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3675150 No.3675150 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else annoyed that ID completely half-asses the release of their old games?

>Quake: music removed for steam
>Doom: sold independently, all use DosBox (ie lazy emulation)
>Wolfenstein: Dosbox, not packaged with expansion
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein: has problems on modern systems. Needs sourceport to work.

Just lazy no effort releases. What they should do is make proper releases, in new portable engines. And package all the expansions into one package per game instead of buying each separately.

>> No.3675190

I'd almost say blame Zenimax, but I think iD has been butchering their old releases pretty much ever since they brought them to Steam in the first place. The GoG releases are somewhat better but even then, the dumbasses who package them still don't know how to configure them properly out of the box.

>> No.3675198 [DELETED] 

holy shit you actually bought them from Steam and expect it just werk right out the box? haha you absolute madman

only GoG is acceptable btw, and even then you still play with source ports and shit first :^)

>> No.3675226

Yeah, I use my steam version of Quake and doom exclusively to take the wad and run them through a better engine, not a lot of work but it would be nice if I could just install and play.

Dosbox runs doom like shit too, I have a cheapo ebook that I use primarily for writing, the steam dosbox release lags on it so I have to use Zdoom.

>> No.3675239

these re-releases were done years before the zenimax acquisition.

>> No.3675258

Strife and Turok are published by Nightdive studios, and one guy remakes the games. He ports all the assets and rebuilds the game in the new engine. They're remakes but look the same. This is the gold standard for Re-releases. DMC HD, Metal Gear Solid HD are also solid re-releases and I think they use the same method.

Then we see Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein, some of the biggest games EVER get these half-assed releases. It just angers me.

They could even expand to release these on home consoles. I know Doom has been on a bunch, but Quake has never been on anything since the 90's.

>> No.3675271

dmc hd, mgs hd just run in ps2 emulators.

>> No.3675273


Not what I've read. I've read that MGS HD was rebuilt in a new engine, in a similar manner as the Turok re-release. I don't know about DMC HD. The PS3 probably can't run a PS2 emulator at full speed anyways.

>> No.3675312

it is a ps2 emulator. all ps3's have a software PS2 emulator and they have mixed results compared to the hard BC models. Just because PCSX2 is a disaster doesn't mean a more competently done one doesn't have better results.

>> No.3675317


DMC HD and MGS HD also were ported to the 360. It's not emulation, but ports.

>> No.3675318

Isn't it a combination of "Emulator" and "This version was specifically made for this emulator"?

>> No.3675337

emulator optimized for that specific game, yep. Every PSN release of a PS2 game is the same deal.

>> No.3675372

>lazy emulation
DOS Doom works fine

>> No.3675923


Emulation is the laziest option, usually one that is inefficient for resources and offers the fewest enhancements.

>> No.3675978

It's not about enhancements but getting an accurate experience.

>> No.3675990
File: 30 KB, 415x404, 1478041792847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strife and Turok are published by Nightdive studios, and one guy remakes the games. He ports all the assets and rebuilds the game in the new engine. They're remakes but look the same. This is the gold standard for Re-releases. DMC HD, Metal Gear Solid HD are also solid re-releases and I think they use the same method.

that turok remake is fucking amazing, super smooth, feels just like the original but with better view distance and modernization.

felt great after only ever having experienced that game lovingly on the n64, the jumping was ridiculous on that controller and it was awesome to get to retry it all with mouse and keyboard.

i hope he remakes the rest of the turok games for pc.

and i hope id fucking hires the guy to re-release all their classics.

>> No.3676117

I bet Chocolate Doom offers a more faithful experience than DOS-Box.

>> No.3676343

>i hope he remakes the rest of the turok games for pc.

He's currently working on Turok 2. And there's rumors he's working on Blood. He's also done Doom64 and Powerslave, but they are officially unreleased but you can download them anyways.

>and i hope id fucking hires the guy to re-release all their classics.

I really think this guy should start his own studio and hire more people. He does good work, and seems to set the gold standard for re-releases that balance faithfulness with enhancements. But he's only one guy and can only work at a certain pace.

>> No.3676347


>And there's rumors he's working on Blood.

How would that be possible as a commercial product? There's no way Nightdive bought the rights

>> No.3676364


He did Doom64 and Powerslave without even getting the rights. That's why his Powerslave project was shut down. So maybe it's that. Also I've seen some posts on twitter that may hint at some kind of a re-release or something. Who knows. Let's wait and see.

>> No.3676368

The PSN marketplace has a ton of PS2 games on it, and they work on PS3s without any PS2 hardware on them. That said, they completely shut down the system OS, sign you out of PSN, etc.

>> No.3676395

>Quake: music removed for steam
This is fixable, bruh.

>> No.3676409

>Quake: music removed
this one is fucking retarded, same thing with the expansions

but otherwise, it being lazy doesn't matter when using a source port is easy as shit (except for Return to Castle Wolfenstein apparently, five seconds of google seems to make it seem like more work than the rest by quite a bit)
any idiot can copy doom2.wad into prboom+'s folder and go to town, or the quake files with quakespasm, or use ecwolf or whatever

other than chewing up CPU, running OG doom.exe/doom2.exe in DOSBox is entirely fine
but there's nearly no point when Chocolate exists

>> No.3676420

Didn't cormack say he encouraged people to pirate the game at this point and play the source port?

>> No.3676421

That's not what OP's saying though. It shouldn't have to be.

>> No.3676423

I don't know about Carmack, but Romero endorsed the Quakespasm source port. I doubt that he ever encouraged anyone to pirate the game.

>> No.3676448


ID people have just told people to play the Sourceports. But that's very limited. That means the game is only really available to turbo nerds who know what a source port is, or how to set it up. And a lot of people are on consoles too. it needlessly limits the audience. Proper release could reach more.

>> No.3676476

Everybody has played doom 1&2 at this point and is pretty much on every console known to man, quake 1 never got a proper console release besides Saturn and ps1 correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.3676508

there was an N64 version that i didmt think was too bad

>> No.3676642


Quake 64.

For some reason, no PS1 version. But PS1 got Quake 2.

>> No.3677080

i can agree with this, come on ID

>> No.3677484


These are some of the best games ever. They deserve love and care from ID.

>> No.3677494

I'd bet that's more of a paranoid security thing.

>> No.3678674

>>>Quake: music removed for steam
This is actually a legal issue for the record.

>> No.3679614
File: 49 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa ca443f4786.u9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Return to Castle Wolfenstein: has problems on modern systems.

>> No.3679619

doesn't work on amd cards past a catalyst driver version from 2009 iirc.

>> No.3679629

Duke 3D got a nice release with the "Megaton Edition". That's pretty much all I ask for with ID games.

>> No.3679630


It wouldn't work on my laptop. I had to find a modern source port to replace the exe.


I know it's legal nonsense. But ID has the money and power to fix that. Just resolve the liscening issue, pay Trent and move on. It's worth it.

>> No.3680519

Look, lets be honest, they know you're just going to download the soundtrack externally, it's easier to just let the 99% of players who know how to do it do that than handle a bunch of legal bullshit with Trent, who is kind of infamous for being hard to work with.

>> No.3680559

Dosbox is more accurate to the original? And if they picked a specific source port everyone would be mad?
Are you shitting me right now? When you buy it, what exactly prevents you from copying the WADs and using a source port if you're so fucking inclined? For fucks sake.

>> No.3680614

It offers NO enhancements.

This isn't an HD re-release. It's a re-release of the exact same product.

>> No.3680996


I have played it in a 5870 and in a R9 270x, only trouble was getting widescreen to work

it even runs on android


you can rename gzdoom.exe to dosbox.exe and steam will load with steam overlay and count the time played

>> No.3681021


the same with quakespasm

>> No.3681023

the console re-releases are fine at least the doom on xbla, playable doom on the og xbox doom 3 and BFG edition
quake was on the saturn too weird huh? I think lobotomy rebuilt it on slavedriver same as they did with powerslave
yeah there should be an official windows native port but still come with the original dos version so you can use it with other sourceports/mods etc

>> No.3681037


>> No.3682946

Oh my god, he's the DOOM64 EX guy? I had no idea. What a based motherfucker.

>> No.3683238

>u can rename gzdoom.exe to dosbox.exe and steam will load with steam overlay and count the time played
Why would anybody desire that?

>> No.3683256


evidently to have the steam overlay and log the time played

>> No.3683558

>Return to Castle Wolfenstein: has problems on modern systems. Needs sourceport to work
There is a RTCW sourceport around?

>> No.3683564

>He did Doom64 and Powerslave without even getting the rights.
Powerslave devs shut the project down though.

>> No.3683741

Lobotomy Software was going to release their version Quake on the PS1, but they couldn't find a publisher. Sega published the Saturn version.

>> No.3683874

just pirate them

the two johns are known to not care

>> No.3684270
File: 9 KB, 774x116, wolf3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quake: music removed for steam
And gog.com has it and the images of the expansions included

>>Wolfenstein: Dosbox, not packaged with expansion
It wasn't an expansion. Pic related

>yeah there should be an official windows native port but still come with the original dos version so you can use it with other sourceports/mods etc

Most ID games comes with the WADs and PAKs though.


>> No.3684318

>Most ID games comes with the WADs and PAKs though.
yeah it's still packaged with dosbox though for example Duke megaton edition has the "modern" port but also includes the original dosbox package too
I've never had a problem with that game desu

>> No.3684574

Megaton doesn't exist anymore and it works off the original assets in those GRP files too. I don't really know what you're getting at other than some sort of entitlement expecting big game companies to maintain unsupported retro games (which actually makes me feel as entitled for the source codes of retro games). There are sourceports for those games and you are paying for those assets, at least.