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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3728305 No.3728305 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a fan of playing games on their original hardware - to the point where I play PS1 games on a PS1, not a PS2. Having said that, I have two questions:

1. Would it be worthwhile for me to get an original Game Boy in order to play original Game Boy games?

2. What are the more obscure must-have titles? I know about Link's Awakening, Super Mario Land, Kirby's Dreamland, etc.

>> No.3728321
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It's worthwhile, the classic gameboy dot matrix screen with green background is pretty iconic and GB games were made with it in mind.

>> No.3728324

If you like authenticity than play on an OG. If you can, play it on a super gameboy. It plays at a different clock speed than the original, but some games add some colors when played on it.

>> No.3728326

As much as I love the DMG, I highly recommend the GB Pocket instead. The screen is radical, and the Pocket is iconic in its own way; Pokemon was designed for it after all.

>> No.3728330
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>Pokemon was designed for it after all.

Pokemon was released in 1996, the same year as the Pocket, but it has been in development since 1990 or so. I think it was designed for the OG.

>> No.3728335

It may have been designed on DMGs in that case, but it clearly sold alongside the Pocket. The larger screen on the Pocket is really nice as well, and the better ghosting makes a huge difference in actually playing.

>> No.3728339


I like seeing my games.

>> No.3728343

>different clock speed

Huh. Didn't know that and was about to pick up a Super Game Boy. Might be a deal breaker

>> No.3728349

Super Gameboys are cheap, they're worth it anyway. And you wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't read about it.

>> No.3728350

Get the second revision.

It fixed the clock speed difference.

>> No.3728394
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get a comfy lamp of your liking next to your bed and enjoy, bro!

>> No.3728402

The SGB runs at 60.1 FPS.
The GB runs at 59.7

It's only a 2% difference

>> No.3728584

The screen has pretty severe motion blurring, but I think it adds to the charm. They're pretty cheap still, so if you could get one, do it. I bought a clear one for $10.

>> No.3728609

>I bought a clear one for $10

That's actually the expensive one.

>> No.3728757


>I only paid X for Y
>Doesn't say when

You know prices change right?

>> No.3728882
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I picked up a DMG, a couple of screen attachments, the rechargeable battery (latch broken), AC adapter, and carrying case for $50. I feel like I got a decent deal.

>> No.3728891
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I dug that original Spider-Man game for GB. It looked like shit but was a delight.

>> No.3728961

What the fuck

>> No.3729718

Welcome to retro-gaming in 2017 friend. I remember when you coulod literally find game boys on the street, and people would just give you them because they hadn't touched it in years. On the other hand, Game Boy Color and Advance are still cheap as fuck, now is the time if you want to stock up.

>> No.3729742

>I highly recommend the GB Pocket instead
If you're going to go Pocket, may as well go Color. You can always set the screen to play in back and white like the Pocket, and the image is much sharper and has absolutely zero motion blur.

>> No.3729747

Pocket Monsters.
It all makes sense now!

>> No.3729749

>Game Boy Color and Advance
Sadly that's not even really true. A few years ago I got a GBA in very good condition for $15 on ebay, and they're creeping up on $50.

>> No.3729753

i just do the super gameboy
i'm not gonna play any shit ON THE GO so it's whatever senpai

>> No.3729763


I would say pick up a GBA. I like the screen better and it's nice being able to play three generations of games with no issues.

>> No.3729818

I just got a GBA locally for $20, and that's the retro shop's standard price on them, pockets are ~$30 and DMGs are $35. I'm not seeing GBAs for that high on eBay, they're still under $30 mostly. I'm replacing the case, buttons, screen lens, etc for a grand total of $28 invested on mine. Might swap in a AGS-101 (3rd party replacement, not going to gut one) screen if I like how the 'refurb' process works out.

>> No.3729824

Just get an SP. I have a DMG, Color, and SP, and there is very little reason to break out the older systems. The SP has a backlight and rechargable battery to boot, which addresses some serious issues with the DMG.

Also, I can't blame you for wanting to play PSX games on a PSX, and not on a PS2. The PS2 has some transparency issues that are subtle, but annoying.

>> No.3730356
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Backlight it with a green LED.

>> No.3730398

That looks fucking fantastic. I thought the EDGB didn't work on DMGs?

>> No.3730446


That looks awesome. Tutorial?

>> No.3730593

You could always backlight and bivert your DMG.

>> No.3730595


>> No.3730643

The shell was updated to accommodate the power switch. It plays just fine.

>> No.3731194

Donkey Kong '96 is a must and has the most impressive Super Gameboy features.

Wario Lands
Mario's Picross (also has a JP only sequel)
Balloon Kid
Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters
Game and Watch Collections

For Whom the Frog Bell Tolls has some physical fan translations on chinkshit sites.

>> No.3731369

>Game and Watch Collections


>> No.3731428
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Mystic Quest aka Final Fantasy adventure, Warioland, Donkey Kong Land, Metroid II, Gargoyles Quest

>> No.3731542

If you can get a GB or GBP with a backlight mod, yes. If you're a purist but actually want to play without murdering your eyes, get a Gameboy Light.

>> No.3731575

Not that guy but I agree completely, they're hours and hours of fun. Not every game is a home run, but a lot of them are simply really enjoyable.

>> No.3732560
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>Donkey Kong '96

I love these kind of prehistoric animal illustrations, remind me of some trading card collection when I was a kid, Dinocardz or something.

>> No.3732621

>Mystic Quest aka Final Fantasy adventure

Wrong name

>> No.3733496
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I looked it up, its Final Fantasy Gaiden in the US.

>> No.3733505

Personally, I recommend getting a Pocket. I had the yellow one because it was the same color as pikachu. It's a lot more comfortable to hold.

>> No.3734317

I'm going to ask this question here as opposed to starting a whole new thread:

Can anyone recommend some GB/C dungeon crawlers? I'm on the hunt but I'm having a hard time finding anything. They don't have to be 1st person, though if there are any that would be rad.

>> No.3734320

There was a port of Wizardry

>> No.3734338

I've seen those, most have english options as well, they're just hard to search for the carts on eBay haha. I really need to pony up for an EverDrive...

>> No.3735046

>to the point where I play PS1 games on a PS1, not a PS2
I'm autistic about authenticity too, but come on now. The PS2 literally has a PS1 inside it.

>> No.3735048

Pretty decent if you bought it in the last year.

>> No.3735161

These are both crap options but they're the most recent one's I've checked out and can remember:

Brians Quest, is a demake of Quest 64 and features more story and characters while having a pretty close simulacrum of the original gameplay. The linear dungeons of the 64 game were turned into mazes and actually have a fair bit of items to discover.

Mysterium, you play as a man sized ant exploring a dungeon while solving puzzles with the power of alchemy. There's 8 or 10 levels that you do one right after the other getting harder as you delve deeper. Oh but there's no save feature and if you don't have guide to help you through puzzles it can take you hours to beat.

But really. There's not much besides Wizardy. Dragon Warrior 1&2 is good.

>> No.3735172

Oh, I didn't know it was released in EU as that. I was thinking you meant Seiken Densetsu reeee.

>> No.3735173

cave noir. it's quite weird though,.a mission based roguelike where you mostly avoid combat.

>> No.3735362

Sounds goo, much appreciated. I just beat Revelations" The Demon Slayer and ordered a bootleg of the fan-translated sequel, but those are less dungeon crawly. I mean you're in dungeons, but they were pretty ho-hum. Fun game overall though.

>> No.3735363

That one looks pretty rad, actually.

>> No.3735392

Too bad they still ghost horribly and the edgb will make the backlight flicker. Don't butcher the original Gameboy for fucks sake, its just a shitty collectors paperweight even with a backlight.

>> No.3735446
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I love them so much. I want to buy one, backlit. I heard some are modded to even play gba games as well.

I want to buy one like as soon as I find a reputable one but it's tough. Can anyone help me out?

>> No.3735497

I don't butcher any of my consoles, I wouldn't personally do that, but it does look nice. I ordered a GB Boy Colour for when I need a backlite, and I honestly use my Pockets whenever possible, they look awesome and the ghosting isn't too bad. Charming even.

>> No.3735528
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Check out my dope af gameboy case

>> No.3735561

I mean, if you come across one, you should get it just to have one, but nearly anything is better to play on than a Game Boy.
Miniature screen, can't hardly see anything without a light to cause glare, eats AAs like nothing else.
If you're trying to get a good balance of optimization and authenticity, get a GB Pocket or a GBC.
GBA SP is the optimum though. All the games, handy size, rechargeable battery and a backlight.

>> No.3735613

>They're creeping up on $50

I don't know where you're looking, but I'm finding working GBAs with no cosmetic issues cheaper than broken DMGs on eBay

>> No.3735705

GBAs are most definitely cheaper than any other model right now.

>> No.3735890

I play PS1 games on a PS1/one. It's not even autism just convenience.
Loading a backup on a PS2 takes longer and is to complicated for some children.
I have two multi screen setups and someone might want to play a PS1 game while another plays a PS2 game. In reality that's only happened a few times but the consoles are all there why not allow it?
I have a couple ones with LCD screens. Anyone can pick one up and play on their own in the corner after being utterly humiliated in smash on the big screen while the CRT is occupied with people playing HOTD. This happens very often.

>> No.3736323

Dragon Warrior Monsters 1 & 2

It has literal ranomly-generated dungeons

>> No.3738896

>Donkey Kong '96
'94, great game.

>> No.3738897


You mean procedurally generated? If it was random you could have dungeons that were impossible to pass through.

>> No.3739169

>eats AAs like nothing else

Dude, if anything the original Gameboy is actually the one model that uses batteries for the longest time. It's one of the reasons why it was more popular than contemporary handhelds back in the 90s. I could use it for over 15 hours without having to change them again. Sure you're using alkaline ones?

>> No.3739737

GBC lasts over twice as long as DMG...on half the number of AAs.

Look it up if you don't believe me.

>> No.3742341

>the edgb will make the backlight flicker
No it doesn't.

>> No.3742537

While DK94 is really great on Super Game Boy. I think the most impressive SGB game would have to be Space Invaders. If you select arcade mode when launching the game it reboots and lets you play what is essentially a SNES version of Space Invaders. Why didn't more SGB carts do stuff like this?


I apologize for the cringy host but his video explains it the best.

>> No.3742608

I think it turned out to just not be worth it for most devs, but it is a fantastic use of the SGB.

Here's a much less cringy video:


Game Boy World is fantastic, and highly relevant to this thread.