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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 157 KB, 1000x522, page_hero_lynx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3777608 No.3777608 [Reply] [Original]

Since all of you seem to hate Guru Larry, let's see what you think of his bro.


>> No.3777705
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>Bashing on Lynx

>> No.3778046

There should be a permanent containment thread for this shit.

>> No.3778061

e-celebs need their own containment board.

>> No.3778074

What can /vr/ possibly have against Larry other than being fat or not liking his sense if humor? Dude has been into gaming shit longer than most people on this board have even been alive

>> No.3778092

He's pretty ignorant when it comes to a lot of gaming-related things. Recently made a video about Shigeru Miyamoto which was full of nothing but misquotes and borderline slander.

I'm 21 and probably know more about gaming than him.

>> No.3778104

Let me guess, Lynx price bubble now?

>> No.3778192

>Since all of you seem to hate
anyone who monetizes their videos.
Not just Adjective Larry, or Wacky-face William, or their bro, or their second cousin.

>> No.3778308

I'm just butthurt. I won't dilute your board with this shit otherwise.

>> No.3778391

Muh Miyamoto dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.3778439

He was better when he was reviewing spoiled canned food.
He'd better review animal feces next time instead of videogames.

>> No.3778486

Who hates guru larry?

He's top tier based bro.

>> No.3778492

Did you watch any of the video?

Ashens loves the lynx and owns all but two of the games.

We had one for a few days, but when it hit the limit and a new one was created it got deleted.

Yep, if only so people dont have to see the whiners anytime youtube is brought up.
Go bug whomever is in charge of that shit now.

>> No.3778509

His voice is much more pleasant.

>> No.3778514

He attracted the ire of Nintendo fanboys for the mere idea of suggesting that Miyamoto is not a infallible or kind as he presents himself to be.

>> No.3778537

> Pissing off nintendo nerds

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3779042

Well I agree with deleting every thread but if they aren't going to do it consistently then we need a containment board. Or they can delete and ban. People will learn pretty quick. Even the tards who watch this shit.

>> No.3779094


>Misquotes and borderline slander

Except it was none of those things. It sourced from legit interviews that have been around and been discussed here for fucking years. It's your right to not believe something Argonaut Employee B says but he still said it, a misquote would have been something like including the Donkey Kong Country 'drama'.

>> No.3779406

There was but you faggots still got butthurt about people *GASP* enjoying a modern form of entertainment that you don't like and shit them up so much they're now back to making multiple threads. Fucking loser GET A LIFE!

>> No.3779745

>modern form of entertainment
So you agree it's not retro. Fuck off back to /v/ baby.

>> No.3779773


No they just need to be not posted at all.

>> No.3780445

Same with ponies.

>> No.3780640

But he's been reviewing hardware since the start, moron

>> No.3781918

Larry! What are you doing on /vr/ you cheeky sod?

>> No.3781947


Loving that rebuttal m8. I literally watched the video for this thread, I couldn't give two shits about defending Larry or any other Youtuber but everything he said there has been discussed to death for years. If you're posting on /vr/ how was ANY of this new information to you? The mouthbreathing retards on Youtube are one thing but I'm surprised even this place can get worked by a fat British bloke bringing up old rumours.

>> No.3782457

Ashens isn't fat.

He probably should be but I think that Century Egg he ate did something bad to his digestive tract.

>> No.3782474

And his hairline.

>> No.3782574

Agreed, his food vids are top notch.

>> No.3782604

Guru Larry is fat.

>> No.3784648

I love retro handhelds and I really want a Lynx 2. Kind of hard to find them for a good price, though.

The Lynx 2 and the PC Engine Duo are the two retro systems I don't own but really want. I already have pretty much everything else I could possibly want aside from some old computers, and those are the two systems that it's come down to.

I have a modded Game Gear with a fancy new McWill screen and McWill also makes one for the Lynx. If I actually get around to dropping the cash on a Lynx 2 then I would certainly be modding it with the new screen and a VGA port.

>> No.3785895

It's not new to me, but I'm sure it was new to his underage fanbase. Now we're going to be seeing kiddies spout that Miyamoto is the devil when he is in fact one of the single most important people in video game history.

>> No.3786078
File: 1.16 MB, 1520x2048, IMAG0364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must be shooting up in price recently because I was picking them up dirt cheap (in need of recapping obviously) a year or so ago.

>> No.3786262

Miyamoto is a has-been.

>> No.3786264

One that needs recapping might be cheaper and I can do it myself. I've repaired many Game Gears.

The funny thing is, even a broken Game Gear costs what a working one cost a few years ago. People are buying up the broken ones to flip them because people finally are starting to appreciate the system a bit more. Same thing might happen to the Lynx, although the games for it are already pretty expensive.

>> No.3786269
File: 55 KB, 398x500, 1483898915822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is in fact one of the single most important people in video game history.

>this is what nintenyearolds believe

>> No.3786596

48 year old here. Miyamoto has been pretty damn important. Not even a fanboi just stating a fact.

>> No.3786747

Personally I haven't seen that video and I don't hate Larry, I just dislike his style of presentation and his humour.

Who would be shocked that a high ranking executive of a company tailors their image though? No human is a true saint, we're all flawed.

>> No.3786764


I appreciate how the Lynx II design matches the aesthetic of the Jaguar. Even if both were flops, they look really badass together. Supposedly they were gonna link up.

Imagine an AvP sequel on Jaguar where you could use your Lynx as a controller and the screen is a motion tracker

>> No.3786913

Jesus fuck this thread went to shit quickly.
Part of it is to blame on you, OP.
Bad choice of words for an OP.

I quite enjoy ashens, he's sincere most of the time, if he likes it he likes it, if he hates it he hates it. It was a good review. Nothing new or anything, but nice.

>> No.3787280


I'm on the 'has-been' team these days but you really can't deny his importance and what he brought to the table for a good twenty years. It's a George Lucas situation for me, he's a once in a lifetime talent that's biggest failing was the massive contempt he built up for the audience he created. Surprised Larry went the whole video without detailing his systematic destruction of the Paper Mario series.

>> No.3787516

>trying to bring /v/ shit to /vr/

>> No.3789872

The reason that broken game gears cost the same as working ones a few years ago is that due to capacitor issues literally every game gear that hasn't had its caps replaced is broken. Games are still $3-10 loose.

>> No.3789894

The black Majesco units still work although those have gone up in price. I nabbed one literally right before the prices on them started climbing. I have one of those as a collection item, and I have my recapped McWill Game Gear for actually playing. I recap and resell broken Game Gears as a paying hobby, and with an LED backlight mod I generally can get about $100-120 for them. I would probably sell a McWill system for about $300 although I'd have to do it on commission since the screen kits cost so much compared to just doing recaps and LED mods.

I think the Game Gear is a really underrated system just because the games are so cheap. Now is the perfect time to get into the system, if you can get past the cost / hassle of getting a recapped (and potentially modded) unit there are a ton of cheap games. Once the market for repaired GGs reaches saturation point the game prices are probably going to go up a lot.