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File: 54 KB, 800x567, AmigaHistoryA1_final-klein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3739235 No.3739235 [Reply] [Original]

Just watched this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcXcy2b1dRM

As much as I like Amiga, the retarded decisions the company made are astounding.
I feel Nintendo will have a video like this in 15 years :(

>> No.3739252
File: 20 KB, 640x357, ch003.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nintendo is doomed

>> No.3740000 [DELETED] 

If it doesn't have a Pentium in it, it's too old for me to give a shit about.

>> No.3740028
File: 269 KB, 640x480, this shit aint tunak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obvious underage
>Waste of quads

>> No.3740041


My first PC came out in 1993 bub, and my first PC game was MechWarrior 2.

>> No.3740053

you really showed him

>> No.3740072


Oh yeah, if only I could be 10 years older and remember the days before PCs came with CD-ROMs and couldn't play MPEG video

>> No.3740090


Amiga was doomed, hell, any non x86 architecture already was by 93-94, they did shitty decisions but, even if they made the good ones, their fate would be the same as soon as microsoft refuses to make windows 95 run on their platform.

Best case scenario, they will be around making normal pc and tablets like hp or fujitsu, thats all.

>> No.3740143
File: 460 KB, 480x360, lotus esprit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just found out one of my favorite snes OSTs has its origins on an amiga game



Is it possible to make the amiga version sound better with a Roland MT-32 or something similar?

>> No.3740165

I had a coleco vision when I was a kid, it had memory cards which were casdette tapes

>> No.3740172

Windows NT supported PowerPC

>> No.3740208


Retail price of NT was over $300

>> No.3740315

I'm confused as to why the amiga didn't dominate the pc market. Stylish, all-in-one computers that didn't cost $1000+, tons of games, good sales and a gui dating back to 1985. What fucking gives?

>> No.3740320

Doesn't have Dewm

>> No.3740326


Holy fuck 46:00

$10m settlement for using a XOR crosshair in CAD

That just blows my mind

>> No.3740358

x86 dominated the businesses, Apple had education marked. Home market was more diverse with c64, Atari, Amiga, Sinclair, MSX and so on. x86 home computers didn't really take off until IBM lost the ability to control the market with proprietary architectures in the early 90s. Cheap x86 clones is why Amiga didnt dominate PC market

>> No.3740361

Nah. Nintendo is more like the Apple console manufacturers. It's Sega who ended up like Commodore.

>> No.3740501

Okay, but the Amiga is in no way related to PCs.

>> No.3740526

Apple had education? You mean Acorn?

>> No.3741726

Windows NT was not a consumer product and the support got dropped on 2k.

Not the same league really.

>> No.3741743

In North America many schools even in 1996 had Apple IIs and monochrome Mac Classics, then in the early 2000s they got iMac G3s and G4s.

Today many school districts in middle class areas give each kid an Ipad upon entry.

Of course other school districts used Windows PCs. It depended on technology administrator's preference and whatever grants the school had gotten.

I think the private schools where the old money elite send their progeny have little to no computers accessible to the students because they know of the damaging effects of digital saturation on a young mind.

Now tell me, what is the history of school computers across the pond?

>> No.3741767

In uk they used acorn products, for their computer literacy project and BBC micro in the early 80's to the archimedes and RISC based ones up to early-mid 90's.

The rest of the european countries didn't and just copied more or less the computer literacy project itself but with different computers, in Spain ours was called atenea and we used (at least at my school in the 80's), Olivetti M19, esentially a 8086 clone.

>> No.3741776

In Australia we had Microbees, BBC Micros and Archimedes'.

>> No.3742204

Is strange how the video made the CDI look like an actual good product compared to the CDTV.

>> No.3742617

I didn't just waste over an hour of my life.

>being too young to remember non intel macs

>> No.3742729

Any computer built in 1982 would naturally struggle in 1994.
Why do Americans love Apple so much?

>> No.3742939

Because it's the only think we can still pretend is muhrican? Only thing easy enough for a fat blob to use?