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/vr/ - Retro Games

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375826 No.375826 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/

Hope you don't mind getting a little personal, but how about a childhood thread?

Describe how you got into gaming, which consoles/games are personal to you and then conclude on why you still play retro games today.

For me personally, what got me into gaming was my dad. He was (and still is) a huge PC gamer and he played games such as Eye of the Beholder/SCUMM engines games and I would watch with utter fascination.

Of course a PC running DOS/Windows 3.1 was a little difficult for me at my age and my sisters to use, so for Christmas we got a Megadrive. I was still fairly young at this point and was terrible at games so I still spectated most of the time. We eventually got an Amiga then a Super Nintendo but I largely ignored them as they seemed outclassed by the PC. So I pretty much ignored consoles for the longest time.

Then that all changed when we got a Playstation.

It was like magic and I finally fell in love with a console.

My dad also fell in love with it and would play it for hours and of course, I would spectate. The playstation felt much more mature in nature and after playing so many adult point and click games, it felt more in tune with what I wanted from a console and the kind of game it offered.

So from there I moved onto the PS2 and pretty much ignored the N64 and Gamecube for the longest time.

Now thats all changed and I try my best to play all the games I missed out on. Especially SNES games as I really neglected how fucking awesome that console is. (living in the UK, I'd never experience FF6 and when I did around 4 years ago, fucking hell. That game has aged well.

>> No.375839
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>There are people on /v/ young enough to have gamer parents.

>> No.375885


Well I'm 23, not sure if that's young by your standards, but I apologise if it is.

>I was six when the PS1 came out

Fucking hell.

>> No.375954

I grew up a Nintendo fan boy, but my dad was in my eyes a professional at console gaming. When we got the Playstation, I put down the awkward controller of the N64 and watched in awe as my dad beasted on Spyro, Frogger, Crash Bandicoot and Croc. I'll never forget the fart sounds he made about Ripper Roo when he fought him as well.

When he worked the graveyard shift, my stepmom would rack up extra lives for him across the game board. He actually beat Crash Bandicoot on the same day I beat Pokemon Yellow for the first time.

Dad lost interest in gaming after Xbox Live became extremely popular with Halo 2. And it just kinda deteriorated since. I got myself an SNES finally, after close to 15 years of wanting one and every other weekend he comes over and we play SMW and All-Stars.

I really owe my dad alot for never picking sides in the console wars. We owned every console save the PS3 (600 bucks on release? I didn't really blame him. Besides the PS2 was still hot shit)

>> No.375991

Is there a cut off point for gamer parents? I'm pretty sure my 60 year old father plays more vidya than I do.

>> No.376020

Don't you realize you're becoming a statistic?

>> No.376032


>my stepmom would rack up extra lives for him across the game board

Fucking hell, my mom did the same thing. She would play Crash Bandicoot 3's first levels over and over to get me lives.

Parents are awesome Sorry orphans

>> No.376192

Well, from what my brother told me my first video game was the Lion King for the Mega Drive, I didn't play a lot of vidya back then, the Mega Drive was taken away for my brothers to focus on school, and I never had a Gameboy until the Gameboy Color came out.

Although, when we got a Dreamcast that all changed. I remember a lot about that bad boy, playing Sonic Adventure, Quake, MSR, Ready 2 Rumble and more, in my opinion, that console really turned me into a Gamer.

I stayed up one whole night to play the Dreamcast in the cold living room, in front of the TV at night, I played until morning, even though it was a school night. I was very tired the next morning, but didn't give a fuck.

Eventually as the Dreamcast failed, I moved onto the Gamecube, Xbox and Gameboy Advanced, and spent most of my youth playing on them more than the DC. I did also get a PS1 sometime between 2000-2006. I don't remember much of it, except I had some shitty controller, and all I played was Harry Potter, until my brother broke it. I still have the bag though.

I didn't really get back into Retro vidya beyond the SNES, I've finished old vidya, and coming to finish games I never did play, like Sonic, Doom, and such. I've played a lot of retro vidya, and intend to play more. Last retro vidya game I finished was Doom 2. I was saddened to learn I could've had a SNES and a Saturn, once my mother told me my father gave them to my relatives when they were new because he believed having one was enough,

>> No.376253


I remember the first time I saw the Dreamcast, some kid opposite my house, his dad had just returned from a business trip and gave him one with Shenmue and Jetset Radio.

Shenmue was one of those games that when I first saw it, I didn't think games could ever look any better. Weirdly enough, when I see Shenmue now I still think "fucking christ, that looks good".

>> No.376318

I played video games along with my sister. We were very casual and rarely were able to beat anything. I was into wresting and racing games for quite awhile due to father and brother's influence though.

I had no sense of competition wars and never recall knowing about a game to ask for it for a holiday. It wasn't a big part of my life, so my current interest in retro video games has little childhood attachment. I just really love 2D, the simplicity, music, creativity, and charm.

>> No.376325

I'm gonna greentext this story:

>Be in elementary school, mid-90's, living on Airforce Base
>We only have a NES, GB, and Amiga 500, never seen other video game consoles or computers
>make friends at school, one friend I make is a girl
>after hanging out with her a few times, other kids start making fun of us
>"Anon and Anon sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
>sometime later I get invited to come over to her house to play video games
>headed over to her house, parents let me in, tell me she's upstairs in her room
>open the door (I promise there's no dinosaur in this)
>she and her brother are playing something on the TV
>Secret of Mana on the Super Nintendo
>I get handed a controller
>other games played that day: Animaniacs, B.O.B., Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, Mega Man X
>don't care about being made fun of in school anymore for hanging out with a girl
>asked parents for Super Nintendo and later that year I get one
>continue hanging out with her doing stuff, even non-video game things
>she and her brother become some of my best friends in elementary school
>later in elementary school, her dad get stationed at another Airforce Base
>last day she's at school, say goodbye to her
>dumbass me doesn't ask for a way to say in touch with her
>never see her again

I owe my SNES obsession to that girl. I've thought about looking for her on facebook or something, but there's too many people with the same name as her.

>> No.376327
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My mother claims I'm a "gamer" because she spent her entire time while she was pregnant with me playing on a Game Boy.

My parents had a Megadrive when I was very young. I barely remember Sonic and Super Monaco GP II at the time.

A little later on my parents split up, I lived with my mother who had a PS1, and my father had an N64. At that point I remember asking my dad if I could "Play Nintendo" whenever I saw him, which as 5-year old me meant Mario Kart 64.

A little later on we got a PS2 and I had the PS1 in my own room. During this time I spent most of my time on driving games such as the Ridge Racer and Gran Turismo series whereas my mother was playing the PS1 and PS2 Final Fantasy games. I got a GBA around the same time as the PS2, beat all of the Sonic Advance series and was a massive Sonicfag until I was 12/13.

Few years later my now-stepfather moved in and brought his PC games with him, himself being brought up with the ZX Spectrum and the PC instead of my mother's console background. Meant I kinda got best of both.

My mother and stepfather play more PS3 now whereas I more stick to PC and "retro",And my father is now a mental patient in Ireland. but looking at the upcoming consoles this will be the first time my parents have no interest in getting a new console.

This is a very abridged history, if I posted the whole thing I'd be here for hours and hit 4chan's character limit many times over.
And no-one cares anyway.

>> No.376337

Dad came home after a long business trip one day with a Mega Drive and Sonic the Hedgehog.

That's how it all started.

>> No.376358

She probably forgot about you, dude. Sorry.

I've read this story more than once. Lonely 4channer tracks down childhood friend and finds out she completely forgot about him and thinks he's weird for tracking her down.

>> No.376368

What happened with your dad?

>> No.376419
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Not entirely sure. He was clearly mentally unstable, though. I haven't spoken to him for 4-5 years now but the occasional messages he sends me are just laughable.

>> No.376485

I was raised entirely on Quake 2, Unreal and Half-Life. I couldn't play for shit back then, but my father could, so I grew up watching him play.

My first system that wasn't a computer was a GBC (obtained 1999-ish), accompanied by my relatives' massive game stockpiles. Since most of the Gameboy games we had were shitty shovelware plus Tetris, you can imagine my reaction when I first discovered my cousin's copy of Link's Awakening DX. I credit my extensive experiences with GBC games with making me into one of you guys.

I also had a Playstation, but I got it only a year or two before the PS2 came out so I never really played it much. The only games I had were GTA2 (played the shit out of it for a few months), DQ7 (I don't think ANYBODY of my age was able to power through that first disk) and some other shit I don't even remember.

>> No.376490

I remember it all happening when I was around 5...

My parents never got into video games, so neither myself nor my brother really had any background in them from my parents. My cousins whom I frequently visited, however, had an NES with a few games on it (I know they had SMB/Duck Hunt, some Peter Pan game and Snake Rattle N Roll (and maybe Tetris?)). Still, I started playing Super Mario Bros and quite enjoyed it (never did get past 8-3, though, until years later). Also played Snake Rattle N Roll as well (I got to level 5 once, but that was it, I came back to it later and almost beat level 10, but didn't quite make the final few jumps). I believe that less than a year after I started playing, our family inherited the Nintendo after my cousins got a Sega Saturn (which I played when I was in the area, I know they had Daytona USA, Fighters Megamix, and some baseball game). The Nintendo didn't last terribly long, and got quite glitchy. As a result, we got a Super Nintendo in our house for Christmas not too many years later, with Super Mario World and some other titles (if I recall).

The rest from there is really history. We still have that Super Nintendo in our house. It's probably about 17 years old now.

>> No.376492

My dad forbid videogames until I was 10 and I got a GB, played Dk Land 2, the SM Lands a lot that kind of stuff which was popular then. A year later got a N64 and played the hell out of it. Then a GBC, the Pokemon Limited Edition with Pokemon Yellow.

Thats how I became a serious game, though I used to play in the arcades and at friends houses as a kid sometimes. My best friend had a NES and we played Excitebike, Ice Climbers, Little Samson and mostly some hockey game which was pretty cool. Another friend had one of those pirate famicons with SMB3, when I first played it it blew my mind.

>> No.376498

Growing up my sister (divorced parents) had an NES and I was just spellbound. From the moment I saw it that was all I ever wanted to do.

Then for most of my life I had trouble making friends but games were always there for me. I spent most of my time playing games.

Today I have trouble enjoying them the same way as a kid but still they probably mean more to me than anything, I can't imagine giving them up.

>> No.376753
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My first videogame experiences came in 1985 when I was 4 years old and I started playing 2600 Pacman and Ms. Pacman. I would play with the switches and make it to where there was only 1 ghost because I was a pussy and the difficulty was too much for my 4-year old mind. I also played Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark, and Word Blaster, and some Rubik's cube game that sucked.

Later I started going out by myself and around 7 years old I'd go accross the street to a gas station and play on a Pacman arcade game, Donkey Kong, and Jungle King (I noticed the games looked much better than the games on my 2600 right away)

Then one day they moved in 3 new arcade machines and I was mesmerized... Punch Out!!, Star Wars Arcade, and Super Fucking Mario Bros. The Mario game left the biggest impact on me... the graphics and sounds were like nothing I had ever seen before. The gameplay was AWESOME. I remember my first failed attempts, I saw that the starman would make you invincible, then tried running into enemies as fire mario and found that didn't work as well.

Then one day a friend invited me over to play his new "Nintendo" and it BLEW MY MIND. Super Mario Bros, right at home, no quarters required. I begged my dad and begged and begged for this "nintendo"

>> No.376846
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We weren't a wealthy family and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get one. One day, though, about 5 days before Christmas my dad told me to go out and take the thrash to the curve. When I came back, on the table, was a brand new Nintendo Action Set (pic related.)

Those were the good fucking days when you'd get 2 controllers, 2 games, and even a light gun with your game system.

I was so happy and played the crap out of it. My dad would also play Super Mario Bros and he was the first one to rescue the princess. Those times we played together were some of the closest times we had. He later also played Zelda and Duck Hunt with me in highly competitive matches, but unfortunately when I started discovering more games like Mega Man and Castlevania he wasn't interested in them.

The Gameboy came out and I would see it in commercials. I asked for one, but unfortunately never got one. Instead I got a couple of those ninja turtle LCD games, the big green ones and Megaman 3 LCD.
When the SNES came out I of course knew I was probably not going to get one, and it sucked.

Then one day we went to my cousin's house and I played Sonic The Hedgehog 2. Those beautiful graphics, awesome stereo sound and lightning fast gameplay made me forget about the super nintendo. I wanted a sexy black sleek genesis. I set out, with my lawn mower and a tank of gas to mow lawns at $10 each until I could buy my Genesis. When I finally got it it was much more satisfying than any other game system I ever had.

>> No.376867
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I got into gaming when I was about 5 years old. My older brother got me a NES for either Christmas or my birthday, but it was one of those things where someone gets you a gift for themselves. I had absolutely no desire to play video games, and I was pretty surprised when I got it. I vividly remember being about 4 and seeing an ad for the NES and thinking to myself "That looks so stupid, who would want that?" I must have found Super Mario Brothers fun enough, because I've been playing games ever since.

I'm really fond of the Sega CD. I always have been. It has a small library, but it's full of real gems and quite a few games that are just historical curiosities.

Lunar: Eternal Blue is a game that means a lot to me. It was my first RPG, and like most people with their first RPGs, it impressed upon me what the genre should be. Xenogears means a lot to me for very personal reasons. I shared that story once on /v/, but I don't really wanna get into that one again. At least not right now.

I still play retro games today because it's fun. Games come out today that are still good, and I won't be so curmudgeonly as to say they're even few and far between. But some old games are still good, and there's so many of them.

>> No.376894

My parents were mildly into gaming before I was born. My dad really got into the arcade version of Donkey Kong when it first came around, they both liked Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, and other NES games.

I was born in '92, and because of my parents' taste in games, I always forget that I was actually a little young for the NES and SNES, because I played the fuck out of them when I was a kid. I loved the Donkey Kong Country series, Super Mario RPG, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario Kart, Tetris Attack, and actually, more than I could really list, without a long as fuck post. I love stumbling upon music from those old games, it's always magical.

It was around my transition from SNES to N64 that dad stopped really playing games. It wasn't like they were childish or anything, I think they just lost their appeal, and life quickly took its place. Mom still enjoyed games quite a bit, and we'd play together pretty frequently.

Of course, I got into the N64, with stuff like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and so on. But there's so many other games that will always stick with me. Mario Kart 64, Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros, the list goes on. Then there was playing Mario Party 1-3 with my sister and my cousin. My sister was always bad at games, but my cousin was pretty good. She was pretty much my equal in terms of skill. We had our fun with all kinds of games, and while I'd have a hard time picking my favorite system in terms of games being the most fun, I have the best experiences playing games with my family around the N64.

I feel like the reason that I still play older games is pretty obvious to anyone here: it's impossible to recapture that magic of playing those games for the first time, but dammit, it just puts you in this relaxing zone, it brings you back, and it's overall a great way to look back at things.

I love rounding up my sister and cousin, and starting up Mario Party 1, for example. Great times.

>> No.376923
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The Genesis allowed me to play so many incredible games like Vectorman, all Sonic games, Shinobi, Super Hang On, Golden Axe, etc.

Speaking of Vectorman, the first time I saw it was when we went to a Toys 'R Us and I saw it and thought it looked like nothing else on the genesis. On that same visit I saw something else I had never seen before: Playstation. A display had been set up, no games or demos just a display of the system that was about to be released. This was also around the time Toy Story came out and that movie amazed me, I had no idea a movie like that could be made; the SNES Toy Story game was a hot seller on the shelves. I also played a demo of the virtual boy, and frankly I wasn't that impressed from the beginning. All in that same visit.

By the time the PS1 was released I wasn't a gamer anymore. I played FIFA and Street Fighter on my genesis, and Castlevania Bloodlines and Sonic, and several games on my Nintendo but I didn't really care for the newfangled 3d graphics of the PS1. I went to a friend's house to play Twisted Metal and some 3d fighting game, not sure what it was but I was impressed and I liked them, but seriously I was hitting puberty and chasing skirts was starting to become a top priority lol.

>> No.377003

My aunt was reasonably big into vidya when I was younger; she had a fuckton of consoles. NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, etc. (I guess my grandpa must have been pretty fuckin' loaded). Anyway, when my cousins (not her children, but my other aunt's) were born, she gave them all of her Nintendo consoles (excluding the Game Boy), and she gave me all of her Sega consoles (and the Gameboy). Out of all of them, I was very fond of the Game Gear (partially because she had bundled the most games with it, all of the other consoles only came with 2 or 3 games), and I was a big handheld gamer for most of my childhood. Later, I got a Playstation (though I really missed out on most of its gems because I was too young to enjoy anything like SotN or MGS), then a Gamecube and a GBA, and the rest is history, I guess.

Of course, all these fantastic old consoles would have made a great foundation of a future retro vidya collection, but alas, this was not the case, as my faggot teenaged self decided to sell them on eBay on part because of the goading of my SELL EVERYTHING uncle, and partly because I thought I'd make BIGBUX for selling ***RETRO VINTAGE VIDEO GAMES****. The entire collection probably went for 40 bucks, total. I regret selling it all so, so, so, SO god damn much. I wish eBay kept a longer history of sales; I'd contact all the people I sold to and offer to buy back the consoles for 10 times what they sold for.

>> No.377081
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A few years passed, not really sure how many but now I was 17. The playstation was out, Nintendo 64 was out, Super Mario 64 was out, and I didn't give a fuck. Not saying they were bad or good, just saying that I had other things on my mind at that time (girls, panties, women, sex, boobs, boobs, women, chicks, etc etc)

This girl I was dating gave me a $50 best buy gift card so we headed to best buy to shop around. I really wasn't finding anything I wanted, and I seriously considered spending the money on music CD's (this was before even Napster!)

Then we wondered to the gaming section, and found the Nintendo 64. It was like $150 or something, and she kept telling me it would be fun to play Mario Kart or something so I was like fuck it I'll do it and put in a $100 to buy it. When we got home I was really pissed to find it didn't include a game.. What the fuck, who sells a game system without a game, I wondered..(lol)

We had to go back the next few days and buy Mario Kart and an extra controller, and I was hooked again. We broke up but my nintendo 64 became another of my favorite systems. I played Mario 64, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, Jet Force Gemini, etc.

But what I loved most was Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. They reignited my love of Zelda games.

The night of graduation, the school put together some crazy thing where they locked us inside the school until 3 am playing games and contests and winning shit, and I happened to win a minifridge and a Gameboy Color. Suddenly, my dream of owning a gameboy had become a reality, after oh about 10 years lol

I went to a pawn shop to find games, and found Link's Awakening. I was AMAZED. It reminded me so much of my adventures in Zelda 1 and 2 when I was little, I was instantly hooked.

By this time I had a steady job, working while going to college, playing my gameboy color. I got the oracle games on release because they fucking rocked, both of them.

>> No.377127

>tfw you're so used to reading stories in greentext that reading regular text is hard
>thanks 4chan!

I used to play games on my dad's PC all the time. Alley Cat, Burgertime, Battle Chess, Gods, Commander Keen, Indiana Jones, Metal Mutant and a bunch of other stuff I don't really remember. I was an only (and introverted) child, so I would usually hang out in my dad's office I got an SNES for my 11th birthday. I played the shit out of Super Mario World, then bought Street Fighter II so I could beat people at the arcade. Other people were like, "WOAH HE'S NOT JUST FUCKING MASHING SHIT EVERYWHERE RANDOMLY". I actually saved up enough of my lunch money to buy myself a PSX and FF7 and Xenogears. Then Diablo II came out and I played that a lot too.

>tfw you've probably spent an unholy amount of time playing but you don't regret any of it
>tfw those carefree days will never return ;_:

I feel kinda...old.

>> No.377163
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I used to watch my dad play SMB as a baby apparently, he says to me in all seriousness my first word was "dada" and my second was "tendo", for the NES we had. Apparently I started to play for the first time ever when I was 2 or 3 but that's my father's personal account cause I don't remember it at all. Ever since then video games are and will most likely continue to be the larger part of my hobby life when I get the time.

NES is personal to me, SNES, 64, my PS1. Even my PS2 had a lot of good games and fond memories. Gameboy Color and GBA, hours of fun on Wario Land 4 alone. If I had to choose a few games that I can always pick up and play then here's a small list:

SMB 1 and 3
Kirby Super Star
Legend of Zelda LttP
Star Fox
Super Castlevania IV
UmJammer Lammy
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy IX
Harvest Moon 64
Super Smash Bros.
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Super Wario Land 4
Fire Emblem (7)

I mean I could go on forever, and there are other games I didn't mention like Kirby 64, but we'd be here all day if I listed all my favorite games.

So yeah I still love games. Though I don't exclusively play only retro or old games I've missed out on, I do like to play a few of the decent games still being released. Just a little bit ago I was playing the Ys OiF and though I haven't played any other Ys games I think it's pretty solid for a remake. to the point, I mostly play older games I haven't/have played as opposed to newer ones. I haven't bought a console since Gamecube, unless you count a self-built "gaming" computer that's been outdated a few years now.

So yeah, gaming has been my life and I have no regrets. To be honest it has left me with little to no social life, but I figure it's not going to matter once we die anyway. So without getting deep on you, I haven't looked back on my decisions to play games and it's places like this where I can meet some other people who like games as much as I do.

>> No.377245
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So now, having a little money, I remember a few of my friends had a dreamcast and the commercials and marketing blitz was overwhelming. I wasn't interested. I had decided my N64 would be the last game system I'd buy myself (lol)

Then the playstation 2 was released. There was so much hype surrounding it I decided to look into that too. I decided I could catch up with all the PS1 games I had missed, plus this whole new DVD thing looked like it was awesome, and the PS2 included a dvd player. I loved my PS2, and even bought a slim console when the one I had finally gave out for good (I actually went into the console and realigned the little gear on the laser lens several times because it kept failing but oh well)

The game cube never really interested me, but when I saw how epic and awesome Twilight Princess was looking out to be I went to ebay and got a gamecube for $30 just to play it... I still have the little silver box. Twilight Princess did not disappoint, I still love it and play it every once in a while.

I don't really know why I got a PS3. I never play it, seriously. I got Street Fighter 2 HD Remix and loved that, I was always a huge Street Fighter fan but other than that, I played Ghosbusters and some God Of War. I tried to play Devil may Cry but I hated the PS3 games. The PS2 original will always be my favorite Devil May Cry.

Honestly, my ps3 mostly just gathers dust. I guess I'm getting too old. My youngest sister who is 17 yrs old plays call of duty, but I am terrible at it and I think I could get better if I tried, but honestly I'm not interested. I got a wii because Punch Out! seemed like an awesome game and it was. I played super mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and they take me back to the N64 mario times and I love that.

Skyward sword I did not like mostly because of all the revisiting, repetition, refighting old bosses, all the padding etc. Never could get into it.

>> No.377270

My dad played pong as a young adult, but beyond that he wasn't a gamer by any stretch of the imagination. Fast forward to 1995, I was 3, I'm guessing it was either my 2nd birthday, or Christmas of '95, my mom decides, on a whim, to buy me a SNES along with Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday and Super Mario All-Stars, and I haven't looked back since, I've been a gamer since that day.

>> No.377331

Honestly I think this was my last generation of gaming consoles and now I just go back and replay the classics. In 2003 I got a computer and learned how to emulate a few games and finally got to play and finish A Link To The Past and Super Mario World, seeing what I had been missing for about 10 years. Now I mostly just play old retro games, go back and challenge Ghosts 'N Goblins and play Megaman. I still stop at any Street Fighter arcade machine I find, but they're getting rarer and rarer around here.

The future consoles hold very little to draw me in. I'm not that interested in the PS4 or the Wii U or the Xbox or whatever's next. This was it. I think my gaming history is now done until my children grow old enough to ask for a new Nintendo or whatever will be popular at the time, even though the way I'm seeing things I think the next big craze will be on mobile phones.

As for me, I've hung my game controller for new games and systems. Nothing but retro for me now. (Unless the WiiU zelda looks really good, that's the only thing that can now bring me out of retirement)

>> No.379064

when I was 8 I went to my mom's family's place and my uncle let me play games on his computer.. among them was Simon the Sorcerer. That shit was so funny.. I think that was my first experience with humor in games

>> No.380404


>> No.381329
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Heavily influenced by my brother, who in turn was influenced by our cousin. It's a cycle where he'd watch our cousin play games on Dreamcast and Playstation. When our cousin isn't around he'll play them and I'll be watching him. We're not rich so we only had a few consoles of our own, all of which are handhelds.

From the Gameboy (green one) to Gameboy Advance he'll buy a few games and once he's done with them I get to play too. This whole sharing thing continued for a long time (when he got a PC I'd watch him play emulated PS games, when he got a PSP I'd wait for my turn) before I got my own PC recently. Last month we finally got our first video game console (PS3).

I guess I don't have a personal console, but the Megaman franchise is the reason why I love retro games. Only video game my dad touched was the 3D Pinball where he wrecked both our shit with his highscore. Come to think of it, most of my current interests were due to influences from my brother. I was like a puppy.

>> No.381356

>after playing so many adult point and click games
