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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 144 KB, 352x264, Doom_gibs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3680181 No.3680181 [Reply] [Original]

I add modern controls, fix music, sort mouse look etc for old dos games.

I started doing this with gog games first, but recently i've been doing this for ordinary dos games too. See my Alien Trilogy game for example.

Here are some dos games i've already fixed up.

Just toss some names of dos games you would like to play. And I might fix em up... If I have time, no promises.

>> No.3680203

Wow lol... Alot of people suddenly started downloading my modest game fixes. I hope you like them :)

The game that was hardest to sort was Star wars dark forces... Eventually I had to write a simple glovepie script for it. It was the only thing that worked. A decent compromise if nothing else.

>> No.3680227

The doom games used IBM AT-Style numbers instead of letters in its keyboard layout. I had to find an old schematic for that kind of layout. After that it was easy. Many dos games use that format iv'e noticed. It's a bit before my time desu lol. But its always nice to learn new things I guess :)

>> No.3680238

I'm not gonna download any of these because I use source ports for the games I like, but you seem like a nice guy anon

>> No.3680245

Thank you :)

I would like source ports for all dos games lol :D

>> No.3680625

unfortunately the dark forces source port is taking forever

>> No.3680838

Are your 'fixes' just config files...?
I don't understand the point of this. I've been playing DOS Doom with high mouse sensitivity (set in default.cfg) and WASD for decades. One can set this up out of the box. What does your 'fix' do, and how does it do it?

>> No.3680843


Was going to request Blood and Redneck Rampage, but it looks like you already did those. Thanks OP! Downloading now.

>> No.3680850
File: 431 KB, 500x591, 1481578117704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doom on dos
>not a source port
>not a retro-faithful source port

>> No.3681105

You are right, I fix the .conf files amongs other things. For Doom it was easy, the reason i'm doing this is becaouse alot of people don't know how to. Go into the gog forums and people are still struggling with them alone. Also for doom I inserted a novert mouse hack that disables mouse foward walking; as you drag the mouse forward. Thus making the game playable.

>> No.3681113

Np man! I was sleeping when you posted, so try downloading now :)

>> No.3681118

I feel u! However i'm only really fixing controls here. You might just like my fixes :> Maybe...

>> No.3681127

This is some next level shitposting

>> No.3681139

sorry... :(

>> No.3681151

You should lurk more

>> No.3681154

Alien Trilogy was tricky to fix I must admit. I had to find the original music disk. I eventully did and then I created a cue file that links to the right song tracks. Then in the .conf I simply load that cue file and all music/cutscenes get properly played as you start the game.

I'm just doing these simple fixes that others wont have to do lol.

>> No.3681216

If its not too much to ask, could you give this game a look for me?

Eol's copy protection kicks in when I try to run it on my Packard Bell, it crashes frequently in DOSBox (including the Wii port), and when I run the game in Win98 on a newer build it also crashes. I can't get very far in it because of this. Thanks.

>> No.3681219

i just realized you probably can't fix what I requested

i think i'll let the post stay for whatever reason

>> No.3681228

Ill see if I can get a stable copy of it working. No promises lol

>> No.3681232

Im of to see star wars - rouge one. Ill check on eol later :)

>> No.3681394

If you really wanted to help, write a guide on how to setup dosbox for dummies like the others

a.k.a. don't just keep giving fish away, teach people how to go fishing

they will just keep asking for more and more otherwise

>> No.3681403

second this also, please make a guide

>> No.3681504

Sounds reasonable, I might wright a guide on the gog forums down the line. It’s just that… a lot of people read the forums and still don’t get it. I’ll make sure to do it for “dummies” as you said.

If it will help people play and enjoy old dos games - then it’s a clear victory :D

>> No.3681507

Also that post is me :3

>> No.3682142

Ok I solved your problem with Eol...

Its a simple fix as the error msg that came up was "dma segbound wrapping" And its a problem correlating to dosbox 0.74. If you run the game with dosbox svn there will be no issues. Its a comon problem with dosbox atm. I noticed it immediately desu. However you will need to increase game cycles a tad for the game to funtion properly. Would you like me to make a torrent of it? Or do you know the dosbox cycle comamnds? core = dynamic
cycles=fixed 10000 will work fine.

>> No.3682195

I wish fx fighter turbo was here. I cannot find that game.

>> No.3682202


Here is Eol's adventure:


>> No.3682205

Ill see what I can do :)

>> No.3682219

Thanks in advance regardless of the outcome.

>> No.3682220


Here is the game fx fighter turbo

Are there any problems with it that needs sorting?

>> No.3682221

Ya want me to configure it up for you? Or do you just need the game? :)

>> No.3682225

Just needed a source for the game since I had no idea how it behaved on modern hardware. I used to have FX fighter back on my 98 machine for dos and fx fighter turbo for windows.

Mostly just wanted a source for the game and you provided quite fast. Thanks

>> No.3682228

Np man! I know where most dos games are located lol

Tell me if ya have any problems with it, and ill fix em :)

>> No.3682240

Will do, thanks. Good to know someone is out there keeping an eye out.

>> No.3682247

Them sneaky dos games can't run from me :D

I have over 5000 stored on my hdd!


>> No.3682250

I'm...i'm not fixing all of them... just so you guys know... lol <3

5000 of em and i've only done 9 so far hah!

>> No.3682268
File: 96 KB, 499x673, Sleepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it's late and I keep talking to myself on here like some crazy dude :<

If none else has any further requests i'll just lay back for a while... :c

Ill check in one last time before I go to bed. Gn 4chan :3

>> No.3682272

Night bro, glad to see there is passion out there still for old school.

>> No.3682504

>disables mouse foward walking; Thus making the game playable.
Oh hell, no. Mouse walking is really useful when you want to move at a speed that is not maximum. It's so useful that in Quake I have a key bound to temporarily disable mouselook so I can mousemove around tricky areas.

I pity suckers who are so used to mouselook that they can't handle secondry mouse movement.

>> No.3682686

Well damn. Thanks

>> No.3682796

> I don't know what scancodes are, but I FIX DOS GAMES

You have to be shipped to Paris to serve as a reference for 1 lamer.

>> No.3682967

uhh anon, think maybe you should seed the torrents you create?

haha might be a good idea

>> No.3683187

I know what scancodes are, I just didnt know which set the games used, Sorry for being lame...

>> No.3683191

Sorry I was away. Just add the torrent and ill seed it whenever I can :)

>> No.3683196

This is me lol, always forget to add name heh

>> No.3683215

Heh yeah I can understand that, but it's not the way the game was meant to be played. So I try to disable it when possible :P

It's kinda like cheating doing that super sprint thing lol :)

>> No.3683224
File: 111 KB, 900x611, embarrassed guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Eol on media fire, so even if im away, you can still download it <3


>> No.3683229

>but it's not the way the game was meant to be played.
It absolutly is.

>> No.3683240

R-really? I just tought that... you know... that it was an unfortunate side effect of bad mouse controls? :s No?

>> No.3683275

No. Moving forwards and backwards via mouse control was quite obviously an intentional option given to players, ever since Catacombs 3D. It was intended as as primary control method, being keyboard free, but is frankly shit if used alone. It's not ideal as a primary control method, but is amazing to have as an option.

>> No.3683282

Hmm this is interesting info, thank you. Perhaps I should add the option of turning it on and off whit a key or something.

Anyways thanks for the info, ill have to look into it further :)

>> No.3683338

updating on this, fx fighter has the same issue as most older games. Massive turbo speed and no fps cap. Even on virtual hardware. Looks like I'll have to find my old 95 laptop for this one

>> No.3683343

Have you tried changing the cpu cycles in dosbox etc?

>> No.3683356


Also try slowing down the memory etc. There is no fps caps in dosbox, but there are settings you can try if the game runs to fast.

Some cpu settings:

>> No.3683357

Doing the memory did the trick. now I can compare this one to turbo which also does not work on modern hardware. yet.....

>> No.3683362

Yeah I figures as much... it's a very common problem. Stuff runs to fast or to slow...

Would you mind giving me the code you used?

I might upload a torrent of it later on for others to play. Give me your name and ill add it in the Readme file :D lol

>> No.3683370


What memsize=nn ??
Did you change the core to core=dynamic ?
cycles=fixed nnnn ??

Any settings your tweaking that sorts the speed out. Toss em to me when your done. If you want to that is :)

>> No.3683381
File: 75 KB, 400x270, unsure guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I would like to state that when I write my Readme files, I might have overlooked something. If so i'm sorry. If it doesn't make any sense leave a msg here and i'll write a better install guide for the game. Hopefully none has hade any problems.

If anyone here has downloaded a game and tried it. I would like to hear from you. Did my instructions work for you? Or were they confusing? Where you able to play the game etc?

>> No.3683385

It's a better idea to leave that setting alone and just use ctrl+f11 or ctrl+f12 to change the CPU cycles as needed.

>> No.3683386

Ultimatly the whole point is making the games work for YOU. So if there are any problems getting the stuff to work, just ask me on here,

>> No.3683438

When I change the cpu cycles the game immediately poops the bed. Other settings seem to be fine minus having to use 25% cpu toggle.

There are some bugs introduced however such as getting ringouts inside the ring.

>> No.3683450

Interesting, interesting. Keep me updated m8 :)

>> No.3683458

Try using dosbox svn daum:


It's a bit more optimised than regular dosbox.

>> No.3683719

Same results, the best way to go might just be default with cpu percentages. It seems this game is very touchy through dosbox

>> No.3683727

Adding onto this, what I'm using right now is :

Cpu type: 486 slow
auto cycles
normal emulation core.

That has been giving me the best results so far.

Menus are faster than they should be currently and manual cycles seem to break things. I'll try to see if I can find some sort of balance on this game.

Still can't get the gravis ultra sound to work also

>> No.3683735

Gravis ultrasound has always been tricky.

Perhaps see:

>> No.3683737

>I'll try to see if I can find some sort of balance on this game.

That's the sad reality unfortunately. Sometimes we can only hope for a decent balance. Hopefully dosbox comes along with a new update that sorts the game out further.

>> No.3683758

I belive the game used 486 66 MHz
That means you should use 26800 cycles

>> No.3683818

That option keeps the menus somewhat stable.
In game is another story though.

There seems to be performance issues ingame still

>> No.3683906

I love what you're doing friend.
How much time does it take to do what you do? Generally speaking.

>> No.3684182
File: 48 KB, 450x553, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh man thats a tricky question. We are still trying to figure out FX Fighter Turbo here lol. It depends on the game :) Eol adventure took me 20 mins to fix. Alien Trilogy took me like 4 hours... And im not completely happy with it. I still need to optimise that game somewhat heh.


>> No.3684543

Hey m8 are you using windows 98 in dosbox to run FX Fighter Turbo? I just made one with the game in it. Ya wanna try it out?

>> No.3684560

Im getting the menu thing too... I seem to have the same problems you have.

>> No.3684565

As it stands I doubt I can do much with FX Fighter Turbo. Your tweaking is as good as mine. Atleast I tried lol :D Gl with it m8.

>> No.3684654

>windows 98 in dosbox

why wouldn't you just run it in a VM or something if it actually requires 98?

>> No.3684660

You know DOOM had a setup to configure controls to your liking already, right

>> No.3684670

Elder Scrolls: Arena please

>> No.3684904

Thank you.

>> No.3684976

Yeah I know, but it didn'tw ork all that well for me at the time, sometimes the settings would stay and sometimes they didn't. Not sure why. Probaly something i did wrong lol. None the less I still needed to cancel the mouse forward walking. So I just kept tweaking the .conf file and disregarded control configs. In redneck rampage I only used control configs. :)

>> No.3684984

This is OP btw :)

Idk but dos games are really sensitive sometimes. I do things that just "work" and stays that way. There are alot of ways to edit controls and such. Ultimately if you find a way that works for you and your version of the game, then thats just great :)

I'm just trying to do some simple edits here and there, so people that don't know much about dosbox can just "jump in" so to speak.

>> No.3684990
File: 21 KB, 329x352, get to work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure ill try, its a very buggy game tho. Cant promise it will run great. Ill check it out now :)

>> No.3684992

You good man. You should try to open your own blog with those uploads, some people have issues with torrents.
Also do you have any upcoming projects you'd like to share with us?

>> No.3684995
File: 14 KB, 368x292, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hipster lol :D

>> No.3685000

Yeah got Elder Scrolls: Arena right now to sort.

After that I might wright a guide so others can fix thier own games :> I think most retro gamers would like that. i'll share all my silly little tricks and tips in it heh :3

I'll try to write it so anyone can understand it. I'll just have to be careful with my wording heh ^,..,^

>> No.3685015

Also to be clear FX Fighter Turbo isn't a dosox game, its a windows app. Thats why it was so hard (boreline impossibru) to fix heh. We got it running. Its playable but not that optimised. You would need a proper port for a game like this. It was fun working on tho :)

>> No.3685029

Good to know, also good luck with that.
Well if case you're also proficient with early windows 95 games I also have a humble request.
Killing Time. One of the most technical post-doom clones which also improved the genre.

>> No.3685056
File: 33 KB, 500x410, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is The Elder Scrolls Arena¨:


Have fun sir/mam :)

>> No.3685058

>Killing Time.

I'll se what I can do :)

>> No.3685085

Killing time wont be a problem :)

I just need a bit of time, hold on :s

I'm working as fast as I can!

>> No.3685123

I keep getting non dos games so i'm working on proper win98 vmware emulator.

Ill try killing time in it when im done. :)

>> No.3685241

Killing Time fix has already been done by CubanRaul, I can't post the URL here, so just do a search of cubanraul killing time

>> No.3685260

That's cool, I made win98 package with it. Try playing his version first?

I can upload mine if ya still need it later. It uses a vmware file thats already fixed up with the game. :)

I'm gonna keep using my win98 file for future projects heh :D

>> No.3685263

Thats me op lol

>> No.3685528

Thanks man, I'll check it out!
I take you're also an FPS enthusiast. What's your favorites from the dos / early win era?

>> No.3685865
File: 108 KB, 450x407, Bryce_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea how to fix the mouse sensitivity in virtual box windows 7 bryce? when I try to use the trackball thing on the left it spins wildly out of control.

>> No.3687026

Blood and Time Commando :D

Love em to bits :3

>> No.3687030

No idea man :(

I know nothing of the trackball funtion, sorry :/

>> No.3687034


This is op... lel :x

>> No.3687141

Small world, Blood is also one of my most favorite games.
You ought to try Killing Time.
And as about your games so far, you should update their list here, many people would be aware of what you're doing by do so.

>> No.3687267
File: 88 KB, 400x221, So much work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have a look into it, thank you sir/mam :)

I wont be doing much fixing these next two weeks sadly. As I have alot of university work to do :(

After I will have some time to fix more games up, and also write a guide for everyone :>

I'm still checking this thread and writing down any requests that come up. I'll get to them eventually. Just need to deal with irl work first heh :)

I'll probably make a new thread later on when this one dies. I wont leave you guys hanging :D

>> No.3687529


I had just been running it natively.

Upon trying a vm, it does have some issues. I'll give it a shot.

>> No.3687780

Could you just post all your config files in a pack and which port of the games they are for ?

And include the links to the music if its from the archive,org

Or any links if you downloaded the games\media recently a d kept the links

>> No.3688337

Please /vr/, never change

>> No.3688427

I could do something like that sure. But in my torrents I keep my fixex and .conf files open. I don't rar my stuff. This means you can pick the .conf files and such from them separately.

I've done it this way because it's easier for most people.

>> No.3688430


This is op....

My windows 98 dos version has a crap ton of issues. I tried it on vmware aswell and it wasn't great either. Emulating it doesn't help sadly... :(

>> No.3688580

You're doing god's work, my friend. It's good to see that among so many elitist cunts that demand everyone be knowledge about dosbox to fix their own shit, someone out there actually spends their time and effort to make older games more accessible to everyone.

I just downloaded Alien Trilogy and Blood (which I'll help seed for a while, least I can do), of which I've only played Alien so far. The regular dosbox version runs way too fast, but the SVN plays mostly fine. The speed fluctuates from slide-show to fast forward bust most of the time it's just right. You mentioned you weren't completely happy with this fix. Is the performance something you think you might improve or is this just out dosbox behaves with this game?

Anyway, control wise it's just perfect. WASD for movement, E to use, Tab to open the map, just how it should be. The mouse is great too, the sensitivity is just right for my taste.

Overall great work, my friend. I'll try Blood next. Already tried to play it once but no matter how much I messed with the options I could never configure it right.

>> No.3689156
File: 869 KB, 2048x1536, DSC02099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a half year ago
>looking at some oldschool laptops on ebay
>forward 3 months
>bought a Toshiba Tecra 8000 in 8/10 condition
>300Mhz, 256 MB RAM (max), fully working stock 8GB HDD (replaced with newer and faster 40GB)
>thought that pretty much all DOS gaems would run perfect
>because of the Yamaha OPL3-SA3 ISA soundcard
>turns out that the video card (NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV) has unexpected limitations
>scaler engine is locks the videomode to 60hz and ignores(?) CRTC writes (but remembers them)
>setting video output to external VGA only will fix these limitations
Well, the only 2 DOS games that have these 'underscan' glitches are The Incredible Machine (pic related) and Turrican 2 (yes, the PC port of the legendary Amiga version with these weirdass looking sprites).
I'm afraid that there are more DOS games out there that have these 'underscan' glitches or don't play well if their video mode is forced to 60hz.

Well, I wonder what your approach would be to fix this.
I think I have an idea what to do in this case but not much experience with x86, it's segments and how memory is managed in DOS. I only have experience with 6502, 65816, 8085 and 8-bit PIC microcontrollers.
Another common problem is that almost every damn game for DOS or Win9x eats all the CPU, is 300mhz too slow or do they all waste time with a busy wait loop?
Seems that throttling the CPU (by underclocking the FSB clock) doesn't seem to affect the performance at all but I wonder if there's a better alternative to this.

>> No.3689156,1 [INTERNAL] 

Could you please seed your Alien Trilogy fix? Or Point me to where I can download it?