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File: 2.99 MB, 3170x2015, Sor3_md_jp_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3668489 No.3668489 [Reply] [Original]

When did your tastes mature and you finally realized SoR 3 had the best soundtrack in the series?

>most complex and abstract songs
>more uncommon time signatures
>doesn't try doing easy listening music for pop appeal and goes straight for the hardcore scene
>technical mastery of the OPN2 FM chip - one of the least accurate soundtracks on an emulator

A nice OST recording off the original hardware:

>> No.3668497

Go away, /mu/.

>> No.3668515

I agree with all your points but still think SoR2 has the best OST in the series. I enjoy them all though.

>> No.3668612

> It's an anon rationalizes "soundtrack" quality as bidimensional vector in order to categorically simplify context and other variable factors to anchor any evaluation on easily fortifiable static technical principles with no potentially arguable personal judgement involved episode

>> No.3668620

I actually think that the tracks done by Motohiro Kawashima are excellent. They're really good and way ahead of its time. Yuzo Koshiro's compositions however are just nails on the chalkboard-tier, ear grating, awful mess.

>> No.3668626

You know that most of that is because the melodies were randomly generated, right?

>> No.3668638

Go away. SOR2 is slightly better in music.

>> No.3670797

>most complex and abstract songs
>more uncommon time signatures
>doesn't try doing easy listening music for pop appeal and goes straight for the hardcore scene

Intentionally being shit doesn't make it not shit.

>> No.3670805

>hardcore scene

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3670821
File: 20 KB, 400x400, fartrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3670826

>It's an American doesn't understand electronic music episode

>> No.3670858

>hardcore is electronic music
fucking idiot eurotrash

>> No.3671872

>"Hardcore, formerly called hardcore techno, is a subgenre of electronic dance music"
you were saying?

>> No.3671898
File: 93 KB, 1487x656, thankyouautismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

Fuck Genesis and fuck sega fanboys.

>> No.3671905 [DELETED] 

>A nice OST recording off the original hardware:
lel no wtf is wrong with this recording? This must be the worlds worst emulator.

>> No.3672045

Where were you when you realized that SOR1 had the best OST in the series.


>> No.3672161


1. Not american
2. Precisely because I know about electronic hardcore and its subgenres is why I know you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.3672216

OP completely and unequivocally blown the fuck out.

Pretentious musicfags will actually listen to garbled crap generated by an algorithm and try to argue around its merits rather than just admit it sounds like fuckin bullshit.

>> No.3672376


OP here, that's what makes it sound good though.

>> No.3672387

I bet you listen to Merzbow too and claim it's "deep".

>> No.3672401

That's when Yuzo Koshiro went from Yowza Cashiro to more like Doozy Kosher in my eyes

>> No.3672654

It also has the best gameplay and mechanics of the series.

>> No.3672682

1 and 2 are markedly more interesting because they don't sound like a soundtrack, they just sound like actual music. 3 was a hot mess that might have been impressive on a technical level but threw out most of what made the first two games sound so good in favor of "how far can we push the 2612 before the game crashes?"

>> No.3673254

>When did your tastes mature and you finally realized SoR 3 had the best soundtrack in the series?

When I got a pirate multicart with the full Japanese version of BK3 on it in 1996.

>> No.3673263

>it's a "music doesn't have to be listenable to be good" episode