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3765747 No.3765747 [Reply] [Original]

Is this good?

>> No.3765748


>> No.3765752
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Thank you.

>> No.3765775

yeh but it's p hard bro

>> No.3765942

Any similar games?

>> No.3765951

Landstalker. Some of the same people worked on it before making Alundra.

>> No.3765954

Very hard puzzles. I think my only major complaint is that enemy health feels very inflated.

>> No.3766025

Soul Blazer
Secret of Mana
Illusion of Gaia
Secret of Evermore
Crusader of Centy
Beyond Oasis

a bunch of other stuff

>> No.3766050

Thanks, will check that.

>> No.3766051

The missable eagles were gay shit

>> No.3766487

its good, youll have a lot of fun for at least the first half of the game. but later on it just feels like a chore to play. Enemy health starts to seem way too high, some puzzles are just aggrivating because platforming in a 2d game just doesn't always work right. I ended up putting it back on the shelf like 15 hours in, just wasn't fun for me anymore.

>> No.3766494


You should sell it to me

>> No.3766512

afaik Working Designs actually reduced the enemy health in the American region. I don't know why they didn't take it further because its still fucking ridiculous.

But it's only the early game. You can beat the final boss with like 3 or 4 castings of the fire spell.

This is pretty accurate. The first like 4 dungeons are really fun. Then it just keeps fucking going.

If you're going to do it, look up the Item Jump and uses of the Magic Beans. You can use them to hit switches which make some of the jumping puzzles a shitload more forgiving.

>> No.3766516

>>Is this good?
>>Give me more good games like this!

No, never do this.

>> No.3766519

but then i wont have it, even though i probably wont play it for another 5 years

>> No.3766624

You're right. This is from the manual's translation notes:

"Monster difficulties were also
rebalanced, generally to make a few of the bosses easier to kill. However,
bosses were also made more dangerous in that if they managed to hit Alundra,
their blows were much more lethal. This lessened some of the boredom of the
later bosses, where they really weren't much challenge to fight, but took
forever to kill."

>> No.3766626


>> No.3766806

It's good, but very difficult in places.

>> No.3766810

I had fun all the way with Alundra. I always felt that most Zelda games, except perhaps the Oracle ones, never go deep enough into their mechanics.

But Alundra does just that, and in every department (story, combat, puzzles)

>> No.3766994


I had mine sit for over 10 years before I sold it and now I want it again

>> No.3767001

which is why ill never sell a game once i own it

>> No.3767003

> It's yet another ice column puzzle

>> No.3767667

>Zelda Games
They're called Adventure games dude.

>> No.3767814

Alundra 3: Breath of the Wild when?

>> No.3768610
File: 213 KB, 900x1200, alundra_3_by_crafxter-d3ku5kr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3768676

I never played the first, which is probably why I love the second one so much, not having anything at all to do with the original was a point in its favor for me.

Other than the perspective, is the original in the same 'style'? Dialog, gameplay, things like that?

>> No.3768691

I hated Alundra. I got stuck in so many places because the solutions required fine tuned precision and luck with the physics. There were jumps that were so hard I wondered if I was cheating or missing something that was suppose to make it easier.

The color palette was kinda boring. Everything was this kind of muted grey color, except for some green vegetation and blue water.
And the story wasn't very compelling or memorable.

>> No.3768723

No. For one thing Zelda isn't adventure it's action-adventure, and action-advenutre is so wide it even encompass things like survival horror.

>> No.3768880

imo its the best of its kind, never liked zelda

>> No.3769068 [DELETED] 

Hurr. DUR! Ok. Action-Adventure. You're right.
But so you know, "Adventure" means the same thing in Action-Adverture, Text Adventure, Point & Click Adventure.
Its all the same game. You're interacting with the environment. Timed reflexes, Text commands, or drag and click. To get past an obstacle. Block on pressure plate; Key in lock, trading items for a pickaxe to use on a boulder ect...

A lot of RPGs use Adventure elements, but it's usually limited to a few puzzles in certain dungeons. Not significant to market them as RPG - Adventure games. But certainly enough for people to mistake Adventure mechanics for RPG mechanics.

Calling survival horror an Adventure game would be a stretch. In most cases it's very basic stuff picking up a key/clue in one room to unlock a door in another room- while being chased with limited supplies, hence "survival".

>> No.3769194
File: 35 KB, 400x400, Alundra_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its very good. But i like the second game more.

>> No.3769302

No. They are really nothing alike in any meaningful way.

I think a lot of the hate for the second game is a bit unfair, and seems to stem purely from it having the word "Alundra" in the title.

I don't think it's as good as the first game, but I did enjoy it.

>> No.3769307

Yea the name does get a lot of hate. But i consider it to be in the same series in spirit. Dispite its none connection to the first game.

The pirates used to make me laugh and it was a solid adventure to boot. Also that princess dance was sexy for my 12 year old self.

>> No.3769479
File: 311 KB, 496x700, alundra__sybill_by_renuski-d4a3u8p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the second in name only, but pretty fun. Except the RC car minigame, fuck that.

>> No.3769492

yea that one can suck a dick. but i did love the darts mini game.

>> No.3769601


>> No.3771607

>play Alundra 2 in turns with gf on a PS that couldn't save
>A little bit every night before sleep, cuddling

>I fuck up at Mephisto

Thanks for bringing up that memory

>> No.3771961

Why would you ask for similar games of a game that you don't even know is good? Bait.