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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3765735 No.3765735 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon /vr/. I recently picked up a Raspberry Pi to use as an emulator. What drew me to it was the composite output so I could play games on a CRT. Are there any guides for configuring the emulators so they look as authentic as possible to the real thing?

Pic related, my retro station.

>> No.3765742

Step one is killing yourself

>> No.3765746
File: 28 KB, 600x292, P7VFihW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello pal.

This is what I would do:
1. Order a PI2SCART
2. Get a SCART M/M cable and a RCA M/M cable on Aliexpress
3. Breakout the SCART to Composite using a cheap chinese adaptor

This is the only way you could get 240p on composite, as the Raspberry Pi's firmware locks the composite output in 480i which upscales the picture and causes it to flicker.

>> No.3765754

Alternatively, hack your Wii then play NES emulators on it

>> No.3765783

Frankly, if you're gonna be using Composite on a 10 inches TV you might be glad you're even getting that signal.
480i and 240p on composite is merely the equivalent of a downgrade to RF

There's no easy way unless you're going to do what >>3765746 said.

You could get a new TV and convert that Pi2Scart to Component instead (using a CSY-2100),
it's the best signal in NA and a close equivalent of the RGB signal.

>> No.3765891

Pi only does 480i, so you cannot get it to look good on a crt.
Don't fall for the reddit pi meme.

>> No.3765905

>he fall in Pee meme

>> No.3765936

Raspberry Pi is amazing with the right tools.
It can do 240p SCART

Stop parroting fallacies to fit in.

>> No.3765945

Can the pi emulate N64 and PS1? That's probably the only reason i'd be interested.

>> No.3765949

Raspberry Pi 3 can do that and also Fightcade/MAME

>> No.3766146

Didn't know about this pi2scart, kinda rad, I was messing with the VGA666 but the color depth bothered me. Thanks

>> No.3767062

Comes out quite cheap too
Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi2Scart costs around 80$ as a whole.

>> No.3767104

It's a garbage box. A Wii is cheaper, easier, and actually designed for playing games.

>> No.3767157
File: 111 KB, 900x515, 470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning!
Everything you said beside the cost is an assertion and not an argument.

Not designed for playing games:
>100% Netplay compatible
>More emulators for the Raspberry Pi as a whole.
>MAME, Fightcade, Playstation and DOSBOX games at full speed
>Runs many modern PC games, including OpenMW, OpenJK and Quake 3 at 90 fps+

>It's much smaller, much more mobile and storable.
>The Raspberry Pi only needs a short SD card installation to be fully unlocked.
>Softmodding a Nintendo Wii is actually longer than setting up a Raspberry Pi 3.

>RPi3 costs 55 dollars, while a Wii costs around 70 dollars.
>Only more expensive if you include the SCART to YUV adapter, which is not a part of the RPi3.
>Retrospectively, the SCART to YUV adapter can be used with many of your other consoles.
>The Wii, on the other hand, only uses proprietary cables and controllers.

>The Raspberry Pi supports mouse and keyboard.
>The Gamecube controller is uncomfortable for retro games and the layout is unlike any controller ever released before.
>Plugging your controllers to another Wii controllers which need batteries isn't cheaper or easier, the much needed adapters are expensive and inconveniently connects to your WiiMote. You'll have a WiiMote hanging down your groin which looks quite awkward and dull.
>USB is the industry standard, therefore it is far more convenient and flexible. The adapters are cheaper, numerous and much more optimized.
>Also includes mouse and keyboard. The Wii only uses proprietary cable, which serve no purpose outside of the Wii.

>The Raspberry Pi can play high quality videos without lag, frame drops or delay, unlike the Wii. It can be used as a multimedia system as it supports ALL video codecs and file types.

Do your research and stop parroting everything you hear, stop trying to be too hip for school.
I'm trying to help you.
Now -snip- because I don't have enough characters for the reply.

>> No.3767162

Little precision:
High Quality is merely 480i/480p, it is not the equivalent of High Definition. Which means the Wii cannot play 480p videos without lag or delay.

>> No.3767489

It's inspiring that someone loves RPi enough to put together such an exhaustive argument. You probably just need to focus on the fact that unlike Wii, new RPi hardware continues to be released and now the RPi3 does exceed the power of the Wii - although Wiis get cheaper and cheaper and your $70 estimate is pretty high. I think most people on /vr/ can scare up a Wii for nothing or next to nothing. Also, Wiis have USB ports and most emulators support them. You should edit your pasta accordingly. Still, good work.

>> No.3767510
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RPi used to be mediocre only a year ago, its pretty good thanks to the arcade community and the release of RPi3.
Get a Raspberry Pi, destroy Mario!

>> No.3767538

You are a mong.

Pi (3) will emulate pretty much anything worth emulating, and it does it well, have you even tried one?

Setup takes literally a few minutes from scratch, and it has all the video filters you need.

Proper USB, WiFi, BT, Ethernet. Works with decent controllers and arcade sticks. Can easily be backed up and cloned. Runs Kodi on the side, plus you can run numerous OS's at once by simply changing the SD card.

The list goes on.

The Wii is a piece of shit, designed for kids and old people.

>> No.3767563

As mentioned here >>3767302, I was getting slowdown (to the point where the sound was glitchy too) in SNES Mario Kart on my RP3. Slowdown on SNES Doom is so bad it's unplayable. Any reason why this is happening? Or is the Pie just unable to run these games? I was using Retroarch Snes9x.

>> No.3767582

I may pick up a 3, maybe even someone's Retropie when they're all getting rid of them to buy 4s.

>> No.3767617

Raspberry Pi 4 may only come out in 2018-2019.

>> No.3767624

We're you using Retropie, Lakka or Recalbox? also the emulator you need to use on the pi is snes9x 2010

>> No.3767630

And I ask because in general the emulation on Lakka works better then Retropie in my experience

>> No.3768956

>responding like this to a troll
>defending the memepi like it's a family member

autism the post

>> No.3769512
File: 1.60 MB, 2592x1944, 20170130_193950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I was looking for a thread like this so I don't have to make my own.

I got myself a Pi and everything running on a CRT, everything is running beautifully except one thing , the picture is bigger than my screen and I can't for the life of me scale it properly and I googled everything and messed with the overscan and config file and nothing , also i have this weird thing where the image is slightly tilted , any idea whats causing that?
Should I get a new TV?
Got any tips?

Help a bro out.

>> No.3769524

The tilt might be able to be adjusted with your TV's service menu.

>> No.3769537

I already tried that and didn't find anything that could adjust it

>> No.3769565

Could require some actual tube-tuning, but your set doesn't look too fancy, so you can probably find an equal or better one for free, tbqhfamicom

>> No.3769587

True , it's not worth messing with the tv , I am already looking for a PVM (on a related note , is it worth getting a PVM if I use the PI?), so there's that

The screen size issue still remains , how can I properly scale it?
I googled it myself and found some instructions on the retropie forums telling me to mess with the overscan an config file , but nothing I did solved my issue

>> No.3769594

Do you have the Pi setup to do 240p? Or are you running out of the composite plug? If you're running from the composite plug, you're running 480i and it's not worth it to get a PVM because it will still look pretty bad. I don't know much about actual Pi configs, I'll let other anons fill that gap.

>> No.3769712

No I don't have it set up to do 240p, and yes I do have the composite plug, then I will ignore the PVM for now, I was planning on getting my hands on some original retro consoles too but untill then the Pi will serve , I was also thinking of getting another one and give it to my mom after I set it up completely since she loves old Nintendo games, or would I be better off getting the mini NES?

>> No.3769729

If you have the Pi configured and ready to go, I don't see why it wouldn't work for your mom. I have a mini NES, it's pretty fun, but they're hard to find and all that etc etc. PVMs are cool but they aren't neccesarily worth hunting down, especially if you don't already have RGB cabling/solutions for your original hardware. Composite and S-Vid look really nice on them, but they look really nice on a consumer CRT too. And those are literally free.

>> No.3769742

okay , then I will just get another Pi for her , and consumer TV's that I should look for in particular?

>> No.3769750

Trinitrons are very safe, try and find one with s-video and/or component inputs if you want expandability in the future. Don't pay more than ~$20 for a consumer TV, and try and test stuff for obvious issues if you're paying. If it's free just hope for the best. Toshibas are good too, JVC, etc, just shoot for brands you've heard of anf you'll probably be safe.

>> No.3769762

OP I did what you want to do. I have a CRT and connected my Pi to it via composite.

I switched between my NES/SNES and the Pi to compare. The Pi is very close but the colors are a little bit more neon -- I'm sure this could be adjusted somewhere but you won't notice unless you compare side by side.

The Pi's lag is really evident when you compare side by side unfortunately. Mario doesn't feel right. The Wii is better in this regard.

>> No.3769793

thank you for the tips anon, I will start looking

>> No.3769802

240p looks like shit

>> No.3769812

get out

>> No.3769874

scanlines cause too much distortion for me, sorry famicon.

>> No.3770978

nvm I fixed it :^)
I just needed to add ''overscan_scale=1'' and after that i was able to edit the screen size as well

>> No.3771003

Why play on an CRT? Btw I'm not trolling.

>> No.3771004

As apposed to Vaseline smeared on the screen?

>> No.3771014

Better analog 240p
Deeper blacks
Better colors
Slightly better responsiveness
Better viewing angle!
Sexy curves
Cheaper cost
Better radiations

>> No.3771059

Again I'm not trying troll anyone or tell them one way from another but I grew up with b&w and color crt TV's but I love playing retro games on my big ass flat screen. I have heard flat screens have delay but I think that may be incorrect for all TV's. I was able to make it to Mike Tyson with it much a problem. Didn't beat him but that has more to do with me sucking now.

Super Metroid is great on a huge TV since her sprite is so big. These are just my opinions though.

>> No.3771107

It's ok, it's just a game anyway.

>> No.3771170

Forgot scan lines, which when paired with 240p make pretty much every filter I've ever seen look terrible by comparison.

For those without CRTs, you won't understand until you use an old SD one. Using an SLG or XRGB-mini do not compare to an actual CRT, and are inauthentic enough for me to consider them no better than emulation filters.

>> No.3771243

It's literally impossible to have an acceptable amount of input lag on a rpi, regardless of what tv, controller, os, or emulator you use. The hardware and/or drivers are simply too slow to output video without adding at least 50ms of lag to it.

>> No.3771265

50ms? that's brutal. Even my NES-101 hooked up to my HDTV via RF has way less than that.

>> No.3771271

I've tried Retropie and Lakka but the issue was same with both.

I think I've figured out the problem though and it may be something to do with insuffient power to the Pi. The power adapter I was using is 5v 1A however the Pi 3 needs 5v 2.5A. I was getting the little rainbow square in the top right corner of the screen which I didn't realise at the time means that the Pi is underpowered. I've ordered an official Pi power adapter so hopefully that should do the trick.

>> No.3771292


>> No.3771298

You're a fucking idiot. The RPi analog output is restricted to 480i so retro gaming on it will always look like shit. There's no way to change this. Enjoy.

>> No.3771306

you could go from scart to composite with a breakout cable and it would do 240p

>> No.3771332

Not so much about which hardware and driver and more about emulation as a whole, it's the software video processing and software input polling which inherently causes a response time lag.

No matter what you're using emulation will always lag because how emulators work. Every emulator has software input polling.

The Wii also has the hardware input polling of the Bluetooth Wireless Wii controller which is much worse than the Raspberry Pi's direct connection USB.

Real hardware is the only instantaneous method when it comes to "input lag"
It's a limitation you either accept or move to original game consoles.

>> No.3771358

>Real hardware is the only instantaneous method
Wrong. "Real" hardware has input lag too and the lag in emulation is completly negligible. But if it makes feel you better use "real" hardware and use golden cables so you don`t get audio lag.

>> No.3771360

>lag in emulation is completly negligible
keep telling yourself that

>> No.3771418

Try playing any platformer that requires ultra-precise timing on jumps on a raspberry pi and get back to me.

>> No.3771429

Retro platformers are usually quite forgiving. You only need to worry about ultra-precision if you're speedrunning, in which case if you were that serious about it you would be using the original console and you're probably also autistic.

>> No.3771436

can we stop talking about memerunning

>> No.3771439

I'm the guy who said he got to Mike Tyson. If I can beat him will that be a good indicator of negligible lag? What is a game considered for needed precision for testing purposes?

>> No.3771442

Most folks will say Tyson is unbeatable with input lag

>> No.3771446

So you admit that emulators make for an inferior gameplay experience.

>> No.3771467

OK. I'll give it a try and see.

>> No.3771485

What is the best option for a dedicated emulator box? I'm only into 8 and 16bit era consoles.

>> No.3771510


Very poorly. As of right now it's more of a novelty than anything.

>> No.3771648

You know there are people who play on Fightcade all day and they pull incredible combos without trouble at all.

Even EVO players like Justin Wong and Tampa Bison use it.

It has input lag, being an emulator, but you won't see them sperg over it like you.

>> No.3771650

>Not sperging

>> No.3771652

My point is that they sperg less than you or him, how sad is that?

>> No.3771720

You're full of shit.

>> No.3771730

You might be right, because raspberry is very weak hardware and croakes at everything other than 16 bit emulation. I use a 10 year old pc, that is probably a 100 times as fast.

>> No.3771761

I fucked up the softmod of the wii I have, none of the home brew shit works and it wont let me re soft mod it. personally would rather have a pi then wii for emulation box, just because the pi is more developed for then the wii.

>> No.3771762

Giving people who could use help info opposed to shitposting

>> No.3771767

why are you playing snes doom? you could probably run doom natively on the pi

>> No.3771774

I just saw it in the rom collection and tried it to see what it was like. I've played enough Doom over the years but I was intrigued as to what it would look and run like on SNES.

>> No.3773610

Not good, even on snes, control wise, it sucks.

look up super fx chip games and try those, it may be an issue with emulating that.

>> No.3775079

A bit off topic but its still to do with the pi so I'll ask here
I've had a pi3 since they came out, I just loaded whatever version of retropi onto it, but I've been having some minor issues with it, like some games not running, and no idea how to toggle the sticks for ps1 games.
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, where can I find the best tutorial for a simple dude like me for the best set up

>> No.3775312

Can you run Fightcade on a Raspberry Pi 3 at 240p over SCART?

>> No.3775393

I've used a ps3 controller with the Wii. Look deeper friend.