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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 236 KB, 690x323, diablo-the-butcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3718443 No.3718443 [Reply] [Original]

What are some retro games that really capture a dark, evil vibe?

Everything about Diablo was perfect horror atmosphere imo

>> No.3718615 [DELETED] 

I know it's 6 months after 1999, but do any of you consider d2 retro?

>> No.3718617 [DELETED] 

I do.
It still plays retro.

>> No.3718623 [DELETED] 


I do, but im sure some autist will pop in and say "not retro"

>> No.3718628
File: 54 KB, 320x240, xmultiply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing X Multiply lately, it's both pretty dark and very evil.

>> No.3718642

realms of the haunting

>> No.3718653
File: 123 KB, 874x995, tyrael-statue-large1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of 2000 games really got fucked over like The Sims, Diablo II and Deus Ex. I really believe they deserve to be retro. However when I think about it a lot, Diablo II directly influenced the current loot pinata clicker simulator ARPGs that you see nowadays. This makes me appreciate Diablo in the sense that there is a clear divide between 1 and 2, where 1 really earns itself as being retro and not quite with 2.

>> No.3718660
File: 387 KB, 1146x778, London 1966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE4 really had it's moments.

>> No.3718663
File: 378 KB, 640x480, darkseed2-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine actually wanting to be trapped in a Giger-inspired universe, but I guess some folks do. I mean, it's fun to watch Alien(s) because all you have to do is sit there and eventually it will all be over eventually. Possibly with flamethrowers.

And the cutscenes in Phantasmagoria still bother the shit out of me.

>> No.3718682

Diablo 2 isn't "retro" in the fact it is still playable and good in ways that make it seem less dated than 1. It is not nostalgia for me, I just like playing D2 and think it only needs one or two things to be as playable as something like PoE. Compared to D1 that needs a mess of work to be comparable to a current ARPG.

Another example.

RCT2 came years after D2, but people talk about that all the time on /vr/. The difference is RCT2 is as dated as RCT1 and they both could pass as mid 90's pc games (even though I like them, they seemed dated even at launch).

Personally, for me, I divide retro as how comparable the game/system is to what we currently have as "new". Halo 1 is similar in control and feel to Halo 5, compared to Fur Fighters or Goldeneyes fucked controls and feel that instantly are notably dated the second you start playing.

This method doesn't work for every genre/technology. But it does for most.

>> No.3718804
File: 881 KB, 800x800, dungeonkeeper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeon Keeper was great before EA got their mitts on it

>> No.3718817

EA took over Bullfrog in 95. They were the ones that published Dungeon Keeper.

>> No.3718840

who here imagined that all those corpses were women? haha

>> No.3718842

Before EA shareholders got their mitts on it*

>> No.3719385

Westwood got bought up in 98 from EA, they still managed to release some really good games after that, but people where quitting all over the place from what I understand.

>> No.3719443

By all accounts, War for the Overworld is in great shape now. I was watching my friend play it the other day, and it pretty much looks like Dungeon Keeper 2.5. I'm sold, personally.

>> No.3719575


That's why I'd argue we talk about RCT2 and not D2. RCT2 is a single player game, super limited online and community functions, whereas D2 is mostly retro in graphics/presentation, but is a total straight-laced predecessor to more modern online and battle arena games. Ignoring graphics for a second, D2's online multiplayer is way more in line with today's AAA MOBAs than RCT2 is with today's sim or content-creation games. D2 to Overwatch is a way smaller leap than RCT2 to Cities Skylines or Mario Maker.

That shift towards online communities and multiplayer is a big part of what turns me off about new games. I don't want everything to be this big social experience. I also don't want to spend infinite time getting loot and shit. I personally prefer Diablo I because of its limitations, not in spite of them.

>> No.3719605
File: 136 KB, 200x283, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not by the rules of the board, no.

By the definition of the word, none of what we talk about here is retro. So it's not retro under any definition.

On topic, pic related

>> No.3719613
File: 28 KB, 281x355, Elvira_Mistress_of_the_Dark_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3719634

It is a Dreamcast game from before it died, so it is retro

2000 and 2001 N64 games are retro

>> No.3720473
File: 82 KB, 427x548, Waxworks-Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's amazing.

Pic related may be even better. Proper horror stuff.

>> No.3720481

>Westwood got bought up in 98 from EA, they still managed to release some really good games after that
Origin got bought up in 1992 and released some good games for a while after that.

>> No.3720505

I've never played Diablo
Is the psx port of Diablo worth playing?
Don't have a pc at the moment, but i can emulate it on my phone

>> No.3720510

tactics ogre because vice is an edgy fag

>> No.3720518

psx Diablo : If you like 300x200 & shitty controls.

>> No.3720806
File: 29 KB, 640x468, 38456-Immortal,_The_(USA,_Europe)-1459707739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immortal on the Genesis was pretty dark and gory.

>> No.3720824

The bright side of psx Diablo is picking up gold and items is a lot easier.
That's the only positive thing about it, that and playing 2 player, but your friend better have their own memory card nearly completely free of space.

>> No.3721184

This is no longer a problem for PC version


>> No.3721203
File: 161 KB, 1024x640, screenshot_pc_dark_legions009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Legions.

>> No.3721226

Anyone else immediately close the door to the butcher the moment he said "ahhhh, fresh meat!"? Made me shit a brick.

>> No.3721239
File: 59 KB, 960x540, 15823415_1320850744619554_8983489364557409473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a really camp kinda way but everything about this game is so weird that it ends up being just at unnerving

>> No.3721260
File: 70 KB, 250x250, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much gore but a fucked up title nonetheless.

>>D1 holds a special place in my heart.

>> No.3721298


Oh, I thought he meant Diablo II, not D2.

I'm retarded, don't mind me.

>> No.3721335

I did mean diablo 2

Didn't realise D2 came out in north america at almost the same time lol

>> No.3721337
File: 37 KB, 640x480, nightmare-creatures_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 & 2 were pretty gritty

>> No.3721338

What is this?

>> No.3721539

Dat bait tho

>> No.3721767
File: 336 KB, 640x480, deathtrapdungeonpc-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deathtrap Dungeon has , for me, a really oscure vibe, with monsters like rat mans, orcs and evil clowns, and is pretty bloody.
Even so, the camera is a pain in the ass and the controls are bad , although is one of my favorite retro games, pretty funny

>> No.3721775
File: 85 KB, 640x480, blood omen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blood Omen - Legacy of Kain on PC.

>> No.3721779
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Mage Slayer on PC.

>> No.3721781
File: 103 KB, 640x480, nox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nox, you will like this if you like Diablo.

>> No.3721823 [DELETED] 


diablo 2 is 17 years old. it's retro. I know you want to avoid the deluge of gamecube posters on /vr/ but it's coming eventually.

>> No.3721926
File: 91 KB, 320x240, kingsfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How strange nobody mentioned King's Field series yet.
As a kid I got a copy of King's Field III in Japanese (it's KF2 in USA), and I ended up getting hooked on the atmosphere alone. I thought the actual gameplay was awful and thought this game was a guilty pleasure of mine, a bad game I liked, noone of my friends were interested on it, recently with the uprise of the souls games I learned that King's Field was actually a cult series.

>> No.3721938

Nox becomes pretty boring after maybe 2 hours.

>> No.3721982
File: 306 KB, 600x536, blood-gruesome-explosion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread have two days and nobody mentioned monolith's Blood? /vr/ im disappointed.

>> No.3721987

Tecmo's Deception
It did have a kind of eerie feel to it, to be honest.

>> No.3722063

Hexen will always be my favorite retro FPS namely because it was my 1st.

Loved the horror/gothic elements.

If you loved Doom, you will love this

>> No.3722084

Not retro but Shogun and Medieval TW both have a dark feel to them.

>> No.3722089

I think Silent Hill did a great job of taking places like a school or a hospital and turning them into very horrifying and unnerving locations. I was always a fan of the obscure camera angles that you would get in SH. Lets the developers really present the scene in a very purposeful way unlike a dynamic camera that can be anywhere.

>> No.3722345
File: 134 KB, 256x354, Severance_-_Blade_of_Darkness_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blade of Darkness is pretty gory and dark

>> No.3722371


This shit freaked me out as a kid. I went back to playing Zorro and tried to forget about it. Love the game now though.

>> No.3722372
File: 36 KB, 320x240, Hexen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3722391


>> No.3723664

Is this the game that had a cheat that let you play as every monster in the game? That was the most fun cheat ever.

>> No.3723695
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was about to post this
Blood was the only old fps I can think of that was genuinely creepy and didn't feel cartoony like doom or duke nukem

contributing with the thread. I would feel more immersed with pic related if it wasn't so fucking hard

>> No.3723813
File: 6 KB, 320x200, forbidden-forest-c64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3725386
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3725397

that box art char is so cool looking, I would buy that if I saw it on a shelf.

>> No.3725514

Bible Black

I know it's a somewhat hentai game but man, the music and the ambience really get ya

>> No.3725964

Nox was literally the opposite of dark.

>> No.3725972

This game is really dark and ominous and then
>that fucking dance

>> No.3726026

I expect that same street today is full of refugees and fat, ugly Romanian families.

>> No.3726028

It even says that on the pic >>3718804

>> No.3726039

>Blood Omen - Legacy of Kain

>> No.3726110

You make me sad.
Westwood made Tiberian Sun, a game I still play today. It was dark and edgy and really gave an end of the world atmosphere.

>> No.3726119

It wasn't bait tho senpai

>> No.3726127

Oh man, I love this game, it was like a proto-Dark Souls, even tough King's Field existed at the time. It also has great graphics and physics for its age, the water and fog look especially nice with the right definitions.

Knight's Campaign was my favorite, although I never completed the Amazon's (I think it was an amazon).
What I love about this is the depth of the movesets, every weapon has a different moveset, every character has special moves.
The gore was also great.

I might play it again, thanks anon, I really wish more people had played it, it's a great Action Adventure with RPG elements that needs more recognition

>> No.3726131

This, although it was pretty lighthearted at moments. My only gripe with this game is the movement controls

>> No.3727210
File: 58 KB, 621x416, castlevania-symphony-of-the-night-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3727423


>> No.3727438

I hear a lot that Kings Field is supposed to be the proto Demons Souls but I get the feeling the people who say that are the people who never played Kings Field at all and are just parroting what one famitsu reviewer erroneously said about the 2 games. They're absolutely nothing alike what with one being a slow paced live action dungeon crawler and the other being an hack and slash RPG,

>> No.3728656

Diablo 1 was a work of art. The atmosphere was pure ghotic horror by the creative and atmospheric geniuses of Blizzard North. Not this Disney cartoon, badly written crap Blizzard Irvine pukes out. D3 was, and is, an insult to everything Blizzard North made, I fucking hate the direction Blizzard went nowadays,asside from Starcraft 2 everything else went cartonish and WoWish look, even Overwatch looks like Pixar made stuff, nothing against the game but I miss old Blizzard games alot

>> No.3728665

Daily reminder that Nox was better than diablo 2 in a few aspects, also Jack was voiced by Steve Stifler

>> No.3728713


it still works on modern pcs but is a bitch to do with the custom installer, but is still a great game

>> No.3728725

Doom 64, play EX if you've never played it, basically old school Doom with a much darker atmosphere. The true Doom 3.

>> No.3728730

Castlevania: SOTN


>> No.3728809


>> No.3728865
File: 52 KB, 640x378, cc7ce475-70dd-4503-b683-9e546eab396b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3728887

It KIND of is, there's Seath, the Moonlight Greatsword, and a handful of enemies made their way from KF to the Souls games.

>> No.3729507

The only other alternative is the PlayStation version. Not as good as the PC, but still playable.

>> No.3729510

Doom 64 is boring has shit, I hate the "Real Doom 3" meme. Its way slowwr paced, fewer enemies, slower controls, more linear levels, etc...
It really feels like a PC-to-Console port like many others in the late 90's and early 00's were the console versions were more dumbed down and limited than PC

It has an excellent atmosphere, though

>> No.3730984

that's all lies doom 64 is good

>> No.3731014

2 Results

My negros.

To me Hexen is the case of a game mod that surpasses the original. It saddens me to see it relegated to the past.

With so few ideas on todayd industry, Hexen could and should make a comeback.

>> No.3731073

So you think a game that shares an engine with another game is automatically a mod?

>> No.3731904


it had the chance to comeback with hellraid, which was mix of Witchhaven and Hexen

but the shitty money from Dying MemeLight spoke higher

>> No.3732306 [DELETED] 

1999 is an arbitrary as fuck cutoff year anyway. Sure it was the last year of the decade/century/millennium but with the release of the Dreamcast ushering in the 6th generation of consoles, games like System Shock 2, EverQuest, Super Smash Bros., and such it fit in a lot better with the years that immediately followed, basically '99 - '05 felt like one period vidya-wise. Conversely, 2000 fits better with '99 than the rest of its decade on account of being the last of the Clinton Years, last full year prior to 9/11 and the full effect of the Dot Com Bust, etc.

>> No.3732427
File: 69 KB, 800x600, M2_wight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3732784

I vaguely remember that.

>> No.3732806

look int

>> No.3735142


>> No.3735149
File: 446 KB, 843x1034, 1484139696635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diablo was perfect, gave me nightmare when i was a kid
Diablo 2 was so so
Diablo 3 is a rainbow themepark and the dev should burn themselves with gasoline

better graphic?
thanks but no thanks

>> No.3735209

>Diablo 2 isn't "retro" in the fact it is still playable and good
hey buddy from /v/, i understand you only come here for dank A E S T H E T IEIIICS pics of le reetro gaems so please don't post.

>> No.3735249

Yet another person that never played Diablo 3.

>> No.3735268

It had a lot of flaw and problems.


>> No.3737451

is not a cheat, is a end game unlock. At the beginning is funny but... some level are frustrating (in the spider level you get the zombie...).

>> No.3738330

Debatable. Elvira is more puzzle oriented, so it depends whether you prefer that or combat.

>> No.3738374

fucking loved that game. took 3 years to figure out how to pass the dragon at the end

>> No.3738545
File: 1.20 MB, 1324x1465, myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myth and Myth 2

>> No.3738571


Come on, D2 is the best by far. It's been on the top ten list for years.

>> No.3738574


I love this game's Satanic references and dark tone. I like Deception 2 better though. I have Deception 3 on my RetroPie but I dunno... Not digging it as much. Over all I think 2 maintains the level and tense mechanics the best.

>> No.3738583

D1>>>>the rest
sorry but I don't care for loot grinding

>> No.3739240


shitstains from /v/ doesn't know what is retro and you ask him to stop shitposting

>> No.3741457

D1 is loot grinding if you're a fighter. For enchanter and rogue, you're basically book-grinding to beat the latter levels.

>> No.3741458

>Diablo 3 is a rainbow themepark and the dev should burn themselves with gasolinebetter graphic?thanks but no thanks

>Muh dark and edgy

Nice, kid. I like Chrono Triggered too.

>> No.3741461

You don't grind in D1. Enemies don't respawn so all you do is clear a floor before moving up to the next.

>> No.3744352


>blood didn't feel cartoony

You even had Caleb giving one-liners

>> No.3744701
File: 28 KB, 480x360, Nosferatu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nosferatu was pretty eery imho.
Also, took note of at least ten games from this thread thanks guys.

>> No.3744725

lol most of us would start a new game in lan mode to respawn the levels and get more loot and levels.

only autists dont farm for gear in games.

>> No.3744754


>only autists dont farm for gear in games.

>> No.3744771

It's an RTS masquerading as a DK clone, and it plays absolutely nothing like DK.

>> No.3744865


If you want i can describe it for you

>> No.3744878

>Hero uses Jeans and Sneakers and Modern pictures exists (game over screen), which points to the game occuring during present.
>hero uses a fucking horse and the game is spent in castles. Does not even think about bringing a gun or something.

It's like the game can't decide which atmosphere to choose from...

>Controls are clunky
>music is not good
>I am unemployed, and instead of doing something about it i am posting my shitty opinion anonymously in 4chan.


>> No.3744915

If the movement wasn't so horrendous this game would be so much better.

>> No.3744986


>> No.3745002

the really weird part is that Joe Shmoe Hero Guy is a karate master capable of beating monsters to death with spin kicks

>> No.3745028

Apocalypse, featuring Bruce Willis from the Die Hard movies

>> No.3745043

I had a lot of fun with this game.

>> No.3745498

I always assumed that he used a horse because the roads to the castle are not meant for cars and that he didn't had any weapons because he was captured on arrival (he does start by escaping the prison).

>> No.3745519

>controls are clunky

Fuck outta here.

Nosferatu is pretty damn responsive imo.

Also, he's a tourist in some buttfuck backwater Romania town and a vampire kidnapped his bitch. He just hopped on a local horse and rolled deep into town. He wasn't packing heat while traveling Not-Europe.

>> No.3745535

I disagree.

I mean, if they were going for cinematic plataform ala Prince of Persia, it would be fine, but they had to put a 'Beat'em up' mechanic somewhere that really didn't mixed well with the plataforming.

Compare it with PoP and you will understand.

>> No.3745546

I respect your opinion but we'll have to agree to disagree. The combat is surprisingly deep and there's all kinds of jukes and shit you can do. The fight against the werewolf boss is amazing.

Also I loved kicking the fucking shit out of notDracula at the end. I think the game just doesn't give a fuck about explaining all the shit you can do to you, and instruction manuals aren't really a thing anymore.

>> No.3745687

>slowly builds up to reveal who the villain is
>the series spoil it by giving her the evil grin of satan as well as having her futafuck bunnygirl right after the first credits

>> No.3745729

>satan grin
Now i want to play bible black...

>> No.3745731

>pulling shit out of your ass
>being a grindy autist

>> No.3745743
File: 13 KB, 210x200, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on a retro console so obviously it's retro you fucking mong

>> No.3745757

The M2 never came out and as a 6th generation console it wouldn't be retro anyway.

>> No.3745770

Go read the rules and the sticky and get back to me.

>> No.3745781

>Retro gaming means video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
If a game can be played with
>Pentium III 800
>GeForce 256
>Windows 98
then it's retro.

>> No.3745848

Does anyone knows where can i find the original Diablo for download? I never played it and it seems so much fun!

>> No.3745878 [DELETED] 

Nice cherrypicking you fucking faggot. I'm going to get you doxxed.

>> No.3745906

Darkweb, I have no mouth and I must scream.

>> No.3745959

Flawed but still a hell of a game.

>> No.3745969

I had a like, video demo on a demo disc for this.

my brother and I just called it the "now loading" game because it would just pan around cinematically for a few seconds and then load. cool fuckin video demo

>> No.3745981

You just want to create problems for the sake of it, don't you?

>> No.3747537

??? You can start a new game to respawn shit in single player. There's no need for LAN.

>> No.3747538

Mods and autists disagree.

>> No.3747556

The 7th Guest. Was the first CD game I ever owned, scared the shit of pre-teen me

>> No.3747587
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>> No.3749442
File: 65 KB, 640x356, 10-010.png.cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers

Because voodoo.

>> No.3749580

I meant the visual and atmospheric aspect of the game

>> No.3750293

Yeah, fighting is awesome indeed.
As is the rotoscoping animation and the prince of persia-esque plataform.

They are great SEPARETELY.

That's what I meant. When they mix together the game gets clunky.

>> No.3751148


>> No.3751269

what game?

>> No.3751297

So, you saying, that only autists play games to have fun, not to min-max?

>> No.3751302

Did not play much of it, but something definitely feels off. Maybe too many units that die too fast. Too streamlined, not enough simulation.

>> No.3751304

I mean I guess there's a few items shared but otherwise they play nothing alike or have any similarities, kings field doesn't even have any charcater customization despite being a dungeon crawler

>> No.3751468 [DELETED] 



Stop asking.

It is not retro.

You are a child.

>> No.3752962

Darkstalkers the FPS.

>> No.3753372


>> No.3754361


Soldier of Fortune

>> No.3755485


I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream?
Perhaps Planescape - Torment, but I never managed to finish it so I'm not sure

>> No.3757470

>had it's moments

>> No.3757489

Evil Dead: Hail To The King

>> No.3757702

i love diablo