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File: 2.41 MB, 1534x2100, 2389636-genesis_valisiii_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3682097 No.3682097 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of the Valis series?

No not the Visual Novel where they all get horribly raped.

>> No.3682108

Better games than Rondo of Blood in my opinion.

>> No.3682114

The PCE CD version of 3 is more challenging than the megadrive port though. Enemies are more random and there are more stages.

>> No.3682126

Great soundtracks on the PCD-CD versions.

>> No.3682127


>> No.3682131

decent, but I prefer Exile

>> No.3682135

I'd love to play Exile if Working Designs hadn't completely fucked the difficulty curve in Exile 2.

>> No.3682149

not Rusty

>> No.3682157

Never cared for them on turbografx, and hated them on Genesis

They tend to get preferential treatment because the Turbo CD barely had platformers other than Rondo.

I do like Exile though.

>> No.3682183 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 346x500, 1481937082661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Valis

>> No.3682185

>dat 30fps
>dat lousy hit detection
>most of the costumes you collect are pointless

>> No.3682192


Don't forget the flawless translation job!

>> No.3682194
File: 17 KB, 360x270, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Genesis and SNES versions; found them to be mediocre.
I sure did like the artwork in one game magazine ad though. I could gaze at Yuuko's pretty face all day.
I can't seem to find a scan of that ad now. It's not the one with the ugly American cover art, and not the one with someone's mom cosplaying. I remember Yuuko's face taking up a big chunk of the page. Pretty sure it was the art in this image.

>> No.3682197

>Visual Novel where they all get horribly raped
That sounds more interesting than the games.

>> No.3682215

Nobody has ever fucking heard of it

>> No.3682216

Give a chance to the PC Engine games, the SNES Valis in particular is REALLY terrible.

>> No.3682226
File: 145 KB, 640x480, Chamartwork3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3682227

Those games have a handful of really good and memorable music tracks, the consoles counterparts are overall terrible, though.

>> No.3682230


>> No.3682243

I can't get Legend of the Fantasm Soldier working on mednafen, only on Magic Engine.
Must be a faulty iso.

>> No.3682256

None of the games are perfect, but they're pretty great.

>> No.3682278

Yeah was just looking at PCE videos.
It seems better than I remember.

>> No.3682360
File: 49 KB, 401x400, valis1-cover-pce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valis III, IV and the PC Engine remake of the original game are all good games.

I don't care about the rest.

>> No.3682398

Valis II on X68k is pretty cool too.

>> No.3682410

looks like shit

>> No.3682413

I have the Genesis Valis III an it's... okay. Physics are fucking weird, I hate the jump arc and you move so very, very slowly.

I like the concept and the setting though.

>> No.3682594

So don't play the WD release.

>> No.3682603

I second this, what's that one called?

>> No.3682610

Valis X

>> No.3682625


It's not good, even for porn

>> No.3682743

Famicom one is confusing as shit

>> No.3683095

>almost no pron
it sucks

>> No.3683171
File: 663 KB, 2592x1944, Frequent_feminine_figure_features.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal bikini and pauldrons/spaulders ... and I legitimately want the visual novel, Valis X.

>> No.3683197

It's pretty boring as far as Orc /Monster Rape porn goes.

>> No.3683271

I'll translate your job, m8!

>> No.3684861

Link or it didn't happen.

>> No.3685203


>> No.3685208


>> No.3685303

I like eroge and would have been happy to see an actual Valis platformer with gameover bad end animations but instead they made those novel-games with crappy art.

>> No.3685312

Is this named after the Phillip K Dick novel Valis?

>> No.3685476

Doesn't work....

>> No.3685523
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>> No.3686073


>> No.3686103


>> No.3686554
File: 314 KB, 479x640, valis3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have all of the games on the PC Engine and Valis 1 and 3 on the Genesis.

I ended up getting rid of Valis 1 on the Genesis, because while it was nice to see the cutscenes in English, the game played in a very rough and shoddy fashion. Also: the cutscenes move SOOOO. SLOW. The text speed in that game is unforgivable.

I also got rid of Valis II on the PCE, because the game is incredibly basic and boring. The only thing going for it is its music, which is second-best in the series (first is Valis II on pc), The bosses are some of the most retarded and stupid spectacles you will see: one "Haizen the Ruthless" literally just stands upright spinning around, while moving left and right. It's embarrassingly dumb.

The remaining games usually have their bright spots but have so many awful and frustrating moments it is hard to recommend them without reservation. Valis as a series seems to reach "Good, but..." as its peak in quality.

Valis III has many frustrating moments - the water level's "freeze enemies to get past huge bottomless pits" might be the most incredibly asinine and unrewarding segment in gaming when you combine your limited MP for spells with the likelihood of suffering the game's ludicrous knockback from enemy attacks/contact. It took me forever to get past that part.

To this day I do not know how you are supposed to beat Glames without lucking out with getting fire magic (and not losing it) plus being fully-powered. His "earthquake" attack is, to my knowledge, unavoidable, and which attacks he uses is random, so you could be potentially fucked before the fight properly begins.

In fact, that's a huge problem with Valis games post-III, in that their bosses are always balanced for you to be at full-power. If you are not, then you simply can't win. Without range on your sword, and with no damage, you simply have no choice but to die and restart the level.

>> No.3687426

I love the Sharp X68000 but not much of a fan of
how Valis plays and looks on the system.
Akumajou Dracula on the X68000 is amazing the sound quality is on another level.

>> No.3687435

Sadly, even with its awful jumping physics and buggy hit detection, the X68000 version of Valis II is the best version of Valis II.

In fact, even in its shoddy state, I consider it to be one of the best, or second best Valis game in the whole series. It actually has a few neat ideas (like the armor/clothes) and level design with secrets -not that it's all good level design but it exists, as opposed to the pedestrian levels of some of the earlier Valis games (and the overly-wrought "gotcha" trap design of the later Valis games).

>> No.3688532

But i don't see any rape...

>> No.3689394

Port of Valis 1 on PC=Engine was killer. Rest weren't so good. But, for some reason, I've always liked this broken low budget shmup-platformer hybrid series.


How this series never spawned an official OVA series after that Famicom commercial and all of the PC-Engine cut scenes, I'll never know.

>> No.3689490

Butter mahou shojo doujins put there... Precure...