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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3729135 No.3729135 [Reply] [Original]

What games do you think are exactly-rate. Not over or underrated, but rated fairly by most people.

Pic related. Quiet, slow, pleasant, pretty great music. Bowser is neat. Maybe not the best version of the game or idea. Fine.

>> No.3731190
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Nobody has ever said that this game is anything more or less than mediocre.

I agree.

>> No.3731293

I think SNES Simcity Simcity is the best version of the game. But all the sequels improved in it in a lot of ways except for the comfy factor.

>> No.3731294
File: 36 KB, 299x300, Ikaruga_cover_DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3731295

Everyone says Super Mario 64 is a revolutionary game.

I have no choice but to believe them.

>> No.3731304

Timeless classic.

>> No.3731424

Almost any classic desu, with a few exceptions

If you think most of the highly regarded games are overrated you are contrarian and/or underage

>> No.3731440

earthbound and chrono trigger are objectively overrated.

>inb4 I wrote they are bad

>> No.3731441


>> No.3731635
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>console port of a computer game

>> No.3731643

SNES Simcity is phenomenal

>> No.3731651

I thought 2000 was comfortable as fuck.

>> No.3731678

I tried to play all three snes SIM games (SimCity, SimAnt, SimEarth) the other day but i sucked in all three of them.

Why are these games so hard?

>> No.3731680
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SNES Simcity is one of my favorite games of all time. Although the simulation engine starts getting really slow when your city approaches Megalopolis level population. There's also issues with the in-game save where a newly loaded city will not have power or police/fire protection until the engine warms up.

The best way to play this game is emulation with save states and fast forwarding.

>> No.3731691

SimEarth is closer to an actual simulation/experiment than an actual game. Just tweak things here and there and wait to see the result. Outside of one or two scenarios, if you're doing a lot then you're probably fucking yourself over. For the most part all you have to do is edit the biosphere's reproduction and mutation rates and do some divine intervention every now and then. Sometimes all I do on a free play game is hit the planet with an ice comet to make oceans, increase volcanic activity to make land if I have to and adjust the atmosphere in response to the industrial era to curb global warming.

One of my favorite things to do is try to raise another species after a nuclear winter kills off the last one. Or keep the guilty civilization alive but always on the brink of extinction for punishment of their crimes. I really wish it would get a successor.

>> No.3731757

A lot of games that haven't been overhyped will be accurately rated. It's the games which had been advertized like no tomorrow and the "cult hits" that most often prompt 10/10 and 0/10 ratings from fanboys and console justice warriors, wanky communities which engage in withchunts on everyone who disagrees, etc.

So your thread is a bit pointless IMO. Also, rated by whom? Critics? Some dude on GameFAQs?

>> No.3731778
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There is no such thing as overrated or underrated because tastes vary from person to person and so much of what makes a game either good or bad is subjective.

A fanboy who rates Earthbound a 10/10 is just as accurate as someone who hates it saying it's a 2/10.

>> No.3731782

>A fanboy who rates Earthbound a 10/10 is just as accurate as someone who hates it saying it's a 2/10.
My point exactly.

>> No.3731819

Ikaruga deserves the praise it gets.

Now if you want an overrated shmup, check Battle Garegga or Batsugun. No one praises it outside the shmup community.

>> No.3731917

>No one praises it outside the shmup community.
How many people praise/hate something doesn't make a game good or bad. Who exactly praises/hates it doesn't make it good or bad too. If you want to measure everything only by numbers, you should play probably go to /v/, it's a far more popular board for far more popular games.

STG, like 2D fighters or Visual Novels, are a very niche genre. Ikaruga got its praise by appealing people outside of that niche. Mentioning any other STG will only make most people scratch their heads.

>> No.3732090

i used to use that glitch to get max money in sim city as a kid

>> No.3732180


I don't think you know what objectively means.

>> No.3734546

Thief 1 and 2

>> No.3734580

>Ikaruga got its praise by appealing people outside of that niche.

holy shit no. It appealed to the most hardcore shmup fans because it required insane forward thinking. Back in the 00s it was universally praised by everyone.

But since then everyone learned all the patterns of the game from youtube, combine that with the extreme exposure the game got, and the hardcore shmup fans just don't want to hear of it anymore since they already maxed the game out over a decade ago.

That doesn't make it any less perfect.

>> No.3734590

Rating games on a numerical scale is pointless

>> No.3734641

It's just too slow and ugly if you've played the PC version.

>> No.3734671

I loved the Saturn version of SC2k, the only problem was that it played music too scarcely.

It being so slow was a bonus for me; had to keep running the console while we watched movies and such. The PC version was much less fun because any time I ran out of money, I just put it on fast forward to get 40 years worth of taxes in 1 minute.

>> No.3734683

Wrong SNES simcity is the best version. Absolute god tier comfy game