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3774257 No.3774257 [Reply] [Original]

It's okay and the characters are fun, but it is deeply flawed.

>> No.3774262

Unintuitive interface:

I'll admit, I never read the manual. But the UI has some very strange design, and I can think of three examples why: 1. I spent much of the game thinking you had to equip stimpacks to use them. It meant I played very safe most of the time and shied away from some encounters when I didn't think I had a chance without healing. When I fount out all you had to do was enter your inventory and equipping stimpacks was 100% useless. If that was the case, why didn't they just let you equip more than one stimpack at a time? 2. I didn't know you could use objects ON things until the very end of the game. There is one point in the game where you have to interface your radio with a computer to progress. First I tried . Then I spent another 20 minutes fiddling with it until I realized in order to use it: 1. It MUST not be equipped, and you have to hold the left mouse button over it, then click your bag, then scroll down and then click on the radio. 3. Speaking of scroll buttons, the inventory scroll system really sucked and is very slow to get to the item you want.

If I was only allowed to change one thing about this game, it would be the user interface design.

>> No.3774274

The illusion of depth in skills:

Maybe this is common in CRPGs, but there are a lot of animations for certain skills to build around, which is cool I guess, but you are ultimately doing the same thing: Picking one skill, like big guns or unarmed to max out and then become ridiculously overpowered in. I chose unarmed, which either turned out to be a great choice, or (more likely) it's just the same thing for all stats.

I felt that the following skills were 100% pointless: Gambling seemed pointless, there were two places to gamble (three if you count the two computers on the base) and the payout was so miniscule. (caps are easy to come by, had around 20k in caps by the end), Outdoorsman (I didn't know what it did, so I looked it up and it... reduces the number of hours it takes you to find water if you're dehydrated. Cool?). I won't get into the perks, but I found most of them equally useless. They have so few use cases, it's almost like the developers threw them in there just so more stats existed. If perks and those stats were removed, the game would be equally .

>> No.3774275

its just a game bro

>> No.3774283

I felt like some areas of the game weren't given enough attention:

When the game ended I was initially surprised. I had more things to do and I didn't know that was all I had to do to beat the game. I feel as though if the game hadn't ended, or let you keep playing after it ended, it wouldn't have been as bad. I ended going back and up beating it again "for real this time" afterward because I still had things to do. It was really neat that the quests you did affected the ending, but I felt like I wasn't given a chance to choose when the game ended.

If you sneak into the Brotherhood of Steel before doing the become initiate quest, well... surprise, you are an initiate. There are a lot of quirks like these in various smaller quests, but that's the biggest.

Also, if you save and reload while the lieutenant is speaking, he will start his dialog over again. Which is fine, except if you go into combat, take a bunch of chems and reload with low INT causing him to throw you in a dungeon.

>> No.3774385

>I never read the manual.
Then you don't get to complain.
I mean, the interface IS poor, but you don't have the right to complain about it if you ignored the thing that explains it.

Me, I can say it's bad with an informed opinion.

>> No.3775615

Honestly I agree. I like the game and it has some very good ideas, I like the writing a lot, but it certainly has its fair share of problems.

For me the most annoying part of the ui was in shops when I'd be trying to count caps or ammo or whatever. If I had been able to move the tens or hundreds digit shopping would have gone by so much faster.

The walking speed is also really slow even at max speed. That alone is probably my biggest problem with the game.

What you said about BoS recruiting you if you sneak in reminds me of something I did. Remember that shop keeper someone tries to have assassinated? I didn't try to help in that gunfight, I just watched him and the assassin duke it out from the side. Then after he still thanks me for saving his life. So what you do during that whole sequence doesn't make a difference, unless you attack him I guess.

I still like the game but I certainly consider it a bit overrated. I just don't think it's the masterpiece people make it out to be. But I do like it, and I've been thinking about doing another play through.

>> No.3775637

>If I had been able to move the tens or hundreds digit shopping would have gone by so much faster.

You can literally just type the amount of caps in.