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3723557 No.3723557 [Reply] [Original]

Is final fantasy 7 remake worth it. When it comes out.

>> No.3723561

Modern games were a mistake. They're nothing but trash.

>> No.3723598 [DELETED] 

Sorry OP, I can't see the future

But I for one welcome the change from chibi shit to proper Gackt realism. Haven't played FFVII though and don't plan to so I don't care.

>> No.3723604

I have no idea how anyone can expect anything from this 'remake'.

Anyway not retro, take it /v/, maybe there someone will care

>> No.3723605

No. I'd rather play the original again and ignore the remake.

>> No.3723608

considering it'll sell really fucking well on name alone yeah

>> No.3723612

>Is final fantasy 7 remake worth it. When it comes out.

ARPG are a mistake, and it will probably be a corridor game like XIII I only saw XIII on youtube

>> No.3723619


ITT, we get vegan recipes from the butcher.

Thanks for contributing nothing.

>> No.3723679

>"not interested"

>> No.3723687

i'll buy it
i don't expect any high standards for the game though

>> No.3723721

>Golden Saucer
>Fighting giant ultimate weapons
>Chocobo Racing

it's going to be great.

>> No.3723749

>Gold saucer
That's disc 2 in 2019

Disc1 is just midgar

>> No.3723752

Wall Market will have an arcade. (I hope)

>> No.3723773

I'm curious how much they're going to change the story.

Bet you a Snickers bar you'll have the option to keep her alive this time.

>> No.3723776

Aerith dying was a huge deal, so yeah they are going to change up something.

I think I know what it will be this time though. Just came up with it right now righting this.


Instead of sephiroth swooping down and killing her, cloud will actually do it him self this time.
(he swings at her a few times before comign to his senses in the original)

>> No.3723818

I'm not disapointed that they changed the gameplay to Action rpg, I really like the traditional ATB or turns, but I also really like action games, it will be interesting to see how old bosses will move and attack in this reimagination.

Now, what I'm REALLY worried is how the overall tone of the game will be, FF7 (until 9~10, I would say) were pretty silly and funny at times, you had your dramatic dialogues and scenes, but you also had quirky stuff, FF12 and 13 took itself a bit too seriously, if FF7R is going this route (which has a good probability) THEN it would be disapointing.

Also, will we see all the secrets, side events and mini-games? Will we have a world map for travelling or will it be changed to a automatic travel with a scrolling menu? What made the game great was not only the "main meat", but also all the charming minors bits, imo.

>> No.3723840

It being different Volumes, mean no full world I would think. Or maybe after you have 2 volumes, they bind together somehow into a full world.

>> No.3723971


>everything after Midgar will be DLC
>golden saucer is all microtransactions
>pay to unlock extra materia slots
>buy skins for chocobos
>buy skins for airship
>buy skins for submarine
>collectors edition skins
>buy skins for characters
>buy one year anniversery skins
>must be online to play
>energy system keeps you from receiving full xp after 20 battles per day.

welcome to FF7 remake.

>> No.3724265

Her death is one of the most tragic moments in the videogames history, it marked a before and an after not only for the game's plot itself but for a lot of people and even someone like me, who played FFVII just the past year knows that. They should seriously not change that by any circumstance.

The one thing I hope to see changed though, is the whole scene with Sephiroth y'know, doing it, because I seriously get headache whenever I see him coming from above her and then suddenly stab her from the back, I get it was to soften the whole scene and avoid breaking a lot of kids minds, but it seriously breaks the immersion for me.

>> No.3725474

FF7 mobile edition

>> No.3725520

>Aerith dying was a huge deal, so yeah they are going to change up something.
have cloud kill aerith and rationalize it away while he's still in his materia-induced psychotic state of mind
have aerith kill sephiroth and become the villain
have sephiroth kill cloud and aerith become the main character

>> No.3725546

>ARPG are a mistake
sounds like you have never had FUN before

>> No.3725601


How in the mother fuck would you expect anyone to know if a game that is so far from release that it doesn't have a release date, is "worth it" or not? It's window lickers like you that give FFVII fandom a bad rep.

>> No.3726079

It'll sell a metric fuckton off of name value but so did Batman V. Superman and everybody still hated it. I'd like it to be good though.

>> No.3726098

They probably wont restructure too hard like that as it would require too much work.

This is a cash grab, not a original piece of art.

>> No.3726363

oh you're absolutely right and i'm mostly joking.

though the only way to rival the impact of the 1997 aerith scene is a really surprising development like the ones i brought up, so who knows, maybe they actualyl want to gun for a hype moment in gaming like that.