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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 189 KB, 664x395, 6th gen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3695701 No.3695701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will this trio be considered /vr/ material?

...This has to happen someday, right?

>> No.3695703
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>> No.3695709

Yeah in like id say 5 years but i would still not consider it retro in my book

>> No.3695715

You keep asking this question, the answer has not changed.

>> No.3695718

I don't know about that, when Ps2/Gc/Xbox came out, the NES could already be considered retro by many, and it was just 15 years old at the time, in 2021 the 6th gen will be 21 years old.

Not the same person, I didn't even saw a thread like this.

>> No.3695728

better question in which year 3th,4th and 5th generation became retro?

Any good answer?

>> No.3695729



>> No.3695731

not retro >>>/v/

>> No.3695734

Pro tip
It already is

>> No.3695737

Why do they need to be? There are websites focused on only consoles from one company, or even just one console. /vr/ isn't supposed to be some database of video game history, it's just a discussion board focused on a certain timeframe.

I also feel that the addition of later gens will just push less-discussed topics off the board even more. Just start discussions of these systems on /v/, it's not like /vr/ is some shitpost-free paradise.

>> No.3695739

When most games are VR

>> No.3695740
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Certain people think it will result in talking about the less common games/NTSC-J exclusive.
But instead it will just mirror /vr/'s constant crap about MUHREOOO/SANIC/DEMON DRACULA etc

>> No.3695759

This thread triggers the elderly

>> No.3695973
File: 140 KB, 1000x667, IMG_2686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the dreamcast is retro, then so is the rest of that gen.

It makes no sense that the ps2, Xbox and gamesquare aren't retro but the dreamcast is. Because it died quicker? Then the Xbox should be retro too. It's been ten years since they stopped making games for it.

>> No.3695975

The last thing we need is more weird weeb shit here...

>> No.3695978

Because it came out it 99, you dense child. It has nothing to do with the life span. You babies are getting your way.

>> No.3695985

If we allow 6th gen, people who grew up with 7th gen (which was 10 years ago, there's already people over 18 who were kids when PS3 and 360 came out) will start whining about adding 7th gen as well.

We already discussed this so many times, and the best consensus we came up with is that we need a /v2k/ board and leave /v/ for current gen only and general shitposting.

>> No.3695987

No and it never will be.

The DC is the last remnant in the feeling of the retro era of video games. Besides it came out before December 31st, 1999 which is the cutoff date.

The other consoles while old than the modern consoles have a modern feel to them, and that's never going to change. As in never ever fucking ever. Stop making these threads.

Honestly we don't even talk about the DC anyways, we could just drop it from the exceptions list. It'll always be 2000 and earlier. Even 20 years from now.

>> No.3695994

>modern feel

Care to elaborate?

>> No.3695996

6th gen will never be retro. And the Dreamcast was only accepted here because this place is filled with segacucks and hipsters so they can circlejerk about that abortion without people laughing at them.

>> No.3696003


>6th gen will never be retro

yes it will. This is something that has to be decided by a time frame, not because "it feels retro" or "i dont like the fanbase".

>> No.3696004

Keep crying faggot

>> No.3696006

Ps2 came out a whopping couple of months after the dreamcast. You point is invalid

To The rest of you,
It's ok, we are getting older.
So is the 6th gen
It's time.

>> No.3696008

So you just want to feel special, that's it.

>> No.3696009

a modern feel AKA not a retro feel

>> No.3696012

You're a fucking idiot, you're telling me that when these consoles become 30 years old they still won't be retro? You fucking autist.

>> No.3696015

But the PS2 came out after January 1st, 2000.

Check mate.

No further discussion.

>> No.3696016


If we are to go by the earliest date of availability for each system

DC=November 27, 1998
PS2=March 4, 2000
XBOX=November 15, 2001

>> No.3696018

Oh and
Gamecube=September 14, 2001

>> No.3696019

Yeah hold the fuck on, the ps2 came out in march 2000, following the dreamcast which came out in November 1999

The ps2 should have been added to the list of retro consoles a few months after the dreamcast was included. There's zero excuse for this besides a lingering resentment you old heads have. Stop crying, we all age.

>> No.3696021

Even if the consoles are 100 years old, they won't be /vr/.

/vr/ is for games and consoles released before the year 2000.

>> No.3696024

Retro isn't about "feel" you fucking autist hipster, it's about age. when something gets old enough it'll become retro.

>> No.3696025

That's a standard that held when the vr board was created and grows more invalid as time goes on

Checkmate, deadass.

>> No.3696027

We don't do rolling retroness here, that's on the other Chan.

The year is 2000 and that's NEVER changing. Besides we don't have mods on this board, only janitors so nobody will ever change the rules.

Don't like it? Email Hirohito, see if he cares.

>> No.3696028

>muuuuuh Dreamcast was soooooo ahead in time compared to the other consoles at the time so modern so revolutionary
>but somewhat it's retro compared to it's competitors, please gib safespace
Dreamcast was like the Gamecube but more flawed and with even less western support.

>> No.3696029

Then the name of this board requires a change.

Or you need to stop crying.


>> No.3696030

>Even if the consoles are 100 years old, they won't be /vr/.
Except that it will and there's nothing that you can do about it.

>> No.3696034

Well, I think you need to find another board, faggot. 2000 is never ever ever ever going to change. Deal with it.

>> No.3696035
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ok then what gives pic related a retro feel among others?

>> No.3696038

I just really want to talk about GameCube games. Underrated and /v/ doesn't care.

I don't want to have to go to /b/

>> No.3696040

These threads are hysterical. There is always one or two autists that actually think that having a hearty debate is going to change the rules.

What fucking morons. It's like they don't understand how 4chan works.

>> No.3696043

>BUT MUH 1999

>> No.3696046


never.. now fuck off kiddo.

>> No.3696047

They'll be "retro" eventually.

To be honest, I don't think the DreamCast is old at all. Even the N64 isn't that old.

>> No.3696048

Go to the other Chan or post in /v/ and deal with it.

We don't fucking care here either. Stop trying to force it down our throats.

>> No.3696050

I promise you one of these things will happen.

A) Assuming 4chan, and it's audience stays long enough, you autists will become the minority and it'll become retro

B) The rule will change despite your bitching

C) v2k will be made but then what's considered "v2k" and "modern" will come into question, causing more problems

or D) you fucking idiots are going to keep arguing and bitching and nothing will get done because even though retro only refers to age, 6th gen "Doesn't feel retro." Even though retro it's self has no feel. Are you seriously going to tell me 5th gen feels like 2nd gen at all, or 3rd or fourth for that matter to each other. This whole "Retro Feel" buzzword bullshit is only here because autists make 6th gen their boogeyman.

>> No.3696052


tough fucking titties. go to /v/


>> No.3696054


So do you.

>> No.3696056

People who want to discuss PS2/Gamecube etc because they think /v/ or whatever sucks don't realize that they will kill this board. It will turn into /v/,the board will be flooded with fucking SmashBros,Metal Gear,ICO,Shadow of the Colossus threads and everything else will be forced to stick around in shitty ass general threads until the board fall in on itself.

>> No.3696057

>Ps2 came out a whopping couple of months after the dreamcast

It came out over a year later. Fuck off you Amerilard-centric idiot.

>> No.3696058


You are like my stubborn great grandpa.
He just couldn't believe that blacks owned houses. Went to his grave mumbling under his breath that my friends dad should be hung. He didn't realize times a changin

He sounded like you.

>> No.3696060

That's a meme/buzzword. Retro has no feel, every generation has it's different trends and popular genres and graphical/aesthetic changes. it's a time span of over three decades, it's impossible to have one "retro feel" for a time span that long.

>> No.3696061 [DELETED] 

Fuck you faggots.

>> No.3696069

It's just a time frame bro, don't make it your special club.

Those consoles halted production like more than 10 years ago, and the last games were published like in 2010 with the exception of Ps2 probably.

I'd say they'll become retro until the next gen.

>> No.3696072

Lol no u

But seriously, you can't say that for me. 6th gen IS retro in 2016. Again, this board is desperately clinging to an outdated standard and we have to accept that.

Go listen to some bob Dylan or some shit and realize times a changin because the only rebuttal you have for this discussion is
>MUH 1999

>> No.3696074


you sound like a millennial cuck lord. better go get that bull prepped

>> No.3696076


It's muh 1998 because the owner is a Jap.

>> No.3696078


>> No.3696083

Fuck off you Japan centric nip

>> No.3696084

Who is going to change the rules? Even if 100% of the posters want the rules to change, they won't.

This is not a democratic process.

>> No.3696085
File: 127 KB, 640x480, IMG_2563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not

>> No.3696086

Lol, fuck niggers.

But unlike general society, this isn't a democracy. I don't make the rules and neither do you.

>> No.3696087


I'm not saying 6th gen isn't or isn't "retro", but it sure isn't /vr/.
This board has a set rule, and you have to accept it. 4chan isn't a public space, it's a private site.

Also, when do you kids will learn how this site even works? Whine all you want, but all you're doing is making the regulars here even less prone to accept what you want, the more you bitch, the less we want 6th gen on here.

I gave this advice to people like you many times, and I'll give it to you: e-mail Hiro, the admin of 4chan.
He's the only one who can make such changes. Regular anons can't, janitors can't, mods can't. It's hiroyuki's decision. So if you want to discuss Halo and Kingdom Hearts and Melee on /vr/, by all means, send an e-mail to hiroyuki and tell him how evil the anons over at /vr/ are for not accepting your childhood as retro. If he cares, then the rules will be changed and you will be able to discuss that shit here.

In the mean time, all you're doing is whining and posting off topic shit.

>> No.3696090

As if 4chan never made any changes ever to its boards

>> No.3696092


Yeah it's happened and notice how pretty much all those board turned into complete shit.

>> No.3696094

More like 6th gen IS 2016 period, considering it's been literally the same shit ever since the 6th generation, especially in terms of graphics.

Retro is different to that. Nobody ever said it had to be a certain length of time ago. Just because some people are so fucking retarded as shit they can't grasp such a simple concept doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.3696095


/mlp/ started after a thread demand to create it.

>> No.3696097

How salty would you be, be honest

>> No.3696101

This is a yes or no question to the "rules changer autist".

You understand the following?

We don't have mods here (they can change the rules) only janitors (can only delete posts, threads and issue short bans). We had a mod like 5 years ago, and he allowed the DC to be /vr/, that guy isn't on this board anymore.

This isn't a democracy, you don't get to vote over this issue.

You have 5 options, and only 5:

1) Email the admin.
2) Make a thread on /q/.
3) Make threads on /v/ (they have mods there) and hope they listen to you.
4) Just talk about 6th gen on /v/ or /vg/ or go on the other Chan.
5) Deal with it.

>> No.3696103

Admitting that is probably hurting our cause dude

>> No.3696104

Those boards have mods.

>> No.3696107
File: 535 KB, 1895x697, 3414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I stand by my post, seriously adding the rest of the sixth generation systems will be the end of this board.

>> No.3696108

Yes and there were hundreds of people emailing Moot to change it.

>> No.3696112

Word. Let the emails begin.
Like the other guy said, changes can be made if there's enough heat surrounding it. I think I'll make a thread like this when this one dies and we can garner more people to send emails and bitch some more. It'll happen. just like civil rights happened. Take a guess what side you are on.

>> No.3696114

Lol, good fucking luck.

>> No.3696115


He's actually giving you advice about how you can actually make the change you want to the board, how is he salty?

>> No.3696117 [SPOILER] 
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, 1482600326395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like civil rights happened. Take a guess what side you are on.

>> No.3696119

Vr is already stagnant with the same crt tv threads and the same obscure retro anime game thread. A thread about some good old halo 2 will liven up this place.

>> No.3696120

>it's been literally the same shit ever since the 6th generation
>especially in terms of graphics.
You're not very updated with the current consoles/games, isn't? The jump in graphics is pretty big between gen 6 and gen 8, sure that some low budget games are not so insanely evident, but still.

>> No.3696121
File: 56 KB, 621x465, 07-04-es2401.jpg_141358524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A thread about some good old halo 2 will liven up this place.

>> No.3696124

(If the rest of 6th gen was added) how salty would you be, be honest

>> No.3696125


Not him, but many, many 7th gen and even a big chunk of 8th gen look like 6th gen stuff but in high definition.
Hell, a lot of 8th gen is 6th gen stuff remastered.

>> No.3696126


I'l take the most obscure weeb shit PC-FX game, over turning this board into /v/ 2.0

>> No.3696128


I'm an adult, board rules are one of the least things that worry me.

But please e-mail hiroyuki, you gain nothing from whining on here like a little kid about your childhood not being considered retro.

>> No.3696131

Most normies think they are retro. Autists dont. I have to agree with the normies though since 6th gen was the last gen not to be all about online, have shitty dlc practices and stupid install, downloading, patching shit.

>> No.3696134


So basically, the reason you want /vr/ to include 6th gen is because you want anons to get "salty" and not really because you care about discussing video games. Got it.

>> No.3696136

Or some call of duty 2 big red one, or kotor, maybe even a simpsons road rage thread. The possibilities are nearly endless. Either way, vr needs a little kick to get its heart beating again

>> No.3696138


You're right it wasn't all about online, but big games like Halo were, and the original Xbox started the online focus with Xbox Live.

GC and PS2 (and even DC) had online in some games but most of the big games for these consoles were still offline.

Also, if we include 6th gen, stuff like World of Warcraft and many other MMOs will be allowed as well.

>> No.3696140

Thats not what retro means. Retro is something imitating something old.

>> No.3696143


The amount of possibilities are also nearly endless with the current rules. Your life won't be long enough to play all the stuff that was released between 1970 (or earlier, since Pinball is allowed here) and 1999.

Also, you complain about "crt threads", but there's only one. And it's not like they'd stop if we allow 6th gen. In fact, the shitposting will increase, because kids who grew up with 6th gen will get even more triggered by people who own CRTs and will shitpost even louder than they do now. Same with bait filter/emulation threads. Those will not cease to exist simply because you add Halo or GTA 3 into the board.

>> No.3696146

They where just as many people wanting 6th gen here in the threads we haf a few months ago.

>> No.3696148

You pulled that out of your ass.
That's not why I want 6th gen included i explained why right here

>> No.3696150

Not retro, never will be.

I love some sage tea.

>> No.3696151


Then why did you insist on asking an anon "how salty" he will be, when he was giving you advice about emailing hiroyuki?

You just want to shitpost, be honest.

>Checkmate, deadass

What a bad boy you are! I'd teleport behind your back and unzip my katana, but you're not worth the hassle.

>> No.3696152

You whined earlier how /v/ sucks, and a few posts here and there explained how your suggestion will turn the board into mini /v/ are you this dense?

>> No.3696153

Just as it's not like /vr/ will die if we allow the rest of the 6th gen here

>> No.3696157

That wasn't me

>> No.3696159

I think this is not plain whinning, it's about getting a consensus here with the anons that ACTUALLY POST HERE on what the majority feels is needed in the board.

If this happens to be a club with the most people NOT wanting 6th gen here, then shall it be. But as time goes by, it will become "retro" at some point and the anons that feel it as retro will want to discuss about it in this board, and then the consensus will be to include it.

TL;DR when most /vr/ posters are ready to include 6th gen as retro a thread shall arise and emails may be sent to change the rule.

>> No.3696160

It was also needed as a containment board.
Before /mlp/, that horse garbage was literally taking over the entire website. It was about necessary to help keep the rest of the boards on topic.

>> No.3696161


Nobody said /vr/ would die, as in nobody will post. It'll just become more like /v/.
Also since /vr/ VS 6th gen has become a sort of war, however sides win, the shitposting will only grow bigger and bigger.

>> No.3696168
File: 102 KB, 800x1000, tmp_27668-Expose Samefags(2)1670337348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's false, you know there's a way to check for samefag, right?

It's usually that one guy that's overly aggressive with everything and a couple of people who don't care.

>> No.3696169


You can't get a consensus on an anonymous board, with samefag being a thing. You can't even make a strawpoll because rigging polls is as easy as using a proxy or having a dynamic IP.

The only way you can change the rules is by emailing the admin of 4chan, not whining every week only to get your thread deleted after a few hours.
You will get angry, you will start making "ironic" threads like "HEY VR WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS RETRO CONSOLE [Xbox.jpg]", and get your thread deleted again only for you to get more angry.

It's time to stop being a kid and start thinking like an adult.

The rules right now say 1999. You want a change? email hiroyuki, all of you who want that change.
Stop bothering the regulars with your tantrums and caprices.

>> No.3696170

6th gen was still 99% sd. If you grew up playing ps2, you had a crt tv.

>> No.3696171




>> No.3696172

I can ask a fucking sarcastic question if I want.

The kids with aspergers that went to my middle school were less autisticly inquisitive than you.

>> No.3696175



You wish. You were just being dense, asking the same thing twice, and backpedaled when I pointed out you don't care about vidya discussion, only shitposting.

>> No.3696176

How much are you betting you actually think that's real?

>> No.3696178

Here we go boys


>> No.3696179

Oh my god I couldn't find the words to explain it like you just did.

I think this post ends the discussion

>> No.3696182


Read: >>3696169

The discussion ends when you need to email Hiro, you won't change anything by just whining on here with other anons or even mods.

>> No.3696183

Chill out we are here to discuss not argue

>> No.3696187

There's obviously a huge presence here that wants 6th gen to be added. It's going to eventually happen due to that.

>> No.3696189




>> No.3696192

>one guy samefagging
>huge presence

>> No.3696193

Bro get in contact with your government asap. Mind reading will be a huge scientific leap, you are the first!!!

Sarcasm aside I linked my post where I explained why, you must not have seen it. Let me link it once more

>> No.3696195


Something tells me you're false-flagging, no need to be so angry,.

But yeah, 6th gen kids need to stop whining and e-mail hiroyuki.

>> No.3696196

This is you, faggot.

>> No.3696197

>we ruined /v/ so can we pls shit up /vr/ nao xDDD

no, go away

>> No.3696201


Who the fuck are you quoting chump?

>> No.3696202

But they are retro. It was two generations of video games ago.

>> No.3696203

Come thru, I rolled a fat blunt just for me and you. You like folk music? We can listen to some while we play some spyro.

>> No.3696204

Report and hide all rule changer posts.

>> No.3696206


Bro, humor is not your thing. I'm being honest, no harsh feelings.

And yeah, I've read your explanation. 4chan is a private site, it doesn't need to follow any chronologic law. By your same logic, some people could even whine about 7th gen being included. Fuck, PS4 is what, 4 years old now? For some people that's already retro/their childhood, who knows.

E-mail hiroyuki and stop trying to sound "sarcastic" on here with people older than you.

>> No.3696207

>having threads about the 6th gen
I know you're being protective but can you try and not be dumb?

>> No.3696210


You are doing it again

Who are you quoting?

>> No.3696212

i honestly believe the hatred of 6th gen is so high on this board if the rules ever changed to allow it /vr/ would get ddos'd

people on here would rather crash this board with no survivors

>> No.3696213


Both sides would do it.
The "winning" side would just make lots of threads false-flagging as anti-6th genners, and actual anti-6th genners will make false-flag threads like 10000 Halo threads and 8th gen remasters from 6th gen games.

Whichever side wins, /vr/ will be devastated.

/v2k/ is the only sane solution to this generational mess.

>> No.3696215

If humor isn't my thing, making assumptions definitely isn't yours

>> No.3696216
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>I have no rebuttal so I'll focus on muh greentexting incorrectly

>> No.3696218


Who the the fuck are you quoting?

Back to /v/

>> No.3696219

This is hilarious.
>10000 doom threads every day is ok
>10000 halo threads IS NOT OK DAMN 6TH GENNERS

>> No.3696221

no rebuttal still? ok.

>> No.3696223

If v2k is a thing then vr would have to be split up into 3 more boards tho

One for 70s, one for 80s and one for 90s
By your logic

>> No.3696224


How new are you? Doom threads (which aren't 10000, there's only a general) are generally disliked because people on there talk about Source ports of Doom and not actual /vr/ Doom.

Doom generals should be on /vg/ because they are, well, generals.

But besides that, you missed my point completely. Read again carefully.

>> No.3696225

Doom is fucking awesome, and there is only one thread up on it.

>> No.3696228

We already have a /vr/ board, no need to change it.

>> No.3696230


How so? /vr/ is 1999 and prior, and /v2k/ would be 2000 and after, sans current gen.

>> No.3696232

Just as there would be one thread up for halo.

Multiples are why janitors exits

>> No.3696234

I want true and honest answers

wch retro 2hu wud u fuq?

>> No.3696238

no, the doom, dragon quest and SaGa generals should be on /vg/
including 6th gen would only make things worse

>> No.3696240


That's now what he's saying, your logic would fit if he said we need a /v2k/ and a /v2k10/ board, but he didn't said that.

>> No.3696241

But there is, this is a board for retro gaming. This thread is all about including retro systems into the retro discussion.

Why would there be two retro gaming boards? That doesn't make sense and you know it.

>> No.3696242

who are you quoting?
Can you give one coherent reason why we need to do this? What harm could be done by adding the 6th gen? Besides being a jaded fuck?

>> No.3696243

It's been like 15 years dude.

>> No.3696246

What year was vr made

>> No.3696252
File: 283 KB, 650x529, Ff8_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hardcore fan with FF8, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!" This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works, but make sure you put the gun in your mouth for better accuracy, If you can't afford a gun, jump off a very VERY tall building, I wouldn't recommend pills because it's not a guaranteed method of dying, you could just get really really sick and be hospitalized." I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and purchased a gun (I'll even post the gun with receipt, if you want) But Friday I might actually kill himself because that dream just felt too fucking real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

>> No.3696257

Why would there be multiple retro boards tho?

This board is clinging to an outdated standard for the time that it was created.
6th gen is now retro, and this is /vr/, retro gaming. This is why the discussion exists and before you go into another loop about MUH 1999 read the first sentence of this paragraph again please.

>> No.3696261

>Besides being a jaded fuck?

Why did you need to add that? Being angry won't really solve your argument.

Anyway, my coherent reason is none other than seeing the current state of /vr/ vs 6th genners gives away that, whoever wins, this board will get destroyed. I'm not saying only you, 6th genners, will be guilty, the other side will also help destroy this board with falseflags and shitposts. Sadly this is a war that, no matter who wins, the board will get damaged.

I'm just trying to find the least harmful solution, and I think that's /v2k/.
In the meantime, I'm trying to advice people like you, who want 6th gen included, to stop making posts on here asking about it (because it's useless), and e-mail Hiroyuki instead, but it seems if I give this practical, objectively correct advice, it means I'm a "jaded fuck", so why do I even try?

>> No.3696262

Somehow you got my post twisted. I'm a halo fan.

>> No.3696267

You literally just posted a some jaded ass shit again.

I'm not even the anon you are replying to

>> No.3696269
File: 160 KB, 720x809, IMG-20161219-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>136 replies
>34 posters

>> No.3696271


>I'm not even the anon

Sure, you aren't.

>> No.3696276


Like pottery.

Anyway, MOOOOODS, I'm sure this shit fest has already enough reports, delete this shit already.

Those of you who are angry about /vr/'s rules, keep emailing Hiro, stop shitposting here.

>> No.3696278

Your solution with the v2k makes no sense, why would there be 2 seperate retro gaming boards, just so you can feel special about being a little older? That's being jaded man.

>> No.3696279

>it can't be multiple people against me no it HAS to be a samefag
hysterical. I'm the anon you're replying to btw, he said it for me so I didn't reply.

>> No.3696280

Dude, why do you keep arguing with us? We can't change shit.

Do you think one of us is actually Hiro in disguise or something? What do you seek to accomplish?

I'm being serious.

>> No.3696283

There's no rule about one post per anon.

It's almost like there's a discussion going on.....hmmmmm

>> No.3696284


So, are you going to email Hiroyuki, or you will keep calling people who tell you how this site works "jaded fucks"?

>> No.3696290

Seriously though, what's the problem with emailing the adming?
is it becasue gen Z doesn't actually know how to use e-mail accounts? I know "e-mails" are an outdated concept for newer generations, but I don't think Hiro uses instagram or whatsapp.

>> No.3696291

>When will this trio be considered /vr/ material?

>...This has to happen someday, right?

What was his end game /vr/?

>> No.3696293

>losing argument
oh my god dude, please stop. Hiro allows one topic for board discussion on each board.

>> No.3696301

I'm not arguing on how to change this board, I know the only way to get this change made is by a moderator.

We're bickering back and forth because of the jaded fucks who can't accept that it's not 1999 anymore and 6th gen is completely retro by now.

>> No.3696304

If we email do we suddenly get locked out of this thread or something?

>> No.3696305


What's wrong with advising to e-mail Hiro? He's the only person on this site who can actually make a change.

it's clear the waters are very, very divided here. There's no "winning" or "losing" and argument at this point, you won't convince me, and I won't convince you.

The difference is that one side is telling you how to actually make the change you want happen, while the other side only makes "arguments" like "jaded fucks" and "hahah how salty you will be".

>> No.3696307

You are being a jaded fuck though. Why are you bringing that up so much? Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.3696308

>I know the only way to get this change made is by a moderator.

Mods can't change anything, only Hiro, the admin of the site.

>We're bickering back and forth because of the jaded fucks who can't accept that it's not 1999 anymore and 6th gen is completely retro by now.

So you just want to fight with "jaded fucks" who don't agree with your opinion. Maybe you're not too different from the "jaded fucks" you hate so much.

>> No.3696309


>> No.3696312

>If we allow 6th gen, people who grew up with 7th gen (which was 10 years ago, there's already people over 18 who were kids when PS3 and 360 came out) will start whining about adding 7th gen as well.

That's already happening. But you'd have to argue only against people who want 7th gen here. And i think it is about time to update the rules

>almost 4 years since the creation of /vr/
>"Rules cannot change because that would make unhappy the people who were alive at the time"

>> No.3696315


You alone are the embodiment of why sixth gen should not be allowed on /vr/.

Look we get it ,you have your /v/ style posting take it with you back to /v/ and fuck off.

>> No.3696316

sorry I made you so upset. Maybe it's time to grow up.

>> No.3696317

Maybe those black peoples aren't too different from the racists who wanted Jim Crow laws to remain.

>> No.3696318

It doesn't matter. Maybe 'retro' was a bad name, the point of this board was to discuss old games because there was no space on /v/. It is not a matter of whether people are copying the games from that time or not.

>> No.3696321

So you're arguing for "le principle of the matter". If I say "you're right", will that make you shut up?

Only Hiro can change the rules, this whole thread is an autistic fit.

>> No.3696324


Not upset /v/ cross poster, it's just a shame that you want to ruin this board by turning it into /v/.

Faggots from /v/ already raped /vg/ to death with that horrendous /v/ mentality and now /vr/ is next.

>> No.3696326

Well you would be telling the truth, so there's that.

>> No.3696328

>The year is 2000 and that's NEVER changing
Why not? If that makes the board better, then there is no excuse. VR is a really slow board, you won't miss your daily doom threads because of allowing PS2, that will never change, but what would change is giving room to other games that were released a bit later and that noone can discuss on v.

You are afraid, that's the only reason you can yell "NEVER". But it is very childish to refuse any change based on the imposibility of modifying rules. That's stupid.

>> No.3696329

>le /v/ boogeyman

>> No.3696330

But /vr/ is for retro gaming.
Explain how talking about retro gaming would destroy a board called retro gaming

>> No.3696331

>gc retro
I don't want melee threads being spammed fucking everywhere

>> No.3696335

I think Hiro oversees every board secretly. So if I can convince enough jaded fools to cause a revolution. He'll notice.

He may even be reading this thread.

>> No.3696336

Actually there are a lot of people who want to discuss these consoles.

A funny thing that happens right now is to post an old videogame to end up discussing a newer installment, Game Cube included. You faggots don't make a fuss because you know that otherwise complaints against the rules would get more common.

>> No.3696337


But you would be fine with Halo or GTA San Andreas?

Bro check out this sick GTASA mod I just got, you can kill zombie nazis hehe!

>> No.3696338


The PS2 is not "retro" it was just discontinued in 2013.

>> No.3696340

But we can't change those rules, so yeah it really is never.

You just have to learn to accept it.

>> No.3696341

it was also conceived in 2000. Do you really want to argue semantics? lmao.

>> No.3696343


>> No.3696345


>> No.3696348

Complain about the rules, go ahead.

Nothing can change. This isn't a democracy.

>> No.3696349


Yup 16 years ago, come back in four years for now fuck off back to /v/ with you.

>> No.3696351

You're so cute.

You really believe rule changes are done by consensus.

>> No.3696352

yeah no that's not how it works, sorry.

>> No.3696358

you know what's cute? you dude. Why are you furiously typing and samefagging this much? If it's truly never why don't you just fuck off and hide the thread?
Or maybe you're feeling threatened?

>> No.3696359

Who the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.3696360

>You understand the following?
There must be more autists than "rules changer", because the main argument against changing the rules up to now i that "new gens are not retro".

But for the people whose main complain is that there are noone to update the rules, i'm happy that we can make ourselves understand. Let's contact Hiro to change the rules, or simply don't report threads with our newer and updated rules, since moderation seems to be the only issue here.

>> No.3696361

Are you drunk?

>> No.3696363

Next year, probably. The tears from the butthurt oldfags will be delicious.

>> No.3696365

>Or maybe you're feeling threatened?
The rules don't change by consensus, I have 0% to fear even if 100% of the board agreed with you.

>> No.3696368

Someone who just wants to talk about retro games. That's all.

>> No.3696370

Well that's never going to happen.

>> No.3696373

Electronics stores carried stacks of brand new PS2 Slims systems,accessories and video games until the systems world wide discontinuing.

>> No.3696374

Rules are influenced by consensus.
Enough attention, eventually change.

>> No.3696376

Well you can't do that for 2000 and ahead games here, I suggest you find a board where you can.

>> No.3696378

>I'm not threatened!
>continues to reply to every post with NO IT'LL NEVER WORK NEVER EVER

>> No.3696379

What's your point. Ps2 was made in 2000. it's longevity doesn't take away from the fact that 6th gen is now retro.

>> No.3696381


Not here buddy, only Hiro can change the rules and the janitors can't pick and choose the rules they enforce. You're delusional.

These threads can't change anything. It's all a waste of time.

>> No.3696383

Refer to the post you originally replied to.

>> No.3696385

Do you think Hiro posts on this board?

>> No.3696387

can you adopt a trip so I can filter you already?

>> No.3696389

What you want to talk about is against the rules, please stop cluttering this board. Meta discussions are useless and talking about the PS2 is perfectly welcome on /r/retrogaming, where I'm sure you'd feel more comfortable.

>> No.3696393

These marches on Washington won't change a thing, these black people are wasting their time. Only the president/congress can make changes here.

>> No.3696396

lmao you cant make this shit up. Can you stop being a jaded fuck?

>> No.3696397

I don't see where you're trying to go with this

>> No.3696398

The board that we are currently on?

>> No.3696401

But the US is a democracy. Not this board. It's a fascist dictatorship and only the emperor makes the rules.

And stop being such a nigger-lover, you cuck.

>> No.3696402

Of course you don't whitey, you jus like oppressing us black folk.

>> No.3696408


>These marches on Washington
>black people

Civil rights movement, what the fuck? You know what I might have been wrong this time, this seems to be a case of tumblr or whatever the fuck it is.

>> No.3696409

We can discuss it and try to contact hiro to make some changes. The first thing that is needed is some consensus, and then some emailing or a thread on /q/. I don't know what do i have to accept, maybe you think 4chan hasn't changed in ages, which is stupid.

>Le democracy meme

>> No.3696410

Can you stop creating threads that flagrantly violate the rules so you can pretend to have a meta-discussion? I know you're more comfortable on reddit, but we don't do this here. There's no 'mod' for you to talk to, there's no difference you can make. There's already a board for talking about Halo, and it's /v/ or /vg/.
Are you serious?

>> No.3696412

>/pol/ tier post
>"USA is a democracy"
>NEVER EVER autist is actually a low quality /v/ shitposter
huh. who would've thought?

>> No.3696414

What is /mlp/ and how did it get here.

>> No.3696417

Huh? What the fuck are you even talking about?!

>> No.3696419

>The tears from the butthurt oldfags will be delicious.

This is the only reason people like you want the rules to change, to make other anons "butthurt". You don't really give a fuck about discussing 6th gen, because if you wanted you could already do it on /v/ and /vg/

>> No.3696420

>he thinks USA isn't democratic
get a load of this retard

>> No.3696421

They emailed Moot.

Also Moot cared a thousand times more than Hiro.

>> No.3696423

>stop pretending to have a meta-discussion
what does this even mean? Hiro allows meta discussion, and discussing about changing the rules is allowed.
we can take this to /qa/ or something later to see what the collective board thinks. For now, you're contributing absolutely 0.

>> No.3696426


>> No.3696427

Let's write a mail to Hiro one word a time:

Dear Hiro:

>> No.3696429

wch 2hu wud u fuq?

>> No.3696430



>> No.3696431

>he thinks the USA is a democracy
I'll only make one reply because I don't want to derail the thread but the US is not a democracy. It's a representative republic. People choose for you.

>> No.3696435


>> No.3696436


Reminds me of the day admin made /gif/ porn oriented only.

>> No.3696442

When that happens i hope the board splinters off into another sub forum just for ps1 and ps2 era stuff.

>> No.3696443

Meta-discussions are for reddit, talking about games and consoles from '99 or earlier is for /vr/. You literally already have a board for talking about what you want to, just go there, what is your problem?

>> No.3696446

That era will never be 'retro'. Its part of an era of gaming that is still going strong. The 'cutsceneshit' era.

>> No.3696452

>implying cutsceneshit didn't start in the 90s thanks to CD systems

haha holy shit, how delusional can /vr/ get

>> No.3696453

Can you just stop?

>> No.3696459

You want him to stop, just as he fucking destroyed your argument? That's cute.

>> No.3696463

We weren't even arguing, that poster is just supremely obnoxious. Repeatedly saying 'HOW ___ CAN /VR/ GET?' isn't destroying anyone you samefagging asshat. What's really super cute when you come over from the FIFA general and think your discussions are allowed or relevant.

>> No.3696467

>points out flaw in your statement
I am convinced you are retarded.

>> No.3696468


The ps2 era signals the end of gaming that focused on gameplay first and more focus placed on story and other gameplay-interrupting fluff. This era also began a trend of dumbing the difficulty of games to make them more approchable for weaksauce trophy babbys and casuals.

>> No.3696469

I am convinced that you've lost your way from reddit, baby. it's over here www.reddit.com

>> No.3696470

Honestly if this guy believes that rules can be changed by consensus, there's nothing we can ever post to sway his opinion.

Just report and ignore him and hope the janitor bans him quickly.

>> No.3696471

There's a board you can post on if you want to discuss 6th gen. Fuck off faggots.

>> No.3696474

No rules have been broken here so goooooooood luck on that

>> No.3696478

can you give some examples of games like this or are you just going to keep making shit up?

>> No.3696480

Discussion of post '99 consoles and games is against the rules.

>> No.3696482

>get ass handed to you
every time.

>> No.3696483

One thread to discuss board rules is allowed. Lmao

>> No.3696484

More like the 'shitro' gaming era. Lololololol.

>> No.3696489

Give us gen6 or give us death.

>> No.3696493

Yeah, you've got one >>>/qa/908017

>> No.3696496


(that actually happened, and his wish was granted)

>> No.3696502

Please, allow ps2 discussion. I'd love to shit on every thread that pops up. :)

>> No.3696503

It's christmas eve guys, the kiddos are going to be here for a couple days.
just wait a week or two and /vr/ should go back to normal

>> No.3696508

Oh shit, you're totally right. I guess I forgot what day it was. Thanks, friend.

>> No.3696509

I sense what he's talking about but I'll suck at explaining it

The culture and style of video games on the ps2/gc/xbox are similar to what we have today. And they have a lot more in common with the consoles after them than consoles before them.

>> No.3696510
File: 89 KB, 640x880, 640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw is happening
Make /vr/ great again.

>> No.3696512

Theres already a board to discuss those consoles.


>> No.3696515

>Implying kids doesn't have by default more free time than adults.

Good try.

>> No.3696518

>any challenge to my retro gaming board are just children posting!
wow you really are a jaded fuck aren't you?

>> No.3696521

If you keep using that word, it's going to lose its meaning.

>> No.3696523

We should actually exclude the PS1 from /vr/ discussion as well. But not Saturn or N64.

>> No.3696527

>It'll happen. just like civil rights happened. Take a guess what side you are on.

What the fuck am I reading. You have a dream that 6th gen consoles can be talked about on an anonymous message board? You're on the side of history? Kill yourself.

>> No.3696529


Ok guys, thread's over.

All of those who want or not 6th gen included in /vr/ go there and make a formal request. All of those who don't give a fuck can keep doing whatever they were doing.

>> No.3696536

Anyone who tries to rationalize not letting certain retro console to be discussed on a retro gaming board is a jaded fuck. They are all jaded. They encountered a squeaker on halo 2 back in the day and haven't shut the fuck up about it since. That's why they don't want 6th gen here. They want to hide in their own little nostalgia circle and that's it.

>> No.3696538

Sonybabbys should get their own board.


>> No.3696540

It's already retro, but there'll never be enough momentum to force a change because the strongly anti-6th gen people don't actually care what's retro, they just don't like them