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File: 47 KB, 495x343, ffmq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
375294 No.375294 [Reply] [Original]

So basically I want to understand something.
I haven't played the game, mind you.

What does FFMQ have anything to do with the other FFs.

Is it some kind of a "spiritual sequel?"

I'm playing all the FFs now and I was wondering if this is some kind of spinoff or what.

It's unclear for me what's its place. Some anon said it's like 6.5, that i was supposed to be FF7.

TL;DR Basically, I'm asking how good it is, if you recommend it, and a little back story, etc.

>> No.375347

Actually, it was never meant to be a FF7 prototype. It was a Final Fantasy lite that was targeted at US audiences. It was even called Final Fantasy USA in Japan. It is a pretty cool game with some great boss battles, and not to mention the most OP protag ever who basically can kill anything by himself and occasionally brings a bitch along to keep his dick wet.

It is a very enjoyable game.

>> No.375368

FF lite?
Is it like that Mario 2 story on the NES?
They made FFMQ because they thought western audiences would like a easier game?

>> No.375367

Killing some enemies even the final boss with a potion

>> No.375381

Pretty much. They figured that we were too dumb for FF. But yeah. We got a great game out of it. Did I mention it has jumping?

>> No.375385

I checked is with cure, sorry

>> No.375406
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I don't know where MQ stands in the "grand scheme of FF game plots" but, I've still got my copy.

You'll get a bit more interaction with the environment than in most FF titles -- chopping trees that block your path, hitting switches with your sword, bombing barriers, climbing... stuff. At times it feels like an early LoZ title with turn-based battles built in.

Combat is pretty forgiving -- if you lose, you can simply restart that battle instead of dropping straight to the title screen again. Also, monsters have various strengths and weaknesses, whether it's a weapon type or element (or both). You can swap weapons during combat, so it's never an issue of "Oh, I was using my sword, but this thing is weak to axe attacks." An interesting side note: you're nearly immune to status effects by the end of the game if you collect all the gear. As for damage, it's fairly consistent; you do a set amount of damage with your weaponry based on your level and won't see a range like you would in most other FF titles. For example, your sword might do 12 damage at level 4; not 10-14 with some variance, but just a flat 12 (it may vary from one enemy type to another, but it's consistent beyond that).

There's an overworld map (no monsters here directly) with towns, dungeons, and battlefields (where you can knock out 10 waves of monsters for some cash, Exp, or loot). In the dungeons, monsters are visible and in pre-determined locations -- bumping into one triggers combat. The UI for combat is similar to... oh, the Lufia series or Dragon Warrior. Your party isn't visible like in most FF games.

It's not a bad game, per se, but it's unusually difficult or unclear at times when it comes to following the plot (especially after leaving it for a day or two) and finding where you need to go.

Definitely worth giving a try, though. Just a suggestion: run the first area a few times and grind out a handful of extra levels.

>> No.375409

Fuck don't tell me there are parts that play like Zelda2. I don't really like jumping in RPGs.

>> No.375421

Nope, just for crossing gaps in dungeon floors and such. Nothing like the jumping in AoL.

>> No.375437

It's boring and filled with grinding. It has random cheap status ailment deaths you can't avoid, but it compensates by letting you retry battles over and over until you luck out and win. It has some so-so exploration mechanics and a forgettable story with no twists at all (that is, what you are told at the beginning is literally all there is to the overall mission). If not for the required grinding it would also be really short. It still clocks in at around 12 hours.

It's babby's first RPG, and a great way to turn newbies off to the genre.

>> No.375460

I liked it, but I can see where you are coming from. It is just cool to see where FF COULD have gone. You know, if we were less fagets and gave the game a chance.

>> No.375474

It's starting to sound like Golden Sun.
If it's like that, I might give it a try.

Are there any little puzzles like in Golden Sun or Zelda?

>> No.375485

If there were, they were basic enough where I've forgotten them.

There is one point where you need to push a pillar into a particular location to jump across an otherwise too-large gap... but that's pretty much it.

>> No.375512

Final fantasy mystic cake walk has no more to do with other FFs than ... they have to do with each other.

It's meant as an introduction to Final Fantasy 4 EASYTYPE.

>> No.375539

ProJared has a decent review of the game on YouTube if you want to see it in action. Be warned that he goes through the entire game and will spoil the thin storyline.

>> No.375541

Meh, it was ok more or less.

>> No.375568

Thanks. Will do.
I actually don't mind getting spoiled.

>> No.375597

You don't mind?

[spioler]You're the chosen one who is meant to save the world.[/spoiler]

Actually, it was more of a guess, but you pulled it off anyway!

>> No.375623

No I actually prefer it that way. I want to know what I'm going to do. I don't want to start a game I know I won't really enjoy so I must know a least a little bit of the game.

>> No.375675

One of my favourite rpgs. It is just so simple that I would recommend it as first rpg for starters. The ost is kicking ass, the battlesystem teaches you everything you need to know about jrpgs.

>> No.375703

Essentially it was made with the intention to broaden the appeal of RPGs in the west because until FF7, they were an extremely niche genre.

The only problem was that it was insanely easy and pretty much held your hand the whole way. Square was frankly kind of surprised at how poorly it did.

Happy Video Game Nerd did a really good video about it. I encourage you to check it out

>> No.375712

This game is one of my all time retro favorites. So simple and yet so good.

>> No.375724

Huh, opinion seems really polarized on this.

I extremely vaguely remember playing this thing as a kid, maybe I should pick it up again.

>> No.375746

I guess it's one of those games: "Love it or hate it".

>> No.375949

>Happy Video Game Nerd did a really good video about it

Yep, it explains all the background to it (why it was made etc) in really good detail. It's worth watching if you're interested, or even if you're a FF fan with no plans to play it.


To sum it up - it was made because Japan thought Americans were too dumb to handle a real RPG, so they gave them FFMQ instead. Luckily, they were completely wrong. It's a horribly easy game (the fights are no challenge whatsoever) with next to no plot ("Go here!" "Now go there!") but it's also kinda fun, but if you want a serious RPG, give it a miss

>> No.376003

I got this game before I could read, still beat it by pressing A really fast in each battle. I still remember the badguys and music 20 years later.

>> No.376181

That video pretty much covered a lot of what there is to really be said.

It's very much an easy, linear-as-hell RPG. It's actually a bit TOO easy and forgiving, even as a "beginner" RPG. But it's still a comfy game when you don't want to be really challenged. Somewhat similar to, say, a Kirby game.

And as also said in the video, the music is actually almost on par, if not actually on par, with the "main" FF games.


>> No.376218

The music is at least on par with the main FF games.

>> No.376618

I wonder what kind of self imposed challenges would be good for this game.

>> No.376628

Don't use heal on the last boss

>> No.378716
File: 130 KB, 924x690, Mystic_Quest_World_Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see why this game doesn't get as much love as the other Final Fantasy games, but it really has a ton of charm. I think it's one of the finer retro games due alone to an amazing soundtrack and overall charisma. Is it the long, challenging, skill and story based adventure you expect in a Final Fantasy game? No. However, when not compared to the rest of the Final Fantasy serious, it's an enjoyable, relaxing adventure that almost anyone could have fun playing.


Just listen to this kickass soundtrack.

>> No.378726

I like it

There's a bug that's probably fixed if you're on a ROM, this one music track is screwy and causes the game to freeze after each battle so you have to fight->save->reload

Luckily that song is only in two areas that aren't very long

>> No.378778
File: 1.83 MB, 2592x1936, photo (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually lucky enough to find a copy at a Half-Priced books near me, I couldn't believe it, probably one of the best finds of the year for me.

>> No.378806

Oh shit man, nice find!
I'm actually a bit jealous. I wish you tons of fun on your adventures!

>> No.378812

I don't know what you guys see in this game. I played it for a few hours and it was just...well, awful. When I think of bad FF games I think XIII and this piece of shit.

Why do you guys like this game?

>> No.378821

It has that "cozy" factor, much like EB, it actually has a feeling of warmth when you're playing it, I'd suggest it.

>> No.378827


See, I love EB. I just didn't get that vibe when playing MQ.

I guess I'll give it another shot

>> No.378830

There are always going to be people to hate on classic games. Even the mighty EB has critics.

>> No.378835


Falls Basin and the Mine have that music bug I mentioned, you might've gotten lucky and got one without it but just save before those two if you haven't in a while

>> No.378838

It is pretty awful and you'll feel dumb playing it. Because it is literally for retards. It was designed for people who found Final Fantasy too hard. Think about that.

>> No.378841

That's another thing. I have yet to buy the game.
I'm not really into ROMs, I prefer the authentic approach.
How much did you pay?
I'm still not sure if I'll buy it it on eBay/Amazon or go out hunting.

>> No.378849

I paid $15, but in reality, the game is probably closer to $40 loose, so I scored big time.

>> No.378854

Well it's like that with every game.

>> No.378873
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-04-07_01-04-32_820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too paid 15 at this flea market a couple years ago, why 40? Seems a bit steep for such a polarizing game

>> No.378889

maybe 40 CIB?

>> No.378898

It wasn't the biggest seller in America, due to it apparently being "dumbed down" for western audiences so its a bit of an uncommon game, not really super rare, but still uncommon.

>> No.378932

>tfw I have a copy of FFMQ

But yeah, fun little beginner's RPG. I liked it as a kid, but I've never gone back to it. Maybe it's better that way so I don't ruin the nostalgia.

>> No.379907

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure MQ was my first RPG as a kid. And I loved it, and have gone on to play hundreds of other RPGs.
So nah, I think you're pretty off the mark there.

>> No.379912

>However, when not compared to the rest of the Final Fantasy serious, it's an enjoyable, relaxing adventure that almost anyone could have fun playing.
I'm thinking this is why they dropped the FF part and just called it Mystic Quest Legend in Europe.

>> No.379968

>What does FFMQ have anything to do with the other FFs.

There are 4 crystals of varied elements that you must make shine once more by defeating the corresponding bosses that guard them.

Also the greatest challenge of this game: be sure to actually read the messages in Pazuzu's fight about his psyche shield. ie: when it's up/down.

>> No.380002






There are pillar pushing puzzles and a floor lever puzzle that's not really a puzzle and is kind of dumb.

>> No.380028

It was a beginners RPG to get people into Final Fantasy in general.

>> No.380047


>mash through preset spell icons
>Flare myself and Kaeli
>almost die
>Kaeli used Aero!
>Pazuzu used Whirlwind!


Also, I did a low-level run(lowest possible enemy encounter rate, no grinding, no BGs, NO EQUIPMENT, not allowed to use bombs/dragon claw) and it's super luck-based, but kinda funny and hilarious.

>Dullahan used Rapier!
>Benjamin takes 1600 damage

Funnily enough, Dark Thunder crits from the Dark King are an instant kill on both Benjamin(if played normally without max level grinding) and Phoebe, as it does 1800 damage.

There is also a glitch in the final battle that some people might see.


She doesn't have Aero. She has all the basic White spells sans Exit, Fire and Blizzard from Black, and White/Thunder from Wizard

>> No.380063
File: 6 KB, 256x224, Mystic Quest Legend_00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you an idea OP.
It was so much a real part of the FF franchise...
that 'Final Fantasy' was mentioned nowhere for the European version.
Make of that what you will.

>> No.380083

>It was designed for people who found Final Fantasy too hard. Think about that.

Hey, the original Final Fantasy was kind of hard. Remember "Ineffective" when your character targets an enemy who was already killed, or the Marsh Cave?

>> No.380084

>I'm thinking this is why they dropped the FF part and just called it Mystic Quest Legend in Europe.

Actually that's because ALL Final Fantasy games are called "Mystic Quest" in Europe.

>> No.380101

I think that was because Europeans were not familiarised with the FF franchise at the time (FF7 was the first real FF to be released in Europe), so there was no reason for putting FF in its title. Final Fantasy Adventure was just called 'Mystic Quest' in Europe, as well.

>> No.380097

or just 2 of them. try again.

>> No.380119

>or just 2 of them. try again.

Okay, so my information from Nintendo Power is 20 years out of date.

The point is that all the Final Fantasy games up to that point had been called "Mystic Quest" in Europe.

>> No.380132

It's a cool game and its spiritual successor on the DS was fucking fantastic.

Also dat OST

>> No.380178

It's a good game, with a funky atmosphere that doesn't take itself very seriously. The characters are neat, not too complicated though, but the best part of Mystic Quest in my mind is probably the music.

>> No.380185


Well of course the best part is the music. I would argue that it was the best on the system. I'll still go back and listen to the boss battle theme sometimes.

>> No.380348

>classic games

Don't get me wrong, I actually like the game, but come on. Mystic Quest is a TERRIBLE RPG. Piss easy combat, a non existent plot and being practically pushed to where you need to go does not make a classic game.

The only redeeming factors are the music and the graphics, which are pretty good in all fairness.

>> No.380475

Nobody would remember this game if it wasn't for the music.

>> No.380480

Great game by itself, not a great Final Fantasy.

>> No.381003


I always thought that was pretty hilarious on the part of Square

>there is no way silly gaijin amercan scum could ever handle a REAL menu-driven-spam-A-to-win RPG

It was...It was just REALLY funny to me considering Final Fantasy and Dragon's Quest were both heavily inspired by the game flow of Dungeons and Dragons, which originated in America

>> No.381031

It's babby's first RPG designed for idiots. If you've played any RPG before this one, you might feel insulted with how the game treats you like a complete idiot. If it isn't your first RPG, it's still piss easy and pretty boring.

>> No.381050
File: 39 KB, 450x338, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fags like this one that think jRPGs in general somehow require any intellect or skill and they shit on a charming, harmless little jrpg like FFMQ

hahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh you jrpg fags

>> No.381059

I see your a fan of Mystic Quest. It's okay that others don't like what you like.

>> No.381073

that is every japanese/console RPG ever

>> No.381082


>> No.381083

I wish there was a difficultly rom hack for this.

>> No.381086

Everything made by Squae, maybe.

>> No.381091
File: 801 KB, 880x619, Mystic_Quest_Map_2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.381098

er wasn't it the first final fantasy game released in europe?

>> No.381360
File: 72 KB, 498x467, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a kid, play this as a friends house.
>In bone dungeon, broing it up with tristam.
>Motherfucking Flamerus Rex up in my business.
>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUGDp39srk0 starts blasting.

Personally I loved the game, the overall feel, the music and so forth, it's fun for what it is.

>> No.381396
File: 522 KB, 2592x1944, CameraZOOM-20121109183607428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my CIB one a year or so ago. Such a good game, and I got the maps and manual with it.

>> No.381412
File: 480 KB, 2592x1944, CameraZOOM-20121109183709354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though the box insnt perfect, the label is pristine, and the map is crisp.

>> No.381418

I wonder why they even produced maps for this game.

>> No.381441

because it is an RPG. I am sure people liked that shit, I like it. And Square was SURE like 100% for sure this was going to blow up in the US.

>> No.381452


I don´t hate people that just make their own reviews of videogames and put them online. But creating a copycat of Angry Nintendo Nerd to get some visits its pretty crappy.

(and i don´t give a fuck about james rolfe, it's just sloppy)

>> No.382253

guy has been around since before avgn