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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3726125 No.3726125 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Star Wars game?

My vote goes for Shadows of the Empire or Rouge Squadron.

>> No.3726143

The best Star Wars game isn't retro, so I'll go with Dark Forces.

>> No.3726157

The level design can be wonky, but it's still a really good game.

>> No.3726168

bounty hunter

>> No.3726169

Genuinely curious but since you picked Dark Forces I'll guess Jedi Outcast? It's one of my favorites too. I think the first year or two of Star Wars Galaxies beat it out as my all time favorite Star Wars game.

As far as retro goes Shadows of the Empire stood out to me as the most atmospheric and fitting to the mood of the original trilogy. It's got all the clunkiness of an early 3D title but some of the levels really hold up great.

Rogue Squadron is much more polished and I think it's one of the best 5th gen games in general. It does a great job of feeling like Star Wars but falls just short of Shadows in that regard.

I also really like X-Wing Alliance and had more fun with it than Tie Fighter even though Tie Fighter had a more engaging story. My big issue with X-Wing alliance was that some of the missions really dragged on, but it had a much better game engine than the older games in the series. I've heard X-wing vx. Tie Fighter has the best enemy AI but I haven't had a chance to play that one.

>> No.3726172

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, hands down. That multiplayer was the shit back in the day.

>> No.3726263

Tie Fighter, Super Star Wars, SotE, Rogue Squadron are all good.
But the best is pod racing.

>> No.3726357
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>> No.3726415
File: 44 KB, 640x480, dark_forces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Forces is my favorite because I'm more of an FPS guy, but TIE Fighter is probably the best. It absolutely nailed the concept, the coolness of flying for the Empire with plausible reasons and motivations for the Empire's actions other than "lol evil." It's also just a damn good game even today, with a surprising variety of missions considering what they had to work with, fun dogfighting and basic-but-tricky resource management.

>> No.3726451


>Rouge Squadron

Fuck off faggot

>> No.3726961

Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight

About Shadows of the Empire, there are parts I liked and parts I really dispised

>> No.3727910

I'll say DF1. I have more fond memories of Dark Forces (played it at a super young and impressionable age), but Jedi Knight is fucking amazing. And I really loved the FMV scenes. I wish just a few more Star Wars games had used them, if there was some guarantee they'd remain at this quality or better.

Shadows of the Empire was a lot of fun as a kid, but it's hard to get into now. But it's been a few years since I tried, and my gf and I listened to the audiobook version during a long drive to her families place a few weeks back. I might give it a shot again.

Too bad about Kyle Katarn and Dark Forces getting cannibalized into Rouge One. A lot of my friends were really excited and loved the "small references" to the series in the movie, but I was a bit depressed by the whole thing because DF1 is so close to my heart.

>> No.3727923

>But it's been a few years since I tried, and my gf and I listened to the audiobook version during a long drive to her families place a few weeks back.

Was it really necessary to add the bit of information about your gf? It would have been enough if you said that you listened to it recently.
Now I feel jelly that you have a gf and I don't.

>> No.3728204

gooood....let the anger flow through you

Jedi Knight was my very first FPS on PC, along with Half Life so it left quite a mark for me. Just got this bitch to run on my modern machine recently and absolutely loving it again.

>> No.3728232

>tfw I do this all the time

I know it's kind of a dick move for those who don't have gfs, but I always add additional information about my anecdotes if it's about my gf.

For example, if I'm playing a game with my brother, a friend or whatever, and I mention "I played this game the other day", I omit mentioning I played it with my brother or friend, it doesn't really add anything, unless I want to comment about something with the multiplayer maybe.
But if it's with the gf, I always mention it. It's half-subconscious though, like, when I'm writing a message and I'm mentioning "with my girlfriend", I become aware that it is because I want to show off, but I do it anyway.

Maybe it's because I didn't have any gf when I was a teenager, I'm not used to it really, and now that I do I feel it's very special and want to let everyone know.

the human mind is retarded.

>> No.3728538

>Rouge One

You illiterate fucks really want to die, don't you?

>> No.3728540


That's cool, I watched all the Star wars movies with my Japanese gf last summer 2015 because she hadn't sseen them yet and she loved them and was genuinely shocked vader was Luke's father and Luke lost his hand, then we saw force Awakens in theatre in Tokyo when we went to visit my gf's family but she hasn't seen Rogue One yet although we'll probably watch it together when it comes out on bluray and then stop the movie a few times to have sex

>> No.3728570

I get this feeling all the time

>paranoid of having my browsing history seen
>look at other people's history given any chance

>> No.3728576

>I watched all the Star wars movies with my Japanese gf last summer

How much did she cost a day?