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File: 358 KB, 553x694, Link-Thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3756627 No.3756627 [Reply] [Original]

I want to go back to Zelda I and finish it once for all (the last time I played, I think I stopped on the sixth dungeon), but I'm a bit worried at how this game is such perfectly hidden secrets and things. I really don't want to come off as a casual, but I don't think it's fun to keep searching for secrets and never find them.

I was wondering, is it okay to use the manual that came off along Zelda I? I mean, the one that has a map of the entire overworld. I thought it could help me, but not much at the same time. I mean, the game even has a message ingame which says to check up the manual for more details.

Also, which Zelda I version is the best to play? I'm decided that I'm going to play it on my 3DS, but I just wanted to know if there's a better version to play the game.

>> No.3756630

>how this game has such perfectly hidden

>> No.3756650

>I was wondering, is it okay to use the manual that came off along Zelda I?

I can't believe people are so averse to using guides that even the manuals are seen as cheating.

Not only is it okay, it's actually highly encouraged, as the manual tells you a few important details that you don't learn through normal gameplay, such as burning bushes, pushing blocks, enemy drop rates, and an overworld map.

In facy, in a recent interview, I believe Miyamoto mentioned that the Manual is actually an essential part of playing Zelda 1.

Also, if you';re emulating the game, I suggest you patch the game with the Automap patch, and the re-localization patch.

>> No.3756693
File: 308 KB, 336x591, Link-Pondering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the game that literally says at the end of its intro "PLEASE CONSULT THE MANUAL FOR DETAILS"

>there are people who think using the manual is "cheating"

>> No.3756698
File: 382 KB, 2104x788, Overworld Map Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the map is fine, but the one that came with the game was not complete. Here's one from google - it's a little beat up, but you should be able to read everything. If you want that portion of the experience, then here you go!

>> No.3756896

It's fine to use a map, but I prefer to get lost to the point of frustration. It's part of the experience. I mean, once you know where to go you'll always be able to do that.

Also, every version of Zelda 1 is good except Collector's Edition and GBA. CE has a vaseline filter over the screen and GBA has a 20 second delay to load the pause screen.

>> No.3756923

>there are people who think using the manual is "cheating"
I don't get this logic either. A lot of old-school games required fat manuals since the actual games didn't have sufficient space for elaborate explanations and tutorials.

>> No.3756948

I love the old stumpy style of Link, he's really endearing like this

>> No.3757031

The North American release of Zelda had I believe two different documents in it--the normal manual and the hint paper thing that was sealed. The latter was intended to be optional until you got truly stuck.

>> No.3757037


You mean the map?
The map has hints plastered on it, but nothing that gives away what you're supposed to do.

>> No.3757184
File: 189 KB, 686x874, Link_&_Zelda_Mikimoto-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the first zelda, I think I should replay it sometime (and finish that second quest I've never completed).

>> No.3757216

Skip dungeon 6

>> No.3757240



>> No.3757327

Not OP, but
>Automap patch, and the re-localization patch.
Eh? There's patches for this? Where do I get 'em, and how do I apply 'em?

>> No.3757334
File: 483 KB, 515x679, Hero_(LoM_Artwork).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, waaaaaiiiit a minute. I've seen that guy before!

>> No.3757342
File: 476 KB, 770x544, Projets-MIME_maimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Mikimoto didn't work on Legeng of Mana. He worked on SDF Macross (the original show, the movie and various games too), Orguss, Gunbuster, Gundam: War in the Pocket, as well as quite a few things, and when it came to vidya, Aisle Lord, FZ Axis and some Lodoss war episode.

>> No.3757345

Actually that really does explain it. Link in that pic is just blonde Rick Hunter.

>> No.3757364

Well the character designer's style is fairly recognizble, but Link's face in that picture is way more childish and his hair messier, Rick's face is taller and the eyes (and eyebrows) are smaller.

>> No.3757371

Oh quit nitpicking and let me have this.

>> No.3757413

I'm in a similar situation as the OP, never played the original and decided to make it a new year resolution to beat it. I just stuck to the original NES copy I have (after replacing the battery) and I've almost finished it.

I decided that I would allow myself to use a map of the overworld but not dungeons. I'm now on the final dungeon and have given up that restriction because ffffffffuck death mountain. God I have almost all the freaking items in the game and this place is still a nightmare, how is that possible? It feels like they sacrificed good game design just to make a map that looks like a skull

>> No.3757525
File: 599 KB, 2400x862, 1363872839292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a larger version of that map

>> No.3757527
File: 490 KB, 2400x861, 1363872870142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the opposite side

>> No.3757530

>I really don't want to come off as a casual, but I don't think it's fun to keep searching for secrets and never find them.

So you don't want to come off as casual even though that's exactly what you are? I can't help with that.

>> No.3757658

is famicom version better

>> No.3757705


Romhacking.net for finding the patches

Lunar IPS for patching the roms

Just be sure to read the read me for each patch first as they might need you to use a specific rom.

>> No.3757973

Better music via the expansion channel

>> No.3758035

I've also been wanting to go back to this game. Played through it once before and made it to the final dungeon but got stuck and never finished it.

Yeah, Zelda 1 feels like it's balanced around the player having everything. Even then it's still a challenge. Death Mountain is a bitch.

>> No.3758038

>anime done right

Why is this style of 80's anime so fuggin' comfy?

>> No.3758053
File: 215 KB, 640x692, Link_Mikimoto-style_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know myself, all I know is that I love most of what the artists drew back then. Here's another Link.

>> No.3758061
File: 42 KB, 590x843, animedia9_84ex1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haruhiko Mikimoto

my dick

>> No.3758071

Probably you just like the art of Haruhiko Mikimoto. There's a common misconception that all anime and manga art is the same, but it's really not. The quality and styles vary quite a bit, then and now.

>> No.3758104


Pretty sure all it has going for it is sound. Plus, if you don't have a microphone on your controller you can't insta-kill pols voice

>> No.3758114

>you can't insta-kill pols voice
Except with arrows.

>> No.3758123

I remember reading somewhere that the arrow weakness was added just for the US release to account for the lack of a microphone

I could be wrong

>> No.3758125

That'd make sense, if true.

>> No.3758156

I'm particularly fond of Japanese fantasy art from the 80s. Stuff like ITT and other game art, and the movie Genmu Senki Leda.

>> No.3758173
File: 275 KB, 1024x726, dunbine_artwork_fighting_y-takani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the movie Genmu Senki Leda.
I was listening to some tune from it just a second before:
I love that movie, I even got it on LD.
Anyway, if you like nip fantasy stuff, have some more (well, it's fantasy/mecha, but Genmu Senki Leda is too):

>> No.3758206

I've never heard of Dubine but it looks awesome. Thanks.

>> No.3758228
File: 269 KB, 800x1120, wingal_1-100_takara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good imo.
If you wanna watch some 80s Fantasy/mecha stuff, there's also Galient that you could give a watch.

>> No.3758856

He's really cute

>> No.3758882

I remember burning every tree, pushing on every rock and tombstone, bombing every wall and rock face just to find every secret, and amazingly still thought it was fun. Finding a secret I missed was like crack.

I had so much more patience as a kid.

>> No.3758925

Play in a way that is most enjoyable to you.

Forget the rest.

>> No.3760654

Thanks. I thought the guide would spoil the fun too much and ruin the gameplay.

I will play it on my Wii and use the patches. Again, thanks, guys.

>> No.3760963

I found two of these PW Galient models at a random flea market in Santa Monica CA a few years back. It was the most random thing ever. They were just sitting by a bunch of crappy shabby chic furniture calling my name.

>> No.3761434


The game isn't that big. You know how in Ocarina you remember where everything is at but not necessarily what each thing is? This is the same thing.

>> No.3762190

Is there a Zelda II one? Also how about the BS Zelda version of the first game, is the map the same?

>> No.3762195


The BS Zelda one is basically the same map but condensed into a much smaller size, chances are if you know your way around the map in the Hyrule Fantasy, you'll know your way around the map in BS Zelda. You just have to know that Ganon appears where you got your sword instead of in the 9th dungeon.

There is a version for Zelda 2, but it's not as helpful.

>> No.3762213

How did they make it smaller?

>> No.3762216

The best version is actually one of the Japanese versions. It's so easy to deal with Pol's Voices by blowing in the microphone. This is especially useful in the second quest, where you don't get the bow until around halfway through the game. The extra audio channel also helps to make it a superior experience.

In terms of English-language versions, if you want to use a console version (this includes Wii/Wii U virtual console releases), you're best off playing the North American release. The PAL release was optimised to an extent, but there are still borders top and bottom of the screen.

The 3DS version from any region is fine, but the 3DS dpad is located in a bad position, in my opinion. This makes the game harder to play than it should be. If you have an original 3DS, forget it. Bad dpad location and design, combined with sharp edges of the console, make it a pretty abysmal experience to play anything that uses the dpad on it.

My go-to version before I got the FDS version was the NES Classics version on the Gameboy Advance. The graphics are stretched and every fourth pixel is missing, but it plays really well and is a great experience.

Of course, the US NES version is even better if you have the hardware, but it's also the most expensive.

>> No.3762348
File: 153 KB, 2058x1533, hyrule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They just removed a lot of non essential areas in the game. They layout is really similar, so even with all the changes made to the map, it will still familiar to someone who knows Zelda 1.

>> No.3762630

I can't deal with the Famicom's audio channels though. It makes the music and sounds are too tinny and at times grating. The sampled monster roars in the NES version are also better noises to me than the Famicom's BRAAARK sounds.


I'll grant the use of bells in the intro is very good though.

>> No.3762865

I just finished the first quest for the first time, played on a NES. The fight with Gannon was stupid and I never found the red ring. I also got stuck in Gannon's castle because I didn't get the magic key. Overall a great game. Probably would have been nice if I had the manual

>> No.3762876



>> No.3762883 [DELETED] 

He didn't ask for the manual, you piece of shit.

>> No.3763182
File: 366 KB, 1280x897, 1363897091464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I got for Zelda II

>> No.3763190 [SPOILER] 
File: 605 KB, 1024x795, 1485528308047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some spoilery stuff for LoZ

>> No.3763192 [SPOILER] 
File: 200 KB, 4096x1408, 1485528372900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3763370

Is there a way to play first two quests on that map? I've played Zelda for a very short time and BS looks nice, but all I could find is hacks with Third Quest and Fourth Quest.

>> No.3763378

Listen senpai, NES games are generally not the sort of thing you can have a blind play through of. Most of them are so hopelessly critic that it's literally impossible to beat them without some help

>> No.3763385

I don't think so anon, BS Zelda wasn't a true remake, it was a remix. What you see is the original version of the game I believe.

>> No.3763389


Yes but Zelda 1 isn't one of those games.

However I would say that the manual is very much an experience enhancer.

And then there are games where the manual just isn't as helpful as it should be. Metal Gear's manual is a fucking joke with made up story bits and no indication of the hidden prison that never gets mentioned in the game, and makes the super computer un-damageable if you miss it.

>> No.3763393

It literally is. Would you have known with no help that to get to level 5 you had to go up a mountain specifically 5 times? Would you have known to go north west south west to escape the endless forest? Or to use the flute to get to level 7? Or the location of death mountain? And the location of every single hidden heart in the game and potion shops?

When I first played ages ago, I didn't even know you could use bombs and fire for anything other than weapons. It's not intuitive in the slightest and never was

>> No.3763407

>Would you have known with no help that to get to level 5 you had to go up a mountain specifically 5 times? Would you have known to go north west south west to escape the endless forest? Or to use the flute to get to level 7? Or the location of death mountain?
There are elders in caverns that tell you these.

>> No.3763414

>the location of every single hidden heart in the game
No, but you don't need all of those to finish the game. The remainder are basically bonus secrets.

>> No.3764401

>Depicts the original overworld as huge
>In game it's really only a couple tiles across

>> No.3764415
File: 344 KB, 1205x637, 1471673381811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3764478
File: 527 KB, 1578x608, z1over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree. The opening and ending themes are just a bit better on the Famicom, but all the other sound effects are just garbage otherwise compared to the NES. The door opening one in particular stands out as just horrible on the Famicom and just right on the NES.

>> No.3764578
File: 4 KB, 250x172, ones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the whole /v/ no-cheat culture so ingrained into people that they honestly think that The Legend of Zelda is the sort of game you can beat in its entirety the first time with absolutely no help? Sure, maybe get to the first few dungeons, but beating the game?

My first time playing when I was a kid I didn't even realize that the bomb could blow holes in walls because nothing told me! I assumed that it was only a weapon, same goes with the candle although with that I DID realize the lighting dark rooms mechanic.

I often hear people mention the hints. Well, I want to know; did anyone anywhere really benefit from the poorly translated hints that meant nothing half of the time? Poor translation rendered the original meaning so vague that it simply couldn't be interpreted, especially by a small kid in the 80's.

"There are secrets where fairies don't live."

"Tenth enemy has the bomb"

What the fuck are those supposed to mean?

Who told me that I needed to get a silver arrow to get to Ganon? Hell, who told me where to even find Death Mountain?

All things considered it is still one of my favorite games of all time and these days at least, I can beat it completely blind

>> No.3764702


I still don't buy this shit.

>> No.3764707

I never figured out the tenth enemy one, but where faires don't live makes perfect sense. If you found where faries do live

>> No.3764734



Most of this shit is pretty obvious to me, but that 10th enemy thing I'll give you.

>> No.3764817

The 10th enemy thing made no sense but it also didn't matter

>> No.3764839
File: 408 KB, 1343x1440, mark's game do not steal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really didn't have any problem beating zelda 1's main quest by myself. I'm baffled when people talk about it like it's impossible.
I did have the manual and map/hint-paper, of course.
I'd understand if they were playing with just the cart and no documentation. And obviously second quest is bullshit.

>> No.3765217

Try playing zelda 2 without the manual ...hhehehe

>> No.3765998

I-I've done that.
But seriously? Fuck the passage up to the final palace.

>> No.3766001

It's funny how I thought this miniature model looked so cool to me as a kid.
Now that I see it again, it looks like shit they slapped together in a day's worth of work.

>> No.3766368


This is like the only part of the game that I truly loathe and detest.

Finding the hidden village, sure, that was a pain, but not hair pullingly frustrating like the path to the final palace.

>> No.3766823

So you're saying I should get and read the manual? What sort of consequences would I face?

>> No.3767316

Play one of the classics on the "Zelda Classics" engine. Some of them let you have a map when you start playing.