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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3683071 No.3683071 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your biggest regrets when it comes to collecting /vr/?

>Selling my CIB copy of paper mario for $30 in '05
>selling my mega drive and it's collection of games for $100 back in '07 to buy a wii

>> No.3683081
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I doubt there'd be bigger regrets than parting with your old stuff...

>Sold NES and the 3-4 games I had for it back in the 90's for like 5 bucks at a garage sale

>Had an entire collection of PS1 games I sold for barely 300 dollars on eBay about 12 years ago (mostly RPGs like Xenogears and Valkyrie Profile).

>Bought some of those titles back in flea markets and old video stores over the years, but they all have cracks and super-glued price stickers.

>> No.3683087

sold my N64 for 50$

>> No.3683106
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Sold a boxed Earthbound with strategy guide on eBay for $150.

Also used to work at an entertainment exchange in 2008 that had an amazing Genesis stock that no one ever bought from because no one gave a hoot about Sega games back then. I go there now and they have no Sega games whatsoever.

What offsets the regret somewhat is that I got my hands on a CDX that I still have to this day.

>> No.3683120

not keeping every box and paper, I have a lot of consoles and games and would be sitting on a cib aero fighters and e.v.o if I had forsight when I was 10

Also trading earthbound for chrono trigger right after 5th gen launched.

>> No.3683121

buying in person
local retro shops are complete shit, if I was patient enough to wait for a couple days shipping I wouldn't have to deal with all the broken hardware, wasted money, nonreturnable purchases, fedora tipping retards, pompous assholes that think that telling people to fuck off for returning broken games is somehow good business, paying above market price for games, waiting for calls for things to come in (not once have they ever given a call), nigger-rigged ps2 disc readers, controllers whose insides were rusting and rotting off, being charged double at the counter for no reason, and finally, being given a chink power adapter at an extremely incorrect voltage

four different retro shitter shops before I learned my lesson, fuck me to hell, OP's pic related

>> No.3683128

>Trading my copy of Final Fantasy II for Metroid Prime: Echoes. Especially when the fag is now "hurr durr emulation only"
>Selling my Dreamcast, Shenmue, Evolution, and PSO to help buy a PS2
>Trading 3 of my GB/C games for Hybrid Heaven. Pokemon Red and Dragon Quest 1&2 are all I can remember.
>Selling FF7 and 8 to help buy PS2 games. This didn't feel like a loss to me at the time because my PS2 has always had this problem of never being able to properly play PS1 games. It makes this disgusting sound when I put one in. I didn't regret this until I found out the PS3 could play PS1 games.

>> No.3683812
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> selling your retro vidya
> ever

You disgust me OP.

>> No.3683949
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>Selling Mega Man X2 in a lot for $75
>Not buying Demon's Crest for $5
>Not buying CastleVania Dracula X for $25

>> No.3684001

>got rid of a big box copy of Riven
>had a NES with Athletic World and The Dream Master but gave it away
>same with Link's Awakening DX for GBC
>sold N64 with a bunch of games like Majora's Mask, Mario Kart 64 and Smash Bros.

Oh well. Most of those things are emulated well nowadays except for Riven. I believe the latter has gotten a GOG release but I haven't checked that yet. I regret it a little but I think I could have done worse.

>> No.3684015

You can buy it back for that much.

>> No.3684705

5 years ago I unloaded my entire collection. My reasoning was I'd emulate anything I wanted to play. And that's true, even when I had the games and consoles right next to me I'd just emulate them when I got the itch.

Now that I have my own house I really wish I kept the collection.

>> No.3684708

Never understood why someone would sell one of their systems and all of the games just to get the new hot system with no games, just fucking save up for two or three weeks. It's a video game console, not a car. You could get that much working part time as a fucking walmart greeter. But nope, better sell all my old OOP video games to buy a wii.

>> No.3684712

I regret selling some of my N64 games before going away to boarding school. It was such a fucking retarded thing to do. PS2 gen had long since started, how was I supposed to know I'd end up a manchild who'd need his vidya forever?

But yeah, the very next year I realised how dumb that was. I lost Perfect Dark, nWo Revenge and fucking Smash Bros. Dumbest thing I ever did.

>> No.3684836

You'd be singing a different song if you were in college at the time. WAGGLIN' may seem dumb now but when that shit first came out it was hypnotic siren call that i NEEDED to get my hands on

>> No.3684840

sold my copies of MUSHA usa, one in 91, and another one in 94 for like 60$ a pop. i am so stupid!

>> No.3684915

They were selling them at funcoland for 20 dollars each during 98-00

>> No.3684958

you dun goofed big anon, especially if EB had the box and guide

>> No.3684967
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>selling my mega drive and it's collection of games for $100 back in '07 to buy a wii

>> No.3684979
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Got gifted an N64 in the box with a fuck ton of games all boxed (Including Conker, OoT and RE2) and I binned all the boxes.

>> No.3685006

Colleges have plenty of on-campus jobs that'll let you earn some cash. That anon's argument stands.

>> No.3685031

My butt
>hurr I can't wait to blow my weekend earning $7.25 an hour at work-study
said no uni student ever

>> No.3685041

There is something off about not having YOUR original copy.
I just don't have the same connection to games that I repurchased.

This is one reason (of many) why I just just do shit thru emulation anymore.

>> No.3685047

You selled before the retro meme and hipsterfags starting to rise upthe price

>> No.3685051

I sold my megaman collection...1,2,3,4,5,x,x2 just recently and...also my genesis and super Famicom...my super Famicom game collection..and...I couldn't be happier mua hah!

Fuck that rotting old hardware. It hardly worked when I was a kis because of bad pin connectors and the like, happy to see it go.

Now I just play my retro games in a Wii with a commodore monitor and I couldn't be happier. It wasn't the hubk of silicon and plastic that made me happy, its what was on it.