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3764268 No.3764268 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they change her name from Tina to Terra?

I have a theory about that. I think that, since her theme is also the overworld theme, that Terra is actually the name of the world. And maybe the translators saw that the song is called "Terra's Theme", and thought that it's her name?

But that's just a theory.

>> No.3764284

Ten seconds on google showed that the song was named after Tina in Japanese

>> No.3764292

.... OH :(

>> No.3764301


Terra was also blonde in Japan. The point was that she was supposed to be 'exotic.' So, a Blonde woman with an American name was exotic in Japan, but clearly not in American audiences. Hence, we got "Terra" with green hair so she'd seem exotic to us.

>> No.3764307


I for one approve, Terra does in fact sound cooler and the hair's pretty hot.

>> No.3764317

She had green hair in Japan, too. She was only blonde in the concept artwork. If you based all the sprites on Amano's artwork, half the cast in every FF would have white or blonde hair.

>> No.3764353

>>Terra was also blonde in Japan.
Where do people get these nutso ideas?

>> No.3764362

Not to mention it would take a minute to verify otherwise. There are still people who think that saging with an image bumps the thread.

>> No.3764431

I thought they changed the names because each sounded as an exotic name in each country and that was the idea of her design.

>> No.3765337

It always struck me as funny that she was named Terra to seem exotic to English audiences, in a game with characters named shit like Setzer, Strago, Gestahl, and Celes. Terra's one of the most normal names in the fucking game.

>> No.3765342

Amano's obsession with blonde hair does get kind of silly, yeah.

Still, I look at the latest Nomura stuff and it just makes me less interested in ever trying out recent Final Fantasy games. All these fucking androgynous dudes with their hair spikes and leather and buckles and zippers and shit. Doesn't he get tired of that?

>> No.3765365

But the name Tina is much less exotic and interesting than Terra. So it makes sense.

>> No.3765435

Fun fact: Tina means Bath tub in spanish.

>> No.3766314

Blame cosplay culture. Video games and anime have both suffered from it, I think.

>> No.3766341

Only because weebs bled over into video games.

>> No.3766350

Congrats on downloading the FF6 rom and playing it for the first time! Also kill yourself tripfag.

>> No.3766362

I had heard that she was named Tina because that sounded exotic to the Japanese.

>> No.3766370

Wouldn't mind soaking inside Tina.

>> No.3766383

>Why Terra?

Probably because terra is earth/ground in latin and when you meet her she immediately summons an earth titan which splits the ground apart.

>> No.3766564

>when you meet her she immediately summons an earth titan which splits the ground apart.
That's Rydia you dork

>> No.3766589

I have a blonde ladyfriend with whose been to Japan a few times. School kids are so fascinated by her hair they immediately ask to touch it. I don't know why but when she lets them they stroke her hair like it gives them immortality or something.

>> No.3766598

This is interesting:

BR: What guides you when changing a name of a character or place in a game? For example, in FF3, Stragos became Strago because of the 6-letter limit, but why did Tina become Terra and Mash become Sabin? This was especially important with the Espers, some of whose names lost their (interesting) original meanings, such as Lakshmi, Valigarmanda, and Cait Sith.
TW: Sometimes it was legal issues or concerns (as in having characters with the same names as those in, let's say a well-known movie or something), often it was because of comments from play testers. Before we released a product, dozens of people had played it. They were never hesitant to mention their likes and dislikes. They "hated" the name Tina, almost to a person! (I was surprised as well...). In Mario RPG I wanted to name a character "James Bomb" (i.e. The name's Bomb, James Bomb...) but that was nixed.

You also have to remember that transliterated names have a variety of connotations and meanings in Japan, and sound quite different--sometimes better... (something like Masshu, not Mash). Also, since a player in the US might actually be named Tina (and in retrospect, Terra!), we tried to change the default characters so that there wouldn't be disappointment or confusion. Imagine if we had had a sub-character named Scott, and the purchaser of the game had gone and named the hero of the game Scott...two Scotts!

I know some people got furious that the names were changed, but to be honest, the games were meant for a broader audience than the one which buys and plays Japanese imports. In fact, I don't understand why someone who reads enough Japanese would buy the US port! It's like buying a translation of a novel when you can read the original.

>> No.3767487

They want to be White.

>> No.3768403
File: 262 KB, 1280x1024, valve playtesters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to playtesters
Good god, those people are just there to report bugs they shouldn't be allowed opinions.