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3713289 No.3713289 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3713364


Is the actual game going to come out?

>> No.3713572

It already did years ago man.

The real question is: when's Turok EX coming out?

>> No.3714098
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, doom 23x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so it's just a source release for a remake?

They never release the source for console games!

Which I guess is understandable, often they're programmed in assembly anyway, so there's not all that much to release. And yet, take even something like Doom, ported to every platform, yet probably only the source for the linux version was released, WTF?

>> No.3714115

Great news!

>> No.3714143

Wait, what ever happened to the release of PS EX? Did he get hit with a C&D order or something?

>> No.3714210


>> No.3714226

Like a year ago...

>> No.3714239

I actually have the last version that was uploaded by him sitting somewhere on an external. Should I upload it for you gays?

>> No.3714263

Here's the latest


Its already out on Steam.

Its a complicated mess.

>> No.3714482
File: 142 KB, 640x480, 379-Quake_(U)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am waiting for someone to remake sega saturn's quake game for pc.

>> No.3714493

The 4 exclusive secret levels made by Lobotomy are really worth it.
I was thinking of remaking them for PC but I never made a Quake map before.

>> No.3714539
File: 40 KB, 211x203, serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit how can one person get everything so wrong

>> No.3714561

What happened

>> No.3714751

Hello, Kaiser. How's Blood?

>> No.3714757

I'd have been so keen if it had been the saturn version.

Honestly though? This game has always been a bit average, kind of impressive for the hardware but not particularly fun, certainly did not stand up next to games like Doom and Duke Nukem 3d.

>> No.3714763

The PS1 version feels more "average" to me, though it's still worth playing after the Saturn one just for the new levels and differences alone.

But the Saturn version is amazing, although half of the fun came from bomb jumping for me.

>> No.3714781

>complicated mess

Does it mean you will never be working on this anymore?

Does this mean no chance of us ever getting the Saturn levels? Because that makes me incredibly sad and upset.

Are to assume that BloodEX is dead too?

>> No.3714786

Are we*

>> No.3714868

It's not really a fast paced strafe shooter so the comparison isn't really that fair
It focuses way more on terrain hazards and exploration rather than bullet dodging and mowing down hoards of enemies

>> No.3714876

>Its a complicated mess.

Fess up, nobody who's worth anything reads this board anyway

>> No.3714890

Probably Hexen is the closer comparison.

Full honesty, I've not playe4d more then maybe 20 minutes of Powerslave, every time I pop it in I get bored very quickly, I think what really kills it for me is the controls. Maybe one day it will clock with me, I don't know.

>> No.3714967

>Which I guess is understandable, often they're programmed in assembly anyway, so there's not all that much to release

Assembly source code has comments, macros, labels and shit. That's a big deal.

>> No.3715016

I am fairly certain that the saturn/ps1 era of consoles was almost entirey programmed through compilers, in fact low level assembly would be a fucking nightmare for 3d graphics.

>> No.3715019



>> No.3715038
File: 862 KB, 964x645, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3715558

It's $5 right now.

>> No.3715608 [DELETED] 

Well, okay, yeah, the 5th generation was like that.

But ... the Saturn specifically was said to have started out with poor devkits, and also had that odd, complicated, difficult architecture, which together implied some very painful low level coding to actually make it do what it was capable of. Though of course this issue wasn't as much of a clusterfuck as with the Jaguar.

>> No.3715649

Well, okay, yeah, the 5th generation was like that.

But ... the Saturn specifically was said to have started out with poor devkits, and also had that odd, complicated, difficult architecture, together implying some profoundly painful low level coding to actually make it do what it was capable of. Though of course this issue wasn't as much of a clusterfuck as with the Jaguar, which had the doom version that actually AFAIK was personally attended to by Carmack, so that's obviously particularly interesting.

Oh, right, the 3do version too.

>> No.3715654

The devkits just weren't mature enough, so you had basic libraries to work with, and a lot of hardware kinks to go around. This was made worse by the fact that no one but a few people had any idea on how to do 3d games at the time, and the devkits did not help with that.

They worked, just weren't as efficient as they could be. So you either got slow performance, or you had to code your own engine which took time.

Obviously later devkits supported the hardware kinks much better, and got better performance due to more optimization, as well as developers figuring out how to do 3d properly.

Part of the reason the DC launch was so good, was because all the advancements they made with the Saturn carried over directly - so they had tip top dev kits with all the necessary stuff so you can drop in your 3d game and get it running out of the box.

>> No.3715659

the doom release on saturn is interesting because carmack himself sabotaged it.

>> No.3715727

Well, then you know what would be interesting, not in that way but the straightforward one? The source for the nixed, accelerated version!

>> No.3715831

What? I've never heard of that, care to elaborate?

>> No.3715864

I'd want a remake of quake 2 for playstation. The lighting is redone more nicely.

Or just a mod for the PC version that makes it like that.

>> No.3715873

>"Programmer Jim Bagley, upon receiving the resources from id Software, was able to create a hardware-accelerated renderer for the platform in a relatively short amount of time.
>However, upon review by John Carmack, this rendering engine was found unacceptable due to the hardware's quad-based affine texture scaling.
>Carmack demanded that the hardware graphics capabilities be avoided, forcing Bagley to undertake writing a software renderer which utilized both SH2 processor units in the system, under coordination of the central 68000 chip, to draw the screen in a manner similar to the PC game engine."

>> No.3715874

>Carmack: "Non perspective correct quad warping is very ugly for first person architecture. In hindsight, it still might have been better."

>> No.3715956

I see that guy was a fucking sperg even back then.

>> No.3716005

I dont think Carmack became comfortable with hardware renderers until quake 1/glquake.

>> No.3716348

Relying on the saturn's CPU? Gonna have a bad time.

>> No.3716378

A homebrew programmer ported the original Doom to N64. Just like the Saturn version, it only uses the CPU and no other hardware.


Runs a lot better of course, but glitchy music in this version.

>> No.3716495

That sounds pretty silly.

If you're going to port a 2d game to N64, why not port an actual 2d game instead of a software 3d / 2.5d game? N64 was kind of short on games of those genres.

Or if you have to port an old 2.5d shooter to an old console, why not port corridor 7 or blake stone to Genesis? It also has a very impressive wolf3d source port.

>> No.3716504

1) Because Doom is really easy to port since there are countless examples of source ports to learn from.

2) Doom was designed for systems that had good CPUs but no dedicated 2D hardware. It makes porting to N64 easy since the CPU is a standard unmodified MIPS (meaning you can get away with using a generic MIPS compiler and/or reading a general MIPS reference guide). You don't have to bother with the proprietary GPU, though using it would obviously boost performance significantly.

The N64 CPU (MIPS R4300i) has similar performance to a highly clocked 486 making it a decent fit for Doom. With better optimization, you could achieve even smoother results than demonstrated in that video.

>> No.3716524

Is it normal to subdivide a simple wall a million times? Did the original have affine texture warping issues and this is to correct it? I get triggered by wasted polys.

>> No.3716543

>Did the original have affine texture warping issues
If you use hardware rendering you can't get around it on PS1 or Saturn without subdividing.

It's one of the reasons why PS1 struggled in draw distance compared to N64. On N64 you can use large triangles without visual errors, while on PS1 you have to burn through triangles if you want to make landscapes that don't look psychedelic.

>> No.3716547

I was aware of all this but I somehow assumed the original assets were not already subdivided which made me wonder why OP's screenshot was. For whatever reason I thought subdividing was done in realtime and not baked into the actual map geometry already.

>> No.3716550

It may have been out of a intention to produce a proper replication of the original engine before enhancing it.

>> No.3717890

How do you even tell what version you have? There's no markings anywhere.

>> No.3718839

Being the guy that created it might help

>> No.3720351

Why did this disappear from the internet and now all of a sudden hes released it to the public. Did the potential publisher lose interest?

>> No.3720480

I've been playing it and made it to the mines.

Dang no saves during game makes it pretty brutal - especially where there's cunty fireball traps. Its like the old days, you gotta know the level really well and hope for a lucky run. Then you make it to the next part you're unfamiliar with and depending on the difficulty of the traps may or may not die, then start aaaaall over again with slightly more knowledge of the level.

>> No.3720907

It also helps that being originally a console game, when you're playing with a controller you're usually way slower and more careful because of the lack of dexterity compared to the KB+M

>> No.3720908

>google powerslave ex on google news
>literally no one covering this, not even the usual retro news sites

I feel really sorry for the guy, he put a lot of work into it and goes by with no recognition

>> No.3721142

He didn't really release it as a game, just released the source code recently and told people he's no longer working on it.

There are a few reviews about...

>> No.3721159

He released the game a long time ago

I'm saying this coming out as open source isn't being reported on. If people knew maybe some wizard could attempt to work on adding the saturn levels or expand it in some other way, but the word isn't getting out there.