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3699918 No.3699918 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best Contra game?

>> No.3699925

3, followed by Hard Corps, followed by Shattered Soldier.

The rest are kinda shitty.

>> No.3699945

1 and Super C are still great, wtf is wrong with you. Super C also has the least annoying gimmick stages, which are a problem for Alien Wars and kinda drag the game down.

>> No.3699949

It really annoys me how weak the sound effects and music in 3: The Alien Wars are. The SNES is capable of much beefier sound, there is no excuse for the explosions sounding worse than ones on the NES. And the music is so tinny.

This is a problem with Hard Corps as well but at least the explosions sound crunchy.

>> No.3699954
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Super Contra is underrated.

>> No.3699963

They've aged like utter dogshit, mate.

>> No.3699964

Contra 1 and Super C are still good games that are fun to play.

>> No.3700003

They're still the best ones

>> No.3701392

Hard Corps
Contra 3
Super C

>> No.3701394


>> No.3701396

>the weebshit game without Contra even in the fucking title gets one of the best reactions

>> No.3701407

Wasn't Uprising made by the same developer behind Hard Corps, though?

>> No.3701413

No, it was developed by Arc System Works (the developers of Guilty Gear and Blazblue)

>> No.3701639
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>muh weebshit
It's a legitimate good game. I don't know why the art style triggers idiots (especially when those Appaloosa games exists). Besides, the original Hard Corps already had an animu-style to begin with, so I don't know why singles out Uprising for this.

>> No.3701648

> already had an animu-style to begin with,

You mean like pretty much 95% of all japanese games?

>> No.3701662

not contra 3

The overhead stages are just trash. Game is still good but I hate those.

>contra 1 nes better than arcade

they're the same game

>> No.3701687

Whcih only proves my point further? I don't know why people single out Uprising for being weebshit when discussing Contra games.

>they're the same game
Not at all. Level designs are different and much longer on the NES and the power ups also work differently. For one thing, the barrier and rapid fire power-ups only appear in certain stages when you have the default gun equipped. Also, the NES version has an alien statue as a boss that is not in the arcade version.

>> No.3701689

Arcade version also runs on a vertical oriented screen and not horizontal.

>> No.3701695
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It was a contra game really

>> No.3701707

Hard Cops is my favorite.

>> No.3701712

It's pretty much Contra if it had little enemy variety and was a belt-scroller.

>> No.3701727


I played quite a bit in the arcade and never noticed differences. Well then.

I know Super C changed a lot between versions.

>> No.3701759

>The rest are kinda shitty.

>> No.3701973

Hard Corps for me.
Not only from a gameplay perspective, I also love its simple cutscenes and story crossroads.

>> No.3702103

> Decided to play Alien Wars for the first time
> Think "they probably added ability to lock fire during movement with shoulder buttons"
> They didn't

>> No.3702110

>Anything short of the absolute best is shit

never change /vr/

>> No.3702117

>no jumping
>no aiming up or diagonally up
>not 2d
>big sprites
>health bar

No it's not you imbecile.

>> No.3702126

They did in the GBA version, but they took out mega bombs and dual wielding.

>> No.3702132

Is it worthy of playing, or is it yet another garbage tier port GBA library is so full of?
> but they took out mega bombs and dual wielding.
Frankly, I could do without that.

>> No.3702139

>Is it worthy of playing, or is it yet another garbage tier port GBA library is so full of?
I would try Operation C or Contra 4 instead

>> No.3702149

The only good Contra games are 3 and HC.

>> No.3702175

So I'm playing contra 3

>Die from bumping into enemies
>Enemies with weak spots
>Enemies and hazards that are straight up invincible
>Stiff wall climbing mechanic
Are the others as boring as this one?

>> No.3702179

Try not dying, idiot.

>> No.3702181

Gee I never thought about doing that. Metal Slug and Wild Guns are more fun than this honestly. At least I get a split second to so know an enemy attack is coming rather than nothing.

>> No.3702210

Already did… 4 was great, so sad 3 had no aim locking and those darn gimmick stages. Sigh.

>> No.3702215

>3 had no aim locking
Hold R

>> No.3702223

So I'm playing super mario 3

>Die from bumping into enemies
>Enemies with weak spots
>Enemies and hazards that are straight up invincible
>Stiff stairs climbing mechanic
Are the others as boring as this one?

>> No.3702226

>Are the others as boring as this one?

It's a little slower paced because of all the climbing and forced scrolling, but seriously what do you expect to happen when you walk into an enemy

>> No.3702228

I know. I forgot to add "while moving". So that you could run/jump to the left, shoot to the right.

I know that if it's not in the game, it's not required to finish it… But still, a lost opportunity for what's considered a benchmark of side-scrolling shooters. Konami-published Cybernator from several months later had it, that's one of the reasons I love this game.

>> No.3702229

Well you don't die when you bump into an enemy in MS for example. Unless it's a (moving) tank.

>> No.3702235

Yeah and in Shinobi you can walk into an enemy and bump both of your heads like a clutz but it's rather the exception

>But still, a lost opportunity for what's considered a benchmark of side-scrolling shooters.
It might be nice if every old shooter had Robotron controls

>> No.3702258

The lack of strafing was much more annoying in Contra 4, considering that came out after Shattered Soldier and Alien Wars EX and you have to deal with two screens at the same time.

>> No.3702260

In Ys series you bump into enemies to kill them. I feel like it was made for that guy

>> No.3702276

>Robotron controls
Are there any 2D side-view shooters that have twin stick controls? You know, like Contra, but one stick lets you shoot in any direction. That's something I only associated with top-down games.

>> No.3702280

Midnight Resistance.

>> No.3702293
File: 28 KB, 256x240, midres-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ayy lmao

>> No.3702296

The top down levels are good. You cunts are just weird.

>> No.3702308

that's more of a SHOOP DA WOOP if you ask me.

>> No.3702513

>Is it worthy of playing, or is it yet another garbage tier port GBA library is so full of?
It's pretty much the latter. They also removed the top-down levels and replaced them with stages from Contra HC.

>> No.3702519

I miss when people would say "never change /board letter/". It seems like no one says that on /v/ atleast

>> No.3703179

Well, this thing did jump scare me. I thought Midnight Resistance had a boring military theme.

>> No.3703213

I know it ain't /vr/, but 4 was a great job.

>> No.3703226

The split in between the screens ruined that game.

>> No.3703229

My fave is the first one on nes. No particular reason, just grew up with it, never played contra 3. Wasn't a fan of the one on snes 2bh.

>> No.3703276

Hard Corps, followed by Shattered Soldier.

The rest are kinda shitty.

>> No.3703279

It's only annoying in 2-3 instances in the whole game. Once you git gud they aren't nowhere near bad.

>> No.3703337

Maybe a little bit, honestly the game's a real mess. It does have a really good level of intensity/RNG and the music is incredible but everything else is kinda crap. Especially the poorly thought out projectile limit which makes you afraid to ever shoot up.

>> No.3703645

well I beat hard corp for the first time

great game but is it just me or is this not really harder than contra 3 (or 4)

and yes i mean the us version

>> No.3703838
File: 253 KB, 1200x800, a-blz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the hate for the mode 7 levels either. I would understand if you're a youngfag who got into Contra III late and played a lot of 3D shooters, but they were a nice diversion from the usual side-scrolling affair. Besides, they're not even that long compared to the regular stages.

Its difficulty is kinda blown out of proportions. The only thing making Contra HC harder than III are the lack of extends, which makes it almost impossible to milk out extra lives by killing popcorn enemies.

>> No.3703843

Spinning Desert boss takes forever to kill.
Mecha Spider boss drains my lives in Hard Mode.

>> No.3703851

Anybody saying the top down levels in 3 are good didn't play the game in co-op.

You'd need to learn those levels in SP in order for them to be decent in co-op.

= no good.

>> No.3703878
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Hard Corps definitely

>> No.3703880
File: 39 KB, 240x160, GBA_Contra_Bill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you play the top-down levels in split-screen or shared screen?

>> No.3704034

I don't get the love for Contra 3 desu. The game only has 3 classic style run and gun levels and even then you are constantly interrupted by set pieces or midbosses. The bosses aren't nearly good enough to carry the game either unlike the ones in Hard Corps

>> No.3704206
File: 42 KB, 240x160, GBA_Contra_Lance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because most people who played Contra III were coming from the NES Contra and Super C. The leap from NES to Super NES was pretty tremendous and Contra III in general is a much more intense game than its NES predecessors. You're obviously not going to appreciate it as much if you played it after Hard Corps.

>> No.3704260

>Midnight Resistance
I only played the Genesis version, is there any difference from the arcade version?

That sure is a crazy boss, the stage as well. Who would expect to destroy TV screens that can kill you, and to top it off, a giant floating head that you need to destroy from its skin to its brain. Really, what are the developers thinking in making such a freak of a final boss?

>> No.3704278

>The only thing making Contra HC harder than III are the lack of extends, which makes it almost impossible to milk out extra lives by killing popcorn enemies.
ok I just tried contra 3 for the first time in a good long while, and I'm out of practice normal mode seems as least as difficult as Contra HC and hard mode is definitely way more difficult.

contra hc gives you an invincible slide to escape any bad situation, and you can hold 4 weapons so even if you die you can still have both a crowd-clearing weapon and a high-damage one for bosses. plus you keep bombs when you die, although there aren't as many of them.

meanwhile back in contra 3 hard mode, the screen is constantly flooded by shooting, constantly respawning enemies. I can't no-miss the first damn level, I'm not sure what you're supposed to do other than memorize all the fixed enemies and kill them the second they scroll onscreen so you don't get overwhelmed, or burn some smart bombs. even most arcade games don't pull stuff like this in the first couple levels.

>> No.3704284

>Probotector > Contra

>> No.3704314

>I only played the Genesis version, is there any difference from the arcade version?
AC version has 2P co-op. That's why there's a second guy in the opening sequence that they forgot to scrub out in the MD version. Also, the AC version seems considerably harder than the MD version (at least when I've played it on higher difficulties) and the weapons work a bit differently.

>> No.3704380

Maybe if you're 80 years old lmao cmon grandpa I'm sure you could keep up with Contra's speed if you practiced a bit

>> No.3705737

At least someone appreciates Operation C.
But the GB port doesn't deserve hate.

>> No.3705806

Contra HC is shit. Most of the levels and bosses can be beaten on pure memorization, meaning that when you're playing through the game trying to get that 1cc 90% of the game is just you standing around waiting for the game to get to a part that actually engages you. Literally some parts have places you can stand on the screen and be invincible. And they aren't uncommon.

>> No.3705808

What is the hardest Contra game?

>> No.3706254

Shattered Soldier, IMO, if you're trying to get the "true" ending since you have to S-rank all the stages to unlock the extra levels.

>> No.3706291
File: 166 KB, 766x1024, B6Pb793CUAA9qy5.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to 1CC Super Contra on Very Hard is quite a feat.The only person I know capable of it was Kommander HZK of Game Kommander fame.

The JP-exclusive second loop of Super Contra is essentially the same thing since it all does is set the difficulty level to the hardest thing and disables continues.

>> No.3706294

>Most of the levels and bosses can be beaten on pure memorization
Well that's lots of games, including lots of Contra games


One of the **NOT RETRO** ones most likely

>> No.3706482

>One of the **NOT RETRO** ones most likely
Contra: Shattered Soldier can be quite a bitch to S-rank all the stages.

Neo Contra on the other hand is easy once you unlock the GV Laser. Even then, it's not that hard of a game.

A no-miss run in Contra 4 is doable on Hard if you can managed to hold onto the enhanced
Machine Gun and Spread Gun.

Never bothered to try Contra ReBirth above Normal.

Haven't cleared Hard Corps Uprising on Arcade mode yet.

>> No.3708050

Split screen.

Why did it have to be mode7. It would've been great without that got them mode7.

>> No.3708181
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Not bad. Kinda sucks Player 2 lost a life there. Really impressive how quickly they destroyed the Bosco Spider (or whatever the fuck Stage 2 boss was).

>> No.3708389

I like how this five star expert level pro contra player fucked up and jumped in the pit after killing that drill miniboss with the handles in level 3, just like I do half the time. Climbing sucks so hard in that game.

>> No.3708390

On second glance I guess he's doing that on purpose as some kind of speed runner ninjitsu

>> No.3708393
File: 134 KB, 256x307, Hard_Corps_Uprising_(cover_art).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese Hard Corps > III: Alien Wars > American Hard Corps.

The best of the series isn't retro, though.

>> No.3708396

What's the difference between the gook and American version?

>> No.3708408

The main difference in the Japanese version is the life gauge. You die in three hits. In the US, the gauge was removed.

>> No.3708412
File: 457 KB, 640x495, CNHpymuU8AAICml.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off with your /pol/-speak! JP Hard Corps gives you a three point life bard and unlimited continues, plus a bunch of cheat codes.