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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 431 KB, 1025x1300, sFAQumY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3707547 No.3707547 [Reply] [Original]

>"The Place I'll Return to Someday"
>Vivi's theme
>"Vamo alla flamenco"
>Dat dere battle theme
>Loss of me
>You're not alone
>Jesters of the Moon

Honestly, can you name a single game with a better musical score?

>Inb4 /vr/ goes all "pleb fantasy"

>> No.3707556

>bad use of greentext
>doesn't put title of game in post or picture
>asks boring question that is open ended enough to get a million replies
>slaps an inb4 in there

10/10 /v/ thread

>> No.3707560


>Vivi's theme
>Vamo alla Flamenco

Gee I wonder what game OP could be talking about

It is a mystery

XI's OST is great but I personally prefer FFT's.

>> No.3707563

1. If you can't tell the game you probably don't belong here

2. Of course I want "a million replies", I opened a thread, I am welcoming discussion and opinions

For example, one could argue that chrono trigger has a great OST

>> No.3707567

I'm just pointing out that it's stupid and frustrating that OPs purposefully leave out details to promote some sort of secret club mentality. I'm done shitposting now, have fun in your great thread.

>> No.3707576
File: 662 KB, 1236x917, 6f2ab4b88725fac835fdd6129c794d02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not like the title of this game needs spelling out though. Would be like having to tell someone who this fellow was.

>Best track right here:

>> No.3707583


If you haven't played FFIX, what exactly would you offer a thread that's about FFIX?

>> No.3707640

>not even naming the best song


>> No.3707656
File: 167 KB, 422x779, Terra-Branford-final-fantasy-vi-24681835-422-779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also special mention to FF VI Terra's theme


>> No.3707681
File: 593 KB, 484x726, beatrix03_by_aliceivyart-d7r019n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.3707682

Wild Arms.

Only the first one.

>> No.3707706
File: 107 KB, 355x369, comeonboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3708445

Ff9 has a nice soundtrack but panzer dragoon saga ia better.

>> No.3709119


This isn't XI you stupid fuck, Roman numerals aren't complicated so fucking learn them

>> No.3709120

>that huge nose

>> No.3709121

>This isn't XI you stupid fuck, Roman numerals aren't complicated so fucking learn them
Americans have such a hard time with numbers that they use pm for hours past 12.

>> No.3709147

Final Fantasy VIII is the undisputed best of the PS1's OSTs.

>Liberi Fatali
>Eyes on Me
>Maybe I'm a Lion (HYUH!)
>The Man with the Machine Gun
>The Extreme
>The Landing
>Succession of Witches

Y'know, in retrospect it might just be the best Final Fantasy OST altogether, irrespective of platform.

>> No.3709169

Ow the edge

>> No.3709172 [DELETED] 


Suikoden 2
Legend of Mana
Ridge Racer 4
Chronno Cross

>> No.3709175


Suikoden 2
Legend of Mana
Ridge Racer 4
Chrono Cross
Castlevania SOTN

>> No.3709237


How the fuck is that edgy?

He's wrong, but that doesn't make him edgy.

>> No.3709278

>The battle theme is the most tense
>The sad theme is the saddest
>The final dungeon theme is the most rousing
>The overworld theme is the most epic/awe-inspiring
>The depression themes are the most depressing
>The 'inner demons' theme is the most unsettling
>The ancient ruins theme is the most haunting
>The tender piece is more tender than the vocal theme songs pre-2000
>The theme of belonging/'oneness with the universe' is the most comforting and spiritual
>The final boss theme is the GOAT

I wonder what game this could be

>> No.3709361
File: 1.11 MB, 1700x1147, e10d951e02b562d0e77218dc6dd51fa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked the music from the second touhou/castelvania fangame.
...from the first as well.

'tears of time' especially, but 'magician of hail' and 'sevencolored gate keepr' also found their way into my mp.

wazzat? you named much more?
well, just listen and be the judge.


>> No.3711194

VII, VIII and X are all better

>> No.3711208

Maybe Chrono Cross out of that list, because the score is incredible and fits the mood of the game perfectly. The rest of those I would rank below IX. Especially Suikoden 2, I find the ost to be incredibly generic and one of the weaker parts of the game.

>> No.3711218

I feel like IX is more ambitious than any of those games and manages to pull off an incredible range of musical textures very successfully. VII is stronger compositionally for sure, and might be the most solid and consistent FF soundtrack. VIII has a handful of tracks that are the best in the series, but the whole ost is pretty hit-or-miss in my opinion. I haven't played enough of X to comment on it, but I don't even remember any tracks standing out to me.

I like IX a lot but I think VII very narrowly edges it out as the most memorable soundtrack.

>> No.3711284

I played VI very late (after VII-X), but even spoiled by more modern technology as I was,Terra's theme fucking floored me the first time I heard it. Haunting and beautiful.

>> No.3711297

Op here

Same desu, I fucking cried after some time