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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3711629 No.3711629 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the best GBA flash card sticks out of your Micro like a fucking tumor.

>> No.3711637

Not retro.

>> No.3711640

Nobody in their right mind would play on the micro anyway, it's a collector's item at best

>> No.3711643

Wow look how wrong you are.

>> No.3711695

The same happens with GB/GBC carts on the GBA.

Anyway, I love my Mother 3 model Micro and I love playing my GBA games on it, sadly I don't have a flashcart though, but still not retro.

>> No.3711724

Jealous, dude. That thing is one of my grail consoles.

>> No.3711769

He's right you passive aggressive faggot.

>> No.3711773


The micro has a really sharp, nitid screen though. Arguably better than the SP-101 due to more pixel density, although I could see how some people might be bothered due to the size, GBA games look splendid on Micro.
The D-pad is also really great, feels better than regular GBA/SP one.

It's okay to use the Micro, although yeah, they have become to expensive lately that it might be better to not use it at all to avoid breaking it or something, although they seem to be very sturdy.

>> No.3711781

>I have 2 gb micro, 1 famicom edition, 1 silver.
>have no sentimental value to me.
>the prices keep increasing
1000 dollars a piece when?

>> No.3711791

Do you have a micro? I do, and the screen is meh. If you tilt it just slightly the screen goes all washed out, it makes is a disappointment to play.

>> No.3711801

The Micro has no backwards compatibility with GameBoy or GameBoy Color games, can't use the e-reader or any GB/GBC accessories, and requires adapters to use GBA accessories.

If pixel density is everything, why don't you play or emulate at a smaller screen size? The Micro has a 2 inch screen. Why not play on a 1 inch screen for twice the pixel density?

>> No.3711827

You had a good case, and then you ruined it by being an asshat.

>> No.3711916


>> No.3711940

The Micro has less vivid colors than others models of GameBoys.

>> No.3711943


>> No.3711992

This. You'd have to be some sort of ant to enjoy playing on the Micro's 2 inch screen.

>> No.3712161


Huh? The one with less vivid colors is the regular GBA and the regular SP. Micro and SP-101 have really vivid colors.

>> No.3712403

> Best screen on a GBA
> Best buttons on a GBA
> Headphone Jack
> Portable as shit
> Made of fucking METAL
> Aesthetic as hell

>> No.3712473

I'd go so far as saying the micro is the best portable ever!

>> No.3712520
File: 7 KB, 262x192, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a Micro because it was on sale at the time. I felt awful buyer's remorse afterwards. A decade later, I feel much, much better about it.
I'm still torn between the Micro and the SP-101, but it's still a worthwhile item in my collection.

What flashcart is that btw? I have an old Supercard MiniSD (how is regular SD still alive but mini isn't?) with a dead battery. It can still do realtime saves though so it's not useless.

>> No.3712630

EverDrive GBA X5

>> No.3712690

and nobody can hold this tiny thing for long periods of time without cramped hands except little turbo manlets

>> No.3712704

Sorry about your shriveled up nerd boy hands.

>> No.3712776

The battery should only be for clock functions in games that support it, if you use the L+Select+[?] command to do a regular save (as opposed to whatever button combo is RTS) it should write it to the SD card.

>> No.3712817

- The AGS-101 screen has better viewing angles than the Micro
- D-pad is too small
- GBA isn't known for its sound chip; original has one anyway
- Uncomfortable as shit
- Still uncomfortable as shit
- Still uncomfortable as hell

Tell us more about your tiny, woman hands. Please.

>> No.3712821

Reminder that the GBA isn't fucking retro!

>> No.3712972


>that hate for the Micro

Do you really own one?

>> No.3713073

Lad, why are you shitposting about the Micro on /vr/? It ain't retro and won't be for a while.

Go channel your buyer's remorse into shitposts on >>>/v/

>> No.3713210


But I'm not the one shitposting, though.

>>3712817 is the one that is:
1. Angry
2. Shitposting about a non-retro console

>> No.3713216

>can't play gameboy games on a micro
Why not just use a based gba sp?

>> No.3713217


Or just a gameboy color

>> No.3713224

Or use Goomba color on a flashcard on a micro, like a fucking normal person.

>> No.3713249

>he doesn't own his favorite games

>> No.3713250


>> No.3713257
File: 184 KB, 780x809, 8125156544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He doesn't play his favorite games in the hardware they were desgined for

If you're not playing Game Boy games in a dot matrix screen, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3713272


I like seeing what I'm playing

>> No.3713275


Haha yeah I know, there are people who perform mods to get OG gameboys with backlight though, but I personally never had too much trouble, but yeah you need an external light source, can't play in pitch darkness.

If that's not your problem and you still can't see shit, get a pair of glasses.

>> No.3713553

>Normal person
>Playing on a Micro

Pick one and only one.

>> No.3713559

Ez flash 4 doesn't stick out and it can emulate gb/gbc.

>> No.3713590
File: 25 KB, 336x320, sadfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just use an ezflash iv
these noobs will never know of this bullshit piece of hardware's ability to suck and rule at the same time.

>> No.3713810

They're so cheap now, I should really get one to replace my SuperCard...

>> No.3713814

It doesn't have RTC and you have to restart the GBA to save every time. Also you have to patch your roms before you use them. Quite annoying but at least it's cheap.

>> No.3714321

I'll try it out when I get home, thanks. It's been a decade since I last used this thing.

>> No.3714668
File: 2.10 MB, 2304x1728, Spoonfeed_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this thread is still up, and was hoping /v/ would guide my hips. I am getting in that Everdrive in OP. So, uh, now that supposedly homebrew is made easy, what now? What do I get?

>> No.3715147

Nice I have an identical hardware setup except spice and mod chip.

Anyways if you're looking to play GBA on that, get the GB Interface .DOL and put it on an SD and load it up. Easy.

>> No.3715580

Put the entire rom library on it like 5 years ago and haven't had any issues with it. Saves are just a necessary evil I accepted with my first flash cart back in like 2000...

>> No.3716078

>common recent console you can still find nib for pocket change
Spotted the underage

>> No.3716087


>pocket change

I agree you can still find the Mother 3 deluxe box, but is $800 pocket change to you? If so, jelly.

>> No.3716094

>Pocket change

How rich are you, man?

>> No.3716126

You forgot no GB/GBC backwards compatibility.