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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3760768 No.3760768 [Reply] [Original]

What's /be opinion about this game? Should I play Dreamcast or GameCube version?

>> No.3760771

Sorry about the typo, I meant /VR opinion

>> No.3760780


>> No.3760781

It's... Okay. I went into it expecting something like Shining force but you only ever control four team-mates max. Ship-battles were a major let-down for me since I thought you'd be able to assign crew members to do this or that but it's not really that deep.

Either version's fine but if you decide to play the gamecube button do take note that you can press the start button at the beginning of certain attack animations to skip them. Also the gamecube version's just more refined in general.

>> No.3760786
File: 359 KB, 1024x768, skies_of_arcadia_402691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played the Gamecube version but a neat feature of the Dreamcast version is that the system speeds up the disc and you can hear this from the system, which lets you heal up right before a random encounter. Also the audio is better on the Dreamcast version. Another difference I heard is that the Dreamcast version has more random encounters with less exp vs the Gamecube version which has less random encounters that reward more exp.

>> No.3760791

how is it more refined? Just from adding more sidequests and such?

>> No.3760803

Dreamcast because a VGA box is cheaper than Gamecube component cables. The DC version also has better audio, as the GCN audio is more compressed. If you have your console hooked up to a surround sound system you'll notice it.

>> No.3760807

GC version has more content. Most people claim that it has worse audio, but I couldn't tell the difference. Also, the DC version has DLC that's a pain to get working again. I'd say go for the GC version.

>> No.3760813

If you used your tv speakers and don't have an ear for sound you won't notice it. I have a surround sound system for my Dreamcast and the audio is far superior. That's what happens when you have to compress an 8gb disc onto a 2gb disc.

>> No.3760818

I have a surround sound system, but I've never bothered to compare them side by side. All I know is that that both sound fine to me.

Also, what are you talking about disc size wise? GD-ROMs have a 1 GB capacity. GC disks have 1.5 GB capacity. Where is 8 GB coming from?

>> No.3760819

>far superior
Let's not exaggerate here. Besides, it's a JRPG, not a rhythm game - audio quality isn't that important.

>> No.3760821

Why are you still using GD-ROMs?

>> No.3760823

GameCube. The Dreamcast version really has nothing over it apart from audio quality, but Dreamcast fanboys will do everything in their power to convince you otherwise.

>> No.3760824

Its okay, I dont have really patience for jrpgs anymore but its a good game.

When they reached their peak for me with something like Chrono Ttigger and Panzer Dragoon Saga they felt boring after a while. Tactics games are another story.

Shining Force is still a great game to play to this day.

>> No.3760825

Dreamcast disks are GD-ROMs.

>> No.3760826

Do you have component cables for the Gamecube? They're expensive now, while a VGA box for the Dreamcast is cheap.

>> No.3760827

You're aware that the Wii is perfectly backwards compatible with GameCube games, right?

>> No.3760828

You mean disc, and you don't have to use GD-ROMs, you can burn games onto CD-ROMs.

>> No.3760829

Why would you own a Wii?

>> No.3760831

I was talking about the retail version.

>> No.3760834

>Let's not exaggerate here
He's not. The Gamecube version has really out-of-key music if you aren't tone deaf. It's also missing certain instruments in tracks and DSP effects.

>> No.3760836

Too expensive. Always was. Everyone pirated DC games.

>> No.3760839

Ask the 100 million people who bought one.

>> No.3760840

Old people and children?

>> No.3760841

Make up about 20 million sales. Double what the Dreamcast sold.

>> No.3760846

So you're trying to say that 18-30 year olds also bought the Wii? Fuck off.

>> No.3760850
File: 241 KB, 300x317, 1479210546188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost two decades later and Dreamcucks are still the largest salt mines on earth.

>> No.3760851

My friend had a hacked Wii and only played smash bros

>> No.3760953

>anons not noticing the difference between DC and GC soundtrack
>thinking the soundtrack isn't that important on jrpg when is one of the best things of the freaking game

>expecting Shining Force

What the flying fuck?

You should play the GC version for more content, download the original soundtrack and listen to it later.
But this sure needs some HD remake with content of the GC version and DC's quality soundtrack, or some hack for the wii/dolphin.

>> No.3760979

>What the flying fuck?
I really liked Shining Force. I thought since it was an RPG by Sega, well... The game's still good. I just expected more.

>> No.3760990

It's a JRPG, but with the plot is a lot less idiotic, not pretending to be deep, just a fun story about some pirates fighting the tyrannical navy with their mysterious new friend.

And it's super easy to headcanon that Vyse gets both girls.

>> No.3761025
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, skies_of_arcadia_402692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should play the GC version for more content, download the original soundtrack and listen to it later.
But this sure needs some HD remake with content of the GC version and DC's quality soundtrack, or some hack for the wii/dolphin.

This anon is right. This game would be amazing as an HD release, or a 3DS port that combines the DC and GC version.

>> No.3761036

And so is Phantasy Star. Pirates with airships vs some warriors with kingdoms in medieval era? RPG vs TRPG? You made a very big mistake that made you not loving this game for its unique adventure. Also, Overworks.

>And it's super easy to headcanon that Vyse gets both girls.
And both Aika and Fina seemed to be fine with that.

>> No.3761043

What? The 3DS is a horrible choice for a rerelease. Both audio and visual quality would suffer IMMENSELY.

>> No.3761049
File: 964 KB, 1241x821, aika skies of arcadia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take any re-release at this point dude, honestly

>> No.3761050

3DS is more powerful than Dreamcast

>> No.3761183

It's quick, easy, and comfy to emulate on for parties.

>> No.3761405


Why bother? Just play one of the versions that already exist.

>> No.3761416

Y-you have parties where you play video games? If there's a better indicator that suicide is your best option in life I haven't discovered it.

>> No.3761442 [DELETED] 

Way lower res though

>> No.3761445

If you're on /vr/ and don't have a backup Wii for emulation purposes you're doing something wrong. I got mine for $10 at a thrift store
normies love nostalgia, who doesn't want to play some NBA Jam?

>> No.3761453

>being this utterly delusional

>> No.3761456

This thread turned cancerous real fast.

>> No.3761464

Why would I use a Wii for emulation?

>> No.3761479

It outputs 240p natively and can be backed in about 5 minutes. Pretty much any other emulation solution doesn't support 240p, or takes old GPUs and custom drivers to get it going on a PC. Also a used Wii is cheaper than a Raspberry Pi, or a miniPC of some kind. It's a really great emulation box for the price to performance ratio. Not to mention you can run GCN and Wii games from an HDD, without emulation, which is nice.

>> No.3761483

I can run everything better and easier on my PC and I don't need to bother with hooking up a fucking wii in my house.

>> No.3761484

If you don't care about 240p then you have no business being on /vr/.

>> No.3761491

If I want to I can hook any of my consoles up to a PVM with RGB. I bet you don't even SCART, plen.

>> No.3761496

You're clearly lying since you don't know what 240p is but claim to know how to RGB. Back to /r/retrogaming pleb.

>> No.3761504

>don't know what 240p is
Yes, anon. It is a big /vr/ secret that only you and some other club members know of. Give me a break. Go back to your waggle console, kid, and stop spouting things you know nothing of. I bet you use composite like the faggot you are. You dumb, fat yanks have never understood RGB.

>> No.3761514

Whatever version you can play is fine. The game's a great RPG with a lot of content as it is.
There's ways to get the DLC for the DC version, but the GC version comes with the DLC as well as more additional content, so that's the definitive version of the game.

>> No.3761516


top fucking kek

>> No.3761519

>never the same colour

top fucking kek

>> No.3761521

>composite over SCART

>> No.3761527

>thinking SCART is a signal
>never the same colour

>> No.3761554


We can harvest their tears and create the largest canyon on earth for no reason.

>> No.3761556


>implying you can't invite a girl over for wii tennis and then fuck her


>implying you can't invite a guy over for wii tennis and then fuck him

You're not doing it right

>> No.3761559

Keep rationalising your waggle box, virgin.

>> No.3761560

We're already doing that with President Trump.

>> No.3761565


Stinky hat

>> No.3761568


Haha cheers

>> No.3761773

Someone on /vr/ telling people to kill themselves because they're autistically triggered by others owning an incredibly convenient /vr/ machine is a pretty big indicator imo

>> No.3761816

CD-ROMs have less space than GD-ROMS...

>> No.3761871
File: 399 KB, 1024x768, SkiesUofUArcadiaUUUFinaUwallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a shame too, as I tried to coax people to post more Skies of Arcadia art but they are too busy argueing over my re-release comment.

>> No.3762004

>I couldn't tell the difference.
You must be deaf.

>> No.3762539

>gamecube button do take note that you can press the start button at the beginning of certain attack animations to skip them
This works on Dreamcast.

>> No.3762546

DC discs are only 1GB.

>> No.3762552

I thought Dreamcast and Gamecube was not retro, aka not /vr/ related?

>> No.3762585

Dreamcast is honorary /vr/

>> No.3762597

Dreamcast version isn't censored the GameCube is

>> No.3762605

How so?

>> No.3762613

The dancer in the sand nigger world is covered up on the Cube.

>> No.3762617

Did you just scroll past the sticky while wanking it to kiddie porn or did you just ignore it on purpose to start a fight?

>> No.3762665

all these comments comparing the music and nobody's mentioned the best version:

why make assumptions like that about a person?

it could have been doing both.

>> No.3762670


>> No.3762673

If you're emulating on PC, you may run into problems with the GC version. The DC one runs perfectly, though you need to look at a guide for the Chams because there's no VMU.

>> No.3762674


>> No.3762681

Literally the only advantage to the Cube version is less grinding and a new mission where you have to fight OC donut steal versions of Vyse and co.

>> No.3762749

So let's run down the assets here:

>lowered encounter rate
>increased exp/gold yield to compensate
>more discoveries
>moonfish to find
>more ship battles
>Piastol battles
>bounty hunter battles
>bonus plot exposition

>Pinta's Quest on VMU
>better audio quality

And depending on your sound system, the difference varies. I'm a bit of an audiophile, and even I think the GC version is the way to go. The bounty hunter battles alone are worth it, they are extremely challenging, and since they scale with your level, there's no cheesing it. Some of the most satisfying JRPG battles I've ever had.

It's like you never even played it. See: the rest of my post.

>> No.3762767

You forgot less censorship under the Dreamcast pros, Nintendildo.

>> No.3762772

>giving a shit about outfit alterations over literal HOURS of extra content

>> No.3762773

>trying to justify censorship

>> No.3762774

>muh extra content
Nobody cares about your pointless filler shit.

>> No.3762826

The Dreamcast version is the definitive, better version.
The GameCube one tacked on a bunch of excess needless bullshit.

>> No.3763265

>lower encounter rate

So the GameCube version is for babbies who can't handle random battles. Gotcha.

>> No.3763392

gc version has a lot of extras and faster loading
dc version has higher quality music

if you only play the dc version, you're missing out on the piastol storyline (reoccurring fight) and bounties. (8 boss fights)
also an extra endgame boss that has a boner.
vyse also gets a new final weapon and theres that 1st person moonfish shooting minigame throughout the game.

theres probably some more minor stuff i don't remember. like i think the final cupil gets nerfed

>> No.3763404

>I don't know the difference between challenge and frustration abloobloobloo

>> No.3763417

t. casual

>> No.3763437

>finding fucking Skies of Arcadia frustrating

Holy Nintoddler, Batman!

>> No.3763463

>t. never played either version

The encounters aren't even slightly difficult. Just annoying. Entering random battles quite literally every 1-14 seconds is not fun or challenging. It's just tedious, annoying filler.

How about playing the game before forming an opinion, you shit-smeared retard?

>> No.3763470 [DELETED] 

>durrrr battles too frequent
>durrrr annoying

Definitely a Nintenyearold. Stick to platformers.

>> No.3763476

>i play video games for the story, fuck gameplay, that's goddamn filler

>> No.3763523 [DELETED] 

>a game stopping you every few seconds to make you repeat the same bland annoying minutes-long task for no reason or gain is good gameplay
>this is what segautists actually believe

>> No.3763913

>boss battles are pointless filler shit
What a fag.

>> No.3764947

This thread is why I hate 4chan

>> No.3764958

Gaycube fag detected.

>> No.3765292


Everyone's a faggot, including you