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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3689617 No.3689617 [Reply] [Original]

So /vr/, what's the current best handheld for emulation?

My hacked PSP of 5 years is finally dying, and I looked into things and discovered the strange possibility that the best emu-handheld may still possibly be a PSP running CFW, which is really odd.

Problem is all I give a shit about are results. Sure, there are handhelds out there with way better specs, but the reality is a hacked PSP can still play everything Generation 4 and below IN ADDITION to the fact that it also plays PSX games near perfectly and of course ISO-loaders for PSP games perfectly. If you give no shits about piracy it still seems like the best device for a pure "what it can actually do" perspective. Especially for GBA emulation the PSP is absolutely GOAT, the only time I ever preferred playing an emulator over the original.

So my question is this: Am I wrong? Because I actually want to be wrong. Is there a handheld out there that actually matches this thing? How is 3DS emulation in comparison.

>> No.3689652

Vita can do most things the PSP can do (it can literally install and run PSP homebrew/games as if it was a PSP) and more. It was only recently blown open, so most things are still in development. Right now it already does GBA and SNES emulation better across the board, and with some more development, it should also be able to do playable N64 and DS emulation in the future. Native PSX emulation will be unlocked in February, until then there's a RA emu available that works fine for most games.

Plenty of PSP games and even some PSX games (Ape Escape) play better on the Vita due to the availability of a second joystick. Of course you also have access to vita piracy if you care about that.

Granted, right now, the Vita is significantly more expensive than a PSP and it can't do a whole lot more yet in terms of retro. So if you don't care at all about PSP/vita/dual joystick PSX, you might as well just stay with a PSP.

>> No.3689662

gpd win

>> No.3689670

Before I leave I also want to mention that emu on the 3ds is fucking awful. Literally worse than the PSP in every goddamn way. It can run some things (GBA and I believe SNES?) natively, but only to an extent. Some games straight up don't work. Anything past gen 4 is a pipedream Avoid like the plague.

>> No.3689694

Psp is the only non PC non android thing to emulate arcade games flawlessly, at least cps and neogeo. That, and native PS1 emulation, makes it my favorite emulation portable even after all these years

>> No.3689701

>>Plenty of PSP games and even some PSX games (Ape Escape) play better on the Vita due to the availability of a second joystick. Of course you also have access to vita piracy if you care about that.

I thought Vita doesn't have iso loaders yet?

Because if it does, then yes that makes it significantly better.

>> No.3689706
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This. Right here. Is amazing about it.

Considering the specs of the PSP I still have no fucking clue how they managed to get CPS2/Neogeo2 running flawlessly.

The fact that you can play shit like garou mark of the wolves on a PSP and have it run at 60fps is amazing.


>> No.3689719

>RA emu

a wat

>> No.3689723

You can install dumped vita games as homebrew and they'll play flawlessly as long as you do the save fix (Google it if you care). Not a real ISO loader, but it works. Major flaw is that you can't play any games, even if they're legit, that requires firmware 3.61+.

It does have a ISO loader for PSP though. You can run most PSP games through the native PSPemu now, using Adrenalin. I think there are a few games that don't work for whatever reason, and native PSX emulation isn't cracked yet, but the developer will continue working on it in February.

The Vita is shaping up to be a great multi game system nowadays. It's only problem is the fucking expensive storage.

>> No.3689728

RetroArch, new friend. PCSX-ReARMed to be exact.

>> No.3689731

PSP Go is probably the best in terms of portability, but >>3689652 seems to be the best right now in terms of capability.

I've been wanting to buy one of the older Vita models because they have that sexy LED screen, but they're still expensive as fuck.

>> No.3689842


Never liked PSP Go controls.

PS Vita looks promising though. If the full crack goes anywhere near the level of PSP homebrew scene it's going to be god tier.

>> No.3689910

I still use a PSP almost daily for gaming. It is still perhaps the best handheld for retro emulation out there. Installing CFW and the emus is easy. PSPs are damn cheap to buy too.

I'm not sure how well Vita can emulate buy you'll have to know beforehand that firstly, emus are still in development (whereas PSP are long finished and stable) and the fact that you'll have to pay a lot more cash.

Someone mentioned PSP Go here but I hated that, it was difficult to use and had a smaller screen, and IIRC it has a few issues with certain emulation software (correct me if I'm wrong)

So I'd say, stick with a PSP. If you *really* want an alternative, check out the GPD Win (Win 7) and Dragonbox Pyra (Debian Linux) handhelds/netbooks - but then again you'll have to pay a lot more money, even more than Vita. Good ol' PSP is your friend.

>> No.3690021

It's not really that odd. If you were looking through your 5+ year old bookmarks.

>> No.3690083

So name a better one then

>> No.3690201

Your moms phone.

>> No.3690215

Phones and their batteries were not intended for gaming. You're going to drain the thing within an hour.

>> No.3690241

>my mom has a clapped out old iphone 4.
That's not the only clapped out old thing she's got

>> No.3690291
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>some PSX games (Ape Escape) play better on the Vita due to the availability of a second joystick.
Just saying but there's a remake of Ape Escape 1 in the PSP, the controls are more adapted to it.

>> No.3690427

>N64 and DS emulation
Not likely. Emulation software of those two consoles are pretty bad on nearly all platforms. I mean, Drastic does a better job on a Mali 400 phone I have lying around than my old laptop. I mean, it is a laptop and it is old but still it is much better than a phone.

The chances of someone writing emulators from ground up for those systems is slim to none and Drastic is closed sourced.

Personally, a stable release of RetroArch is good enough for me so I am waiting for that while pirating Vita games and emulating stuff. Now if only memory card prices like you said wasn't ass. 8 gb just isn't enough ;_;

>> No.3690429

>The chances of someone writing emulators from ground up for those systems is slim to none and Drastic is closed sourced.

Emulators for Vita I mean.

>> No.3690590

>I still have no fucking clue how they managed to get CPS2/Neogeo2 running flawlessly.
As long as you write good code you can make things run on a toaster.
Have you tried the Doom/Heretic/Hexen PSP homebrews? They'll blow your fucking mind, smooth, stable 60 FPS, it's almost like playing the real things. Same thing with other stuff like Powder and the CPS2/NeoGeo emulators.

I'm not a piratefag but I can't wait for people to get more emulators and homebrews running on the Vita, the psp alone was pure wizardry, imagine the possibilities with a Vita, having those perfect controls and great Oled display.

>> No.3690607

N3DS is has a higher base clock than the Vita so emulators run better. The N3DS also has a 240p screen which is perfect for emulation, everything SNES and down run at fullspeed minus fx chip games. Also the Vita OLED screen is prone to burn in for 4:3 games so that's a huge issue. The only thing the Vita is better at is PS1 emulation thanks to Sony's emulator, but even then not every game works unless you're in PSP mode.

>> No.3690625


PSP is shit compared to android.

>> No.3690635
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>> No.3690646

Android is shit. The lack of physical keys on a smartphone is already bad enough, let alone software wise. A real gamer would never use an Android to emulate.

>> No.3690654

I know its not necessarily retro, but does anyone here have a Revo K101+?

>> No.3690927

How is that even bait, psp snes emulation is laughable in comparison.

Don't tell me you think a psp is seriously more powerful than most Android phones on the market these days.
Not to mention android has way better emulators.

>> No.3690958

top kek dude, it's not about power it's about playability. Have fun on your touchscreen or meme-mount for your dualshock.

>> No.3690970

My vita ticks all these boxes.
Albeit my first and only experience with handheld emulators i think henkaku is awesome. They're still working on optimizing alot of the retroarch ports, at this stage GBA and PSX have fairly buggy sound but previous generations are flawless so far. I'm looking forward to more compatability with NDS and PSP emu support

>> No.3690980

A Pyra if it ever comes out

>> No.3690981

If you can properly admin your device you can control what runs and thusly its discharge rate

>> No.3691367

Protip: don't use millennial words if you want to be taken seriously. You're right. Don't ruin it with that shit.

>> No.3691374

Protip: Don't use the word millennial if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.3691420

Is SNES emulation on the PSP actually bad? How can it be so bad, or is it just some autistic fucks who can't get over some slight gfx glitches?

>> No.3691429

GPD xd.
It is an Android handheld with gamming controls. It runs pretry much everything before ps2 era.

>> No.3691447

It's actually pretty unbearable. I don't buy into the emulation is the worst thing ever, OG console or bust meme but the slowdown on action games is actually unbearable.
It's pretty simple, the PSP isn't really powerful enough to run SNES games, the original 3ds can't handle them either.

>> No.3691520

can someone recommend me some emulators for NES and game boy color?

for some reason retroach just freezes every time I try to save or load savestates, and the games get wiped clean as soon as you quit

>> No.3691526


on the PSP

>> No.3691540
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I love this thing

>> No.3691965

>taken seriously by a millennial
Toppest of keks kid. Pic related is all the fucks I give.

>> No.3691969

What is it?

>> No.3691976

when's the last time you've tried snes on an o3ds? there's a port of snes9x built for it that is quite good for what it is

>> No.3691982

Who are you quoting?

>> No.3691984

Shitty Chinese handheld with an explosive battery. Don't bother with it.

>> No.3691994

See I've been using GB Micro for GBA, NES, Sega, and GB. It's great.

For more, I have a PSP, and if I need more than that, I have shit on TV's with comfy controllers.

Micro does it for most shit and is tiny though.

>> No.3692126

>and it can't do a whole lot more yet in terms of retro

It can play Wild Guns at almost a consistent 60FPS without frameskipping which is enough for me.

>> No.3692129

You know god damn well who he was quoting you memeing underaged fuckwad.


Stay there until your balls drop kiddo you're not welcome here.

>> No.3692208

>Hurr only underage play modern video games!

You're the only one memeing, friend.

>> No.3692247

>Which underage autist are you quoting?

>> No.3692264

You're no older than 20.

>> No.3692273

Can run Yoshi's Island at fullspeed tho.

>> No.3692284

I wish they'd make a handheld with the Vita's layout already. The GPD XD seems swell (apart from its battery), but it uses the same crap layout as the 3DS which is shite for nearly all retro games.

>> No.3692293
File: 35 KB, 500x500, GPD-Q9-PSV-1_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the model before the XD, the Q9

Same internal specs too

>> No.3692294

And there's nothing wrong with the battery from what I've seen

>> No.3692295

Too big, looks like the Wii U gamepad. Perhaps if I used a backpack I'd consider it portable.

It's still a step in the right direction though.

It dies permanently if you use the wrong type of USB to charge the system.

>> No.3692382

More that double that kiddo. Project much?

>> No.3694238

what do you think of my psp? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSBbTQ5dmIk&t=5s

>> No.3694261

nice, i have on my psp 30 psp and 10 psx games. have only a 32gb Memory Card, but works all this games on your psp? you should test it

>> No.3694268

Not really. When you compare RA emulators you'll realize that vita is much faster than n3ds. N3DS doesn't have to emulate GBA and it has a very capable snes emulator as you say. However, since RA has integer scaling and some lighter shaders aren now possible + dat OLED it really looks nice.
Burn-in isn't much of an issue desu.

I'd say you can't go wrong with either but buying N3DS or PSVITA solely to emulate is a waste.

>> No.3694276

Your phone with a clip on controller.

>> No.3694332

Enjoy your red hot phone after 30 minutes of play.

>> No.3694483

It all works fine there is only 2 downsides when you select the game menu from the home screen it pauses for like 3 seconds to load everything the other downside is the fact memory cards that large cost like £80

>> No.3694560

yeah, nor greatest generation, silent generation, boomers, gen x, or gen y.

It's a word to describe a generation, but you make it sound like it means the same thing as hipster or something.

>> No.3694906

What button do I press on PSP to change the shoulder buttons from L1R1 to L2R2 or to change the analog nub from left stick to right stick?

>> No.3695271

No, the 3DS' 240p screen is horrible for emulation. Why? Because it isn't a 4:3 screen, so your only options are keeping it in a distorted 8:7 "pixel-perfect" mode or stretching the image to 4:3, but due to the 3DS' low screen resolution the latter will lead to bilinear filtering over some really shoddy scaling. On the Vita you can do an integer scale and still have a crisp, clear image.

This meme is overblown, and there is a Slim model with an IPS screen.

Also I should mention that the Vita has the best D-pad to ever grace a handheld. The 3DS' D-pad, sadly, is in a horrible spot due to Nintendo giving priority to the Circle-pad. It feels like utter shit and will make your hands cramp up after extended use.

>> No.3695885

errr is there a button to do that?

>> No.3696123

>Autism Personified: The Post

>> No.3696250

People on /hbg/ like to complain about the RA snes and gba cores running like shit, I guess that's changed? I'll take a OLED panel over my shitty TN display any day, so you got me there.

>> No.3697024

Listen little shitface, don't you EVER memetext at me like that again cause I will fucking end you immediately. Now get the fuck off of my board you underaged shit for brains before I force you off.

>> No.3697241

Look out lads we've got a real bad ass here.

>> No.3697314


I mean they do have legit Android game console portables. Some of which are literally in a PSP case.

I dunno if they are any good though

>> No.3697351

Can't you get microSD adapters for the PSP memory cards though?

>> No.3698036

I think the Vita might die with the release of the Switch, so it could be open for hacking and would be a nice successor to the PSP. Though the memory cards might still be very expensive.

>> No.3698183
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>I think the Vita might die with the release of the Switch

This is so hilariously stupid.
Let me be very clear about this so that you won't be able to turn this into a non retro consolewars shitposting competition, I owned both a 3DS(now sold) and a Vita, I have no bias against either and enjoyed both, at least until the 3DS stopped getting games I liked.
/v/ and all the videogame boards have been calling the Vita a failure for years and praising Nintendo at the same time, let me remind you once again that the fucking Wii U got discontinued after barely four years while the Vita is still selling despite all the fuck ups from Sony and 4chan memes and they have no plans to discontinue it anytime soon.
To this day the Vita sells by sheer third party support alone, which is greater than the 3DS for the record, whereas the Wii U was so catastrophically bad on that they had to discontinue it, and now you come out and say the successor to the Wii U, which is repeating its very same mistake, might kill the Vita? You'll need some kind of planetary alignement for that. The Vita sells in japan, the only reason why Sony is bothering releasing new firmware is that it's selling steadily and people buy games, despite them fucking it up royally, which means Nintendo fucked up the Wii U much harder than Sony did with the Vita, which is actually impressive. Why do you think they still havent discontinued the 3DS and explicitly said it won't compete with the Switch? Because they know the Switch is a huge gamble to begin with and they desperately need a safety net, if it catches on they'll be fine, if it's a Wii U 2.0 they'll be in deep shit.

And no way Sony is gonna lower their guard on the Vita, the thing is making profit despite what this shithole says, they've pulled two fimware updates in two months just to show how much they "care".

>> No.3698194

>Some of which are literally in a PSP case.
Sauce me

>> No.3698201
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Perfect PSX, some N64 (Mario, Zelda and GoldenEye run fine, Conker's runs like shit, but thats to be expected)
Also phone.

Not phone, but a bit more power in clamshell NDS-like case is GPD XD.

>> No.3698424

>The fact that you can play shit like garou mark of the wolves on a PSP and have it run at 60fps is amazing.

Is it possible to have multiplayer on a hacked PSP?

Can two PSPs play together a game by WiFi or Bluetooth?

>> No.3698427


Who cares nintendo makes smartphone games now.

>> No.3698440


>> No.3698447

How is it dying?

>> No.3698450

>mobile internet

>> No.3698475

Snes9x Euphoria runs Megaman X and Wild Guns perfectly.

The only problem is that it freezes games if I go to the menu while playing, and the savestates dont work, so its a piece of shit. I need one that works.

>> No.3698495

Home button, Controller settings.
If you're on a vita, help yourself to the analogs, I don't own one.

>> No.3698528

probably a psp with a ds3 controller with one of those phone holder things

>> No.3698546

So, /vr/, what's the best model of PSP to hack into an emulation machine? I have the original PSP-1000 fat (owned it since the midnight of its release and it still looks brand-new except for some dust that's gotten between the screen and the case over the years), but I hear the 2000 and 3000 models both have better screens.

Or considering it's now finally getting hacked and homebrewed, is it time to invest in a Vita?

>> No.3698572

3000 or E1000. The Go is great too if you don't mind the form factor.

The 2000 was an overall mediocre revision. Its screen is still pretty terrible and the D-pad is just meh.

>Or considering it's now finally getting hacked and homebrewed, is it time to invest in a Vita?
If you can find a model running firmware 3.60 or below, go for it.

>> No.3699372

With Vita being hacked and most if not all of PSP homebrew working on it, is PSTV a good choice if all you want is a cheap compact system to emulate on TV and don't need portability?

>> No.3699458

Yeah, especially since the PSTV has been discontinued. It's super cheap and you can buy it new without worrying if it's running a firmware above 3.60.

>> No.3699610

Any guides on figuring out which firmware each model is running out of the box? I wouldn't mind one of those spiffy Japanese compact models.

>> No.3699620

my trusty old PSP is still emulating everything i care about perfectly

maybe if vita gets a decent DS/N64 emulation down the line (which i doubt) i'll get one, but theres just something about the psp that i cant replace. perfect size/button positioning/fit for my hand

>> No.3699654

I still have my psp1000 which still works since it barely got used.
It's hacked, with gb/c/a emulators and some psx jrpg's.
The square button was always a bit fucky by design, but still functional
Am I missing out on much by not having a 2000/3000/Go?

>> No.3699679


Yes, but be careful -- the one I have cracked within a few weeks and if I'm not careful with it, the SD card doesn't seat correctly.

>> No.3699790

Either the GPD XD, or probably now the Vita, if you can get one on 3.60

Probably the XD, if you can afford it.

>> No.3699794

Any new, unopened Vita currently on sale is running 3.55 or below.

>> No.3700535

bump for curiosity