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3773218 No.3773218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.3773229

They had opinions that had nothing to do with games.

>> No.3773234

pretentious shit mostly

>> No.3773236

Their opinion weren't the same as your opinions and you can't handle that.

>> No.3773237
File: 48 KB, 637x477, C2qosPHXgAEdu1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They always had shit uninformed opinions about everything that wasn't an RPG or Adventure game, but at least they weren't virtue signalling busybodies.

>> No.3773250

>accurate image

>> No.3773256

I can handle them differing from myself in politics (I still think that pushing politics in a game review site is out of order) but not that they stopped talking about interesting games to focus on obscure indie snowflake shit that interest nobody

>> No.3773265
File: 171 KB, 1093x322, 1478790840208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What HG101 thinks the game is about
>Let's make a game about a ninja girl to fight THE PATRIARCHY!
What most likely happened
>Let's make a game about a ninja girl cause I like cute girls.

>> No.3773270

Stealing Metal Slug 3's logo.

>> No.3773271

makes you think that drumpf is literally hitler

>> No.3773274

As a pixelated, shitty game?

>> No.3773284
File: 44 KB, 816x208, HG101_literally_shaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he meant Trump supporters are like the Nazi-killing allied soldier you control in Wolfenstein 3D.

>> No.3773289

More like Idi Amin really, but it's all pretty much the same shit.

>> No.3773298
File: 27 KB, 800x213, Hardcore Gaming 101_on_Ghouls_'n_Ghosts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitching about social issues and gender politics seems to be the norm for any gaming website that isn't a self-published blog these days, which I can deal with, but don't call yourself "Hardcore Gaming 101" if you're going to advocate using cheat codes as the definite way to play a game.

>> No.3773310

As Bj Blaskowitz killing the nazis?

>> No.3773327

Why he couldn't just have his own twitter account to spew opinions nobody cares about I'll never know.

Anyway I think the site was at least tolerable pre 2010 and I know for a fact there's a few folks on the forum who don't care for all the identity-politics-social issues-bullshit that's permeated the site and articles in the last 4 or 5 years.

The guys who ran GC199X seemed pretty chill but they weren't all podcast material if you know what I mean.

>> No.3773348

>yet another this site has political opinions i disagree with thread

Take it to /v/ or /pol/, children.

>> No.3773353

>People should only give their opinions on twitter

No wonder things are such a mess.

>> No.3773364

>video game site has politics
and you don't see anything wrong with it

>> No.3773365


I was more arguing that I think he should keep his personal beliefs on his personal twitter or what have you, rather than having them shit up the sites feed and content. Which as you can see by this thread is something that is happening more and more frequently.

Be as opinionated as you want, discus politics, ethics and philosophical ideologies till you're blue in the face. Just not on a website called hardcore gaming 101.

>> No.3773369

but it's okay when /v/reddit does it, amirite?

>> No.3773370

Politics and social issues permeate everything. Not him but I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. If you have a strong belief in something I think it's important that you voice it.

>> No.3773372

I get that, but I see nothing wrong with it. We can disagree though and no one is forcing anyone to go to that website.

>> No.3773376


The issue is it starts to permeate the articles, and site itself.

If I want to know about the GAME, I don't want the article bloated with people's fucking political and social agenda.

That's "gaming journalism" now. It's games as a backdrop, with people pushing their social and political agenda's because they couldn't make it as real journalists. Not that real journalists have really fared better this past year.

HG101 is a joke. Articles are way too long for a "review" and are often incorrect. I would state that I like the concept, where you do a "series" except for the fact it's very clear that the people doing the longer series are only intimately familiar wtih a few games, then they're forced to shit out an article for the rest of them and the quality suffers.

>> No.3773380

Voice it on the proper platform. Don't use your gaming site, that's supposed to be about "hardcore gaming" to voice your opinions on everything not video game related.

>> No.3773385

The problem is not with someones views on politics and social issues.

The problem is with inserting those views into everything you write even if it has absolutely nothing to do with the subject.

Imagine you are playing an RPG, where a certain male character when engaged in dialogue with other male characters constantly inserts something along the lines if "BTW I think gay marriage should be legal!". That's about the same thing this site does.

>> No.3773386

>We can disagree though and no one is forcing anyone to go to that website

No I agree with you, I'm just sad to see that site take on more and more of a political slant, especially when it didn't have one in the first place. I understand that journalists use their writing to voice their personal believes and there's a time and a place for that; just not on a website about videogames.

That last sentence is important to bear in mind. It's the same reason I hide non-vidya threads on /v/; because they're not videogames and /v/ is for videogames.

>> No.3773387

>If I want to know about the GAME, I don't want the article bloated with people's fucking political and social agenda.

Then don't read that website. It's not a service that is there to cater to you. It's a website made by some people to talk about what they want.

>That's "gaming journalism" now. It's games as a backdrop, with people pushing their social and political agenda's because they couldn't make it as real journalists.

Even if you are right, that's their prerogative.

>HG101 is a joke.
Then you have even less need to spend any time reading their stuff.

If I had a gaming site and I decided that's where I wanted to voice it, that would be the proper platform because it's my site and says what I want it to. That's my point.

>> No.3773392

>Imagine you are playing an RPG, where a certain male character when engaged in dialogue with other male characters constantly inserts something along the lines if "BTW I think gay marriage should be legal!".

That would be the character's trait. Even if I didn't agree with it, it would be the character. I play games where characters express world views I disagree with all the time. It's not an issue.

>> No.3773394

You're "right" but also very wrong.

I should be the target demographic HG101 but their content is so offputting that I have to avoid it.

You can say "don't go if you don't like it" and I don't, so I don't go. But to respond to criticism that way is not how you grow. I think it's clear that HG101 has alienated a lot of former people who would've loved to stay with it's garbage on the forums, and low-quality articles.

>> No.3773401

That would be a very badly written character though, which is exactly my point.

If you want to make a good character, you should accenuate his vews in beliefs in a non-grating manner, preferably through his actons (Show-not-tell rule).

>> No.3773410

>I should be the target demographic HG101 but their content is so offputting that I have to avoid it.

That's where you are "right" but also very wrong. You want to be their target demographic, but you obviously aren't. If they've alienated people who disagree with them, that's also their prerogative. If they want to be a video game site that wears it's opinions of social issues on it's sleeve that's completely their choice.

Again, it's a super easy site to just not go to. Other that threads on here it never even passes into my consciousness. But I support them for saying what they believe in even if I disagree with it.

>> No.3773414

I assumed you meant he didn't literally just repeat that sentence over and over, that you were getting at his general attitude. But even then, the problem is as you say, bad writing. That's commonplace for video games though.

>> No.3773418

>If they want to be a video game site that wears it's opinions of social issues on it's sleeve that's completely their choice.
Not him, but it wouldn't be such an issue with me if they didn't pick such a bombastic name like Hardcore Gaming 101. Call yourself Virtue Signalling Gaming 101 or some crap like that.

"Don't like it, don't watch it" is such a copout argument anyway.

>> No.3773421

Yeah, when you present yourself as an authority, but get things wrong, and on top of that bring idiotic non-game related stuff into the mix of already sub-par writing.

The forums are a different beast. The forums are more of anything goes territory. The articles on the site, the "primary" content, should be what you advertise it as, which is hardcore gaming content.

>> No.3773425

I think Hardcore Gaming 101 is already pretty lame so I guess I never considered that.

I think "this thing made by someone else should be just the way I want it or I'll complain up a storm" is an equally copout argument. No one at that website owes you or me or really anyone else anything, it's a site some people write out of their own passion.

>> No.3773428

This viewpoint is literally cancer. If someone wants to have a political blog, have one. If you're supposed to be writing about one thing and then you interject something else, you're fucking up and not doing your job.

>> No.3773432

Thank god some people on /vr/ are sensible human beings and not retards like >>3773425

>> No.3773443

is this an anglosaxon thing? from what I've seen they just like to shove politics everywhere, even in sports, meanwhile the rest of the world leave unpolitical stuff free of politics. Not as privileged to ruin everything with petty political views

>> No.3773452

>This viewpoint is literally cancer.
What a fun buzzword. What do you even really mean by that.

>you're fucking up and not doing your job.

That's only because you have assumed their job is to present the kind of website you want it to be. It's actually their job to make the kind of website they want to make. They are under no obligation to you.