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3710003 No.3710003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If they made a new console would you buy it?/ do you think theres ever a place for sega to get back into the hardware race?

>> No.3710006

As much as I love Seygar, NO.

>> No.3710008
File: 84 KB, 600x791, 1411474199612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a console kid.

If sega made a computer, I'd buy it.

>> No.3710009
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, SEGA RINGEDGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEGA never left the hardware race they just left the commercial market

also not /vr/

>> No.3710017

I prefer them making games for PCMR (Personal Computer Master Race).

>> No.3710024

I wouldn't mind seeing them attempt to make a high-quality handheld. Something that you could theoretically load with every game they made from the Master System all the way up to Dreamcast/Naomi.

>> No.3710029
File: 546 KB, 1616x2889, saturn ascends, the one the ten, ignorant to the damage done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they just make a new nomad? Like a sega so-no-mad-you'll-crave-to-eat-babies!

Or a sega dreammad.

>> No.3710070

I don't think there's any place for them right now. I would buy it without question though. I chose the Genesis over the SNES and remained loyal to their brand as long as I could. I would love to see what they could do.

>> No.3710093

Probably if it was an actual console like a dreamcast as opposed to a shitty underpowered PC like the ps4 and xbox one and they made some stellar 1st part titles for it aka not just shitty sonic games

But to be honest considering the state of modern gaming i don't think they'd fair to well. Trying to make fun games in this day and age is a death sentence economically speaking

>> No.3710105

>As much as I love Seygar, NO.
Mostly this. The Sega we grew up with is all but dead. What's left is a husk of what once was.

>I wouldn't mind seeing them attempt to make a high-quality handheld.
This would be the best bet(still far fetched of course). Maybe port all the old stuff while also making new Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, etc sequels. You know all the stuff they forgot about.

>> No.3710137

The Sega of old doesn't even exist. It's just a banner held up by Sammy with a small and shitty gaming division.

>> No.3710148

Getting real tired of this meme

I think most people forget or are too stupid to know that they own Atlus now too, pretty much the only company left making real JRPGs. Sega has a metric fuckton of awesome IPs; Yakuza, Hatsune Miku, Initial D, Puyo Puyo, Alien, Sonic, Shinobi, Monkey Ball, etc etc etc, along with the Megami Tensei franchise, Persona, Etrian Odyssey and everything else Atlus owns.

Sega also had the highest rated average Metacritic score for 2015 out of any publisher. This Sega is bad meme is /v/ fodder and needs to go the fuck away already. Easy to tell who is a real gamer and who is some puppet parroting the hottest spiciest /v/ memes.

>> No.3710151

Their only game that still racks in money is Total War series or some shit.

>> No.3710154

>Shinobi, etc sequels. You know all the stuff they forgot about.
So it's another fake fan who parrots /v/ memes without actually playing any games I see. There was an awesome new Shinobi game to come out for 3DS and M2 also did an excellent version of Shinobi 3 last year. Also Golden Axe was featured in the Seha Girls anime.
Oh of course that's why they keep putting out all these other games right? How about you fuck off back to /v/ with your disinfo spouting bullshit. Those games are handled by fucking Sega Europe, not even the main branch, they're throwing a bone to PC players and Sega hardly gives two shits about PC because their bread is buttered on consoles. Yakuza is fucking huge in Japan and gaining momentum yearly in the States. Hatsune Miku is huge worldwide. They make exponentially more selling arcade hardware than they do on PC. PC is nothing to them that's why they hardly ever port anything to it.

Anyone who parrots this "Sega is le bad company XD" maymay is just outing themselves as an underage /v/edditor who takes everything that garbage bin of a board shits out as gospel.

>> No.3710157

>Oh of course that's why they keep putting out all these other games right?
What other games? Besides Puyo Puyo and 3DS remasters all the other franchises are dead.

>> No.3710161

I'm sorry, you're delusional.

>> No.3710163

You fucking retard. They put out like 3 Miku games alone this year. Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 6. Alien Isolation, one of the best survival horror games out there. Persona fucking 5. New Valkyria Chronicles coming. Maybe if you paid attention to gaming instead of spending everyday reading 12 year olds post about shit they know nothing about on /v/ you wouldn't sound like an ignorant fucking retard.
And you're a /v/edditor who knows nothing about anything destroying this board with your parroted shitposts.

>> No.3710167

People who repeat this stupid fucking meme never liked Sega anyway and are just looking for what they perceive to be an easy target to shitpost about. Probably teenagers who weren't even around during the times when "Sega was good then"

You want to see a company that's actually circling the drain look at Nintendo. Wii U bombed. They're now putting all their stock into mobile games, their next system is a glorified tablet. The games they do make are saccharine puerile casualized bullshit.

>> No.3710171

Oh and with the Switch they have confirmed to be dropping out of the console market because they couldn't hack it. Now there's a company in trouble. Not the one that got the highest rated Metacritic average out of any publisher worldwide in 2015, they're doing fine.

>> No.3710176

Jesus Christ I'm sorry I triggered your 'tism.

>> No.3710257

>Why do people who have actual knowledge on said baseless shitpost I choose to perpetuate try to deter me from spreading further disinfo???

Oh, and to any non-shitposters ITT Sega also bought all of Technosoft's IPs this year as well, meaning they own Thunder Force and the Herzog games as well.

>> No.3710268

Outside of Sonic, Total War and Hatsune Miku they are dead.

>> No.3710270

They are gonna sit on those ips, maybe shit out a pachinko machine or two.

>> No.3710271

I'd love a Dreamcast 2.

>heavy focus on arcade ports and arcade style games
>every game can be played on an arcade stick
>SEGANET is a thing again

>> No.3710275
File: 2.90 MB, 3731x1933, SC-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SC-3000 master race reporting.

The proper term is consumer market, since arcade/amusement machines are still commercial.

>> No.3710287

Check this out, apparently the Valkyria Chronicles successor is being developed by the Wild Arms guys, not Sega themselves.

>> No.3710290


>> No.3710309

>tfw no new AM2 games (unless you count Shenmue III)

>> No.3710320

But how can it be master race without OPL FM synthesis?

>> No.3710328

Nice shitpost, care to try to back that up with any facts at all?

They literally bought 2 fucking companies this year. They own the rights to produce Evangelion merchandise which is a neverending goldmine. They own fucking Tokyo Movie Shinsha. Take a look at Nintendo if you want to see a dead company.

>> No.3710338

Calm your autism. I think that anon was saying how they're creatively dead. Compare how many original IPs they used to churn out in the 80s and 90s to how they are presently and you'll see what he means.

>> No.3710340

Nigga just let it go, Sega is dead.

>> No.3710343

>everything is autism

Fuck off back to /v/. They're doing just fine. Better to release a few gems a year than shit out lifeless puerile games and McDonalds toys.

That's all you memeing faggots can ever say. A single line /v/ shitpost with no kind of argument whatsoever to support your claim. Why do you have such an axe to grind? Did Sonic rape your mother or something?

Man the level of discourse on this board has plummeted, I see /v/ has finally found it.

>> No.3710361

I started this thread bc I love the genesis, I didnt know people were so charged up about this.

>> No.3710413

>an actual console like a dreamcast as opposed to a shitty underpowered PC
And what exactly would that entail?

The reason current consoles use PC parts, Wii U aside, is that there is no more R&D money being put into developing custom parts. Sony losing billions on Cell pretty much put the smack down on that.

I suppose the closest thing Sega could try is get a new PowerVR GPU again. Those are still pretty decent and being developed. But then arguably you are left with a souped up mobile part like Switch. PowerVR company also owns MIPS CPU technology but I don't know if that stuff isn't incredibly backwards these days or if they have kept them up to date.

>> No.3710476

Shenmue III isn't even being developed by Sega, much less AM2. Apparently Yu Suzuki's new independent company bought the IP and are making it themselves.

>> No.3710505


>> No.3710509
File: 106 KB, 395x551, EvaN64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They own the rights to produce Evangelion merchandise which is a neverending goldmine


Sega was a sponsor to Evangelion back in the day, but that was 20 years ago.

Ban Dai has been doing Evangelion games since the N64 one.

>> No.3710528

That nigga is grasping for straws.

>> No.3710535

The Russians are gearing up to switch to a MIPS type CPU. AFAIK it's much beefier than an ARM alternative, while still being in that efficiency range.

>> No.3711095

Would depend on games

That said, there is an arcade-style shaped hole in the market so if they specialized in what they've traditionally been good at, they could probably hold a part of the market without directly competing with the numbers of the current big companies.

>> No.3711345
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, 617073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this.

>> No.3711348

seriously, nigga

>> No.3711471

Fuck off back to black twitter

>> No.3711874
File: 89 KB, 261x238, 1478098674520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya seriously this is OP typing NO BLACK . Nintendo for blacks!