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File: 46 KB, 300x426, Sonic2-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3741323 No.3741323 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck does the competitive 2-player mode use Splitscreen but the cooperative mode doesn't?

What the fuck SEGA?

>> No.3741341

The splitscreen is shit and Sega was just trying to show off double resolution interlacing mode hoping that some other developer might actually bother using it.

>> No.3741356

It looks a bit off but it's better than not having at all. The game is pretty much unplayable on coop.

>> No.3741357

It's not cooperative mode. It's still a single player game with a controllable sidekick that serves little purpose on than to keep the younger sibling occupied for several minutes.

>> No.3741363

Because the competitive mode was made with the hi-res resolution (320x480) in mind and it has its own graphical restrictions.

I'm pretty sure zones like Chemical Plant and Aquatic Ruin wouldn't work in that mode because of their mid-screen palette swap effects.

>> No.3741713

It's pretty annoying that they didn't tried to figure out a way. Makes the game feel unfinished.

>> No.3741716

This seems to be the reason. The 2p race mode cherry picked levels from the game that would work while video smoooshed. It's pretty much an afterthought.

>> No.3741746


They aren't the same levels

>> No.3741749

>co op mode
Good one

>> No.3741895

This. I don't think the game ever even advertised that you could do this, even in the manual. It's just something that people figured out and was a neat little bonus.

>Makes the game feel unfinished.
The fuck? The game is completely finished. Easily the most finished of any standalone Sonic game.

>> No.3741960

It would be a problem for a number of reasons.

The levels are big, if one player gets lost, they'd be on separate routes for the rest of the zone. This way Tails always catches up automatically. How would you implement the auto-catching-up if Tails is on a separate screen? You'd have to do custom animation and a custom button combination at the minimum, which would be confusing (since only one player has them).

With the single screen and auto catching up, the second player can at least help with the bosses (not counting the special stages).

The last three levels have Tails uncontrollable. So if you had split screen coop, what would the game do then, switch back to single screen for the last three levels? It would, again, just confuse players.

Also the water effects do mid-screen palette changes, and while it may be possible to get that palette change working, they may not have had the time to do so. The game had a very fast development cycle and they had to cut a number of levels.

>It's pretty much an afterthought.

The alpha version that only 1 and a half playable stages can go to any level in 2p splitscreen mode, so it definitely wasn't an after thought.

But it's possible that they couldn't get it working with the water levels, so they just limited the feature to 4 selected zones.

>> No.3741963
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1440, 1351778955398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck? The game is completely finished. Easily the most finished of any standalone Sonic game.

People will bitch about everything.

>> No.3741976

>The alpha version that only 1 and a half playable stages can go to any level in 2p splitscreen mode
Make this into a real sentence.

>> No.3741984

>so it definitely wasn't an after thought
I don't think anon meant a literal after thought in that it was tacked on in the end, but rather they just didn't spend too much time or effort on it. It was just a bonus feature, the kind of thing that, if they hadn't included it at all, nobody would bitch, but since they did include it and it's kind of simplistic, people whine that it wasn't developed more.

>> No.3741990

the alpha version that HAD only 1 and a half stages COULD go to any level in 2p splitscreen mode.

sorry, it has been a long day.

>> No.3741998

Well of course we do, if a girl gets naked in front of you, and doesn't fuck you, you are more likely to be annoyed than if she hadn't.

>> No.3742000
File: 1.08 MB, 176x244, 1346521728875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single one of you is full of shit.

It is a design choice. And the reason behind this design choice for the split screen only being in versus mode it's because of power limitation.
For rendering 2 full levels and keeping the frame rate silky smooth, a lot of extra hardware power would be needed.

Imagine if the console had to render 2 full Angel Island or Hydrocity zones at the same time. It would run like shit. A lot of extra ram, video memory and processing power would be needed.

The versus mode is only possible because the levels of this mode are purposely really small simple linear patterns with no enemies and reduced sprite sizes.

Every other answer is wrong.

>> No.3742001

Oh. Now I feel like an idiot for not figuring it out. That's actually kind of interesting.

>> No.3742003

Trips don't lie.

Who's the grill?

>> No.3742005

Didn't Sonic 3 add splitscreen coop tho? I haven't played that game in years but I remember it being feasably playable by 2 people.

>> No.3742009

>Imagine if the console had to render 2 full Angel Island or Hydrocity zones at the same time.

Those were Sonic 3 levels, not Sonic 2 ones.

Sonic 2 already had Mystic Cave in splitscreen, which was possibly the most sprite intensive level in the game.

>> No.3742013

>reduced sprite sizes
That's not how it works. Sprites were exactly the same size, but the screen was scanning 480 lines at once instead of 240, spaced out as they should have been, so everything looked squished, but the screen was still displaying everything at full size, and twice over.

>> No.3742014

sonic 3 had exclusive 2p competition levels, they were a few second short levels with like two or three loops each, that you had to make five laps on. It was also in normal res, with small sprites.

Beyond that, single player mode still allowed you to control Tails and that was it. The only other difference was that the player could now fly with Tails (if you got offscreen, you'd still fly into the screen automatically).

>> No.3742017

It's blatantly clear what he's trying to say, there was an alpha build that had only one and a half playable stages that had splitscreen enabled for all levels, stop being pedantic.

>> No.3742018

>Didn't Sonic 3 add splitscreen coop tho?

Nope. It had splitscreen competition mode though

>> No.3742020

It didn't, it only had Standard "coop" and split screen versus mode.

>Those were Sonic 3 levels, not Sonic 2 ones.

I was thinking about Sonic 3 for some reason (I guess because it has the most graphic intensive levels) but every thing I said applies to Sonic 2 too.

>> No.3742023


>> No.3742058

Sarina Valentina.


>> No.3742165


"unfinished" has become this buzzword the e-Celeb generation like to throw around anytime there's any minor problem with a game, Sonic 2 has a lot of cut beta content though, there's a hack out there that restores Hidden Palace Zone and Wood Zone that's pretty cool.

>> No.3742174
File: 32 KB, 395x400, smMvJpaJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shhh, don't tell him.

>> No.3742176

Fuck off, having a poorly implemented feature when the solution to the problem is literally in a different mode of the game is something anyone would deem as a sign of an "unfinished game". Especially at a first glance if you don't know technical details of the game.

Also unfinished doesn't have to literally mean "this game was supposed to have this but didn't because reasons". A game can be unfinished just by lacking a feature that the developers never intended or tough about but anyone who plays the game thinks "clearly this should be there".
A miss opportunity or an obvious oversight can make a game feel unfinished, and just because a game "feels" unfinished doesn't literally mean it "is" unfinished.

>> No.3742289

many faps were given to this woman

>> No.3742292

With that sort of logic every game ever made is unfinished

>> No.3742590


Your cranking it to a man...

>> No.3742746


>A game can be unfinished just by lacking a feature that the developers never intended or tough about but anyone who plays the game thinks "clearly this should be there".

No, it can't. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, you're still using the word wrong. It's a cliche example at this point but Sonic 06 has features listed on the back of the fucking box that aren't in the game, it's generally regarded as unfinished due to the clear and decisive evidence that it was rushed out. That a mode in Sonic 2 didn't meet your standards from a design standpoint doesn't mean shit.

>> No.3742849

No, a lot of games don't need anything more, they're perfect the way they are, at least feature-wise.

It's not mental gymnastics, this definition is used everywhere in art you moron.

>> No.3742869

You guys see the new james rolfe vid of him and mike playin sonic 2?
Holy fuck his full on autism is on in this, and shows how dumb he is.
"Robotnik, or is it egghead?"

>> No.3742948

Pretty much this. Tails is more of a support character in a single-player game than an actual second player. It was a novel implementation, all things comsidered.

Also, keep in mind that Naka and his team at STI were working with the Sonic 2sday global street date in mind, so they doubtless had to trim a lot of what they would have loved to implement.

>> No.3742969

Jesus, James is shit at Sonic. No wonder he prefers Nintendo's baby-tier games..

>> No.3742975

James is shit at videogames*


>> No.3742979

If it actually bothers you that some people call Robotnik "Egghead", then no anon, you are the autists.

>> No.3742982

the coop mode's just so your little brother has something to do.

>> No.3742989

Exactly. So, why do people give this blowhard attention? His comedy is shit, his gaming skills are shit, his social skills are shit.

>> No.3742992

He's a good movie reviewer.

>> No.3742997

Then you should make James Rolfe threads on /tv/.

>> No.3742998

This isn't a James Rolfe thread, it's a Sonic 2 thread.

>> No.3743000

>The alpha version that only 1 and a half playable stages can go to any level in 2p splitscreen mode, so it definitely wasn't an after thought.
Most of them have glitched graphics though.

>> No.3743005

Don't bullshit, you know you made this thread with the intent to derail it into a discussion about his video.

>> No.3743013
File: 64 KB, 800x602, guse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this thread after watching his video, yes. But I did so because I think that the decision of making the coop not splitscreen was legitimately retarded and I never noticed it was that way until now.

>> No.3743080


>> No.3743332

I just wanted him to hand the player one control to Mike the whole time

>> No.3745684

I had to stop the video when he was right at the end of the level, was two rings away from an extra life, and had rings floating right above him in plain sight, and decided to just finish the level without them.

But really, Sonic 2 is easier than most NES games, so I'm not sure what you're getting at there.

>> No.3745831

Nice avgn memes

>> No.3745851

Sonic is babby tier tho
thats why its the most popular genny game

>> No.3745853

eCelebs were a mistake