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File: 30 KB, 580x480, dreamcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3710513 No.3710513 [Reply] [Original]

>go to Electronics Boutique Pacific Fair on launch day - November 30 1999
>$500 dollarydoos, first thing I bought with money earned at a job
>no first party games available so bought Ready 2 Rumble, few days later got Sonic Adventure, wanted House of the Dead 2 but guns were impossible to find so didn't buy for ages
>no VMUs available (had to wait two weeks to save games)
>no internet support available (eventually came months later, but exclusive to the worst ISP)
>console didn't even come with promised demo disc out of the box

But I loved it anyway. I had Sega Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.3710563

what's the best way for a shitcunt like me to get a dreamcast?

Should i just import one from Nihongo? How would I go about converting voltages?

>> No.3710565
File: 402 KB, 1800x1800, img_0189_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a step down converter.
While we are at it I noticed most of the NTSC-J Dreamcasts are Made in Japan
My PAL one is made in Indonesia anybody here with a shit tons of Dreamcast units ever compared the various units?

>> No.3710570

Inside my PAL unit the GD ROM unit was a SAMSUNG by the way.

>> No.3710575

Ha, same thing happened to me!
Went to EB games and really wanted to get Virtua Fighter 3 and Sonic Adventure. But Sega fucked up, so I got Ready 2 Rumble too. Turns out it was a good choice, the game was awesome fun.

I also had to wait for a VMU as well. I think I got a third party one first? I can't remember. It didn't have the screen, but had far more memory available.

I felt like mine had a demo disc though?

>> No.3710691

Why is it so hard to find PAL dreamcasts?

Did sega fuck up supplies, because that's what it sounds like based on the posts here.

I never had one because i fell for the gamecube meme [spoilers]still better than ps2 and xbox at least[/spoiler]

It's so hard to find a complete dreamcast for under $150 anywhere in australia whereas on amazon japan they go for $40 and in america they go for around $70

>> No.3710810


I had to pay around 40 euros for my PAL Dreamcast and this was around 2007.

Just buy a NTSC-J(prices are starting to rise there too) and be done with it if you for whatever reason want to buy PAL games then just burn UTOPIA BOOT CD to a CD-R and use that to boot them.

>> No.3710871
File: 818 KB, 1011x1016, Generator_DC_US_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I felt like mine had a demo disc though?
Early DCs came with Generator Vol. 1.

>> No.3710915

>My PAL one is made in Indonesia anybody here with a shit tons of Dreamcast units ever compared the various units?


Aside from VA0/1/2, the BIOS chip, the PSU, and the modems, they is little variance in Dreamcasts.

It makes no difference whether they were made in Japan, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, etc. That's just where they assembled them. Saturns and Megadrives were made all around the world too.

>> No.3710928


Any noticeable difference between the YAMAHA&Samsung drives?

I know that the Sanyo drive sounds different from the most commonly found JVC ones in Saturn units.

>> No.3710951

OP thinks his personal experience with his backwoods hick parents choice of living is how all DC buyers had it.

No. Most of us got exactly what we wanted on launch day, and then some.

>> No.3710953

>GC "better"
Everything else you said was autism and wrong. But not as wrong and GC "better"

>> No.3710956

No games, really.

>> No.3710973

You could ask Adam Koralik, he's a total Dreamcast fanatic. He has every game ever made for it, a bunch of developer hardware and stacks upon stacks of Dreamcasts.

>> No.3710975

>No. Most of us got exactly what we wanted on launch day, and then some.
You must have had really low expectations, then. Guess that's the norm, being a Sega fan and all.

>> No.3710987

What the fuck are you talking about? The Dreamcast's US launch was great, then it was kinda dry for the few months that followed.

>> No.3710992

>The Dreamcast's US launch was great
There's those low standards again.

>> No.3711009

Sold over half a million units in the first two weeks, most of them in the first two days. At the time, it was the fastest selling video game console ever.

>> No.3711014

It was also the fastest dying console too, kek.

>> No.3711035

>There's those low standards again.

Setting up a world record is a low standard?

>> No.3711041
File: 28 KB, 600x413, segson_l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were no brakes on the PS2 hype train.

>> No.3711053

>see Dreamcast demo kiosk
>try Sonic Adventure
>think, "This is shit."
>never play a Dreamcast game in my life again

>> No.3711054

Who the fuck are you quoting kiddo?

>> No.3711062

>being this much of a faggot

>> No.3711064

You did it again who are you quoting man?

>> No.3711067

World records are games?

>> No.3711083

638 official titles including regional exclusives, with a handful of independent releases every year or two.

>> No.3711085

Dreamcast would have kept getting more games had SEGA not ended the production of GD-ROM and discontinued the NAOMI arcade system.

>> No.3711090

More like, with a handful of releases that are actually worth a damn.

>> No.3711119

Does he make sweet sweet love to dreamcast?

>> No.3711136

A matter of taste. Everyone has a different opinion on what the best games are. Of course there's some shovelware, but that's no different from any other console.

>> No.3711140

Pen pen
Virtua fighter 3


>> No.3711165

Probably. See for yourself https://youtu.be/X_M0-IBA3Jw

>> No.3711172

They definitely did botch the Japanese launch. The U.S. launch had a much better lineup.

>> No.3711181
File: 408 KB, 970x1294, ARE YOU CYBERPUNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian resellers are gouging bastards. I can't find a Master System model 1 for less than about $400. Model 2 goes for like, $150.

Even Mega Drive systems sell for over a hundred, and every man and his dog owned one of those. I was lucky to buy a model 2 MD for $50 with two controllers off gumtree (My original model 1 is starting to fade).

Good luck even finding a Saturn for sale.

>> No.3711190

>Virtua fighter 3

You forget that VF at the time was more popular in Japan than Street Fighter ever has been.

>> No.3711195 [DELETED] 

No it was not.

>> No.3711221
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x1701, VF TS Pai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtua Fighter 3 is a phenomenal game (in fact, every VF is amazing), but the VF3 port for Saturn was pretty bad, sadly.

It's really disappointing there has never been an arcade perfect port of VF3.

>> No.3711227

VF3 was never on Saturn. You're probably thinking of the DC port (which was outsourced to Genki).

>> No.3711230

Well I am pretty sure attempting to port VF3 to the SEGA Titan Video System would not have ended well.

>> No.3711410

god-tier demo disc

>> No.3711420

>using this much greentext
kill yourself

>> No.3711425

What exactly was wrong with the VF3 port anyway? Everyone keeps parroting that it sucked because they outsourced it, but no one says why it was bad. Did they changed the gameplay?

>> No.3711428
File: 25 KB, 377x326, 61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commercials look awesome
>mom won't buy one because we already have a playstation
>2 years later they are down to $50 and all the games are dirt cheap
>buy one and a million games
>the most fun couple of weeks I've ever had
>few years later learn that you can burn games
>play the Dreamcast regularly for the rest of my life

>> No.3711448

What are you playing? Arcade port #394597?

>> No.3711453
File: 278 KB, 935x935, 975-1195777653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arcade port #394597?

Well of course they are the games with the most replay value.

>> No.3711457

Must have broken out of /b

>> No.3711469

>Segautists actually believe this

>> No.3711493

Who are you quoting?

>> No.3711528

You, you autistic underage fuck.


>> No.3711542


Try harder /v/ cross poster. You are not fooling anybody.

>> No.3711543

retrosales.com.au is pretty good for prices. They're a bit pricey but nowhere near as jew gouging as ebay. Unfortunately they don't have dreamcasts.

With the prices of SMS units going up it makes me glad I found mine in a car boot in a junk yard. Still works too, those things are indestructable.

>> No.3711546

Get raped by a paki.

>> No.3711556
File: 136 KB, 600x344, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's funny how /v/ cross posters asses pretty much explodes when somebody calls them out on their cancerous shit.

>> No.3711621

Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck happened to this board

>> No.3711737

Seriously is no one going to call OPon this BS?

>go to Electronics Boutique Pacific Fair on launch day - November 30 1999
>$500 dollarydoos

9/9/1999 for $199

Are there no oldfags left at all?

>> No.3711741

>$500 dollarydoos

I am from Europe so I can't comment on the 199 USD but this was the case here well into the systems life.

>> No.3711742
File: 747 KB, 496x750, VF Akira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry gents, I did indeed mean the Dreamcast port by Genki, not Saturn. I'm aware there was no Saturn VF3.

I know the graphics were a big step down from the arcade. I'm not sure if the frame rate suffered, but graphically it didn't look as nice as it should have. Especially noticeable when you compare to the outstanding looking Soul Calibur.

>> No.3711746

he's obviously australian you retard, out here in nowhere land they were $500 when they first came out

>> No.3711747

Oh, never heard of that site! I'll have a look, thanks.

Do you ever use Gumtree? That's where I got my MD2. I got a flashcart now though (and my sizeable collection from when I was younger), so I don't bother looking for games, just hardware.

>> No.3711750

And that was actually a pretty good launch price from memory too. I think the Saturn cost us about $800 or something?

>> No.3711949

I had a burned copy, and there was a ton of slowdown.
dunno if it's the fact that it was burned (apparently, Virtual On slows down when run from a burned disc, but I have a gd-rom for that an dI can't be arsed to burn a CD, especially since I'm almost out of CD-Rs)

can't be arsed to get a real gd-rom of VF3tb either

>> No.3711979

>No u

Amazing argument, kid. Now fuck off back to >>>/v/

>> No.3712034

Imagine buying a dreamcast in '99 and then coming 10 months later to see it $200 cheaper

>> No.3712050

I would use gumtree more often but the site is so poorly optimized and i live in the middle of nowhere so it's rare i ever find anything that's both a decent bargain AND close to me

With the exception of games like Golden Axe Warrior and Ys I was going to buy my master system carts since they're relatively cheap to get CIB. I find it pretty ironic how master system consoles are expensive as fuck but the games go for dimes, maybe it's because there isn't as much collector meme value to them as NES games

>> No.3712084

I remember a classmate in latin class said he worked at sonic and spent his entire $300 paycheck to go buy a dreamcast.

>> No.3712547


Who are you quoting?

>> No.3712691

It's not hard at all, you can find them for less than 30€ in my country. They have a lot of problems though, I have bought 4 Dreamcast and had problems with all of them.

>> No.3712712

sure that just proves dc is not loved very much in palland and only jawz would sell it so high

>> No.3712718

>sell my pal nintendo 64 in disgust after playing a Japanese one.

>head to electronics boutique, dreamcast just launched, cashier told me to wait for ps2.

>no I'll take the dreamcast thanks

>no regrets