] [Original]

>I-it did the 2D better!!!
No, it didn't


>> No.3782754

>Playstation native game ported to Saturn
Pick some more cherries for me, I'm making a pie.

>> No.3782756

Then please give an example of the Saturn's superior 2D capacity

>> No.3782757

Literally every 2D arcade game that was ported to both systems.

>> No.3782774

Castlevania was extremely optimized for the PSX hardware, it did things like shading and stacked transparencies and 256px wide display that the Saturn could not do in hardware.

Every single other multiplatform 2d game was better on the Saturn.

>> No.3782793

The PS1 does have some advantages in 2D. It's faster at putting out sprites, and obviously the transparency features are much easier to use.

However the Saturn's advantages like a dedicated background tiling chip and more RAM are simply unassailable overall.

>> No.3782863


>> No.3782913

Are you the samefag who made that deleted Contra Hard Corps thread yesterday? You're embarrassing yourself again.

>> No.3783289

>Every single other multiplatform 2d game was better on the Saturn.

Why is this? What made it so good for 2D games?

>> No.3783318

Sega excelled at making 2D arcade games. Just a natural fit

>> No.3783321

>Every single other multiplatform 2D game was better
Not... every game. I'm a saturn fag but there's some titles that just have really bad lag and shit. In The Hunt and Donpachi come to mind. Also I can't get a copy of sokyugurentai that actually runs correctly on my saturn, I think like every copy of that game is bugged, but that might be simply due to modchip/piracy/whatever.

>> No.3783331

I remember getting Xmen Vs Streetfighter for the PSX after playing on my friends Saturn, I was pissed.
Spent hours trying to figure out how to switch only to figure out you fucking can't.

>> No.3783341

Is there any guide to PS/Saturn multiplats over which console had the definite version?

>> No.3783380

PC (if avaiable)> both
Saturn if 2D (except for Symphony of the Night)
PSX if 3D

>> No.3783386

>PC (if avaiable)> both
The official (as in non-MAME) PC ports of Alpha 1 and 2 were based on the PS1 versions, so they were shit by default.

>> No.3783392

>Why is this? What made it so good for 2D games?

It had an old school tile mapper, linebuffer based secondary GPU to draw backgrounds with.

This is what the majority of 2d games used at the time, so porting them was simpler, and it could do more of their special effects (linescroll, column scroll, etc) accurately.

Also, having a tilemapped background chip with its own palette ram saved a ton of memory from the other gpu.

>Also I can't get a copy of sokyugurentai that actually runs correctly on my saturn, I think like every copy of that game is bugged

Confirmed pirate fag. Original Japanese copies on a Japanese system run fine. Run a pirated copy on an action replay, and you get major problems. This is a known problem for the game, it tries loading an incomplete leftover translation.

>> No.3783407

Check out Street Fighter Zero (Alpha) 2.

Original CP-2's sprite intro faithfully replicated on Saturn. PSX uses a movie file.

The text for the rounds (example: round 1) expand and curve outward. This is faithfully replicated on the Saturn. PSX doesn't do this.

Conclusion, PSX can't handle 2D as well as Saturn.

>> No.3783418



Bonus, PS2 didn't replicate Guilty Gear XX's sprite intro from the arcade. PS2 one was a movie file. Maybe lazy programmers?

>> No.3783421

Saturn version still got 9/10 while PSX got 10/10, because of the blue shadows.

Not even making this up.

>> No.3783430

PSX fan boys.

>> No.3783432

You mean that Nick Rox shit? That was Alpha 1, not Alpha 2. I'm more disappointed that he turned out to be a furfag. He's Murdoc's motherfucking son.

>> No.3783528

>He's Murdoc's motherfucking son.

er, which Murdoc?

>> No.3783592

MacGyver's arch-nemesis.

>> No.3783679

>PC (if avaiable)
Does that include the PC ports of Saturn games like Virtual On and Panzer Dragoon?

Also I feel like Dead or Alive is iffy... PSX and Saturn both have some things they do better than the other.

>> No.3783687
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> magazine reviews are objective measures of games' quality

>> No.3783707

>32 bit

>> No.3783727

>Also I feel like Dead or Alive is iffy... PSX and Saturn both have some things they do better than the other.
They're not the same game. DOA1 was completely reworked for the PS1.

>> No.3783785

For the record, the Saturn version is considered the more definitive port, Itagaki considered it his personal favorite and chose to use it for the dead or alive ultimate conversion.

>> No.3783802

>comparing USA version to PAL version

>> No.3783824

Thanks for the cherry.

>> No.3784150


Wow. ONE example of a botched port. You sure told us.

>> No.3784219 [DELETED] 

>Original CP-2's sprite intro faithfully replicated on Saturn. PSX uses a movie file.
That was fixed in SFA2 Gold though.

>> No.3784228

>Original CP-2's sprite intro faithfully replicated on Saturn. PSX uses a movie file.
That was fixed in SFA2 Gold though. Also the Saturn intro is missing some detail that funnily even the SNES intro had