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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 109 KB, 256x307, MystCover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3756526 No.3756526 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here ever beat this?

>> No.3756534

Got pretty far then stopped playing for no particular reason, great game

>> No.3756542


This dude beat in in a minute and 20 seconds

>> No.3756552


Not surprising at all. The fun in it for me was creating maps of the different areas and codifying how to get through certain puzzles like when you had to match sounds to get through a door, had to actually your imagination to give the sounds nicknames so you could remember them.

>> No.3756563

There's also puzzles that could take hours to solve that you can just bypass immediately if you already know the answer.

>> No.3756571

Hmmm, are they gonna release sequel you think?

>> No.3756572

I think my mom did, never asked. She played every myst game, only game she showed any interest in. A few years ago I gave her one of my older computers because her craptop couldn't handle Myst V.

I only played them a little bit when I was younger. Mostly that one and riven, never beat either.

>> No.3756580

Woah woah woah, slow your roll. Theres a myst 5?

>> No.3756584

Or IV, don't remember. I only installed it and that was probably 5+ years ago.

>> No.3756585


>N O T R E T R O

>> No.3756617
File: 8 KB, 221x228, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isnt retro

>> No.3756619

Never got past the underground train cart ride as a kid. Got back into it as an adult and decided that puzzle was bullshit and cheated on it. Did everything else legit. Great game, great world, I enjoyed the novels and Riven as well but goddamn some of Riven's puzzles were nasty.

>> No.3756626

There are 5 myst games and then Obduction as a spiritual successor

Some are better than others. I thought Obduction was pretty cool up until the teleport and bridge puzzles near the end.

>> No.3756634


Myst IV and Myst V

>> No.3756636

Theres novels too?

>> No.3756640

>projecting this much

>> No.3756641

Yeah, they're prequels about Atrus and Gehn and it has some info about the full of D'ni. Rand Miller wrote them himself actually. I read them when I was a kid so I don't know how they hold up but I remember being pretty impressed at the time.

>> No.3756662

I did.
Only looked up the train cart because it's fucking garbage and not worth the time investment to solve correctly.

>> No.3756676


I thought it was pretty intense, down there in some underground hell that god only knows who built and no idea and spending what feels like an eternity trying to escape. The reward is seeing those lights at the end of the tunnel and realizing you did it.

Sucks that you will never get to experience that for the first time ever again.

>> No.3756692

>I couldn't solve it so it must be badly designed!
Every time. Why? Have some humility dude. You just need to trash something just because you got stuck on it. It's not a great puzzle but it's well-clued and fair.

>> No.3756773

It is badly designed for this reason:

You need the audio cues to be able to solve it correctly, but the thing that teaches you what the audio cues mean is in another Age. There is no way to actually leave the world and backtrack to the Age, so if you do the Ages out of sequence and you get to the minecart ride without knowing the audio cues you are kind of fucked.

I spent like 3 days trying to beat the goddamned thing before I realized I was missing crucial information. The designers themselves admit it was a flawed puzzle.

>> No.3756783


It took me about 3 days a well but I actually mapped it out and figured it out on my own and now I have my map of how to solve it and all you have is a hall pass from the developers, congratulations.

>> No.3756805
File: 82 KB, 710x533, riven_path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that's a commonly parroted misconception. You don't need the Mechanical Age hints to solve the maze, those are just extra hints. The design of the maze itself teaches you how to match the sounds to the directions. The first few nodes only have one possible direction, and then only two choices with very short (one-node) dead ends. It's a completely fair puzzle. Rand Miller only acknowledged that it's a much-hated puzzle, he said himself that the design is well-clued.


>The maze is actually laid out along with the sounds, so that it elegantly reveals itself. There’s no chance of confusion: If you’re listening to the sounds from the very beginning, you will learn the maze. That’s one of my evil, passionate puzzles, because I really thought that one was done well, and the people who hate it are just plain wrong.

>> No.3756810

>I actually mapped it out
The main thing "wrong" with putting in a maze like in the Selenetic Age is that players can just map it, which is a boring but effective solution. It's always tempting for a player to go with the safe, sure method even if it's not clever or interesting, and then everyone ends up saying "blah, another goddamn maze."

Also, Myst's silly insistence on "no inventory" means you have the do the mazerunner twice to get both pages, which is boring even if you do figure it out the right way.

>> No.3756838

Well, I still subjectively think it's bullshit and much harder than everything else in the game. Having learned the cues in context from the Mechanical Age made it much more intuitive and a logical difficulty progression, whereas without it I very much felt a sense of 'what the fuck am I supposed to do?'

It doesn't help that when the game shipped, the Windows version of the puzzle was half-broken with bugs.

>> No.3757839
