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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3746789 No.3746789 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about Retroarch? Is it worth the download or should I just download seperate emulators? I want to start emulating some of the classics and am just wondering which approach to take. Also, give me your game and controller recommendations. I was looking at the Logitech gamepad they sell everywhere but are there better options?

>> No.3746805

Depends on how much you like tinkering with things.

If you like to spend time customising everything so that it's just right, then use retroarch. It was made for you.

If you want everything to just work out of the box, then don't use retroarch under any circumstances. It's the Linux of emulators.

>> No.3746808

You might want to ask in the emulator general on /vg/

>> No.3746837

I don't mind tinkering once I know what I need to know. At this point I just have a very basic knowledge of emulators though.

Didn't know there was a general for it, will do.

>> No.3747061

Retroarch sounds like a meme to me, if you excuse the use of the meme defenition of meme. You want a program that does something well you install a program that focuses on doing that one thing well. 'Swiss Army' software generally tends to be shit at all it's attempted functions.

I own a Logitech controller. It's shit. I use a PS2 controller with a cheaparse 15 year old Chinese made adapter, and you should too. PS3 controller is also a sensible choice.

>> No.3747321

Get Bizhawk instead.

>> No.3747329

It's good but needlessly obtuse and so poorly documented that it may as well not be at all.

Like it is mind boggling how little relevant, up to date info and instructions there are.

>> No.3747385

>It's the Linux of emulators.

>> No.3747748

But Retroarch isn't "swiss army software". It just pulls tried and true emulators and brings them to a single interface, adding more options to them like shaders, multiple controller configs, etc.

>> No.3747783

RA gives you tons of emulators (and some of the cores are even your best option for the console) and shaders (which you should be using you fucking faggot) in a single interface. You have to either be retarded or autistic to not use to be honest.

>> No.3747798

>should be using shaders

kek, we're not all ultimate plebs

>> No.3747828

The interface and controller configs are more complicated than the ones the normal emulators come with,

Another problem I have is that it covers like a dozen systems so I still need stand-alone emulators for everything else.

>> No.3747925

It's shit. Shit interface and buggy as fuck.

>> No.3748073

>it's so tough to use
>too many features
>bad interface
What? It has a really easy to navigate GUI You download the emulator core (within the GUI, not difficult at all), and then launch a rom with that core. You navigate all of this with a controller. It's practically idiot-proof. Are you people running it with the command line or something?

>> No.3748541

Other emulators just give you a list or roms that you click on and run. Requiring anything more than that is retarded and only shows the intense level of autism the retroarch developer has.

>> No.3748673

It has a menubar that let's you select files in the Windows interface. Not that I bother with that since the gamepad menu is good enough and doesn't make me put down my controller.

>> No.3748685

If you aren't using some kind of shader, whether it is Pixellate or otherwise, then you are probably a pleb who is doing it wrong.

>> No.3748873

Cool. I guess when whatever beta version of Android you're using is released I'll give it a try again. kek.

>> No.3749648

I started using it like a week ago and I instanly fell in love with its interface. You can even add a snow effect to the background like in ZSNES. I've only used it for SNES and Game Boy games so far, but I really like it.

>> No.3749670

I only use pure integer scaling. With integers adjuster to the aspect ratio when I feel the game needs it.

>> No.3749710

I'm inclined against RA because of my impression of elitism surrounding it, so I go with individual emulators by default.

>> No.3749778

RA looks like a swiss army emulator.
Then you realize basic shit like .zip loading is a per core feature, and it crashes on ANY error message withing printing it.

Shaders look good, until you realize that 90% of them is a waste, and either it comes bundled with the one you want, or it doesn't.

>> No.3749787

Could you be any more autismal?

>> No.3749792

There's method in my madness. The last thing I want is to be stuck seeking help from a bunch of sneering diagnosed-autists because their programmer-tier documentation is useless for resolving a problem. Outside the USSR, a red-flag is usually a sign you should keep away.

>> No.3751424

Assuming you're on a normal Windows / Linux PC, separate emulators should give you better performance compared to their RetroArch counterpart.

The benefit of RetroArch, as other anons pointed out, is it gives you a single interface to a lot of different emulators, and it has customizations that other emulators often don't have.

Another thing is, it runs on many platforms, while many standalone emulators often only has support Windows / Linux running on Intel PC.

>> No.3751432

Isn't Mednafen better for that?

>> No.3751434

Mednafen as far as I know has no GUI

>> No.3751442

It's started from command line but in the emulator you get a GUI. There are also frontends that handle the configuration and launching.

>> No.3751458

RocketLauncher and retroarch with a subtle CRT shader and steam big screen/hyperspin us a thing of beauty. Sort yourselves out, for fuck's sake

>> No.3751869

>separate emulators should give you better performance compared to their RetroArch counterpart.

Not really. Some of them are faster or have less latency as libretro cores.

>> No.3753301
