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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3710250 No.3710250 [Reply] [Original]

I inherited this game from my uncle when he passed away last year. I bought the guide last week at a local game shop for 40 bucks. All of it is complete and I am proud to own it.

But....I'm trying to play it, and....


I knew WD was bad, but this is almost unplayable! The game is borked to death, the script is cringy as hell, and the guide reads as if a 12 year old hitting puberty wrote it! And to think I had been waiting to play this my entire life....

>> No.3710251

should have gotten the sega CD ver.

>> No.3710256

did you not read the first sentence

>> No.3710274

Your uncle should have made better life choices.

>> No.3710284

Hear! Hear!

>> No.3710285

he should have inherited the Sega CD version

>> No.3710357

What for? The sega CD plays burned games straight up.

>> No.3710369

So burn it, sprinkle the ashes on your uncle's grave, piss on the ashes, and then kill yourself for being an ungrateful little shit.

Your uncle gave the game to you, and yet you bitch about something he had no control over. You claim to have known WD was bad, yet you still wanted to play the game.

Who's a retard, anon? Who's the king of all retards? PROTIP: It's the ungrateful little shit that spent $40 on a guide.

>> No.3710382

well does it have some ecchi stuff in it?

>> No.3710389

>It's another little bitch ass weab complaining about his grorious nippon again.

Fuck off, new fag. If I where your uncle come back as a ghost to haunt your ungrateful ass

>> No.3710423
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He is teaching you from beyond the grave OP.

Life is disappointment and suffering, it's whether you can adapt, push forward, or if you whine like a fag.

That makes you who you are, and now (you) and we all know.

>> No.3710531

Did he play this on a pvm or a consumer crt or a newer LCD?

>> No.3711898

You should see some of their other localisations. They completely broke the gameplay in Silhouette Mirage and Popful Mail.

>> No.3712603

Tell your uncle to kill himself

>> No.3712608

Why would your uncle have fucking Lunar and then pass it to you? He's clearly mocking you from the realm beyond

Also if you think this is bad never play Rayearth from WD

>> No.3712676


>They completely broke the gameplay in Silhouette Mirage and Popful Mail.

what did they do?

>> No.3712681

Popful Mail had the enemies do and take double damage.
Silhouette Mirage made your weapons drain spirit when you use them.
Both games made items cost twice as much in shops.

>> No.3712723

The Sega CD script where the translators insert a shit joke into a dramatic scene is so flawless
WD version of Silhouette Mirage is superior to the pathetically easy Saturn version where you don't even get to see most of the bosses' attacks.

But this is a circlejerk thread for people to moan about changes so whatever, I'll just say to the fence-sitters "try both versions"

>> No.3712724

Maybe, but having to stop and cash bash every enemy for money is tedious as fuck.
Besides the original JP release had a difficulty setting.

>> No.3712726

>Besides the original JP release had a difficulty setting.
Wait WHAT?!

I... don't remember that at all. Either I completely missed it or the hardest setting was still pathetically easy. Regardless I'm gonna have to give it another try now, fuck.