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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3675625 No.3675625 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best retro nintendo console?
They're all so good

>> No.3675642


single best platform for solid sidescrollers, even though the hardware isn't so powerful

>> No.3675643
File: 133 KB, 252x252, vbwarioland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virtual Boi

>> No.3675649

my opinion:

snes had platformers, and RPGS o plenty, which I love. Some of the best vidya music ever created was on the snes as well. Also still arguably the best dpad on any controller ever made.

n64 had a few great games and amazing nostalgia factor if you grew up with it but most game run like crap and can't hold my attention for too long these days.

>> No.3675656

>leaving out VB
Kill urself fukhed

>> No.3675663


>> No.3675664
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>> No.3675674

Nintendo Playstation desu

>> No.3675708

NES, because in U•four•ia, all bosses are rare pepes


>> No.3675783

>>asking recommendations
>>being a safespace reddit hugger
>>not being deleted by janitor

This board has gone to shit.

>> No.3675789

never played it poobrain, bet it's up there between gb and nes though

>> No.3675865

The best is whichever you like the most, but yeah they're all great.

>> No.3675906

the sega genesis aka the megadrive

>> No.3675912


That was an Aiwa console, anon.

>> No.3675960

Aka Sega Ultra 64

>> No.3675976
File: 679 KB, 600x825, 1481327269104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le VB wasn't that bad meme

>> No.3675987


It really wasn't.

All 20 or so of its games range from decent to pretty good, except for Waterworld, its only actual bad game.

>> No.3675989

Super Nintendo. A lot of NES games may feel samey, but there are lots of great ones. N64 has in the range of literally 30 or so games, SNES has probably a hundred to 150 or so good games and they all usually feel very unique - except musically, the sound chip can't really be excused for how much it sounds like everything is coming from a tin can.

>> No.3675992


snes is so top-tier

how can other consoles even compete at the time

>> No.3675995

Its an unplayable piece of shit that leaves you blind after playing 20 minutes, kys asap please autist

>> No.3676001
File: 523 KB, 412x412, merio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except musically
Still miles better than the genesis' sound chip. Not even near as good as the Neo Geo's though.

>> No.3676008


Haha yeah, the "VB makes you blind" meme is very stupid. But then again is understandable, not a lot of people actually tried a VB for real, so they just parrot memes.

>> No.3676021

This by far. It's the only one that ever totally dominated so got great representations of every genre - and its simplicity is charming

Game Boy honorable mention

Everything else other than SNES is actually pretty weak

>> No.3676102


SoR 2 and 3 are miles ahead of anything the SNES can produce.

>> No.3676119


>SoR 2


>SoR 3


>> No.3676127

SNES or N64

>> No.3676129

Wii U

With the Switch coming out, the Wii U is already starting to become retro.

>> No.3676147

>genesis farts

>> No.3676150
File: 28 KB, 300x300, rings01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that song
Holy shit

>> No.3676156


>> No.3676172

tim. follin. doesn't. count.

>> No.3676193



Try again, fuccboi.

>> No.3676206

>thinking this sounds better than the snes version

>> No.3676217

t. literally never played it, or played it without adjusting the focus properly beforehand

Objectively it's a badly designed system released way too early and with bad marketing. But I've owned one with a number of games for about a decade, and everyone I've shown it to over the years left with a positive opinion of it.

It's an amazingly comfy system to play if you can use it properly. Unfortunately some questionable design choices, like the stand that can't be adjusted, made it hard to play. That's why I recommend people stack it on a bunch of books so you can see into it properly.

>> No.3676219

>uses PCM samples for percussion
>i-it plays w-well on genesis it just needs something that genesis sound chip is incapable to do

>> No.3676303

Most REGULAR PEOPLE would say N64 tho. People were still fucking with it even after PS3 was out. Playing 4 players was that thang

>> No.3676317


follins music is so boring and predictable

>> No.3676320
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SNES > NES > N64

>> No.3676331

What is a normal person? It seems like on 4chan it's used to describe hypothetical morons the poster is obviously superior to because anyone who thinks the N64 was the best anything would have to be a complete moron.

>> No.3676339

a lot of regular ass cats i knew were still fucking with super smash bros, goldeneye / PD, and mario kart 64 well into the late 2000s / present day

>> No.3676348

Nobody fucking played Smash 64 after Melee came out, and people moved onto Halo after Goldeneye got boring.

>> No.3676375

my best friend in high school 2005-2008 was all about the fucking n64, so were my collegefriends

>> No.3676383

better than playstation
again ask someone who isn't trying to showoff how much of an elite retro gamer they are

>> No.3676392

You have to be just old enough to have an interest in retro gaming but not old enough to have had a shred of objectivity when your patents gave you an n64 to play to have that perspective. Hopefully all those people have at the very least transferred those emotions to the GameCube

>(n64 is) better than playstation
Indefensible outside 3D mascot platformers

>> No.3676851


>> No.3676921

Man we were having Smash 64 tourneys when I was in College just 5 years ago. That and Mario Kart 64 were always huge hits at parties.

>> No.3677404

While that sounds really good and comfy in it's own way, it's obviously less advanced and more limited than the SNES version.

Plus that is a fan cover. Not an official song on the Genesis.

>> No.3677413

Are you asking about the games or do you want to buy one of them, because it's a completely different question.

>> No.3677429

NES and SNES are the only good retro Nintendo consoles. Everything else is fucking dogshit, especially Virtual Boy and N64.

>> No.3677448

N64 is leagues better than NES and Virtual Boy in terms of quality.

>> No.3677450

Wew, lad. You need to go back >>>/v/

>> No.3677453

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.3677458

You're both goddamn retards.

>> No.3677469

You need to play Super Mario Brothers 3 for 30 seconds.

>> No.3677497

game boy.

>> No.3677501

NES vs Game Boy is pretty much the only decent argument worth having in this thread so please fight about it.

>> No.3677782
File: 62 KB, 1440x1080, Sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them. Pic related made better consoles and games.

>> No.3677804

blast processing

>> No.3677805

Sega never made a console better than the NES unless you want to factor in the backward compatibility but even then it's close.

>> No.3677821

>we will never live in the timeline where nintendo was a third party that made games for sega consoles
we were robbed.

>> No.3678014

>They're all so good
Wiser words have never been written. That's why I have them all. I could narrow it down to a few but couldn't pick one. I don't think a memetendo console would be in the top 3 though.

>> No.3678131
File: 369 KB, 1366x768, SNES-style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES, the system so good I themed my desktop by it

>> No.3678137

Contribute then faggot instead of complaining.

>> No.3678609

Not the anon you're replying to but any time anyone tells a frogfag to fuck off back to /r9k/ it's a contribution to the world in general.
Please join the fucking off frogfag. Or are you samefrogfag?

>> No.3678823

But the Genga Drive beats out NES by every metric. NES is a great system for its time, but 90% of its library isn't even worth playing.

>> No.3678850


>> No.3678859


>> No.3680570

I liked that sound quality though. There's almost echo to it which acts like a delayed double track. It really fleshes the music out. I think I heard the chip was designed by Sony.

>> No.3680873

The anon you're replying to. You're not doing any better by saying that. Unless complaining about complaining somehow is "contributing" of course.
This thread and this board in general has become some weird mix of hipsters, autists, underage, weebs and /v/ or outsiders shitposting about things that are supposed to be retro.

>> No.3680894

>Whats the best retro nintendo console?
NES, SNES and gameboy are all bretty good, but SNES was probably best
>They're all so good
N64 was trash

>> No.3680907


then nes

>> No.3681240

N64 was better than the SNES you filthy imbecile.

>> No.3681242 [DELETED] 

Was the GBA Nintendo's most Meh handheld? Or is that just me? Any one got a recommended games pic for it?

>> No.3681257

n64 has like 30 good games. snes has like 120.

>> No.3681262

Not retro.

>> No.3681267

keep cryin' bitch nigga, even the gamecube eclipsed it in terms of quality

>> No.3681289

that didn't matter when getting one game was expensive enough
a nigga just wanted to play that Mario 64 na mean

>> No.3681294

There is literally no better measure of having terrible taste in retro gaming than to have this opinion. It's like "cool nerds" of a very specific age (mid-20s) who's parents just bought them an N64 because muh kids gaems and who base their entire experience on nostalgia have formed some bizarre echo chamber where this is a reasonable thing to think.

>> No.3681314

>his parents didn't buy him an N64
its okay anon
we still love you

>> No.3681324

It's funny how people who grew up with SNES love its music and think Genesis sounds samey and "like it comes from a tin can", while people who grew up with Genesis think the opposite.

They both have their flaws, you just got more used to one over the other

>> No.3681372

I bought myself an N64 with my employee discount well after I bought myself a Playstation and a Saturn.

>> No.3681376

SNES>NES>GBC>N64>GB>Gamewatch>Virtua boy