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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3720835 No.3720835 [Reply] [Original]

Post favorite PSone games.

>> No.3720860

I loved this game when it first came out.

I tried playing it recently and it controls like shit.
controls like 007 goldeneye, but worse. I hated oo7 too.

>> No.3720872

how worse? you can move around, you can strafe. you have a crosshair button like in goldeneye.

play it with a dpad, not analog stick.

>> No.3720981


Is this even possible with a gamepad? I know for a fact that is nearly impossible in Quake

>> No.3720991

You move with dpad, you use shoulder/bumper buttons to strafe. It works really well.

There is also dual analog control available but due to janky movement/framerate its much more pleasing to use the default control scheme where you move and navigate around, then you stop and use the dedicated crosshair button to fine aim. You can also shoot without aiming, there is a good chunk of autoaim without toggling crosshairs.

>> No.3721006
File: 82 KB, 578x537, 52372-Metal_Gear_Solid_(E)_(Disc_1)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess some people may call this a cliche choice, but screw them. This game blew my (and many other kids) mind(s) back in the day. I could post paragraphs about how I was obsessed with this series and even recorded the cut scenes to a cassette tape, but I won't. Heres a link to a fan site I remember from back then.


>> No.3721017

I just wish it aged a bit better. And that it had better controls.

>> No.3722821
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 36552-Azure_Dreams_[U]-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it for my 10th birthday, still one of the best games I've played to date.